Issue #182 Vol. XVII, No. 1 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Dragons: the lords of fantasy June 1992 9 Our annual tribute to our namesakeslong may they live! Publisher Not Cheaper by the Dozen Spike Y. Jones James M. Ward 10 Twelve of the DRAGONLANCE® sagas most egg-citing creations. Editor The Vikings' Dragons Jean Rabe Roger E. Moore 17 Linnorms: the first of a two-part series on the Norse dragons. The Dragons Bestiary Gregory Detwiler Associate editor 25 unhealthy branches of the dragon family tree. Dale A. Donovan Fiction editor F ICTION Barbara G. Young The Dragonbone Flute fiction by Lois Tilton Editorial assistant 84 He was a shepherd who loved musicbut he loved his audience more. Wolfgang H. Baur Art director R EVIEWS Larry W. Smith The Role of Computers Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk Lesser 55 From Mars to the stars: two high-powered science-fiction games. Production staff Gaye O'Keefe Angelika Lokotz Role-playing Reviews Lester Smith Tracey Zamagne Mary Roath 96 Now you can be the smallest of creatures or the most powerful. Through the Looking Glass Robert Bigelow Subscriptions\t 112 A collection of draconic wonders, for gaming or display. Janet L. Winters U.S. advertising O THER FEATURES Roseann Schnering Novel Ideas James Lowder 34 Two new horrific novels, spawned in the mists of Ravenloft. U.K. correspondent The Voyage of the Princess Ark Bruce A. Heard and U.K. advertising 41 This month, the readers questions take center stage. Bronwen Livermore The Wild, Wild World of Dice Michael J. DAlfonsi 45 Okay, so how many six-sided dice do you own? Kings of the Caravans Ed Greenwood 48 A land like the Forgotten Realms requires tough merchants! Dragonslayers on the Screen Dorothy Slama 62 Some handy guidelines for letting your computer be your DM. Pen Power II the DRAGON® Magazine staff 67 Our second survey in the quest for a Better Magazine. Ready! Aim! Fire! Donald D. Miller 68 Whats so good about a crossbow? An on-target article for all fighters. PsionicsIn Living Color! Jan Berrien Berends 72 Add new richness to your AD&D® game with these DM tips. The MARVEL®-Phile Steven E. Schend 81 What little surprises might Dr. Doom have in store for you? D EPARTMENTS 5 Letters 37 Convention Calendar 102 Dragonmirth 6 Editorial 78 TSR Previews 104 Twilight Empire 29 Sage Advice 91 Forum 108 Gamers Guide COVER If the two children in this months cover painting seem very lifelike, thats because theyre modelled on artist Paul Jaquayss own offspring. We assume the dragon is purely imaginary, but one never knows with artists. 4 JUNE 1992 DRAGON® Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is published monthly by TSR, Inc., P.O. Box 756 (201 Sheridan Springs Road), Lake Geneva WI 53147, United States of America. The postal address for all materials from the United States of America and Canada except subscription orders is: DRAGON® Magazine, P.O. Box 111, (201 Sheridan Springs Road), Lake Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A.; telephone (414) 248-3625, fax (414) 248-0389. The postal address for all materials from Europe is: DRAGON Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, Cam- bridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom; telephone: (0223) 212517 U.K.), 44-223-212517 (international); telex: 818761; fax (0223) 248066 (U.K.), 44-223-248066 (international) Distribution: DRAGON Magazine is available from game and hobby shops throughout the United States, Canada, the What did you think of this issue? Do you have United Kingdom, and through a limited number of other a question about an article or have an idea for a overseas outlets. Distribution to the book trade in the United Myth vs. fact States is by Random House, Inc.. and in Canada by Random new feature youd like to see? In the United House of Canada, Ltd. Distribution to the book trade in the States and Canada, write to: Letters, DRAGON® United Kingdom is by TSR Ltd. Send orders to: Random House, Inc., Order Entry Department, Westminster MD 21157, Magazine, P.O. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147, Dear Dragon, U.S.A.; telephone: (800) 733-3000. Newsstand distribution U.S.A. In Europe, write to: Letters, DRAGON I was wondering if you might be able to throughout the United Kingdom is by Comag Magazine Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 Church End, Cherry provide a list of all the editorials, either by Marketing, Tavistock Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7QE, United Kingdom; telephone: 0895-444055. Hinton, Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom. Roger Moore or by guest writers, that discuss Subscriptions: Subscription rates via second-class mail are the issue of role-playing games under attack by as follows: $30 in U.S. funds for 12 issues sent to an address in the press, religious groups, or individual au- the U.S. or Canada: £21 for 12 issues sent to an address within he United Kingdom; £30 for 12 issues sent to an address in thors. Europe; $50 in U.S. funds for 12 issues sent by surface mail to First things first? Having changed residences recently, all of my any other address, or $90 in U.S. funds for 12 issues sent air issues of DRAGON Magazine were lost in the mail to any other address. Payment in full must accompany all payment include checks or money orders made payable to Dear Dragon, moving process, and I can no longer look TSR, Inc., or charges to valid MasterCard or VISA credit cards, Are we a dying minority? I am referring to through my own issues for these editorials. I send subscription orders with payments to: TSR, Inc., P.O. Box those of us who enjoy and prefer the AD&D® hope that asking this favor will help all people 5695, Boston MA 02206, U.S.A. In the United Kingdom, methods of payment include cheques or money orders made 1st Edition materials and accessories. It seems involved with role-playing games to present an payable to TSR Ltd., or charges to a valid ACCESS or VISA more and more that it is becoming impossible to intelligent and informed defense of them, and of credit card; send subscription orders with payments to TSR find resource materials for the 1st Edition. the AD&D game in particular, if and when the Ltd., as per that address above. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. The issue of expiration of each subscrip- Personally, I have all of the original resources, need arises. For myself, Id like to actually read tion is printed on the mailing label of each subscriber’s copy of but as time goes by I find myself needing new some of the books that were mentioned as being the magazine. Changes of address for the delivery of subscrip- copies of books, modules, etc. Unfortunately, antagonistic towards role-playing, and I would tion copies must be received at least six weeks prior to the effective date of the change in order to assure uninterrupted you no longer print any of the stuff. How can also like to keep a running file of all future delivery. those of us who so love the original game obtain editorials dealing with the subject. With a B.A. Back issues: A limited quantity of back issues is available in psychology, I hope to someday put this infor- from either the TSR Mail Order Hobby Shop (P.O. Box 756, out-of-print materials? I have played and sup- Lake Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A.) or from TSR Ltd. For a free ported TSR products since the early 1980s. I mation to use in helping parents and teens alike copy of the current catalog that lists available back issues, empathize with your companys need to grow, in making sense of myth vs. fact concerning write to either of the above addresses. but lets not forget about those of us who helped role-playing games. Submissions: All material published in DRAGON Magazine becomes the exclusive property of the publisher, unless special make TSR what it is today. Greg Handleton arrangements to the contrary are made prior to publication. Timothy Woods Cincinnati OH DRAGON Magazine welcomes unsolicited submissions of LaGrange KY written material and artwork; however, no responsibility for such submissions can be assumed by the publisher in any Editorials dealing with the negative publicity event. Any submission accompanied by a self-addressed, If you need to purchase good-quality copies of and accusations made against role-playing stamped envelope of sufficient size will be returned if it cannot games have appeared in the following issues: be published. We strongly recommend that prospective authors AD&D 1st Edition game products, you have write for our writers’ guidelines before sending an article to us. several options. One, check all of your local toy issue #125, Myths; issue #134, Equal time; In the United States and Canada, send a self-addressed, and hobby shops for those copies (check the issue #151, Laying the blame; issue #158, stamped envelope (9½” long preferred) to: Writers’ Guidelines, games sections of B. Daltons and Waldenbooks, Mica Antelope; issue #171, Role-playing and c/o DRAGON Magazine, as per the above address; include sufficient American postage or International Reply Coupons tool. Some of these places might still have the the real world (by Michael A. Stackpole); and in with the return envelope. In Europe, write to: Writers’ Guide- older volumes and modules on their shelves or this very issue. Furthermore, numerous Fo- lines, c/o DRAGON Magazine, TSR Ltd; include sufficient rum letters on this topic appeared in issues return postage or IRCs with your SASE.
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