International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) Annual Meeting 2011 September 5th to 9th 2011 Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPAN Organizer: International Long-Term Ecological Research Network Co-organizer: Japan Long-Term Ecological Research Network (JaLTER); IFES-GCOE of Hokkaido University; Ecosystem Adaptability GCOE of Tohoku University; Global Land Project (GLP) Sapporo Nodal Office General Timeline 2nd (Fri) - 4th (Sun) September Pre-meeting tour in Akkeshi Marine Station 5th Sep. (Mon) Science programs arranged by local organizer Poster session, Welcome dinner 6th Sep. (Tue) ILTER Science Symposium arranged by ILTER Science Committee, Poster session 7th Sep. (Wed) Field trip to JaLTER core-site, Tomakomai Experimental Forest 8th Sep. (Thu.) ILTER regional meetings ILTER coordinating committee meeting (Day 1) 9th Sep. (Fri.) ILTER coordinating committee meeting (Day 2), Farewell dinner Details are on p.6 and p.8. Preface Dear colleagues, It is our great pleasure to host “International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) Annual Meetings 2011” in Hokkaido University, Japan. Long-Term Ecological Research is a key research approach and framework that not only promotes ecology and ecosystem sciences but also delivers the scientific insights and knowledge needed to create a sustainable human society and nature under changing global environments and economic conditions. During the meeting in Sapporo, Japan we are hoping to have some very interactive and productive discussions to help ILTER address these issues and also that you all have an enjoyable stay. Local organizing committee of ILTER annual meeting 2011 1 Maps Location of Hokkaido Island and Sapporo city Access to Sapporo campus of Hokkaido University http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/en/pickup/accesstocampus.html 2 Location of the venues in the campus of Hokkaido University Other map http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/en/documents/guide_english.pdf 3 Floor guide of the venues 4 5 Schedule overview 5th (Mon) Science Program Day 1 Building Room 8:00-9:00 9:00-11:30 13:00-14:00 14:20-15:20 15:20-16:30 16:30-17:30 18:00-20:00 Welcome Report Room D201 Workshop 1 Workshop 3 /Plenary /Discussion Graduate Room D101 Registration Workshop 2 Workshop 4 School of Meeting Poster Environmental Poster Setup Science room session Entrance Poster Poster Setup space session Conference Meeting Hall room #4 Large meeting room Centennial Small Hall meeting room #1 Lunch* Welcome Cafeteria (11:30-13:00) dinner *Lunch for international participants. Breakfast (international participants staying at Aspen Hotel): 6:30 - 8:00 am. 6th (Tue) Science Program Day 2 7th (Wed) Field Trip Building Room 8:00-11:00 11:00-14:30 15:00-16:00 16:00-17:30 All day 8:30-20:30 Room D201 Plenary Group A Plenary Graduate Room D101 Group B School of Meeting Poster Environmental Science room session Entrance Poster space session Conference Meeting Group C Hall room #4 Large meeting Group D room Small Centennial Social Social meeting Hall Program Program room #1 Lunch* Cafeteria (12:00-13:00) Aspen Hotel Bus departure 8:30 *Lunch for international participants. Breakfast (international participants staying at Aspen Hotel): 6:30 - 8:00 am (Sep. 6th), 7:00 - 8:00 am (Sep. 7th). 6 8th (Thu) ILTER-CC Day 1 9th (Fri) ILTER-CC Day 2 Building Room 9:00-10:30 11:00-17:30 9:00-15:00 18:00-20:00 Room D201 Graduate Room D101 School of Meeting East Asia/ Environmental Science room Pacific Entrance space Conference Meeting Hall room #4 Large meeting Europe CC-meeting CC-meeting room Small Centennial Rest of meeting Hall the world room #1 Lunch* Lunch* Cafeteria (13:00-14:00) (12:30-13:30) Aspen Hotel Farewell dinner *Lunch for international participants. Breakfast (international participants staying at Aspen Hotel): 7:00 - 8:00 am. Instruction for poster presentation Poster board: 175cm height x 115cm width. Posters will be displayed for 2 days (5th and 6th September). Core times for the posters are Poster Number P1-01 - P1-19 : Sep. 5th 15:20 - 16:30 Poster Number P2-01 - P2-19 : Sep. 6th 16:00 - 17:30 Posters can be displayed from 8:00 on 5th Sep. to 17:30 on 6th Sep. Venues: Meeting room and entrance space of the Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University (p. 4). 7 Programme and Agenda Science Programme and Poster session for Day 1 (Monday, 5th September Graduate School of Environmental Science) 8:00-9:00 Registration (Room D101) and Poster Setup (Meeting room & Entrance) 9:00 - 9:30 Welcome session (Room D201) ILTER chair Local organizing committee IFES-GCOE of Hokkaido University Ecosystem Adaptability GCOE of Tohoku University Global Land Project, Sapporo Nodal Office ILTER Science Meeting Day 1 9:30 - 11:30 Plenary Session (Room D201) 1. Stuart J. Davies (Center for Tropical Forest Science-Smithsonian Global Earth Observatory) "On the diversity and dynamics of tropical forests. Results from a global network of large-scale forest plots" 2. Mark Page (UC Santa Barbara) "Networking long-term studies to assess coastal ecosystem changes in the United States" 3. Masahiro Nakaoka (Hokkaido University, JaLTER) "How can LTER contribute to impact assessment of catastrophe in coastal area?" 4. Kenlo N. Nasahara (University of Tsukuba, JAXA) "JAXA's Satellite Program and Commitment for Long-term Ecology" 11:30 - 13:00 Lunch Parallel Workshop "Global Change Science and LTER" Speakers are requested to prepare their presentation for about 15 minutes, to keep the discussion time at the end of each workshop. 13:00 - 14:00 Workshop 1 Evaluating ecosystem services and indicators (Room D201) Moderators: Nobuhito Ohte (Japan), Noboru Okuda (Japan) Speakers: Stefan Klotz (Germany) "Effective monitoring at LTER-sites for global change research and nature conservation – concepts and indicators" Martin Forsius (Finland) "Evaluation of climate change impacts on ecosystem services at LTER-sites in Finland" Pedro Beja (Portugal) "Large infrastructures as LTER opportunities: the Sabor Hydroelectric System (NE Portugal)" Workshop 2 Remote sensing of ecosystem dynamics (Room D101) Moderators: Hiroyuki Muraoka (Japan), Kenlo N. Nasahara (Japan) Speakers: Saku Anttila (Finland) "Deriving information on ecosystem 8 dynamics with remote sensing" Shin Nagai (Japan) "Ground-truthing and ecological examination of satellite remote sensing data for accurate detection of spring and autumn phenology in deciduous broad-leaved forests" 14:00 - 14:20 Break 14:20 - 15:20 Workshop 3 Diversity and functions in terrestrial ecosystems (Room D201) Moderators: Tsutom Hiura (Japan), I-Fang Sun (Taiwan) Speakers: Victor B. Amoroso (Philippines) "Plant diversity, status and conservation initiatives in three mountain ecosystems in southern Philippines" Nobuhito Ohte (Japan) "Seasonal patterns of nitrate concentration in forest streams: Geographical comparisons of controlling factors" Satoshi Suzuki (Japan) "Geographic pattern of recruitment and mortality rates of Japanese tree species: preliminary results from the Monitoring Sites 1000 project" Workshop 4 Monitoring marine and freshwater ecosystems (Room D101) Moderators: Masahiro Nakaoka (Japan), Mark Page (U.S.A.) Speakers: Jun Shoji (Japan) “Latitudinal comparison of fish community structure and production in seagrass beds in the western North Pacific” Shin-ichi Nakano (Japan) “Environmental and/or biodiversity monitorings in freshwater systems of Asian countries” Moderators will review the presentations and discussions by a few slides to report after the poster session. 15:20 - 16:30 Poster session (Meeting room & Entrance) Posters for Day 1 P1-01. Hiroyuki Muraoka (Japan) "Ecophysiological, micrometeorological and spectral observations of canopy photosynthesis in a cool-temperate deciduous forest, Takayama site (Japan)" P1-02. Noboru Okuda (Japan) "Biological specimens tell us a centurial history of ecosystem alterations in the ancient Lake Biwa" P1-03. Kazuhiko Hoshizaki (Japan)"Contribution of environmental determinism and stochasticity to the coexistence of temperate riparian tree species" P1-04. Takashi Masaki (Japan) "Seed dispersal limitation facilitate species coexistence in temperate forests: Comparison among three forests in Japan" P1-05. Tomoko Yamamoto (Japan) "Impacts of concentrated heavy rains on the coastal ecosystem" P1-06. Tomoki Oda (Japan) "Estimating the mean transit time of 9 streamwater using long term chloride concentration change following forest cutting at Fukuroyamasawa experimental watershed in Japan" P1-07. Taku M. Saitoh (Japan) "Comparison study in carbon budget over two different cool-temperate forests in Takayama, Japan, using an ecosystem model" P1-08. Naoko Tokuchi (Japan) "Long-term influences of insect defoliation on the N budget of a pine forest watershed in central Japan" P1-09. Masanori Katsuyama (Japan) "Application of residence time concept for the biogeochemical responses of streamwater in a forested headwater catchment" P1-10. Tatsuro Nakaji (Japan) "Estimation of leaf chemical defensive materials by hyperspectral images in experimentally warmed oak trees" P1-11. Daisuke Hoshino (Japan) "Annual variation of tree growth in the major tree species of Kanumazawa riparian forest, northeastern Japan" P1-12. Karibu Fukuzawa (Japan) "Nitrate loss during seven years after clear-cutting and understory strip-cutting in a cool-temperate forested watershed in northern Japan" P1-13. Hidenobu Kunii (Japan) "Recent progress of nature restoration of Lakes Nakaumi and Shinji, coupled core sites of JaLTER" P1-14. Yuko Miyazaki (Japan) "A dwarf bamboo genet can flower
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