Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 13/08 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 31. Juli – 16. August 2008 in office, launched by self-styled champions of 1. Olmert zieht sich zurück – justice. But he leavened such criticism with firmly Kadima-Vorwahlen stated respect and fealty to the rule of law, and commendably stressed his pride in being a citizen of Am 31. Juli kündigte Premierminister Olmert an, in a democratic state in which a prime minister is not den Vorwahlen in seiner Partei Kadima nicht ‘above the law.’ […] kandieren zu wollen. So kommt der lange Kampf Olmert, in departure, has mercifully spared Israel the Olmerts, an der Macht zu bleiben, zu einem Ende. shameful potential ignominy of having a prime Rufe nach seinem Rücktritt waren nach dem 2. minister indicted while in office. “ Libanonkrieg im Sommer 2006 laut geworden und JPO 30.07.08 seitdem nicht verklungen. Korruptionsvorwürfe und polizeiliche Untersuchungen haben seine Position seit Monaten weiter geschwächt. Er teilte mit, er Zwei Jahre zu spät werde sein Amt an der Regierungsspitze "Wahrscheinlich haben die Durchschnittsbürger, von niederlegen, sobald im September ein neuer denen laut letzter Umfrage nur einer von 8 Olmert Kadima-Vorsitzender gewählt sei. unterstützt, gestern verständnislos das große Getue Nun wird spekuliert, wer seine Nachfolge antritt. Als im Fernsehen angesehen und sich gefragt, was Favoriten gelten Außenministerin Livni und daran wohl neu ist. Hat irgendjemand […] denn Transport- und ehemaliger Verteidigungsminister wirklich daran geglaubt, dass Olmert bei den Mofaz. Der neue Parteichef wird Olmerts Amt als Primaries von Kadima antreten wird? […] Premierminister in einer Übergangsregierung über- Olmerts provokativer Charakter, seine Selbst- nehmen. Wenn es ihm gelingt, eine neue Koalition rechtfertigungen […], all diese Eigenschaften, die zusammenzustellen, könnte Kadima so bis zu den ihn auch auf den Sündenweg des 2. Libanonkrieges nächsten Wahlen im Frühling 2010 an der Macht geführt haben, haben ihn auch diesmal dazu bleiben. Kritik an diesem System wird in den Medien verleitet, ein Maximum an Fehlern zu begehen. Er vor allem deswegen laut, weil somit die 60,000 wird seine Tage als PM so beenden, wie er sie seit Kadima-Mitglieder, die in den anstehenden dem 12. August 2006 verbringt – einsam, gede- Vorwahlen den Parteivorsitzenden wählen, darüber mütigt, das Beispiel eines Misserfolges für entscheiden, wer Israels nächster Regierungschef Generationen nach ihm.“ wird. Ofer Sheach, MAA 31.07.08 Olmert, a dignified end Making a farce of democracy “In the end, it was a dignified acknowledgement of „Kadima is essentially a defunct political party. It an untenable reality. never really existed, but took on a virtual existence In a brief, and rather sad, address to the nation last without ever establishing a political identity when night, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert […] insisted he Ariel Sharon broke away from Likud and took with had satisfactory answers to the numerous corruption him a number of hangers-on. Its membership roll accusations that have been levelled against him, but […] has been packed with thousands of recent nonetheless bowed to the inevitable and signaled recruits, many of whom have no connection with the the end of his hold on power. […] He did refer to party and no intention of voting for it in the next relentless attacks upon him, from his very first days Knesset election. But they will participate in the 1 primary election that Kadima candidates insist will not ready to be a prime minister. She hasn't proven determine who the next prime minister of Israel will herself yet. […] be. That is making a farce of democracy. […] When faced with the choice between Livni and So who are these candidates who insist that they Mofaz the latter is the one who is worthier, more have the qualifications to be Israel's next prime level-headed, more experience, and the person who minister? They are, all four of them, Olmert's would make Israelis feel safer. […] There is cohorts, who participated in the decisions that led to something moral and precise about him. He is very Israel's defeat in the Second Lebanon War, and level-headed, as if he belongs to a different era of stood by him when the full measure of the fiasco leaders. He is less about the media, doesn't know had already become clear.” that much about spins, he's modest, and very to-the- Moshe Arens, HAA 05.08.09 point. I can't remember him ever yelling or uttering silly words. […] “ Kadima, unvarnished Hanoch Daum, JED 09.08.08 “With Prime Minister Ehud Olmert set to step down as party leader, the spotlight focuses on Kadima's Netanyahu the devil September primary race - the assumption being that “In any proper country Mofaz woud have long ago the victor will form a new coalition. been delegitimized because of responsibility for Will Olmert be replaced by Foreign Minister Tzipi what are considered war crimes elsewhere in the Livni, Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, Public world. If he is elected prime minister, he will not be Security Minister Avi Dichter or Interior Minister Meir able to visit certain countries for fear of being Sheetrit? […] arrested. Neither has anyone settled accounts with The polls show Livni as being highly popular with the him over his part in the IDF’s unpreparedness for general electorate, though Mofaz appears to have the last war. But [supposedly] even Mofaz is not as the stronger party campaign apparatus. […] frightening as Netanyahu.” The stability of Israel's political system has always Gideon Levy, HAA 10.08.08 depended on which party leader can muster 61 Knesset seats - and not on how she or he got to be 2. Olmerts Vorschlag für ein party leader. […] Friedensabkommen Of course, what Israel really needs is an overhaul of the electoral system - perhaps some creative In der zweiten Augustwoche präsentierte Israels combination of direct election by district and Premierminister Olmert dem palästinensischen proportional representation, with a relatively high Präsidenten Abbas einen umfassenden Vorschlag threshold. […] für ein Friedensabkommen. In diesem ist Israels With polls showing that 53 percent of Israelis want Annektierung der großen Siedlungsblöcke im new elections, it is too bad that Kadima's 72,000- Westjordanland im Austausch gegen Land im Negev strong membership […] will likely decide who vorgesehen, sowie freier Durchgang vom becomes Israel's next prime minister. Westjordanland zum Gazastreifen, die At the very least, however, Livni, Mofaz, Dichter and Entmilitarisierung des palästinensischen Staates Sheetrit would do the country a service by und die Rückkehr der palästinensischen Flüchtlinge publishing substantive position papers instead of in einen zukünftigen palästinensischen Staat. snipping at each other.“ Außerdem wurde in den Medien berichtet, Olmert JPO 07.08.08 habe zugesagt, dass eine geringe Zahl von Flüchtlingen im Rahmen von Don’t vote for Livni Familienzusammenführungen nach Israel zurück- “[A]s a former [Kadima] voter and Israeli citizen at kehren könne. Diese Aussage wurde jedoch present, I feel I have the right to turn to you ahead of dementiert. the fateful primaries that are just around the corner. I Die palästinensische Seite wies den Vorschlag, der ask one thing of you: Weigh your vote carefully. […] die Diskussion um Jerusalem auf einen späteren In the name of everything that matters in this country Zeitpunkt verschiebt, als unakzeptabel zurück. I ask you not to vote for Tzipi Livni. Don't take this Auch in den israelischen Medien wurde der risk. Don't make us, at such sensitive junction, put Vorschlag mit Skepsis betrachtet. Da Olmert kaum up with such inexperienced leadership. Livni is still Rückhalt in der Bevölkerung hat und seine Tage im Amt gezählt sind, werden seine Friedens- 2 bemühungen oftmals als Versuch betrachtet von Mahmoud Abbas Israel's detailed proposal for a seinen Fehlern abzulenken. ‘shelf agreement.’ […] By Tuesday night, however, Abbas spokesman Painful historic miss Nabil Abu Rudeineh provided the Palestinian "At the dusk of his term, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert response: ‘The Israeli proposal is unacceptable. […] is offering Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a The Palestinian people will agree to a state with 'shelf agreement' on borders, refugees and security territorial contiguity only in a way that includes arrangements. […] It would also allow him to leave Jerusalem as its capital.’ […] behind a foreign affairs legacy, rather than be Beyond the intriguing question of why the story was remembered as the prime minister who had to step leaked by the Israeli side, what impresses is how down as a criminal suspect. faithfully and unwaveringly Erekat and Abu Olmert's offer […] is almost an exact replica of the Rudeineh adhere to the Palestinian line. They ideas discussed eight years ago, at the end of the demand an Israeli withdrawal to the June 4, 1967 Barak and Clinton administrations. This similarity boundaries […]. can be seen as an expression of a painful, historic By contrast, to this day Israel has yet to officially missed opportunity. After all the deaths and declare which territories it insists on retaining in any bloodshed, the parties are returning to the exact deal with the Palestinians. This black hole in Israeli same place and facing the same difficulties in diplomacy explains why international public opinion coming to a decision. believes, wrongly, that Israel should be, and even There are a few important differences, however […]. would be, prepared to withdraw to the 1967 Olmert tried to learn from Barak's bitter experience "borders" assuming the details can be worked out. It and adapted his offer to the political capacity of his will be an uphill battle to disabuse the world of the coalition. Under pressure from Shas, Olmert decided notion that Israel can safely return to the to put off the discussion on Jerusalem. […] indefensible 1949 Armistice Lines - and to make a On the Palestinian side, the negotiations are being clear and unequivocal case for the borders the conducted by a weak leader who lacks the power Jewish state can live with.
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