The 10.5 ka Plinian eruption of Nevado de Toluca volcano, Mexico: Stratigraphy and hazard implications J.L. Arce² Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra, Instituto de GeofõÂsica, Universidad Nacional AutoÂnoma de MeÂxico, CoyoacaÂn 04510, MeÂxico D.F., MeÂxico J.L. MacõÂas Instituto de GeofõÂsica, Universidad Nacional AutoÂnoma de MeÂxico, CoyoacaÂn 04510, MeÂxico D.F., MeÂxico L. VaÂzquez-Selem Instituto de GeografõÂa, Universidad Nacional AutoÂnoma de MeÂxico, CoyoacaÂn 04510, MeÂxico D.F., MeÂxico ABSTRACT Pumice yielded an age of 10,500 14C yr B.P. volcanic eruptions were recognized: a Vulca- (12,800±12,100 14C calibrated yr B.P.), nian eruption that occurred at ca. 28,000 yr During the late Pleistocene, a large Pli- somewhat younger than the earlier report- B.P. and two Plinian eruptions that resulted in nian eruption from Nevado de Toluca vol- ed age of ca. 11,600 14C yr B.P. This new deposition of the Lower Toluca Pumice (ca. cano produced a complex sequence of py- age for the pumice falls within the Younger 24,000 14C yr B.P.) and the Upper Toluca Pum- roclastic deposits known as the Upper Dryas cooling event. The eruption emplaced ice (ca. 11,600 14C yr B.P.). A new set of studies Toluca Pumice. This eruption began with a 1.5 m of pebble-sized pumice in the City of has added further information on different as- phreatomagmatic phase that emplaced a Toluca region and ;50 cm of medium to ®ne pects of the volcano, including stratigraphy (Ma- hot pyroclastic ¯ow (F0) on the east and sand in the Mexico City region. Distal lahar cõÂas et al., 1997; Arce, 1999; Cervantes, 2001), northern ¯anks of the volcano. Eruption deposits derived from the Upper Toluca ¯ank collapses (Capra and MacõÂas, 2000), struc- decompressed the magmatic system, almost Pumice event incorporated mammoth bones tural geology (GarcõÂa-Palomo et al., 2000), and immediately allowing the formation of a 25- and other mammals in the basin of Mexico. overall geology (GarcõÂa-Palomo et al., 2002). km-high Plinian column that was dispersed A future event of this magnitude would dis- The latest revised stratigraphy of Nevado de by winds predominantly 708 to the north- rupt the lives of 30 million people now living Toluca, by MacõÂas et al. (1997), Capra and east (PC0). Next, three other Plinian col- in these cities and their surroundings. MacõÂas (2000), and GarcõÂa-Palomo et al. umns were dispersed in a northeast to east (2002), indicates that the volcano has had a direction, reaching heights of 39, 42, and 28 Keywords: Plinian eruption, stratigraphy, complex volcanic history of construction and km, resulting in fall layers (PC1, PC2, and volcanic hazards, Younger Dryas, Nevado destruction of central dacitic domes and sector PC3), respectively. These Plinian phases de Toluca, Mexico. collapses. These authors identi®ed at least two were interrupted several times by phreato- episodes of sector collapse that occurred be- magmatic and collapse events that emplaced INTRODUCTION AND PREVIOUS fore 50,000 yr B.P. and that emplaced deposits pyroclastic ¯ows (F1, F2, and F3) and surges WORK on the southern ¯anks of the volcano. After- (S1 and S2), mainly on the eastern and ward, explosive activity forming pumice ¯ows northern ¯anks of the volcano. The eruption Nevado de Toluca volcano (1980693099N; and block-and-ash-¯ow deposits took place at ended with the extrusion of a crystal-rich 9984593099W; 4680 m above sea level) is the ca. 42,000, 37,000, 32,000, and 28,000 yr B.P. dacitic dome at the vent. fourth highest peak in Mexico (Fig. 1). It is (GarcõÂa-Palomo et al., 2002). A third sector The juvenile components of the Upper located 21 and 80 km southwest of the cities collapse destroyed the eastern wall of the cra- Toluca Pumice sequence are white, gray, of Toluca and Mexico, respectively, in the and banded pumice, and gray lithic clasts central sector of the Trans-Mexican volcanic ter, producing its present horseshoe shape and a debris avalanche deposit exposed on the east of dacitic composition (63%±66% SiO2) belt. Nevado de Toluca volcano has a complex and minor accidental lithic fragments. The elongated crater 2±2.5 km in diameter that has and northeast ¯anks of the volcano. This de- fall deposits (PC1 and PC2) covered a min- attracted the attention of scientists since the posit underlies the Lower Toluca Pumice, a imum area of 2000 km2 and constitute a to- beginning of the twentieth century (OrdonÄez, product of a Plinian eruption dated at ca. tal estimated volume of 14 km3 (;6km3 1902; Otis, 1907; Flores, 1906; Waitz, 1909). 24,500 yr B.P. After deposition of the Lower DRE [dense-rock equivalent]). The mass The ®rst studies that attempted to decipher its Toluca Pumice, MacõÂas et al. (1997) and eruption rate ranged from 3 3 107 to 5 3 volcanic history were carried out in the 1970s GarcõÂa-Palomo et al. (2002) recognized at 108 kg/s, and total mass was 1.26 3 1013 kg. (Bloom®eld and Valastro, 1974, 1977; Bloom- least other four explosive events at ca. Charcoal found within Upper Toluca ®eld et al., 1977; Cantagrel et al., 1981). In ,14,000, 12,100, 10,500, and 3300 yr B.P., of those studies the age of the volcano was de- which the 10,500 yr B.P. event is represented ²E-mail: [email protected]. termined as late Pleistocene, and three large by the Upper Toluca Pumice. GSA Bulletin; February 2003; v. 115; no. 2; p. 230±248; 16 ®gures; 3 tables. For permission to copy, contact [email protected] 230 q 2003 Geological Society of America 10.5 ka PLINIAN ERUPTION OF NEVADO DE TOLUCA VOLCANO, MEXICO Figure 1. (A) Location of Nevado de Toluca volcano and some important cities within the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt (TMVB). Abbreviations of city names: GÐGuadalajara; CÐColima; MoÐMorelia; QÐQuereÂtaro; ToÐToluca; MCÐMeÂxico; VÐVeracruz. Abbreviations of caldera names: LPÐLa Primavera; LAÐLos Azufres; CAÐAmealco; HUÐHuichapan; LHÐLos Humeros. (B) Sketch map of Nevado de Tuluca volcano and the Lerma Basin (Caballero-Miranda et al., 2001). Bloom®eld and Valastro (1974) de®ned the (1977) on the deposit stratigraphy and erup- component analyses, we estimate heights, Upper Toluca Pumice sequence as two fall tive mechanisms has served as a benchmark mass eruption rates, and volumes of the erup- members (Lower and Upper Members), sep- for volcanologists and has been used as an ex- tive columns. We then reinterpret the chro- arated by a thin brown ash layer and capped ample of Plinian activity in important text- nology of the Upper Toluca Pumice eruption, by associated deposits, which they named books of volcanology (Fisher and Schmincke, showing that it consisted of four major Plinian ``pink valley-®ll lahars.'' On the basis of an 1984; Cas and Wright, 1988). events, each followed by the generation of py- average of four 14C dates on material collected In this paper, we present a reevaluation of roclastic ¯ows and surges. Finally, we discuss beneath and above the Upper Toluca Pumice the stratigraphy of the Upper Toluca Pumice the signi®cance of establishing the age of the deposit, they estimated the age of the Upper sequence and its distribution around the vol- Upper Toluca Pumice sequence that has been Toluca Pumice eruption at ca. 11,600 14Cyr cano determined through detailed ®eld work. widely used as a stratigraphic marker in cen- B.P. The detailed study by Bloom®eld et al. With this information, plus granulometry and tral Mexico in the reconstruction of paleoen- Geological Society of America Bulletin, February 2003 231 ARCE et al. DEPOSIT STRATIGRAPHY We studied 290 stratigraphic sections of the Upper Toluca Pumice, from which we con- struct a composite stratigraphic sequence of the deposit. Commonly, it overlies a dark- gray, organic-rich, disseminated charcoal± bearing paleosol for which Bloom®eld and Valastro (1974) proposed an average 14C age of 11,600 yr B.P. In areas as high as ;4200 m, the Upper Toluca Pumice deposit underlies moraine and rock-glacier deposits (Heine, 1994). The pumice unit is also widely covered by a variety of ®ne-grained lahars, which con- tain disseminated charcoal fragments that range in age from 8000 to 2000 14C yr B.P. The Upper Toluca Pumice sequence is com- posed of several pyroclastic fall (PC0, PC1, PC2, and PC3), pyroclastic ¯ow (F0, F1, F2, and F3), and pyroclastic surge (S1, and S2) units (Figs. 2 and 3). In general, all fragments found in the deposit (pumice and juvenile and accidental lithic clasts) are dacitic in compo- sition (63±66 wt% SiO2, Table 1) and contain crystals of plagioclase, hornblende, enstatite, and minor biotite. The stratigraphic sequence from base to top is described in the following sections. Basal Pyroclastic Flow (F0) F0 extends as far as 7 km east and north from the volcano. It is gray and up to 140 cm thick at site 70 (Fig. 4). It is massive within gullies and in few places is overlain by a thin gray pyroclastic surge (site 262, Fig. 2). This thin surge is exposed on topographic heights with a maximum thickness of 4 cm. F0 con- sists of gray and banded pumice fragments (up to 21 cm in diameter) and lesser amounts of white pumice, and juvenile, and accidental lithic fragments, embedded in a sandy matrix of crystal, pumice, and lithic fragments (Fig. 5). At site 70, the upper surface of F0 has impact sags of pumice up to 25 cm in diam- eter belonging to the overlying fall layer PC0. Disseminated charcoal fragments from F0 yielded AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) dates of 10,445 6 95 14C yr B.P.
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