742 INTEREST ON EXCHEQUER, BILLS. Admiralty, \2th February 1847. Exchequer Bill Office, No. 2, Whitehall- The following promotions have this day taken Yard, February 23, 1847. place, consequent upon the death"of Vice Admiral of the Blue William Young: The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury have determined, that the New Ex- Rear Admiral of the Red Sir Samuel Pym, chequer Bills, to be dated on the 16th of March K.C.B. to be Vice Admiral of the Biue. 1847, charged on Aids and Supplies, shall bear an Rear Admiral of the White Sir Lucius Curtis, interest of two pence per centum per diem, instead Bart. C.B. to be Rear.AdmiraVof the Red. of one penny halfpenny, as stated in the advertise- Rear Admiral of the Blue James Robert; Philips to ment from this Office, dated 16th February 1847; be Rear Admiral of the White. and also that the Exchequer Bills, dated in the month of June 1846, charged on Aids and Supplies, which are now outstanding, shall, on and after the said 16th of March 1847, bear an Admiralty, 19th February 1847. jptereat of two p.ence per cep.tum per diem. The following promotions have this day taken place consequent, upon the death of Admiral of the White Sir WiUoughby Thomas Lake, K.C.B.: Whitehall, February 22, 18-47. Admiral of the Blue the Right Honourable John Lord Colville to be Admiral of the White. The Queen has been pleased to nominate, con- Vice Admiral of the Red Robert Honyman to be stitute, and appoint John Mackenzie Lindsay, Admiral of the Blue. Esq. Writer to the Signet, to be one of the Vice Admiral of the White Zachary Mudge to be Ordinary Clerks of Session in Scotland, in, the Vice Admiral of the Red. room of Macvey Napier, Esq. deceased. Vice Admiral of the Blue Sir Robert Howe Brom- ley, Bart, to be Vice Admiral of the White. Rear Admiral of the Red Samuel Butcher to be Vice Admiral of the Blue. Rear Admiral of the White Sir John Louis, Bart, Crown-Office, February 22, 1847. to be Rear Admiral of the Red. Rear Admiral of the Blue Pringle Stoddart to be MEMBER returned to serve in this present Rear Admiral of the White. PARLIAMENT. Town of Galway. James Henry Monahan, of the city of Dublin, Office of the Poor Law Commissioners, So- Esq. in the room of Sir Valentine Blake, Bart, merset-House, London, ^February 23, 1847. deceased. This is to give notice, that theTPoor Law Com- missioners did, on the 17th day fof February instant, in pursuance of the powers given to them Office of Ordnance, 23d February 1847. by an Act, passed in the session held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of Her Majesty Royal Regiment of Artillery. Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act to continue, until the 31st day of July 1847, and to the end of First Lieutenant Thomas Cromie Lyle to be the then next session of Parliament, the Poor Law Second Captain, vice Morritt, deceased. Dated Commission, and for the further amendment of the 1st February 1847. laws relating to the poor in England," and with Second Lieutenant Edmund John Carthew. to be the consent of the Lords Commissioners of Her First Lieutenant, vice Lyle. Dated 1st Fe- Majesty's Treasury, and with the approval of the bruary 1847. Right Honourable Sir George Grey, Bart, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, appoint Wales Christopher Hotson, Esq. of Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the Lincoln's-inn, Barrister at Law, to be an Assistant County of Gloucester, and of the City and Commissioner, for the period of thirty days from the County of the City of Gloucester, and of the said 17th day of February instant, for the purpose 'City and County of the City of Bristol. of conducting a special inquiry into the accounts of the Weymouth Union ; and that the said Wales -Royal Gloucestershire Regiment of Hussar Christopher Hotson did, on this 23d day of Yeomanry Cavalry. February, take the oath required by the said Act, before the Honourable Mr. Justice Coltman, one of Henry Wilmpt. Charletqn, Esq. to be Super- the Judges of Her Majesty's Court pf Common numerary Major, without pay. Dated 19th Pleas, at his chambers, in Rolls'-gardens, Chancery- February 1847. tane, London. Edwin Chadwich, .Secretary..
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