ZONE 3 TWIN LAKES SOUTH PLATTE RIVER BOTTOMLANDS CONFLUENCE RESIDENTIAL TRAIL REGIONAL TRAIL CONNECTION CONNECTION AND TRAILHEAD ZONE 2 AND TRAILHEAD Trail connections from Scott Carpenter Parking, restroom and pedestrian Middle School and Valley View Elementary improvements recommended. Future open up new outdoor learning environments development should expand pedestrian in the Twin Lakes Bottomlands. New and bicycle access from South Platte walking trails provide access to wildlife River and Commerce City Commuter Rail. areas while preserving wildlife habitats. Preferred bike share location. T S PLATTE RIVER E 73rd AVE YORK STREET PECOS STREET CONFLUENCE MULTI-MODAL US RESIDENTIAL TRAIL 270 COMMERCE CITY STATION CONNECTION AREA Improved street and underpass crossings, SCOTT CARPENTER pedestrian connection and neighborhood MIDDLE SCHOOL trail signage for Pecos Street Station, VALLEYVIEW Berkley/Zuni and Sunnyside neighborhoods. ELEMENTARY US STREET WASHINGTON 25 W 70th AVE T T TWIN LAKES US T PARK 76 LOWELL BROADWAY T E 68th AVE BOULEVARD ZONE 1 T L RESIDENTIAL TRAIL ITT LE D TWINT N LAKES KE CONNECTION AND R Y BBOTTOMLANDS C TRAILHEAD R E YORK STREET E K WASHINGTON Complete multi-use trail connections T RESIDENTIAL TRAIL R T to Jim Baker Reservoir, Clear A T I L CONNECTION AND TRAILHEAD Creek Valley Park, Lowell Ponds STREET and Carl Park Community Center. EMERGENCY ACCESS Planned improvements include a new Neighborhood trail signage helps T T T sidewalk and trail connection. Additional navigation from Westminster, Arvada W 64th AVE New access for Emergency Services. Potential neighborhood signage recommended. and Aloha Beach, and from Berkeley connections to planned detached walk. Future development should seek to provide additional and Regis University. LITTLE US DRY CREEK 767 trail access. LAKE RR RR COMMERCE CITY JIM BAKER RESERVOIR MULTI-MODAL RESIDENTIAL GOLD STRIKE S S U FEDERAL BOULEVARD U T I T I CIRCULATION + STATION D TRAIL CONNECTION D A A (G LINE) R R PECOS JUNCTION Future development should expand E E L STATION AREA L I I pedestrian and bicycle access from M M (B + G LINES) 4 South Platte River and Commerce City / 2 / ACCESS 1 1 CLEAR CREECREEK LITTLE DRY Commuter Rail. Examining potential STATION AREA access improvement options using (G LINE) CREEK LAKE existing infrastructure. CLEAR CREEK VALLEY PARK TRANSIT CENTER RAILWAY PECOS STREET REGIONAL US 76 CONNECTION AND SHERIDAN BOULEVARD SHERIDAN TENNYSON STREET TRAILHEAD SCHOOL LIGHT RAIL CORRIDOR LOWELL BOULEVARD LOWELL W 56th AVE LOWELL PONDS A county-owned parcel with that connects the US-36 bikeway, Westminster Station, RALSTON CLEAR CREEK TRAIL T Arvada and Westminster. Recommend 70 INTERSTATE HIGHWAY CREEK T future expanded parking and trailhead T amenities. Future connection along creek FEDERAL and across rail lines should be added if/ ROADWAY TRAILS PROPOSED TRAIL TENNYSON when surface mining operations cease. SHERIDAN BOULEVARD Wayfinding improvements are needed until trail connects. Preferred bike share location. TRAILHEAD / TRAIL ACCESS PROPOSED CROSSING AREA BOULEVARD W 53RDSTREET AVE MULTI-MODAL REGIONAL TRAIL RESIDENTIAL TRAIL RESIDENTIAL TRAIL COUNTY-OWNED LAND REGIONAL TRAIL HUB CONNECTION AND CONNECTION AND CONNECTION TRAILHEAD TRAILHEAD Planned improvements at underpass connect Improved connection with Gold Add safe pedestrian and bicycle connections to neighborhood routes with Clear Creek Station. Strike Park, neighborhood trail Arvada Gold Strike Station, Clear Creek Valley Additional lighting, wayfinding and right-of- signage, safe pedestrian and Park and Jim Baker Reservoir. Enhanced HAWK way enhancements for neighborhood cyclists cyclist crossings. Preferred bike crossing at Clear Creek recommended, along recommended. Preferred bike share location. ADAMS COUNTY CONDADO DE ADAMS share location. with nearby neighborhood signage. CLEAR CREEK CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN PLAN MAESTRO DEL CORREDOR DE CLEAR CREEK RALSTON CREEK ON K N T SHERIDANSHERID BOULEVARD GOLD STRIKE REGIONAL OPENSPACE RALSTON CREEK CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE STATION Creek. and thehistory ofClear about goldpanning informational signage areas, saferiveraccess, trails, publicart, picnic paved restoration, Space, includingstream Adams CountyOpen and Park Gold Strike between Arvada’s An iconicconnection (G LINE) T TENNYSONTENNYYSSSOON STREET PONDS LOWELL ECOLOGICAL AREA ECOLOGICAL WATER-FOCUSED Hyland Hills Recreation District. Hyland HillsRecreation andthe Colorado StateWildlife, between AdamsCounty, opportunity forpartnerships fishing areas.Thissiteisan be alocationforstocked viewing areas,andmayalso paved andsoft trails,wildlife educational signage,formalized habitat areathatincludes A diversewetlandandaquatic W 53RDAVE CLEAR CREEK VALLEY PARK VALLEY VALLEY RESERVOIR JIM BAKER LOWELL PONDS LOWELL PARK DS S T T LOWELLLLOOOWWELL BOULEVARDBBOOOUULEEVVVAARD 1/2 MILE RADIUS W 64thAVE STATION AREAPARK STATION CLEAR CREEK commuters, ClearCreekStation for specializedwaterrecreation retail suchasrentalandrepair areas arecurrentlylimitedand Wetland andfloodwaybuffers Wetland area providesanopportunity MILE RA and low-impactrecreational 76 D US /4 IU 1 S shops, coffeestands,etc. Soon tobeatransithub for recreationalistsand should berestored. FEDERAL BOULEVARDRD T STATION AREA STATION CLEAR CREEK (G LINE) W 56thAVE ZONE 1 L I T T L E D R T Y C R E E E E E DRY CREEK DRY E DRD R R T R LITTLE A I LAKE L T T SCOTT CARPENTER PECOS STREET T MIDDLE SCHOOL REGIONAL OPENSPACE CREEK LITTLE DRY and stand-uppaddle boarding. recreation suchastubing, kayaking development toincorporate water provides anopportunity forfuture Rivertopography areas nearby. counties andanumber oftransit connects JeffersonandAdams and ClearCreek Dry CreekTrail The intersectionoftheLittle PECOS JUNCTION STATION AREA STATION (B +GLINES) BOTTOMLANDS W 70thAVE for stormwaterparksandwetland will enhancehabitat.Stormwater connect theseschoolstooutdoor areas. Trail connections to Valley connectionstoValley areas. Trail classrooms andwildlifeviewing networks createanopportunity and uniquelydiverse.Cleanup, revegetation andmaintenance TWIN LAKES Carpenter MiddleSchoolcan T ECOLOGICAL AREA ECOLOGICAL This siteisecologicallyrich HABITAT-FOCUSED HABITAT-FOCUSED View ElementaryView andScott BOTTOMLANDS TWIN LAKES ELEMENTARY VALLEYVIEW 76 US areas. T T LAKES TWIN PARK T T BROADWAYBRROOOAADDWWWAAAYY 25 US ZONE 2 CLEAR CREEK CORRIDOR MASTER PL ADAMS COUNTY LOUNGING AREAS LOUNGING FITNESS EQUIPMENT CHILDREN’S PLAY AREAS CHILDREN’S PLAY BIKING MOUNTAIN TRAILS CYCLING PAVED FIELDS SPORTS FISHING AREAS SPORTS WATER RECREATION PLANNING WASHINGTON STREET CLEAR CREEKCONFLUENCE additional resourcesforspecializedrecreationandspecialevents. Future developmentplansshouldengagebothriversandprovide Future US 76 E 73rdAVE An iconicdestinationthatmergestworegionaltrailcorridors. 270 US E 68thAVE EXPANDED WETLAND HABITAT EXPANDED LEARNING NATURE ANIMAL HABITAT PROTECTION ANIMAL HABITAT OPEN MEADOW RAIN ORSHADESHELTER SAFE RIVERCROSSING PUBLIC ART ANDRETAIL RESTAURANTS AN REGIONAL OPENSPACE PLAN MAESTRO DEL CORREDOR DE CLEAR CREEK PLAN CONDADO DE ADAMS WETLANDS CLEAR CREEK NATURE PRESERVE NATURE opportunities. can increasemanagement coordination withCDOT wetland habitats.County enhanced wildlifeand area witharestoredfloodway, visitors throughaprotected educational signageguide Soft pavedtrailsand YORKYYOORKKS STREETSSTTREEETT S PLATTE RIVER S PLATTE CONFLUENCE T CCI CITY STATION CITY STATION COMMERCEC ZONE 3 AREA SAFETY SIGNAGE ACCESS RANGER PATROLS - a coordinated patrol system for the corridor to COORDINATE SIGNAGE - Combine signage efforts to mark location, TRAILHEAD PARKING - Expand safe parking options with new lots report maintenance problems and prevent unsafe uses define landmarks and add educational information and engage private owners to share parking areas when not in use. LIGHTING GUIDELINES - repair and maintain existing lighting, add REGIONAL CONNECTIONS - Improve access to regional trails and RESTROOMS - Include additional restroom facilities along trail, along safety lighting at all transit stations, river crossings and underpasses transit areas for commuters and recreational users. with easy maintenance access for cleaning and replacement HOW COULD THESE PROGRAMS BE IMPLEMENTED? Integrated Trail Programs Integrated Signage Programs Potential Partnership Opportunities Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Adams County Schools Adams County Transportation Neighborhood Organizations Clear Creek Watershed Foundation Clear Creek Watershed Association Adams County Parks and Recreation Department of Fish and Wildlife Hyland Hills Parks & Recreation District National Audobon Society Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Local and Regional Recreation Programs Local Interest Groups SAFE PLACES TO CROSS - High-Intensity Activated Walk (”HAWK”) BASIC NEEDS traffic signals stop traffic when pedestrians need to cross ADAMSADAMS COUNTY COUNTY CONDADOCONDADO DE DE ADAMS ADAM CLEAR CREEK CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN PLAN MAESTRO DEL CORREDOR DE CLEAR CREEK SOFTENING CORRIDOR EDGES ENHANCING EXPERIENCE Vegetated Screening at Fenced Boundaries Enhanced Creekside Visibility APPLICATIONS: existing parking lots, industrial, single-family residential APPLICATIONS: commercial, retail Terraced Slopes Integrated Open Space Areas with Low Vegetation Buffer APPLICATIONS: areas in which <4:1 slope is not possible APPLICATIONS: multi-family residential, schools, community centers, other public buildings VEGETATED SCREENING AT FENCED VEGETATED SCREENING AT FENCED ENHANCED
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