Published by the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc. www.jewishlouisville.org JEWISH LOUISVILLE INSIDE: ‘Recipes for Disasters’ Louisville artist’s ‘cookbook’ project takes satirical swipe at anti-Semitism COMMUNITY STORY ON PG. 13 FRIDAY Vol. 47, No. 5 | May 28, 2021 | 17 Sivan 5781 ‘I don’t want any more people to die’ Affi nity group at Louisvillians in Israel share experiences St. Francis gives By Lee Chottiner Jewish pupils Community Editor a place to share As Tessa Culbertson sat on the balcony of her Tel Aviv apartment, taking advan- By Lee Chottiner tage of a relative calm in the clash be- Community Editor tween Israel, Hamas and Arab Israelis, The day after the Louisville native refl ected on her fi rst hundreds of insur- experience under fi re. rectionists stormed She had learned what it sounds like the U.S. Capitol in when the Iron Dome defense system de- Washington, Zak stroys an incoming rocket from the Gaza Cohen met one-on- Strip. one with the Jew- She got used to scoping out the near- ish middle school est possible shelter whenever she was students at St. out riding her bicycle. Francis School. And she lamented not being able to lie He said he just Zak Cohen on the beach at Yafo because it was sim- wanted to check in ply too dangerous for Jews. with them, see how they were dealing But Culbertson, who made aliya in with those disturbing scenes. 2018, had also learned, even before the Their responses ran the gamut. fi ghting started, that there were tensions “Students shared: ‘This was scary.’ ‘I feel in the country between Jews and Arabs, frightened,’” Cohen recalled. “Students expressed that full range of emotions…. something she had told her mother on a We’re taking about 11-year-olds, 12-year- call home. olds, 13-year-olds, 14-year-olds. We’re “Everything that’s happening now is talking about students who are only just no surprise to me,” she said. beginning to form their own impressions Culbertson was one of four Jewish and understanding of the world.” Louisvillians to share with Community The meetings weren’t just a one-off their experiences during the 11-day con- deal for Cohen, 33, who is in his fi rst fl ict. The others were Orli and Ari Feder, year as middle school director at St. who are completing high school there, Francis. It was yet another meeting of and Josh Ellis, who is taking a gap year the school’s new Jewish Affi nity Group. in the country. Cofounded by Cohen and Director of The fi ghting came to an end last week Counseling Services Julie Marks, the when Israel and Hamas agreed to a affi nity group is a setting where Jewish cease-fi re, or de-escalation of hostilities, middle schoolers at St. Francis can meet which took effect on Friday. regularly during school hours, talking Culbertson, 28, who grew up going to about common issues they face, feelings The Temple, the JCC and Camp Livings- they experience as Jews, or simply come ton, said hunkering in a shelter while together once a week for a few minutes rockets explode overhead is an experi- Louisville native Tessa Culbertson, seen here at her favorite spot in Israel, Yafo Beach, with her boy- to just be Jews. friend, Eitan Egdes, said she had to avoid this spot during the recent fi ghting because of the danger And it doesn’t hurt that Marks, an ex- See ISRAEL on page 19 to Jews. (photo provided by Tessa Culbertson) cellent baker, also brings treats to the meetings – rugelach, cinnamon raisin challah, etc. “I feel like it’s really important to be able create spaces here, especially at re- 125 years ally young, formative ages,” Cohen said, “to say to my Jewish students, ‘It’s OK to NCJW-Louisville to celebrate anniversary in June not only be Jewish, but it’s OK for you to care about Jewish issues and it’s OK to By staff and releases ident Joyce Bridge will deliver remarks. care about yourself and your own well- NCJW members and their families will Rebecca Rosenthal being.’” National Council of Jewish Women, then walk across the bridge as the span Judah, founder of The Jan. 6 attack merely drove home Louisville Section, will bring together is lit up in NCJW’s blue and green colors. the NCJW, Louis- the need for such a group. 650 members and community partners The event will constitute a major fund- ville Section (photo “You see the insurrection at the Capi- on June 15 to virtually celebrate its 125th raising campaign for the Louisville Sec- provided by Nancy tol and we see swastikas; we see literal anniversary. tion, supporting its mission and general Chazen) Nazis marching in our Capitol,” Cohen The event, “Celebrating our Past,” will operations. said. “I don’t know how many people include a luncheon and an in-person NCJW is a national nonprofi t organi- really thought about how those images “Celebrating our Future” gathering at the zation of volunteers and advocates who Big Four Bridge. Louisville Section Pres- See NCJW on page 19 See AFFINITY on page 19 Faster emergency care. Nearby. 2 Community Y MAY 28, 2021 Y 17 SIVAN 5781 THE DASHBOARD Word of the Month Snapshots Louisville Talmud learners take a bow destroy.’” How correct they were. D’var Torah Look at the renaissance of Torah and Talmud study across America, Israel, Rabbi South Africa, Australia. Who would have thought in just 75 years, from the ashes Simcha Snaid of the greatest tragedy in modern history, we would witness the greatest rejuvena- tion in modern history. On April 18, a momentous day for Jew- Talmud learners are not limited to large ish Louisville, members of the commu- cities – New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, nity celebrated the completion of study, etc. Right here in Louisville, we have our or siyum, by eight learners of a single own Talmud learners, or misaymim, and tractate of Talmud. that is historic. A rare event here, the undertaking took That proud label, misaymim, which them 1½ years to complete. those who completed the tractate and ev- Why else was this so remarkable? eryone who joined for even one class are Joseph Friedenson, a noted historian now known by, identifies these Talmud and Holocaust survivor, had an expe- learners as rebuilders of Judaism, which rience during his youth that became the Nazis sought to destroy. This is what etched in his mind for life: we celebrated. “It was November 1939, at the begin- The eight honorees – I call them Tal- ning of the war, and just after the Nazis mud trekkies, after the name of the class, Aaron Fox, Ayala Golding, Louis Waterman, Jon White, Vlad Seder, Brian Fox, Rabbi Josh Gold- had occupied Poland,” he recalled. “Two Talmud Trek – were Aaron Fox, Ayala ing and Jake Wishnia were feted at a siyum celebration on April 18. A siyum, which refers to the Nazi officers burst into our home to loot Golding, Louis Waterman, Jon White, completion of study of a tractate of Talmud, is a rare achievement in Jewish Louisville. The class is it. I was home with my mother at the Vlad Seder, Brian Fox, Rabbi Josh Gold- pictured with Rabbi Simcha Snaid of Congregation Anshei Sfard, their teacher. See the D’var Torah time, and she gave them money, hoping ing and Jake Wishnia. Each received a on this page. (photo provided by Rabbi Simcha Snaid) that they would leave and let us be. diploma and a gift and then shared what “As they were about to make their ar- the Talmud and this learning experience rogant exit, one of the Nazis noticed my has meant to them. father’s tall bookcase full of Jewish holy White shared how, for the first 40 years Candles books. His eye fell on the beautiful bound of his life, he did not know he was Jew- Here are the candle lighting times for Shabbat in June: Vilna Talmud, prominently displayed on ish. “Anyone can learn, even if you start our bookcase. Apparently, he had never from nothing. What we are doing here is • June 4 @ 8:45 p.m. • June 18 @ 8:51 p.m. seen such large volumes, so he asked me very important.” • June 11 @ 8:49 p.m. • June 25 @ 8:52 p.m. what books they were. Innocently, I re- Waterman shared how he never would plied, ‘It is the Talmud.’ have thought he would be a weekly Tal- “I will never forget the Nazi’s reaction. mud learner. Contacts As if a cauldron of boiling water had fall- Wishnia made the siyum in front of Got a story idea? A letter? A gripe? tion on hold? Development Associate en on his bare skin, he jumped up, his his children, grandchildren, and great- A kudo? Kristy Benefield can handle all circula- face contorted in rage. grandchildren. “‘The Talmud!’ he bellowed, as he These were some of the highlights of Send it along to Community Editor tion questions. She can be reached at bounded over to the bookcase and ripped this wonderful evening. Space limita- Lee Chottiner at lchottiner@jew- [email protected] or one of the beautiful volumes of that Tal- tions have constrained a worthy quote ishlouisville.org. You can also call 502-238-2770. mud from the shelf. Then, with a diaboli- from each graduate. Lee at 502-238-2783. Got an item for the Community cal hatred and brutality that I had never The reward for completing a tractate? Not getting your paper? Want to eblast? Send it to weeklyupdate@ before witnessed, both Nazis threw the Starting another one.
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