m, ... ; , AV . .. - - - TUB PACIFIC y 1 Pai COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, . p. bI imbed Every Tbarsday Meralag, at Six IS - Delia? per A aaaaa. PrmU la Ailfaaw. OUtaartoa, faneral tnritatioia and neOoaa or rnmiailnatiai rapera sent to California, and the United State, wTO be T fiu iateaded ooljr to beaeat aa indiridaai't 'miaul, will be cbMa M adTerUaraaeota. AH oca paper will hare Aniericarioatage anctnq. Adrarttoemeata displayed in larger type lhaa oeuaL are aab - 'flr Y-- which vol prevent any American postage bein? jeet an heavier tlmgte. - - CTftwberrtption to the CanearcUl AdTtiUaa iMaMa aw VAJUABLT . Vn Tahiti. th Colonin. China, and other narta r.f W ADVASCa. ....... , , ..... t7Ke' transient drertismean win b Inaerted,' ; caiaM rfa V the ""V Vreceiv the paper for 00 per annum. rant. - . ,. Rate. " C3 CoitevpiHvleast&tiBiall parta of the PaeM win always l AT V be very aooeptabie. .; , ..... , I v . 'I rantnuMBTS will a nuic ;.: ,y ,4 . f naaient ad vwiBiVs (Bm insertion) per line Octs. V (Each do. a. ,01 . ' COMMERCIAL PRINT1NC OFFICK. caraa, (not exeewrti. vs) per annum y ii in pi bi in ii ni in i . ' (Each arfdkfoc, e) jv: h k D Payable alr?w. vdvaDce. j-- t ' BOOK AKD JOB ' It tdvta (nH exceeding 10 lineaV ) Cm Insertion PRINTING BOOKS, . A BILLS OF BXCHAirax, LT Acvcbtbibs will be ehargeu 'He folkra ing rat CATALOGUES, BILLS OF LADING, payaoie at tne eoa or each i"n. ati -- BILL HKADS, ' CONSULAR ELAIHCJ'. P jo square (ar twenty BnenJ per"aoarter 5 . CIRCULARS, - BLAHK DLKES, . roce-mar- tn of a column Mr Quarter - Sl-- . --J V.. s AUCTION BILLS, . - HAND BILLS. r one--r. a it or a column Tier aiarter - . X20 PAMPHLETS. SHOP BILLS Niwhole column per quarter TT TTSITING, BUSINESS, AND ADDRESS CASJiS wiu oe . printed on a "Yankee Card ia hlgneat styl of luicniKnKu inserted tot km than 60 Prw."- tbs tas I art. r .. - . :;. ' " Mr f ? i u n WEEKLY BT Tad-a TaT af VV -- V V A VB H XT FT TaC Commercial Advertiser. 1 oaa n.rnfaif V2 m. Wna .a. a.w a a a ilk HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, OCTOBER 29, 1857. TOL.1I, Ke. 18." t WUOLS ' lO. Foreign Sammary. ft. easiness. Sasiittss (Curbs. gousts anb faults. cforcijjn ,ar&s. clLubfilistiiTxals. So universal has been stock speculation in New "PIPBCTED PER MANTILLA," - FROM York that many merchants are injured by it. Capi Bremen, das bere tbe end of this month, and tar aajs ty AGENT ' 1 now A. P. EVERETT, FOR THE TO LET, XI. the undersigned talists refuse to lend, not knowing whom to trust. WITI. KELLY, ' fancy ' Bales smb. earnbrie aanrtrls, VU - XtwTark Board of Underwriters. THE TWO STORES 'XOW BEING Bales prints l feopie in regular business are therefore much etn- - Al.Ul31l MEKCHAKf- The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Marten, erected in Fort street, bwtweeo King and. Merchant sts. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, do mourning do do table tinea " .1 ,. .l.-.- , 1 vi.-.-2 ja. :r..nni.),.r.An l. Corner of Queen and Xauann streeU, Honolulu, Parties wishing to lease can have them fitted to do Unen tape, do ' wj liiv VI vine 9V II UU A1A, V lull II. c, that he has been duly appointed M Agent for the suit bv TAHITI, FOR THE FAIaIi SEASON. do of Madapotamf thread Iriot ' New Vork Board of Underwriter. early application. For terms, please apply to do of uperior shirting do , Water's bestttaL-eer- l with tlieir credit. 64-- Win supply slilis with provisions, money rWMIE REFERENCES. 13-- lj ALEX. CAETIVRIGHT. tf B. F. 8NOW. Ac, and advance on SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE do printed jaconets spool cottoo ' V J. terms tor on 43-l-y JL the cargo of the American ship JOHN GILPIN, from - Wuaixus Signals. The Messrs. Tabers & Co. Measra. Fampsox k Tafpax, - Boston. lavoraoie onis tne li mted states. do Victoria lawn do wp. wluts flannel Boston, now lanuing. -- , . ... litLo-graph- E. D. Co., do jacoosts It mull muslin do thibst ic Bricham Te just published a large and harrdsome M AGENT FOR FOR SALE OK LEASE. DRY GOODS. table-eov- sr Bert. Ea, Kbits 4c Hill, THE do Swiss muslin and robs do , ptd. wooka engraving, comprising upon one sheet' the Honolulu, 1857. Liverpool THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS W. IlfJTfiER, Bales Pearl River Denims, 28 Inch, do book muslin do tafeta. oiled silk July 1, Underwriter Association. Bere-ten- s Dwelling House, situated on corner of ia Bales ticking. signals of all whaling essels, belonging undersigned begs leave to notify Ship owners, the Fort and CUSTOM HOUSE At COMMISSION AGENT do bishop's lawn do wh. sUk oam.hdkfkwkh rivate to., Merchants streets, at present occupied by Dr. Geo. A. Lathron. Cases blue cottons, " ' . .ana Mitp masters, he received the MANG0NUT, NEW ZEALAND. do tinea, moleskin fancy this port. been prepared with much care, R. COADY&CO., that has appointment ol Possession given 1st 1853. -- btrds. 0 It has Jan., Bales gunny bags, . aavtd KiiKM llanus for the LIVERPOOL UNDER ' XT Shipping supplied or the most reasonable terms. do linen drill do ladle velia, aaal. Tad . shipping and Commission Merchant, Hoonlulu, 8. I. luwi Apply to Lat. Cases blue include all recent changes and additions to the, EH 85-ft- 173-38.- drills, . black quitt . ill AdSOCLATlON. 65-t- . long. do do handkerchief , do ' l-- f CUAS. BREWER, 2d. 4My Bales brown cottons, Itsent time. .V. B. Jftrcvry. ' REFERENCES. tf ROBERT C. ANION. do cambric do do scarlet an bine tilt nfcsf J 2 - " -- Trusses bags, and bushels). do somearpefa - . Steasrc. GaisseLL, Mi Co., - New York. D. C. MCBCEB. M KB li do lawn do 1 stub C. BILL. , ; Sheixcage op Shippiso. The Boston Traveller & t I TO RENT. t. Bales bagging, gentleman Wiv.kts Co., " 3ENT Cases spool White and black silk gloves, far ladle and legs Fabmj At ....- FOR LLOYD'S cotton. sltjeves Co., San Francisco. Sc ( Kates that a ship was built in that vicinity then Wslls, bejrs to ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY HIcItVER MERRILL, Cases blue cotton Silk and mohair mils, embroidered and collar, Alkop a: Co., - Valparaiso. The nndersl notify to Merchant, Ship owru:rs and ACRES, more or less, of rich Land, well adnwted for " thread. kid gloves, ca assorted silk o years ago, registered 1402 tons. Since then she SbinmV mat ne pas receivel appointment ot Vane, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bracelet, coifure, . Co., - - Melbourne. the wheat irrowlnir and r surar at Nawiliwili. Kauni. BOOTS AND SHOES. " Mul-ue- , s a.f. Ibais f ' - ' Case asstd trimming eords and buttons Liverpool and Calcutta, and was 'A '. .' t ' IiUinds ft LLOYD'S LON DOS. lying one Cases - ' 1 - us been to Bajuso Buotuecs A: Co., - - London. mile from the beach, and at a considerable elevation dorr's wabebocsb, native women's shoes, Woolen and cotton fringes, black mantillas . dia-jbver- ROBERT ' w ' ' " ' leasured few since, when was ed juiy C. JANI0S. aimve the sea. Nos. 47 and 49 California street, men's kip brogans, v -- : 'V , , again ft d?ys it " "Exchange m w j Case assorted atockinrs, do sock t : fur sate on the United States and Europe. fait of the tract is well watered, and the whole it goat Children' sock and sxickinrs, silk sad wool undeaahlrtt that she had shrunk nearly 120 tons. Loss Honolulu, July 1, Jyl-t- of SAN u .' 156. f ERX ASSl'RAXCE COM PA- - Tbe dwelling aud ot. are all in thorough FRANCISCO. "calf Ladle riding hat (great variety), Auaconla bats . o owners, at the rate of 00 per ton, about M. ny, (establishes. Soo.) lor Fire and Life Assurance at . - u her repair. REFER TO " enamelled ChikUeu' gt, woolen cord and tassel . , C. vVATEUMAN, Dome and abroad. For terms. Apply to t pat, strap heel pumps, 17000. DANIEL Capt. James Makee, Honolulu; Capt. D. C. Waterman, Artificial flowers, gnat variety - ' ' Capital 259,7GO, Slrrlinsr. 65-- tf W. FIELD, boy's French ties, . B. Honolulu. cs, 14-o- m English tor ladles geatfcmea ' COMMISSION MERCHANT, nndersigued has Mippointea uuuoiuiu i aiessrs. oilman .o.t silk umbrellas, and j SrBrr from Chinese Sobchcm Among the arti-- Tbe Aent lor tne iandwicu youth's " " . , Very superior Dcrtmonnaies and ladiea' nucsisrie - Superintends the outfitting of vessels from this port, to tlie Islands. UKT CHEdiilHE JAMON. - opera recent Fair at San Jose was TO LET. " men's slips, Ladies' fancy no paper and eovelojies . v i jlea on exhibitiou at the shipment of oil and bone, Jid negotiates whalemen's tf. Honolulu. ,' at n. A. OWEHS, " " paU sewed French ties. Ladies' iinmitatioo combs, do asstd naeoos manu-- THE FOLLOWING OFFICES AND 'P. &P. 44 i ?ar of syrup, of excellent quality and flavor, drafts, Ac. tjj'l riuoais, in the brick hmlduig, corner of Vtueen and IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Congress gaiters, Black cloth pants, do buckskin panto, fancy do do by wo. lowle, or canta Iroru ine jit:ri.Kt..tLa. generally " lasting cotton pants .( . Jactured tiara, - w & to-- , KRITLL MOLL, Kaahumanu streets, known as the Makee k u Large assortment of different qualities Mr. Towle informs San Messrs. Mobcas, Hat Hi at, San Francwoo. Authoa building, ; S C IX IV " thick welted boots. woolen Chinese sugar millet. the JlAroXDBAT - vis. : II I P A D L E It Large assortment of half pants s the-millet- J: Agents of the Hamburg and LubT Underwriters, Honolulu, - r, . The second floor, at present occupied hy Dan. C. Waterman, ., ..,. Assorted cravats, black satin vesta, wbme piqus do Jcse Telegraph that he cut a hundred stalks of - O. R. & Co., - Sew Bedford. I. jhoo-!--- 01, Frost Street, GROCERIES, fee ' Gust Oahu.ll.
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