![The American Legion Magazine [Volume 71, No. 4 (October 1961)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE AMERICAN 15$ OCTOBER 1961 LEGIONMAGAZINE MINIATUREi ORANGE a LEMON FRUIT-BEARING! TREES PLANT NOW BEFORE WINTER £f GROW FULL-SIZE FRUIT INDOORS IN YOUR HOME FULL-SIZE ORANGE After years of botanical research, a breakthrough has been accomplished with TROPICAL NURSERIES the development of these true miniature citrus trees that will actually grow National Sales Office full-size fruit indoors, right in your own home! And these are not grafts, but true Dept. AL-IO, 125 East 41st St., N Y. 17, N Y trees, rooted cuttings of good well-known fruiting varieties. Take 5 minutes to or the baby tree you'll receive then watch it grow. transplant indoors outdoors, Enclosed is check or M O. for S Send me: When it buds, bursts into beautiful fragrant blossoms, and then bears fruit, you'll Each tree, $2.95; All 3, S7.95; Any t (Specify), $14.95 get your greatest "green thumb" thrill. Before you know it, you'll be eating fresh fruit that you'll pluck yourself sitting at the breakfast table. Trees bear 5 to 7 -Orange Orange Small Lemon pieces of fruit at a time, live indefinitely, can be transferred indoors at winter- It's a thrill to grow and eat your own fruit from true time where they will thrive. NAME miniature trees (grow up to 4 ft. tall) that decorate your apartment, patio or garden. Three varieties: Meyer lemon and Othahite orange which bear full-size ADDRESS fruit, Calamondin orange which bears small fruit. Shipped from our Florida groves. can have your own little grove. Order now. This year's planting limited. You CITY STATE TO KEEP THIS COVER INTACT — USE DUPLICATE COUPON OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 54 LIFETIME STAINLESS mil I K V II ll'K/U' L U K A. L £lLYLTv CU> WJKIIIKLjj] Written lifetime (guarantee DINNER KNIVES DINNER FORKS 8 SOUP SPOONS 8 SALAD FORKS 16 TEASPOONS SERVING SPOONS FREE TRIAL OFFER! Try this 50-piece Silver Star stainless table- ware by the INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO. in your home for 10 days on 100% money-back guarantee. RICH-ORNATE— PERMANENT MIRROR FINISH MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE WON'T RUST OR STAIN— NEVER NEEDS POLISHING NIRESK INDUSTRIES, DEPT. A-3 NOW you can enjoy the thrill of owning the aristocrat of CHICAGO 47, ILL. fine solid stainless steel tableware at amazing savings! The Please rush at once 50-piece Silver Star solid stainless tableware on delicate, deeply sculptured pattern has been created for you money-back guarantee by world famous silversmiths. Each piece glows with a I plus 50c postage and handling. I | enclose $9.95 luxurious rich silverware finish that never needs care or 74-piece service for 1 2 only $ 1 4.95 plus 50c postage and handling. polishing. Ideal for rugged ] everyday use, yet handsome plus I I Ship CO D postage and C.O.D. charges. enough for making an impression when you have guests. Name Never before have you seen such a complete, magnificent Address set at so low a price. To be sure of getting yours— you'll have to send your order today! City State (IN CANADA 50-piece set $ 1 2.95 — NIRESK, 620 King St., Toronto 2B, Ont.) NIRESK INDUSTRIES, INC., CHICAGO 47, ILL. THE WORLD'S Vol. 71. No. 4: October. 1061 FASTEST THE AMERICAN HAND-OPERATED BIG-GAME RIFLE... LEGION CARBINE MAGAZINE Cover by Edward Gray AND STANDARD Contents for October 1961 Remington Model 760 "Game- SONG YONG CHO AND THE SERGEANT by Henry P. Chapman ... 10 master," the world's only slide- ANSWERING THE QUESTION: WHAT CAN ONE PERSON DO? action big-game rifle, is now also available as an I8V2" bar- GETTING THE DROP ON AN ENEMY by Maj. Howard Stevenson ... 12 rel carbine that combines HOW OUR STRATEGISTS PLAN TO GET THERE "FUSTEST WITH THE MOSTEST." smashing power, with amazing accuracy. You can swing it fast ANOTHER LOOK AT THE U.N. by Emilio S. Iglesias 14 in heavy brush . carry it com- HOW THE WORLD BODY LOOKS WHEN NOT VIEWED fortably for hours. And you THROUGH ROSE-COLORED GLASSES. can't match its flick-of-the-wrist HOW NOT TO GET LOST by George Laycock 16 shooting speed with any other WAYS AND MEANS OF AVOIDING EXPERIENCES manually operated action. THAT CAN BE TERRIFYING. Fore-end glides on enclosed THE COMPETITIVE double action bars that prevent KENNEDYS by Dale Shaw 18 "STRIVE AND SUCCEED" IS VIRTUALLY A FAMILY MOTTO. twisting, binding, freezing . keep action velvet-smooth. Re- NOW HEAR THESE by Frank Rizzatti 20 ceiver drilled and tapped for CONCERNING SOME SURPRISING THINGS AVAILABLE scopes. With regular 22" or ON PHONOGRAPH RECORDS. I8V2" carbine barrel, you can't NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 25 go wrong with a "Game- master." Get one at your dealer's now! Features SOUND OFF 6 ROD AND GUN CLUB . 22 PRO & CON 9 EDITOR'S CORNER.. 4 AMERICAN LEGION NEWSLETTER 23 PERSONAL AFFAIRS. S SHOPPER 46 ABOUT BOOKS 35 PARTING SHOTS 56 POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Ind. American The American Legion Magazine is published monthly at 1100 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. ( by The Legion. Copyright 1961 by The American Legion. Second-class postage paid at Louisville, Ky. Price: single SMOOTH SLIDE-ACTION copy, 15 cents; yearly subscription, $1.50. Nonmember subscriptions should be sent to the Circulation Department of The American Legion Magazine, P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Ind. makes Model 760CDL the only hand-operated rifle that lets CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Notify Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Ind., using Post Office you get off shot after shot Form 3578. Attach old address label and give old and new addresses and current membership card without having to change your number. Also be sure to notify your Post Adjutant. shooting grip ... an accuracy advantage that gets more game. The American legion The American Legion Magazine Midwestern Executive and Editorial & Advertising Offices Advertising Sales Office Administrative Offices 720 Fifth Avenue 35 East Wocker Drive NEW MODEL 760CDL indianopolis 6, Indiano New York 19, New York Chicago 1, Illinois (shown) "GAMEMASTER" William R. Burke, National Commander, The American Legion, Indianapolis 6, Ind. With I8V2" barrel, 5- The American Legion Publications Commission: shots in 280 Remington, Donald R. Wilson, Clarksburg, W. Va. (Chairman); mond Fields, Guymon, Okla.; Dave H. Fleischer, St. Tex., George 30/06, 270 Win., 308 Dan W. Emmett, Oak-dale, Calif., Frank C. Love, Louis, Mo.; Herschiel L. Hunt, El Campo, Morris Meyer, Starkville, Miss. D. Levy, Sumter, S. C; Dr. Charles R. Logan, Keokuk, Win. With 22" barrel in Syracuse, N. Y., and Chairmen); Norman J. Biebel, Belleville, III.; Iowa; John K. MacPhee, Spokane, Wash.; lewis E. these calibers plus 35 (Vice Charles E. Booth, Huntington, W. Vo.; John Cicero, McCray, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Earl I. Meyer, Alliance, Remington. Ind Benjamin Swoyerville, Pa.; Roland Cocreham, Baton Rouge, La.; Nebr.; Harold A. Shindler, Lafayette, , T. Whitlock, Lebanon, E. J. Cooper, Hollywood, Fla. ; Clovis Copeland, Little B. Truskoski, Bristol, Conn.; J. B. Dague, Downingtown, Pa.; Ray- Ky.; Edward McSweeney, New York, N. Y. (Consultant). 35 Rock, Ark.; Paul From *119 Publisher. James F. O'Neil Editor Art Editor Advertising Manager West Coast A dr. Rep. Joseph C. Keeley Al Marshall William M. DeVitalis Blanchard-Nichols Assoc. 633 S. Westmoreland Ave. t-s subject to change without HOHC0 Angeles Calif. Midwestern Adv. Mgr. Los 5, and Managing Editor A ssociate Editor Norman C. Schoen 900 Third St. Robert B. Pitkin William J. Luddy San Francisco 7, Calif. Southeastern Adv. Rep. Ij§mington (Sjfflt) The Dawson Company Circulation Manager Editorial Assistant 1206 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Dean B. Nelson Eli L. Kerins Miami 32, Fla. Indianapolis, Ind. "Gnmemaster" is Ron. U. S. Pat. Off by Remington Arms Company, Inc. Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, , BridKt'port 2. Conn. In Canada: KeminRton envelope is unsolicited material. Arms of Canada Ltd.. 30 Queen Elizabeth Blvd., Toronto, Ont. stamped included. This magazine assumes no responsibility for THE AMERICAN L EGION MAGAZINE • OCTOBER 1961 NOW-A LOW PRICE PRIVATE TELEPHONE The Famous U. S. Army Signal Corps EE8 Field Phone GOVERNMENT COST $90.00-N0W ONLY $16.88 OUTDOORS TO HOME OR OFFICE . of the tax load they are carrying. Tw ice a month the employees are paid in full, and the withholding tax is not withheld. For a few blissful moments they have in hand the money they have earned. Then the company paymaster visits each and every one of them and takes back the f ederal and State taxes that are due. Current It sounds like a good idea bur we'd like Rate t<> see it expanded. Specifically, we'd have paymasters throughout the countrj call % EDITOR'S on employees and follow a routine such as this: "Now let's get at those deductions. First CO E R r|n let's have S2.15 as your contribution to Nehru. Next we'll want SI.95 for Comrade Tito, plus SI. 12 for GLIBBERISH Comrade Gomulka. Now w e're going to need dear, can you a single But, my name $1.65 for Sukarno, our good pro-com- MONEY IN BY thinking person who would rather munist ally in Indonesia, and exactl) ^2.00 THE 15th EARNS be dead than Red? for Toure, Nkrumah, and a few other It is us to show Union FROM THE 1st! up to the Soviet African neutralists. The tab for our good plans. must we have no aggressive We neighbors to the south will be a little take the initiative l>y destroying our higher from now on, ^2.50, and finally weapons.
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