j -9. rV t. 11) 1 * f * *r Welcome Home! Comprehensive Program of CCD f . Will Be Set Up in Archdiocese Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Naming of Lay Parish Boards Contents Copyright by the Catholic Pre.ss Society, Inc., 1954— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue To Be First Step; Forming of Parent-Educator Units Next DENVER a m a ic By R ev. R obert E. K ekeisen Second only to the parochial school system itself, the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine’s program of religions instruction is the most vital edu­ cational work in the Denver Pi’ovince. REGISTER Archbishop Urban J, Vehr of Denver made this statement at the prov­ ince’s .second CCD Priests’ Institute, held at St. Francis de Sales’ High VOL. L. No. 10. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1954 DENVER, COLORADO School, Denver. Just returned' from his ad limina visit to Rome, enne, and Charles Quinn, C.M., of the Archbishop attended, the ses­ St. Thomas’ Seminary, honored sions of the institute. the CCD sessions. Father John E. Over 100 Alumni The most immediate effect of Kelly of Washington, D. C., as­ the institute, the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ sistant national CCD direaor, gnor Gregory Smith, V.G., arch­ represented the national center. III Return for diocesan CCD director, reported, Two CCD experts came from will be the selection in the next the Midwest to address the priests two weeks of lay board members on the organizations they directjn Seminary Meet their own dioceses. Tliey are Fa­ in the individual parishes. Some 100 priest-gradu­ thers Michael McAuliffe of Kan- Parish Board ates of St. Thomas’ Semi­ .sas City, Mo., a n d Aloysius Is Initial Step nary, Denver, are expected Schwellenbach of Springfield, 111. The formation of the parish at the annual meeting of the boards. Monsignor Smith ex­ A large representation of alumni association 'Wednes­ The clergy, religious, and laily of ihc Archdiocese of Denver plained, is the initial step in the priests from the Dioceses of Chey­ unite in welcome to Archbishitp Urban J. Vehr, shown above, after day and Thursday, Oct. 27 and ho stepped off the train in Denver Oct. 15 on his return home from organization of the comprehen­ enne and Pueblo, as well as the 28; his od limina visit to Rome. Archbishop Vehr left Denve/ Sept. 2. sive CCD program. The board Denver Archdiocese, attended the Highlight of the event will be (R egister photo by Turilli) members, given well-defined du­ institute. a Solemn Pontifical Mass cele­ ties by the CCD parish Manual, brated by Archbishop Urban J. Archbishop Vehr to Officiate Vehr at 10 a.m. Oct. 28 in the will then assist the pastor in put­ seminary chapel. The Rev. Fran­ ting the program into operation. cis Syrianey will be deacon and " The second phase of the CCD 15 Will Receive the Rev. John Haley, subdeacon. Infant of Prague Nursery plan, to be adopted about next Other officers of the Mass February, will be the establish­ will be the Rev. Delisle Lemieux, assistant priest; the Rev. Wil­ ment of the parent-educator unit Diaconate Ordei liam Coyne, deacon of honor; the Dedication to Be Oct. 26 in each parish. This part of the Rev. Harley Schmitt, subdeacon program stresses the teaching of of honor; Fathers Alan J. Ken­ The new Infant of Prague St Joseph Convent of the Fran­ nedy and Joseph Shimanek, aco­ Nursery at 33rd Avenue and De­ ciscan Sisters, which was com­ religion by parents in the home. In Rite Oct. Ik lytes; catur Street, Denver, will be pletely remodeled and equipped In April, Monsignor Smith an­ Archbishop Vehr, who had returned only four The Rev. Herbert Banigan, dedicated Tuesday, Oct. 26, at for the care of infants. nounced, the parish boards will Fifteen youths, including one at a testimonial din­ 6 p.m. by Archbishop Urban J. from the Denver Archdiocese, Leading Dignitaries ner held Oct. 19 by days before from his ad limina visit to Rome; the thurifer; the Rev. Dean Kumba, The porch of the former class­ disaiss and undertake the formal will receive the diaconate in or­ the Denver archdiocesan clergy as a pledge of Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory Smith, V.G.; and mitre-bearer; the Rev. John An­ Vehr. room building o f the Franciscan The dedication will be at­ organization of religious vacation dination rites at St. Thomas’ devotion to Archbishop Urban J. Vehr are shown Bishop Hubert Newell of Cheyenne. The dinner derson, crosier-bearer; the Rev. mother-house has been enclosed Seminary, Denver, Sunday, Oct. above. From left to right are Bishop Charles was held in the Park Lane Hotel, Denver. — Frank Morfeld, cross-bearer; the tended by members of the to provide a playroom; and a schools. The Denver Archdiocese, 24. Two seminarians will be or­ Quinn, C.M., exiled Bishop of Yukiang, China; (Register photo by Turilli) Rev. Owen McHugh, gremial-' nursery board. An open house kitchen, sterilizers, and a com­ as well as the Pueblo and Chey­ dained subdeacons, and one will bearer; the Rev. Bert Woodrich, for the public will be held in plete laundry have been installed. + + + + + + ■ enne Dioceses, have had vacation receive second minor orders. hand candle-bearer; and the December. The building was purchased school programs in operation for Rev. James Ahern, book-bearer. The new home of the child for the nursery by Archbishop Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, svill o«r* institution was formerly the Vehr. a number of years, but not pre­ officiate, assisted by the Very Chaplains to Bishop Hubert cisely along the lines of the for­ Rev. William Kenneally, C.M., 200 of Clergy Join in Tribute M. Newell of Cheyenne will be In the past eight years the rector of St. Thomas’, and the Fathers Jerome Murphy and nursery, sheltering infants from mal CCD program. Clay Dennis. The masters of six months to two years old, has Rev. George Tolman, C.M., o f the Christ the King Returning to the necessity of seminary faculty. 'T h e ordina­ ceremonies will be the Very Rev. cared for 308 (#)'ildren. There Monsignors David M. Maloney are at present 40 tots at the the religious instruction of youth. tions will take place in a Mass in To Archbishop on Return Home and Bernard J. Cullen. home, although the population Archbishop Vehr pointed to the the seminary chapel at 8:30 a.m. Convent. Blessing changes daily. large numbers of Catholic young­ The Rev. William Sievers is The homecoming will open at the only seminarian from t h e Nearly ^ 0 priesb? from sented the keys to a new 1955 m pers, embodying the "Voice of the seminary at 5:30 p.m. Oct. The home was begun by the sters who have no opportunity to Buick, still in production, by his Denver,” announced to the gath­ 27, and dinner will follow in the Denver Deanery of the Archdioc­ archdiocese among the group to throughout the Province of Set for Oct. 30 attend a Catholic school. The receive the diaconate. Others are own priests, who were also his ering that the Archbishop's offi­ Welshire Country Club. A social esan Council of Catholic Women CCD plan, the Archbishop de­ Denver (Colorado and Wyo­ hosts at the dinner. • cial publication had installed its meeting in ‘ the seminary gym in 1946 to meet the growing Subdeacons Carl Ferris, Grand When Archbishop Urban J. clared, helps make up for the de­ Island, Neb.; James Kremeier, ming) paid public tribute new press in his absence. He will close the evening’s activities. problem o f abandoned children. Tuesday evening, Oct. 19, to Clergy From noted also that the Denver After the Mass Oct. 28, the Vehr blesses the new convent It began operations with 20 chil­ ficiency of aaequate Catholic Grand Island; Thomas O’Flan- their Metropolitan, Archbishop Pueblo, Cheyenne Catholic Register is in its golden association’s yearly meeting will at Christ the King Parish, Den­ dren, transferred from St. An­ nagan, Cheyenne, Wyo;; George ver, on Saturday, Oct. 30, the school facilities. Stoeckinger, Lincoln, Neb.; Paul Urban J. Vehr, on his return jubilee year. be held. A dinner at 1 p.m. in thony's, Mercy, and St. Joseph’s The attendance of many Mother General of the Precious Bishop Willging to Be Host Button, Grand Island; Jerome from his ad limina visit to Rome. The Archbishop, making re­ the seminary dining room will Hospitals. priests from the Dioceses of Rykowski, Pueblo; Emmett The occasion was a dinner at the sponse, expressed his deep grati­ close the convention. Blood Sisters and the director To CCD Institute in 1955 Pueblo and Cheyenne was made By 1950 the nurserj' had Kelly, Helena, Mont.; William Park Lane Hotel. tude to the priests for their gift Many priests of the archdio­ o f schools for the community Bishop Joseph C. Willging of possible by the concurrence of will attend the ceremony. placed 54 children in adoptive Rushford, Bismarck, N. Dak.; Three Bishops were among the of the automobile and the dinner. cese will have their first oppor­ homes. In the year 1953 alone, Pueblo issued an invitation to all the CCD Priests’ Institute, in He told of his trip abroad, and tunity at the convention to in­ Mother Mary Aquinas, the Joseph Carroll, Oklahoma City; clergy honoring the Archbishop." 36 were adopted from the nur­ session in Denver Oct. 19 and 20. said the highlight of the voyage spect the new and enarged din­ General, and Sister Mary Aud­ priests of Colorado and Wyoming James Calhoum Belleville, 111.; Bishop Hubert M.
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