THE QUEENSCLIFF AND POINT LONSDALE NEWS Published monthly on the first Wednesday and available in Queenscliff, JUNE, 2018 – Number 223 Phone: 5258 4828, e-mail: [email protected] Point Lonsdale and the Queenscliff/Sorrento Ferry. FREE – Average monthly circulation 5000 Website: www.queenscliffeherald.com.au Mayor justifies CEO’s reappointment for a third term Council unanimously resolved its process prescribed by the Local ments from the Act were being of significant change; the fiscal appointed an independent local intent to reappoint Mr Lenny Jenner Government Act followed by Council undertaken Council was required to environment of local government, in government expert consultant to as CEO of the Borough of Queens- for over four months that trans- consider: the performance of the particular the ability to produce advise Council in ensuring good cliffe at the Ordinary Council parently summarised the require- CEO against objectives; the environ- outcomes with limited and rate governance of the process. The Meeting in May. Councillors spoke in ments of the Act which have been ment in which the decision was being capped resources; the risks of re- General Manager, Organisational favour of the motion of intent and met. This included the option of made; the number of projects cur- cruitment, particularly of the current Performance and Community Ser- outlined high performance aspects of advertising the position to external rently underway and the importance CEO not applying for the role vices independently supported and the CEO's performance. applicants which Council considered of continuity in achieving successful (approx. $50,000); community views. reported to Council on these matters In proposing this resolution Cr and rejected. completion; the importance of key Due to the complexity and im- during this time. The CEO played no Ross Ebbels described the extensive At the same time as these require- stakeholder networks; bedding down portance of the process Council role whatsoever in the process. Celebrating volunteers QCA critical of CEO reappoinment in the borough Council's decision to reappoint the current CEO Lenny Jenner without opening the position to external candidates has drawn criticism from the "Tonight is a celebration of generosity. Your generosity. I am delighted to celebrate and acknowledge Queenscliff Community Association. The Point Lonsdale Civic Association the wonderful service you give to our local community." Mayor Susan Salter. has also expressed disappointment in the decision. "The 2016 Census tells us that in the gain". The theme for this year's National Among the volunteers at the Mr Jenner has led Borough of Borough of Queenscliffe 38 per cent of Volunteer Week is 'Give a little. Change a Queenscliff Community Hall were Queenscliffe council for 10 years and people aged 15 or older are actively lot.' But you, our volunteers, give much Diana Allen who received an Order of his contract expires 19 October. His engaged in some form of volunteer more than a little. Australia this year for Services to Jazz understanding of the Recreation work. Compare this to the figure of When you give of your time you Music, only the second woman in Precinct projects, Destination Queen- roughly 18 per cent for Greater enrich the lives of the people that you Australia to receive this award. For scliff and the Caravan Parks Master- Melbourne. I'm happy to claim this as interact with. You care for our land- over thirty years Diana and her plan have been cited in favour of his proof that life in the Borough is 20 per scapes, our buildings, our arts and organization, Jazz Australia, has reappointment by councillors. cent better, thanks to you. culture, our sporting clubs. Our people. presented the cream of Australian and Councillors Ross Ebbels and Tony Volunteering Australia defines vol- Your generosity enriches our community, International traditional and main- Francis backed Mr Jenner's ability to unteering as "… time willingly given for our small and much-loved corner of stream jazz musicians. Her work on network with key figures at both State the common good and without financial Australia, and enriches the nation." charity performances has raised over and Federal level to lobby for funding $200,000 for organisations such as the on behalf of the Borough. While the Terang Civic Theatre, the Motor CEO role is one readily scrutinised by Neurone Disease Association and the the community, it is also one of the Queenscliffe Historical Museum. most well paid. Mr Jenner earned Rob Hurley, Borough of Queen- between $240,000 and $249,000 in the scliffe Citizen of the Year 2018, has 2016/17 financial year. volunteered with the Queenscliff Queenscliff Community Assoc- Borough CEO Lenny Jenner Music Festival, Queenscliff Golf Club iation spokesperson David Connoley and other groups since moving to said the Association is disappointed $600,000 for the Queenscliff Sport Queenscliff 34 years ago. For the past Council did not accept a recommen- and Recreation Precinct project. four years he's been part of Trinity Aid dation from two broad based comm- In such an environment, to con- for Refugees (TAR) offering friendship unity groups in the Borough to test the duct a CEO recruitment process only and support to Asylum Seekers and market for the position. by internal review is inherently flawed Refugees. The churches of Queen- "The CEO sets the agenda, culture as there may be conflicts of interest scliff, Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads and management framework for the (either real or perceived) and there is donate goods for support packs along organization," said Mr Connoley. the possibility of undue influence on with welcome lunches and holiday "The recent series of problems relating decision making. At the very least the activities that while providing oppo- to project management, grant appli- community was entitled to have an rtunities for cultural exchanges. "Mem- cation processes and other issues open and independent recruitment bers of TAR have found it enriching identified in the press have caused process. and humbling to meet these families reasonable community concern. This appears not to have occurred Mayor Salter with Rob Hurley and Diana Allen joined scores of local volunteers for and learn a little of their stories of Council has recently come under and it is incumbent on councillors to the Borough's annual thank you for those who 'Give a little. Change a lot.' suffering and hardship," said Rob. fire for a budget blowout of over explain why." Grab Offer your ends 4 pack June today! 30th ice ss than 1/2 pr Le *Cold pies only OCEAN GROVE – 12 Park Lane – Ph: 5256 1517 QUEENSCLIFF – 40 Hesse Street – Ph: 5258 1533 LEOPOLD – 670 Bellarine Highway – Ph: 5250 6101 Page 2 – Queenscliffe Herald, June 2018 all the essentials to prepare for your big day. Check out www.queens- Pick Your Project: Mayor’s cliffe.vic.gov.au/queenscliffweddings to find the perfect location and everything else you need for your Grassroots Community Column dream wedding. Marvellous events in May Council congratulates the Queens- Queenscliff Low Light Festival application, please contact our cliffe Literary Festival on another Fund Now Open Council is delighted to welcome Economic and Community Develop- unqualified success in 2018. The Locals can pitch their ideas for the projects they think are most the beginning of our long-awaited ment Program Leader 5258 1377. Festival goes from strength to strength community projects and vote for important. Low Light Festival. When Low Light Geelong Small Business Festival attracting audiences from far and wide them under the State Government's All they'll need is an idea that helps commences on Friday 22 June our The Borough of Queenscliffe will with its varied program of events that new $30 million 'Pick My Project' build a stronger community, and the public spaces, galleries, cafes, bars and present two events at the Queenscliff appeal to people of all ages and fund. Grants of between $20,000 and backing of a local organisation, restaurants will play host to an array Marina Business Hub in August: reading preferences. Councillors ack- $200,000 are available for cultural community group, school, local of art exhibitions and installations, Smashing Your Social With Killer nowledge the organisers of the events to community gardens - any- council, or other eligible group able to film premieres and screenings, spoken Video Content - Friday 10 August Queenscliffe Literary Festival, as well thing that will make our local help deliver the project. word and literary readings, theatre 10am to 12noon. as the organisers of Sacrededge and communities better places to live. Community workshops will take and music performances. Learn how to quickly and easily the Mountain to Mouth Extreme Arts Member for Bellarine, Lisa Neville place across the State to provide more Low Light will also showcase the create engaging, budget-friendly Walk, for their contribution to the has called on individuals, clubs, information about the initiative and best of local food and wine. From videos that capture your audience's Borough's reputation as an arts and schools and other organisations right support interested applicants. degustation menus featuring locally attention, showcase your message and culture destination, and we thank across the Peninsula to brainstorm Applications are open until foraged ingredients, to wine tastings drive sales. them for the flow on benefits that these and submit their ideas for projects they Sunday 24 June. Projects
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