Bangor Public Library Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl Bangor High School Yearbooks Bangor High School 1943 The Oracle, 1943 Bangor High School Follow this and additional works at: https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/bhs_yearbooks Recommended Citation Bangor High School, "The Oracle, 1943" (1943). Bangor High School Yearbooks. 5. https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/bhs_yearbooks/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Bangor High School at Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bangor High School Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FOREWORD ERHAPS the ejaculation best remembered by the 1942-1943 Oracle Staff P will be: "But thi is war!" Despite limitations, priorities, and cuts, the board has managed to put out consistently improved issues. Evermindful of its obligation as representative and biographer of the School, the Oracle has tried to mirror back the students to themselves and to record faithfully their activities. Increasingly favorable com­ ments from the National Scholastic Press Association and from other sources have encouraged the efforts of the staff. An original assembly play was a lively lead for the fall subscription campaign which was highly successful in spite of decreased enrollment. That this is war has been especi~ lly evident in the shifted schedule, the short­ ened meetings, the doubled duties of the staff members Students with the will and ability to produce ideas and material for the Oracle simply have not. had the time. Or when there has been tin1e and talent, they have not been utilized be­ cause of wartime restrictions on printers' and engravers' equipment. Now when so many school organizations are closing shop until the war is ended, the Oracle cannot, must not be classed among those for whom it is better to lie dormant for the duration. Vital for its historical value as well as its literary, this student magazine should be the last to be sacrificed. The school in war can be preserved for suc­ ceeding Bangor High students no more permanently than in these pages. And when war clouds and government priorities have lifted, the Oracle will begin to realize its many pos~;ibi li ties: photographic covers; a consistent, Oracle-style type of column head; - "bleeding off" fashion pictures and others. These andmorethe Oracle so wanted to see in actuality this year. But it would seem that this pleasure was not for 1943, but the happy prospect of some future year. As the Oracle launches into its second half-century, it wishes to express appre­ ciation to its advertisers for their continued support in spite of wartime budgets; to Mr. Frederick Pinkham and the typing classes; to the good will and the good work of Jordan-Frost printers, and to the many teachers and studentf' who have shown ready and able cooperation during this first full year of World War II. VICTORY * by Marydel Cool1:dge No gleaming wealth or wit can gain An easy access to her door; Success lies not in luxury, Nor does she crown the brow of war. The ring of Victory does not lurk In leisure's laugh or battle's cry; Her voice is shrill where hammers clang, Machines go mad, and splinters fly. The mettle in the man outweighs The metal that his guiles beget; The stnff of which success is made Is blood and tears and honest sweat. l ' • 3Jn Jmemoriam CARLETON ORR '39 GARLAND STRANG '41 EDWARD CHISHOLM '18 Bangor High School Casualties of World War II December 7, 1941 -- June 1943 - ~ . , ---- -- - -----·----- - CONTENTS DEDICATION SENIORS ESSAYS ACTIVITIES ADVERTISING ========~ 1943 ========~ DEDICATION HE thoughts of youth in 1943 are inevitably thoughts of war. T No one can remain untouched by the human tragedy that is war. With awful intonations it announces sorrow, suffering, death to supposedly civilized peoples- grown selfish in their civiliza­ tion. Comrades and counselors of youth are caught in the clutches of conflict. No wonder the future twists itself into an overwhelming question mark, and youth is asking, "Why war? What is civiliza­ tion? Where is God?" To us at Bangor High School, the induction of friends and teach­ ers, the progress of their training, their promotions, word of honors won and lives lost, bring home the war. Many of us are soon to join their ranks. Our eyes and hopes are fixed upon them whose lot is service to the nation. Some will return; some we shall never see again. But it is to them that we, the youth of 1943, can look for the answer to our questions. In a spirit not so much of dedication as of prayer, we pay tribute to the men and women, boys and girls, who have gone forth from Bangor High School in the services of their country. We pray that we may find strength to stand firm and true behind them ever ~' minute of the way. I Pledge of Allegiance "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the R epublic for wbicb it stands, one N ation indivisible, witb liberty and justice for all." Medal Winners m BARBARA MILLS Gmduation Essay ROBERT B ERRY Gmduation Essay w RuTH FAIRLEY Junior Exhibition • Senior Class Officers w RoBINSON SPEIRS President RoBERT BABCOCK ELIZABETHlHrGGINS Vice-President Secretary w [___ RoBERT DAIGLE Treasurer Ul TASK WITHOUT VISION ·Is DRUDGERY ~VISION WITHOUT A TASK IS A DREAM ~TASK WITH VISION IS VICTORY CLASS OF NINETEEN FORTY-THREE Ambrose, M. Joan "Joanie," "Yonnie" Course: College Preparatory Ambition: Dietitian Destination in 1943-44: Jackson College Activities: Student Council (2,3) ; G. A. H. C. (2,3,4); Dramatic Club (3, 4); Dramatic Club Work Shop (2) ; Public Affairs Club (4) ; Latin Club (3, 4); Jr. Ex­ hibition (3) ; Jr. Chorus (3); Debate Club (2, 3, 4); Snapdragons (1); Girls' H ockey (1, 2, 3, 4); Girls' Tennis (1); All-Bangor H ockey Team. Archer, Jeanne M. Course: College Pr~paratory Ambition: make my own living Destination in 1943-44: undecided Activities: Glee Club (1); G. A. H. C. (4); Dramatic Club (1, 2); Public Affairs Club (3, 4); Latin Club (2) ; .Jr. Chorus (3) ; Debate Club (2); Snapdragons (1); Girls' H ockey (2, 3, 4) ; All-Bangor Hockey Team (4) ; Girls' Basketball (1, 2, 4); Girls' Tennis (1); Cheer Leaders (4). 4 Arnold, Gertrude ''Gertie" Course: Commercial Ambition: Nurse Destination in 1943-44: Planning to go to Augusta General H ospital Activities: Public Affairs Club (2) ; J r. Chorus (3) ; Mineral Club, Sec. & Treas. (2). Babcock, Roland ''Rollie" Course: College Preparatory Ambition: Engineer Destination in 1943-44: U. of M. Activities: B-Club (3, 4), Vice-President (4); Jr. Chorus (3); Class Officer (2, 3, 4), Vice-President (2), Treasurer (3), Vice-President (4); Baseball (1); Boys' Basketball (1, 2, 3); Football (1, 2, 3, 4). Bailey, DoJtald Hall " Don" Course: Industrial Ambition: Mechanical Engineer Destination in 1943-44: U. S. Marine Corps Officers' Candidate School Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); Track (2); Officers' Club (4). Bailey, Patricia "Pat" Course: General Ambition: To do for others- in the religious line Destination in 1943-44: Uncertain Activities: Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Debate Club (4); Festival Chorus (1, 2, 3); Symphony, Song, and Dance (3). 10 ORACLE Ballou, John "Johnny," "J. Waldo," "J. Barrymore" Course: College Preparatory Ambition: To own a Cadillac Destination in 1943-44: U. S. Army, mais oui! Activities: Student Council(4), President; B-Club (4); Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4), Secretary (3), President (4); Dramatic Club Work Shop (1); Public Affairs Club (3); Latin Club (2, 3), Quaestor (3); Oracle Board (1, 2, 3, 4), Business Mgr. (4); Jr. Exhibition, Honorable Men­ tion (3); Jr. Chorus (3); Debate Club (1); Fish and Game Club (3); Baseball Manager (1); Football (2, 3, 4), Manager (4); Nat'! Honor Society, V. Pres. (3, 4); Officers' Club (4). Banton, John "Jack," "Johnny" Course: General Ambition: To be a Mechanical Engineer Destination in 1943-44: Navy and Tokyo Activities: Band (2, 3); Rifle Club (3); B-Club (4); Special Platoon; Cross Country (3); Football (1); Offi­ ·cers' Club (4); Jr. Chorus (3); Debate Club (3, 4). Bateman, Thelma "Tootie" Course: Distributive Education Ambition: To become a good dancer Destination in 1943-44: To work in F. W. Wool­ worth's Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (1). Beatham, Avis Course: Distributive Education Ambition: Sales clerk; to join the SPARS Destination in 1943-44: Unknown Activities: Jr. Exhibition (3); Debate Club (2, 3, 4); Snapdragons (1). ~ Bell, Gerald ''Bell" Course: General Ambition: ? Destination in 1943-44: Army Bell, Rena ''Reenie" Course: College Preparatory Ambition: To be a corporation lawyer Destination in 1943-44: Maine, I hope Activities: Orchestra (2, 3, 4); Glee Club (1, 2, 3) ( Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Dramatic Club (4J; Dra­ matic Club Work Shop (2, 3); Debate Club (2, 3); Snap­ dragons (1); Freshman Class debater (1); Festival Chor­ us (1, 2, 3, 4); Symphony, Song and Dance (3); Girls' Hockey (2); Girls' Basketball (1); Tournament debates (2, 3); Christmas Pageants (2, 3); United Nations Pro­ gram (4); 2nd Place in Rummage Sale Contest (3). Berry, Robert' "Bob," "Blue Eyes" Course: College Preparatory Ambition: To win the Yo-yo championship from Mr. Heal Destination in 1943-44: West Point Activities: First Corps Area Winning Team (4); Rifle Club (4); B-Club (3, 4); Dramatic Club (4); Public Affairs Club (3); Oracle Board (4); Jr. Exhibition (3); Jr. Chorus (3); Debate Club (2); Bowdoin Interschol­ astics, 1942; "Heroes Limited" (4); Track (2, 3, 4); Cross Country (3, 4); Nat'! Honor Society (3, 4); Offi­ cers' Club (4); T.
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