THE ASMSU October 25, 2007 • Vol. 102, Issue 10 BLACK BOX THE ELLEN 5 MUSIC VENUE? MSU COUNSELING NEW TO MSU v1u mav •• ellglllle fer a cllnlcal researeh studV sp1ns1red 11v • •h1rm1ceut1cal cem11anv. HEY YOU! Qualified participants must: Have a 6 month history of pusistent asthma YEAH YOU ... • Be 12 years or older. • Use ~ inhaled steroid medication at least -' weeks More than ants love prior to first visit. a discarded popsicle • Be a non-smoker at least twelve months prior to first visit. on a sidewalk, the ASMSU Exponent Qualified participants will receive: LOVES feedback! Investigational inhaler with study medication or placebo (an inactive substance) Study related medical exams and lab tests Please send your • Compensation for their participation rants, raves, To foul out ifyou 11uzy qualifY, please call and heartfelt expressions of your 406-585-2444 undying love to ALAN A WANDERER M.D. letters@exponent. ALLERGY &ASTHMA CONSULTANTS OF MONTANA. PLLC montana.edu 2015 Charlotte Street, Suite 1 • Bozeman, l\IT 59718 $ $ masthead THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY: $ ...!l_ $~UDENT ADVOCATES ·rFOR FINANCIAL EDUCATION FINANCIAL TIP OF THE WEEK MANAGEMENT EDITORIAL . ONLINE SHOPPING ADVISOR NEWS EDITOR Bill Wilke Lacey Gray Shop Wisely Know Your Big.ht:s s Comp.m· Pncn 011/mc .ind Loe.ii EDITOR-IN-CHIEF STATIC EDITOR $ Amanda Larrinaga $ R cad rhc Fmc Re.id rb,• Produa Dc.,cnpnon C1rdul/1· Scott Obemesser Pnnr $ C71eck !Jcltl'cn· lJ.uc.> • $ MANAGING EDITOR DISTRACTIONS EDITOR $ RtTICW JU Protecr } our Pn1 •l<T Kelsey Dzintars Emma Lynn rI '.i1T:J11r1e> ercr l:-m.:u! personal or financial mformation $ PL1ei' Order.• on .J 5ixurc Sc·l1"cr. ART DEPARTMENT $ C.irdull,1 Re.id REC[REATION] EDITOR Look for an icon of an unbroken kc\' or a lock PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR rhcRc/Und Kim Krieger chat\ do~cd, golden or glowmg ' Annie Backenstose and Return $ Guard }c}LJr 011/mc P.?.\.>fl'Ord COPY EDITOR Polr9· $ PJ_1· 111tb .1 Crcdrr C.ird. nor i1 Debrr C1rd GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Erica Aytes $ Check for Ar~r Drlm Cards prondc direct lmks to bank Felicia Reynolds, Chelsea McKenna uiw1thonzed account and financial mformanon. CONTRIBUTORS ADVERTISING & BUSINESS Charges s Prrnr .md S.1n• All R.t-cords ofOnlmc Tran'iJcnons Sarah Hanen-Bauer, Ryan Victor, • AD SALES MANAGER Dalke, Matt Smith, Brandon French Eric Newman Erica Killham, Rune VanderWey I~ J1ldtt 111tonn.anon "''rit~ ell<' S \11 ~lffi": ~06 '->')4 ..-12J ,,r C'~1Ntl 'Qlc(a1tl(mt.i.ru.cdu AD SALES REPRESENTATIVES ~ "-"-m.t: w·"" .tt.(.11 n\ lbq11 p,,nltn~./pub•Jalrn•../rt;ubln.hun. ww" .Cun,tnn('rRcpon ... uri Kindra Bragg, Alex Yudell, ' •\Fl I>. r""'"' fonJcJ bj .\l.. cun• Suu Ulll'<T>IO e. • gmu hum the Stud<iu A '"Un(C hllmd.111on THE ASMSU EXPONENT Owen Halligan Strand Union Building Room 305 Bozeman, MT 59715 MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES $ Phone: (4061 994-2224 $ Nate Byrne, Hannah Pauli $ ed1torraexponent.montana.edu $ $ THEASMSU t ABOUT arTHE ti s t Cale Hofferber Photography has been an interest expQ,~~~ of Cale's since elementary school. Be­ 2 fore he had a camera he would search Every revolution has its counterrevolution - that is a sign the through stacks of old National Geo­ revolution is for real. graphic and Time magazines tearing -C. Wright Mills out the photo's he liked. In sixth grade he received a camera on loan from one of his father's friends and that's when photography became a passion. Since then he's stopped terrorizing his family's magazine collec­ TABLE OF CONTEN 3 YO AR RE tion and started creating his own photographs, a much more rewarding pursuit. When he's not in the darkroom Cale can be found funning and biking in the mountains. N SS IFE S DO N ARD SPIRAL Even though he enjoys the Gatlatm Valley where he grew Feeling stressed or depressed? RYAN V1CTOR provides the 411 on up, he also relishes the sights and eJ...'Periences had on several MSU's Counseling Services. Believe 1t or not. they CAN help recent trips abroad. He hopes to do more traveling and pho­ tographing after he graduates this spring. 6 NEWS FEED 7 PRO PUBLICA ABOUlTHE Investigative journalism gains real power in exposing White House exit gallery Scandals in this new non-profit organization. MATI SMITH 8 SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Cale Hofferber will be exhibiting his work in the If you've ever wished you were a Jed. BRANDON FRENCH has the ASMSU Arts and Exhibits Exit Gallery from October technology for you. 22 to November 2. The title of the exhibit is "Palimp­ sest - Examining the Layers." The reception is Mon­ 9 EXPO BOARD day, October 29, s to 7 p.m. in the Exit Gallery Located in SUB io6e (on the ist floor of the SUB 10 THE BOZEMAN BIKE K N directly underneath ist Interstate Bank) Newwest.net writer ALISON GREY discusses Bozeman·s hub for bike Hours of operation: Mon. through Fri. 9 a.m. to S enthusiasts. p.m. Contact information: DISTRACTIONS 11 WORD ON THE STREET Brooke Tummel ASMSU Arts and Exhibits Director 12 SPOTLIGHT, MOVIE TIMES exhibitsramontana.edu 406. 994.1828 13 BLA SARAH HANEN-BAUER gets on her Texas twang in a preview of the first productions to be held in MSU's new blackbox theater. boilerplate 14 DS The ASMSU Exponent prints EDITORIAL DEADLINE: If you prefer films that mess with your psyche, possibly requiring years approximately 5,000 copies Monday at hve p.m. prior to of therapy. rather than your typical blood and guts slasher film. check every Thursday and 1s free of publication date. charge at nearly 65 locations. out EMMA LYN N's top 5 REAL horror films. limited one per reader. Addi­ SALES DEADLINE: tional copies of the current is­ Friday at five p.m. prior to sue of The ASMSU Exponent publication date. Deadline 15 LIVE CHICKEN IN BOBCAT GRILLE? may be purchased for $1 .00, may shift at the discretion of payable in advance. the Editor-in-Chief. Newwest.net writer ALISON GREY gets the dish on the chicken who TO CONTACT US: Introduced in 1895, The crossed the road to the Bobcat Grille. S1gh ...only in Montana. The ASMSU Exponent office 1s ASMSU Exponent is the old­ located on the MSU campus est college newspaper in the state of Montana. Origi­ 305 Strand Union Building nally introduced as ·a way REC[REATION] 16 FROM THE SIDELINE Bozeman. MT 59717 to increase college spirit at KIM KRIEGER pays tribute to the achievements of Special Olympian. Phone: [406)994-2224 Montana State ... exponen­ t1ally" Julie Bertelson. Fax: 1406) 994 -2253 Email: editor0exponent.montana.edu The 2007-2008 academic Web: exponent.montana.edu year marks The Exponent's 17 BOBCAT PREVIEW 112th year of publication. ERICA KILLHAM gives us the lowdown on whafs up and coming in Bobcat Athletics. Printed on recycled newsprint with 18 THE VANDER WAY soy-based inks. Wierd Al deserves better! RUNE VAN DER WAY proposes the Ellen as Do your part! Please share this Bozeman·s solution to lack of music venues. Rock on. publication with friends and recycle when you've fully exhausted the 19 THE BEAT ASMSU Exponent. 1(1<C Male a.nd refl?ale &i~/1".sh Bu/ldo3s ,PL.t,P,Ples C¥a..ila6/e.' !he.Se Pu,P,Ples are rife J(e3lstered, /A.Xt.h ChOfr?,PJ.C>n Blood/;nes Hnd Cofr?e with r{ Ped1jree, M/croehij;, Vet Checf tJ;th 'I/ea.Ith Certl.f?cc;te, H ()ne_ Yee¢- Guc-<rC</?tee r/3a./nst Con3en/ta/ J:>ef"eets, And 411 Shots And Wor/'Y/er. !he ,PU,P,P;e-5 CiJ/wla..6/e no1A..J are ./f 500 ea.ch. Mrs Lc..sso;i Pet Store BER 25, 2007 I THE ASMSU EXPONENT NEWS 5 EWS to be seen right away? that their counselor was competent I'm not depressed or suicidal; Actually, Dr. Brian Kassar, outreach and helpful. their services won't work for me. coordinator of the MSU Counseling The counseling center is equipped Center says "if you call in for an intake, I need meds. The counseling ser­ to deal with all kinds of problems, not > school starting to suck? Did your you'll typically get an appointment vices' aren't enough. I need to go off just the ones you hear about involv­ or man just dump you? Perhaps within the week." If the situation is campus. ing hurting themselves. "The counsel­ e just feeling down about life and more urgent, clients can even schedule It's true that the counseling ser­ ing center has a group session called like making a few bad decisions? an appointment that day. Once some­ vices only offer counseling. However, if the "Myspace" Group where people it looks like you can put down the one has an intake, sessions are typically you're in need of anti-depressants, anti­ can come in and work through some .e, the needle, the razor blade or held once a week. If group therapy with anxiety or other psychotropic medica­ interpersonal issues," said Dr. Kassar. tever your tool of self-destruction your peers is more your thing, all you tion, the counseling services can be It helps just being able to talk to other 1ecause there is help out there. have to do is go to counseling services used in conjunction with the student people about what's going on with you. r's Counseling & Psychological Ser­ and talk to a group leader so they can health services physicians enabling you s offers free and confidential coun­ figure out which group is best fitting for to receive medication alongside coun­ Sometimes you can get through your .g to MSU Students.
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