VOL. LX AUSTIN, TEXAS, SEPTEMBER, 1975 NO. Nine Student Activities Conferences Planned Reclassification Report Sessions Designed Committee Approves System To Help Students Nine Student Activities Confer­ all speech events, including debate. With Two-Year Averaging ences have been scheduled by the Some conferences will have sec­ League and host institutions for tions in spelling." activities programs, it this year. The Reclassification Committee year conference assignment begin­ inter-school General Mailing of the Legislative Council recom­ ning in 1976. was unanimously approved by the Host schools for these confer­ All schools are mailed informa­ mended and the council approved Full text of the Reclassification committee that the present confer­ ences are: tion concerning these conferences present reclassification system with Committee's report follows: ence alignment be continued. Austin, The University of Texas early in September. Approximately provision that there be a periodic 1. That the present classification The committee expressed its ap­ at Austin, Sept. 27; three weeks prior to each confer­ study of the problem, that the two now in effect be maintained, but the preciation for the input from Huntsville, Sam Houston State ence, a special invitation will be preceding school years be "aver­ Legislative Council periodically school administrators and coaches University, Oct. 4; mailed to all schools in the area. aged" to determine member school evaluate the problem of conference throughout the state. Odessa, Odessa College, Oct. 11; There is no limit to the number conference assignment, and that alignment in the future. Reclassiflcation Committee mem­ Arlington, University of Texas who may attend from any one BETTY J. THOMPSON the eight-man football conference It should be noted the Athletic bers were: Dr. Glenn Reeves, chair­ at Arlington, Oct. 28; school. There is no registration or Member. be dissolved effective with the two- Committee was charged to study man, Eagle Mountain-Saginaw; Houston, The University of Hous­ ... New Council The sessions are reclassification by conference and Drew Reese, Pleasanton, chairman ton, Oct. 25; any other type fee. to all students and teachers in­ had no responsibility as regards en­ of the Legislative Council; James Kilgore, Kilgore College, Nov. 1; free academic and lit­ rollment figures of each conference W. Martin, Arlington; James E. Canyon, West Texas State Uni­ terested in League Executive Committee or the assignment of individual Barnett, Overton; Eugene Stoever, versity, Nov. 8; erary contests. Midwestern Uni­ schools to conferences. Stockdale; W. A. Reeves, Woods- Wichita Falls, TILF Scholarships The recommendation is to have boro; Jim Barnes, Seguin; Kenneth versity, Nov. 15; "We will have information at all five conferences, with 32 districts in Welsch, West Columbia; L. B. T. Kingsville, Texas A&I Univer­ Adds Betty Thompson conferences concerning the Texas AAAA; 16 districts in AAA; 32 Sikes, Ozona; Joe L. Hendrick, sity, Nov. 22. interim director of Intercollegiate Interscholastic League Foundation Betty A. Thompson, director of districts in A; and 64, 48, 24, or 16 Franklin; and Odell Wilkes, Mead­ for Women. Trial Run Contests scholarships that go to selected the UT Austin Division of Recrea­ Athletics districts in B (the number of dis­ ow. Ms. Thompson was appointed di­ State Meet participants and to some tional Sports and professor in the tricts are determined in Conference All student activities conferences rector of the merged departments runner-up in regional meets," Dr. Department of Health, Physical B by the number of schools compet­ are designed to provide a "trial of intramural sports for men and Williams added. "In June we Education and Recreation, has been ing the activity). Girl run" on many contests for students women in 1972 and continues in Tascosa awarded more than $194,000 in appointed to serve on the State Ex­ 2. The Reclassification Commit­ and coaches, and to furnish new that position. TILF grants. We hope to have more ecutive Committee. tee recommends the four-year aver­ ideas for training for the competi­ "She brings to the State Execu­ 4A Winner than that this coming year. All Ms. Thompson holds a Bachelor age membership enrollment for the tion. Demonstrations and practice tive Committee a rich background State Meet competitors in academic of Science in Physical Education last four grades in high school for tests are planned to give students in the physical education for wom­ In Speech and literary contests, and all re­ from the University of Wisconsin the two preceding school years be a taste of competition and to build en and with her knowledge and ex­ gional meet runners-up eligible to in Madison and a Master of Arts "averaged" to determine the mem­ Lee Ann White of Amarillo Tas­ up their confidence. perience will make a welcome ad­ apply for these grants." in Physical Education from Ohio ber school classification to a confer­ cosa High School won first place "The student activities confer­ dition to the committee," said Dr. State University. ence. The committee studied care­ in the State Meet in AAAA Prose ences are training grounds for Rhea H. Williams, UIL director. She taught at Ohio State Univer­ fully assignments based on mem­ Reading. DR. EMMETTE S. REDFORD is retiring after 37 years service on the many academic and literary cham­ sity for four years prior to joining Dr. William E. Barron, chairman bership for the last two years and Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. League State Executive Committee. Dr. Rhea pions," said Dr. Rhea H. Williams, CASE Cites of of the State Executive Committee, University Interscholastic the faculty at The University last three years, but recommended Charles White of Amarillo. Mrs. Leageu director. "I urge students expressed the opinion of all mem­ Williams, League director, said, "We owe a great debt to Dr. Redford. Texas at Austin in 1953. During her the procedure remain as is. Marti Kirk coached Lee Ann in and sponsors to attend the confer­ bers in welcoming her to the Com­ He has been a strong force in the development of the UIL. In the early Retiring Dean tenure at UT Austin she has served 3. The Reclassification Commit­ speech. ence nearest to them. We will have mittee with the assurance that she tee recommends the eight-man con­ She is a member of the National years he helped to develop the educational competition program, and instructional sessions in journal- as chairperson of the former De­ will make a great contribution to ference be dissolved (as only 25 Honor Society, National Forensics has always supported the League in good times and in bad. We will all ism, drama, ready writing, slide D.C. Reddick partment of Required Health and the interschool educational pro­ schools participate) and effective League, Rebel Spirits, Wrestling rule, number sense, science, and in DeWitt C. Reddick, founder of grams of the League. miss his support and help." Physical Education for Women and with the two-year assignment pe­ Spirits, Allied Youth, Speech Club, the Interscholastic League Press riod commencing in 1976 all schools French Club and Student Council. Conference, has been presented the having 75 pupils or more, as based Lee Ann says, "I enjoy people Director Cites Contest Values first annual award for service to Three Rules Changes on ADM for the last four grades very much and love to be involved higher education by the Council for must participate in Conference B with them. I have a strong faith in the Advancement and Support of eleven-man football and those un­ God and I rely on my friends very Education (CASE). By Schools der this figure may elect to partici­ much. Their many inspirations The first dean of the University Approved pate in eleven-man or six-man foot­ made winning that much more Number Sense Rule Change of Texas at Austin's School of League member schools voted costing up to $25 and additional ball. meaningful. oCmmunication, Dr. Reddick re­ changes in the All-Star Rule. symbolic awards costing up to $4 The Reclassification Committee, She plans to attend Texas Tech tired in May after 48 years of or Texas Christian University upon Penalties Awards Rule and approved making each. Previous limit had been $20 during the last 18 months, has met Lowers Error teaching at UT. volleyball a fall sport on the April and $3. four times and has heard presen­ her graduation. Penalty for wrong answers or "I consider the Number Sense and universities," said Prof. Beck. The award was presented at the referendum ballot. Council members voted to change tations from all interested school skipped problems in the Number Contest one of our most valuable "We are convinced that the Num­ national convention of CASE in The All-Star Rule was amended volleyball to the fall, with practice administrators, coaches and profes­ Sense Contest is now four, instead events," said Dr. Rhea H. Williams, ber Sense contest work is partly to Chicago in July. to provide for any such game that to start on the first day of school sional education organizations rel­ of the five-point deduction required League director. "The competitors be credited for their outstanding As a new journalism instructor de­ performance." in 1928, Dr. Reddick organized the has been played continuously on an and the first game or scrimmage no ative to suggestions for realign­ in past years. learn mental computation and annual basis commencing prior to ment of conferences. The committee "This change was made at the re­ velop real number sense. This fits Practice Tests first meeting of the ILPC by bring­ earlier than the first Thursday passage of Rule 28. realizes any conference alignment quest of many Number Sense them better to be intelligent con­ Hundreds of practice contests are ing together journalism contest­ The Awards Rule was amended after the first Monday in Septem­ will not be completely agreeable to coaches," said State Director Ge- sumers and is of real vocational available through the League's ants at State Meet.
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