3/17/2021 More than 500,000 coronavirus vaccine doses given to San Bernardino County residents – San Bernardino Sun ___ LOCAL NEWS •• News More than 500,000 coronavirus vaccine doses given to San Bernardino County residents By DEEPA BHARATH || [email protected] andand NIKIE JOHNSON || [email protected] || OrangeOrange CountyCounty RegisterRegister PUBLISHED: March 17, 2021 at 3:10 p.m. || UPDATED:UPDATED: March 17, 2021 at 3:10 p.m. ThisThis criticalcritical coveragecoverage isis beingbeing providedprovided freefree toto allall readers.readers. Support reporting like this with a subscription to The Sun. Special Offer: Just 99¢ for 3 months. Support local journalism San Bernardino County crossed an important landmark Wednesday, March 17, with county residents now having received more than 500,000 coronavirus vaccine doses.doses. This means that 21% of the countyʼs adult population has now received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, while 11.2% have been fullyfully vaccinated.vaccinated. AA monthmonth ago,ago, onlyonly 7.6%7.6% ofof thethe adultadult populationpopulation hadhad receivedreceived atat leastleast oneone shot.shot. County officials also reported 50 coronavirus-related-related deathsdeaths Wednesday,Wednesday, whichwhich takestakes thethe totaltotal toto 383383 fatalitiesfatalities overover thethe pastpast weekweek —— thethe highest seven-day total ever. However, more than half of these people died in January, and more than 90% died between December and February. Only two people died in March. This reflects the long period of time it could take for deaths to be confirmed as coronavirus-related and then make their way into data systems. The county reported 125 new virus cases Wednesday. The overall case positivity rate in the county has dropped to 2.7%. State data show 186 COVID-19 patients have been hospitalized as of Tuesday, March 16, including 42 in intensive care units. Here are the latest numbers as of Wednesday, according to county and state public health officials. San Bernardino County Confirmed cases: 289,057289,057 total,total, upup 125125 fromfrom Tuesday,Tuesday, averagingaveraging 132132 reportedreported perper dayday inin thethe pastpast weekweek Deaths: 3,5813,581 total,total, upup 5050 fromfrom Tuesday,Tuesday, averagingaveraging 54.754.7 reportedreported perper dayday inin thethe pastpast weekweek Hospital survey: 186186 confirmedconfirmed andand 3232 suspectedsuspected patientspatients hospitalizedhospitalized Tuesday,Tuesday, includingincluding 4242 confirmedconfirmed andand oneone suspectedsuspected patientpatient inin thethe ICU, with 25 of 25 facilities reporting. The number of confirmed patients is down 21.5% from a week earlier. Tests: 2,601,7642,601,764 total,total, upup 4,3474,347 fromfrom Tuesday,Tuesday, averagingaveraging 6,8876,887 reportedreported perper dayday inin thethe pastpast weekweek Resolved cases (estimate): 284,096284,096 total,total, upup 206206 fromfrom Tuesday,Tuesday, averagingaveraging 135135 perper dayday inin thethe pastpast weekweek Vaccinations: SanSan BernardinoBernardino CountyCounty residentsresidents havehave receivedreceived 511,762511,762 vaccinevaccine doses,doses, withwith 179,646179,646 peoplepeople fullyfully vaccinatedvaccinated Reopening plan tier:tier: RedRed (substantial(substantial riskrisk level;level; somesome nonessentialnonessential indoorindoor businessbusiness operationsoperations areare closed)closed) basedbased onon thesethese metricsmetrics asas ofof Tuesday: https://www.sbsun.com/2021/03/17/more-than-500000-coronavirus-vaccine-doses-given-to-san-bernardino-county-residents/?utm_content=… 1/4 3/17/2021 More than 500,000 coronavirus vaccine doses given to San Bernardino County residents – San Bernardino Sun New cases per day per 100,000 residents: 5.2 Case rate adjusted for testing volume: 5.2 Test positivity rate: 2.7% (3.0% in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods) Whatʼs next: To advance to the orange tier and reopen more businesses, San Bernardino County would need an adjusted case rate below 4.0 and a positivity rate below 5.0% for the whole county and 5.3% in disadvantaged neighborhoods for two consecutive weeks, and to have been in the red tier for three weeks. If metrics get worse, it could move back into the more restrictive purple tier. To see a map and list of cases, deaths and vaccinations by community, click here.. Here is a look at how the countyʼs numbers have changed each day: Newsroom Guidelines News Tips Contact Us Report an Error Want local news? Sign up for the Localist and stay informed Enter your email to subscribe SUBSCRIBE Tags: All Readers,, Coronavirus,, health,, public health,, Top Stories IVDB,, Top Stories RDF,, Top Stories Sun Deepa Bharath | Reporter Deepa Bharath covers religion for The Orange County Register and the Southern California Newspaper Group. Her work isis focusedfocused onon howhow religion,religion, racerace andand ethnicityethnicity shapeshape ourour understandingunderstanding ofof whatwhat itit isis toto bebe AmericanAmerican andand howhow religionreligion inin particular helps inuence public policies, laws and a region's culture. Deepa also writes about race, cultures and social justicejustice issues.issues. SheShe hashas coveredcovered aa numbernumber ofof otherother beatsbeats rangingranging fromfrom citycity governmentgovernment toto breakingbreaking newsnews forfor thethe RegisterRegister sincesince MayMay 2006.2006. She has received fellowships from the International Women's Media Foundation and the International Center for Journalists to report stories about reconciliation, counter-extremism and peace-building eorts around the world. When she is not working, she loves listeninglistening toto IndianIndian classicalclassical musicmusic andand travelingtraveling withwith herher husbandhusband andand son.son. [email protected] Follow Deepa Bharath @reporterdeepa Nikie Johnson | Data Reporter Nikie Johnson has been a journalist in Southern California since 2005 when she started at The Press-Enterprise, now part of the Southern California News Group. A Midwestern native, she graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in communications and previously worked at the Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville. She has been a copy editor, metro editor, digital editor and breaking news editor, and now uses data and public records to tell stories on the crime and public safety beat. She has trained with the Poynter Institute, Investigative Reporters & Editors and USC's Center for Health Journalism, and has won several awards for breaking news coverage and reporting on housing permits. [email protected] Follow Nikie Johnson @nikiesnews SPONSORED CONTENT 9 Strange Things Millionaires Do With Their Money, But Most of Us Have Never Tried By The Penny Hoarder https://www.sbsun.com/2021/03/17/more-than-500000-coronavirus-vaccine-doses-given-to-san-bernardino-county-residents/?utm_content=… 2/4 3/18/2021 Riverside, San Bernardino See Slight Uptick In COVID Hospitalizations – CBS Los Angeles CBSN Los Angeles Your Los Angeles Sports WATCH NOW Headlines MENU NEWS SPORTS BEST OF VIDEO WEATHER CONTESTS/MORE Riverside, San Bernardino See Slight Uptick In COVID Hospitalizations Ventura Holding Steady With 53 COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized By CBSLA Staff March 17, 2021 at 8:25 pm Filed Under: Coronavirus, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Ventura County FOLLOW US OUR | NEWSLETTER Sign up and get our latest headlines delivered right to your inbox! Email address Subscribe Now! LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura MOST VIEWED counties all reported additional deaths attributed to COVID-19 on Wednesday. https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2021/03/17/riverside-san-bernardino-see-slight-uptick-in-covid-hospitalizations/ 1/5 3/18/2021 Riverside, San Bernardino See Slight Uptick In COVID Hospitalizations – CBS Los Angeles Riverside County added 203 cases and 41 additional fatalities, Trade Group Asks California Theme Parks To Mitigate The Effects Of bringing countywide totals to 292,606 cases and 4,052 deaths. Of Screaming On Rides those who contracted the virus, 284,693 had recovered. Vanessa Bryant Names 4 LASD Deputies Accused Of Sharing Photos READ MORE: Problems, Delays In Law Enforcement Response To From Kobe Bryant Crash Site In Borderline Bar Massacre, Report Finds Lawsuit 2 Killed In Massive Fireworks There were 190 coronavirus patients hospitalized Wednesday, 43 Explosion That Rattled Ontario of whom were being treated in intensive care units — both slight Neighborhood; Dozens Evacuated upticks from Tuesday. Police: 2 Men Killed In Crash Into Garden Grove Pool Were Convicts With Catalytic Converter, Loaded As of Wednesday, Riverside County reported that 738,795 vaccine Gun doses had been administered to county residents, including Apparent Catalytic Converter Thief 495,902 rst doses and 231,777 second doses. More information Crushed To Death By Collapsing Car about who’s eligible and how to make an appointment can be found In Anaheim on the county’s website. Missing Cousins Identied In Ontario Fireworks Explosion; Evacuation San Bernardino County health ofcials reported 125 newly Orders Remain In Place conrmed cases and 50 additional fatalities, bringing countywide 'I Set Up A Studio In My Garage': totals to 289,057 cases and 3,581 deaths. Of those who contracted Texas Woman Recalls Losing Nearly the virus, 284,096 had recovered. $200,000 To Bruno Mars Imposter Beached Whale At Dockweiler State There were 186 coronavirus patients hospitalized Wednesday,
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