DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 18 NOVEMBER 2019 Case No: 19/00652/FUL (Full Planning Application) Proposal: Demolish existing house and erect 10no. 3-5 bedroom dwellings with associated parking. New road proposed off of Stow Road Location: House On The Hill Stow Road Spaldwick Huntingdon Applicant: Mrs Racey Grid Ref: 512459 272529 Date of Registration: 28.03.2019 Parish: Spaldwick RECOMMENDATION - REFUSE This application is referred to the Development Management Committee as the proposed development represents a departure from the Development Plan and Spaldwick Parish Councils recommendation of Approval is contrary to the officer's recommendation of Refusal. 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND APPLICATION 1.1 The site is located in a prominent position to the south west edge of the village of Spaldwick and comprises a large two storey detached dwelling with several outbuildings. The western end of the site was once agricultural land which is evident by the medieval ridge and furrows that run through the site along with the fruit trees and store. The levels within the site drop significantly from the house and Stow Road down to the south and west. The site is enclosed by hedge planting and established trees and there are many established trees dotted within the site and a pond, agricultural land abuts the site on its north, south and west boundary. The site is not in an area of high risk of flooding (Flood Zone 1). 1.2 The application seeks planning permission for the demolition of the existing dwelling and the erection of 10 No. 3 - 5 bedroom dwellings with parking, access road and new access off of Stow Road. 1.3 The application is supported by a Flood Risk Assessment by Binney & Sims dated 26/03/2019. 2. NATIONAL GUIDANCE 2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2019) sets out the three economic, social and environmental objectives of the planning system to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The NPPF confirms that 'So sustainable development is pursued in a positive way, at the heart of the Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The NPPF sets out the Government's planning policies for: • delivering a sufficient supply of homes; • achieving well-designed places; • conserving and enhancing the natural environment; • conserving and enhancing the historic environment. 2.2 Planning Practice Guidance is also relevant and a material consideration. For full details visit the government website National Guidance 3. PLANNING POLICIES 3.1 Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 (2019): • LP1: Amount of Development • LP2: Strategy for Development • LP4: Contributing to Infrastructure Delivery • LP6: Waste Water Management • LP9: Small Settlements • LP10: The Countryside • LP11: Design Context • LP12: Design Implementation • LP14: Amenity • LP15: Surface Water • LP16: Sustainable Travel • LP17: Parking Provision and vehicle movement • LP25: Housing Mix • LP30: Biodiversity and Geodiversity • LP31: Trees, Woodland, Hedges and Hedgerow. 3.2 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and Guidance: • Huntingdonshire Design Guide SPD (2017) • Huntingdonshire Townscape and Landscape Assessment SPD 2007 • Developer Contributions SPD 2011 • Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD 2017 • December 2018 Annual Monitoring Review regarding housing land supply. Local For full details visit the government website Local policies 4. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 4.1 96/00602/FUL - Extension to dwelling - Approved 10.06.1996. 4.2 96/01522/FUL - Erection of conservatory - Approved 20.12.1996. 4.3 17/01904/FUL- Demolition of existing garage, dormer bungalow incorporating disabled facilities - Approved 13.12.2017. 4.4 18/70071/PENQ - Demolish existing house on the site and the construction of 11 No. Houses and 2 No. Bungalows - Officers supported the proposed two plots along the frontage of the site, the plots to the rear were considered to be outside of the built up area and were not supported by officers - 11.06.2018. 4.5 18/01500/NMA - Amendment to 17/01904/FUL - Changing dormer materials from render to light grey UPVC cladding. Removal of side window in bedroom and round window to front gable porch. Addition of rooflight to front elevation - Approved 23.07.2018. 4.6 18/02235/FUL - Demolish existing house and erect 10 No. detached 4 - 5 bedroom dwellings with associated parking. New road proposed off of Stow Road - Withdrawn 31.01.2019. 5. CONSULTATIONS 5.1 Spaldwick Parish Council - Recommends approval (COPY ATTACHED) and commented - On the basis that it is a small development that will contribute to the economic future of the village. The Parish Council would like to see development proposing affordable housing in the village but suggest a footpath on both sides of Stow Road, (up to Mount Pleasant on one side and to link up with the existing footpath on the other side), to allow for a potential increased school-age population. 5.2 CCC Local Highway Authority (LHA): deferred a decision until amended plans were received and commented: The proposal in its current format is not conducive to the LHA's adoption requirements and therefore until the below comments are resolved the LHA would not look to adopt the development. HDC would have to be content that this scale of development is acceptable to be served off of a private road. For the site to be adopted by the LHA the following will need to be amended: • Basic geometric features should be detailed on the plan. I.E carriageway widths, footway widths, kerb radii etc. • The access road will need to be amended to take out the spurious kinks in the alignment. • Footways will need to be provided either side of the development, wrapped around to the tangent point on Stow Road and all accesses formed as dropped kerb crossovers rather than bell mouths. • A footway will need to be provided across Stow Road linking into the existing pedestrian network with dropped kerb crossovers. • Vehicle to vehicle visibility splays will need to be provided at the access with Stow Road detailed as 2.4m x 43m with no obstruction over 0.6m. • Permeable tarmac is not an acceptable material to be proposing for the LHA to adopt. It should be constructed in traditional tarmac with a positive drainage system. • Auto track plans should be provided throughout the development for the largest vehicle (11.5m Dennis eagle refuse vehicle, HDC to confirm) passing a standard vehicle. • 2m x 2m with no obstruction over 0.6m vehicle to pedestrian visibility splays should be detailed on all accesses. • HDC to confirm if the level of parking is suitable for the scale of the development. • Please confirm the need for the footway running alongside plot J. If HDC is happy for this scale of development to remain private, then the access should be a minimum of 5m wide with 6m kerb radii, sealed and drained away from the highway for the first 10m. The access should be constructed in accordance with CCC Housing Estate Road Construction specification 2018. Officer response: The above matters remain outstanding. Conditions could be added to the decision notice requiring the access to meet the recommended requirements above should the Authority agree for the development to remain private. 5.3 Internal Drainage Board (IDB) / Alconbury & Ellington - commented: The board notes that the intended method of storm water discharge is via a balancing facility however there are not details as to how SUDS techniques will be incorporated at this site. The Board therefore suggest that planning permission should not be granted without conditions requiring that the applicant's storm water design and construction proposals are adequate before any development commences. Please include a suitably worded condition in any planning permission that may be granted. Officer response: A suitably worded condition could be added to the decision notice. 5.4 CCC Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) - Commented: We have reviewed the following documents: Flood Risk Assessment, Binney and Sims Design Ltd, 416-4.Dated 26.03.2019. 1. Insufficient detail in submitted Flood Risk Assessment, the submitted Flood Risk Assessment does not contain sufficient detail on potential flood risk at the site and the proposed surface water drainage strategy. Paragraph 163 of the National Planning Policy Framework requires planning application to be supported by a site specific flood risk assessment. Such an assessment should include a surface water strategy and must demonstrate that the proposed development incorporates sustainable drainage systems (SUDS), unless there is clear evidence that this would be inappropriate. The SUDS should: a) Take account of advice from the Lead Local Flood Authority: b) Have appropriate minimum operational standards; c) have maintenance arrangements in place to ensure an acceptable standard of operation for the lifetime of the development; and) where possible, provide multifunctional benefits. As a flood risk assessment/surface water strategy containing the above information has not been submitted there is insufficient information in order for us to determine the impacts of the proposals. The comments go on to advise where developers can find assistance and requested informatives in regards to infiltration rates and IDB consent required. Officer response: This matter remains outstanding. 5.5 Anglian Water - Commented: Desktop analysis has suggested that the proposed development will lead to an unacceptable risk of flooding downstream. We highly recommend that you engage with Anglian Water at your earliest convenience to develop in consultation with us a feasible drainage strategy. 1. Our records show that there are no assets owned by Anglian Water or those subject to an adoption agreement within the development site boundary. 2. The foul drainage from this development is in the catchment of Easton (Cambs) Water Recycling Centre that will have available capacity for these flows. 3. The development will lead to an unacceptable risk of flooding downstream. Anglian Water will need to plan effectively for the proposed development, if permission is granted.
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