A Weekly Newspaper Is Close To The People ijiU atbp (Himes 15 ESTABLISHED 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE TOWNSHIP AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF HILLSIDE VOL. XLVIII, NO. 45 HILLSIDE, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1972 Treatment Plant Will Cost $3.12 Million A $3.12 million bonding to share In the cost of con­ benefits. Employee coverage ^ In the township. Installation of New Jersey State League of ordinance for the construction of structing the - planned facility. der medical - surgical, major a traffic light' at, the,intersec­ Municipalities in Atlantic City a secondary sewage treatment Kulish said that Elizabeth Is medical and hospitalization in­ tion of Nr Broad St., Central' from November 14 to 17 with plant was introduced at the town­ not now a member of the Joint surance would be extended to all Ave. and Evans Terminal was reimbursement to each one at a fUlF’U'ytime employees, both ship committee meeting Tuesday Meeting, which has been In exis­ also proposed. maximum rate of $35 per day. evening to provide what Commis­ tence since June 1, 1926. Eliza­ temporary and permanent after All of the. ordinances Intro­ --Approved the action of the ’ 60 days employment, by one sioner Albert S. Parsonnet called beth, now buys the services of duced will come up for public police chief in assigning Ptlm. ordinance. "the most effective sewage the existing sewage treatment hearing and final adoption at Alois Stier to attend a twelve- treatment available." plant and would like to continue Two others deal with salary the township committee meeting day criminal investigation Increases for the police depart­ The 40-year bond Is Hillside’s this arrangement for the on September 19. Course, and Sgt. Anthony ment providing an across the share of the total $47,6 mU» future, Kulish said, but the other .In other areas Tuesday the Messano to attend a five-day lion project to be built jointly members of the meeting have ■ boa$d 5,5 percent increase for townsjilp committee: voted un­ drug enforcement course, both. by the Essex-Uhion. Joint Meet­ taken the case to court In an the entire department. The per­ animously to "send a letter o f: at the New Jersey State Police ing which : consists of ' 11 attempt to force Elizabeth to centage increase reflects ln» objection’’ to ted state Public Academy at Sea Girt. municipalities. Mayor Charles S, share In the capital expense of creases in benefits, not a 5.5 Utilities Commission protesting —Extended Civil Service cer­ Mancuso pointed out to the sparse the new plant. jpercent straight salary Increase the 12-percent rate hike request­ tification to Mrs. Della Sasano audience, attending the meeting and is the. maximum wage in­ ed by the Elizabethtown Gas, CO, / If - tiie courts force Elizabeth as a permanent clerk-typist in that the construction of the new crease allowed under the federal Parsonnet said that at a time to participate that city’s expected the police department at a salary sewage treatment plant is man-, government wage controls. It will when wage increases are being share would reduce Hillside’s In­ of $3,860'a year, and to Mrs. dated by the state under New average out, according to Kulish strictly held tothefederalguide- debtedness by $2,197,004.41, The Patricia A, Azevedo as a per­ Jersey’s strict pollution control to $773 "across the- board.” line of 5.5 percent it was unfair other municipalities in the Joint manent clerk - typist in the laws and that "We, as members, for a business to request suclv Meeting are: East Orange, Irv­ Municipal Court at an annual R E SC U E SQ UAD A T WORK--Early last week the Hillside Ambulance Squad came have to participate. ’’ a large price increase. salary of $3,935. ington, Maplewood, Mlllburn, to the resque of 11-year-old Leonard Grabelsky of 1535 Maple Ave. who sustained According to Clommissloner — Directed Township Attorney Newark, Roselle Park, South (See Ordinance Texts — Appointed Mrs. Joan F« Eugene W. Andrukite the sec- Alexander Menza to prepare an leg injuries after being struck by a car driven by his uhcle. While Police Sgt. William Orange, Summit,- Union and west ' P-7) Petracclo of 1447 Bond St. and ondary sewage treatment plant amendment to allow an increase Metzger holds back onlookers squad, members (from left) Fred Hopke, Eleanor Orange. Mrs. Vivian Page of 2 fl Clark has been in the planning stages In the cost of dog license' fees O'Neil and Grace Cicchino prepare to lift boy into ambulance. (PHOTO B Y ED The proposed bond ordinance St. as substitute school traffic since 1964, when, the estimated to $3.50 plus 50 cents state guards at the rate of $2.10 per SM ITH) will come up for public hearing Authorization for the installa­ cost would have been $19 mil­ registration fee. This Is an over­ hour. This action was made and final adoption on September tion of a new alarm system con­ lion. "Now It’s going to cost all Increase of 75 cents from necessary by the refusal of two . 19. ; sol# at police headquarters was $48 , million," Andrukite con­ the current $3.25 fee. substitute school traffic guards ’Five other ordinances were also the subject of an ordin­ tinued, ., "toe longer we delay; — Authorized the entire town­ to accept the positions. Theyhad also introduced Tuesday evening, ance Introduced Tuesday. The Approval Given Shop-Rite the higher the cost," ship committee and 17 other been appointed on August 1; the three of them deaUng‘ with town­ system would be connected to According to. Parsonnet, the township officials to attend the ..appointments were rescinded ship employees’ salaries and “ all compatible alarm systems" township’s representative to the 57th annual conference of the Tuesday evening. • Joint Meeting, the increase in For Route 22 Supermarket costs are not due to time alone, however, but to the more so- Construction is expected to block the approach to Liberty phistocated plant that can now be right hand turn only for the exit built. start in about a tnontti on a now . Ave. Thirty feet will he taken US Charges Board of Ed to Long Ave. Entrance will also Primary sewage treatment, Shop-Rite Supermarket to be o ff the building occupied by Kelly be permitted from the Long Ave. which Hillside now has, puri­ erected on the Wagner property & Salles Electrical Supply Cp, approach. Plans , call for Kelly & on Route 22. A building permit Inc., ofe 311 Long Ave. In order fies sanitary sewage so mat all, Salles to be given thirty feet in dangerous levels of bacteria and for $400,01X1 was issued* y Build­ to make access'to Long-Ave. the remaining portion of their toxins are removed; secondary ing Inspector Carmen Monaco, wider and to provide clear vision. building. With Wage Discrimination sewage treatment allows greater Sr. on August 30. , Final.approval has been.given purification of the effluent and A charge of paying discrimin­ Wanzer’s appointment Hillside 4 The supermarket building will A divider will be placed on by (be planning board and the Giannottl, Eugene /D, Kosakow- as well as cheerleaders, twiriers tertiary treatment, which New atory wages to a number of fe--, now has two full-time psycholo­ be 266 it. it. 160 ft, vrith a height this access road, allowing only a site plan review board, • skl, Don J. Paradiso and Susan and band members.’ Jersey will aiitimately mandate, of 20 ft. male custodians employed in the gists. Board member Mrs. Ma­ C. Yannel (all at $8,125). Two separate contracts for produces potable water as the Among the buildings that will township schools was leveled a- rie Reale pointed out that half It was also announced tlfit tee * transporting . special education final end product. ~ be torn down .are the oil build­ gainst the board of .education of their salary is paid by the position ed assistant principal at students were also awarded According to Commissioner ing, . the metal building housihg Mayor's Health Fair by the U,S. Department of La­ state. the high School Is now open. John C. Kullsh, head of the Thursday evenlftg to the Springr Perm allte,' .the ranch house and1 bor; board attorney Gilbert D. Eight new teachers have also On the recommendation of its Finance Department, Hillside’s fleld Inter-City Cah Co, Students the Cape Cod house. The entire Chamberlin announced last been appointed for the coming Insurance Advisory Committee will be transported to the Somer­ building of the Chevron service more than $3 million share in Thursday, , year and the boto-d accepted the the board . accepted student and set Hills Country Bay School In station will be remodeled to serve the project will be reduced to Helps ‘Play It Safe* The announcement came at a . resignations of Gatherine Geair, athletic. Insurance policies of the Warrenville at the rate of $21.75 as an accessory building to the $911,275.59 lfEUzabetb Is forced special meeting of the board David Ernst and Geraldine Heath- C, W. Bollinger Co. of Montelair a day and to the Milton School in supermarket. where Chamberlin revealed that erman. The new teachers are: The company will provide regular Mlllburn at the rate of $10 a day Plans are to pave the entire The Union County Unit of the The Lions Club wtil provide the United Way Names a summons, had been served to Suanne M, Shankman ($0,025), student insurance.plans and spec­ area for parking. There will be American Cancer Society .urges Glaucoma Van in which an opth- ith .a 50-qent charge for each appear in US; District Court Phyllis M, Carone, Jdsephine ial coverage for all athlets who no outlet to Liberty Ave., and a all Hillside residents to "play amologist will' test senior' % additional mile added to the orig­ Industrial Chairman to answer the complaint, DePalma, Mary A.
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