2 THE PEGASUS, Atomic power, for instance, is being developed to destroy mankind, rather than to assist it, and if we do not very soon come to our senses, we shall journey to the stars in several pieces. Let us, therefore, develop wisdom with know­ ledge, for without each other they are worse than useless. A.McI.S. J. F. SUTHERLAND. The death of Jim Sutherland occurred in Melbourne on Saturday, 5th April. Jim was at Geelong College last year, and won the His­ tories and Literature prize. He was a School Prefect, a Cadet-Lieutenant, Sub-Warden of the House of Guilds, and a leader in the De­ bating Society and the P.F.A. This year he commenced his studies at Ormond. EDITORIAL. His death came as a severe shock to all those u of us who knew him, for he was loved and ad­ SIC ITUR AD ASTRA" mired by masters and boys alike in the School, As every Geelong Collegian knows, our motto which owes so much to his having passed may be translated "thus we journey to the through it. stars," and the underlying meaning is that by It is difficult for earthly eyes to see the plan our application to our work and sport we shall of the Almighty in depriving the world of one gain in intellectual and moral stature. This who had all the potentialities of a great man; was what the Roman author was thinking of but we must be thankful for the fact that we when he wrote the words which have since be­ have benefited both from the brief but glorious come the motto of one of the world's greatest presence of one who has passed on to his re­ schools. ward, and from a life in which he accomplished Over the last quarter of a century, however, more good than many of us accomplish in a "journeying to the stars" has developed from a lifetime. A.McI.S. picturesque figure of speech to a physical pos­ sibility. Rockets, space-ships, atomic power— all are combining, and it seems well within the Visit from the Moderator. bounds of possibility that space travel will be realized in the future. Memories of defeats on our Senior Oval when he was at Scotch, and later at Ormond, This material, physical ideal has almost com­ did not deter the Rt. Rev. Eric Owen, pletely obliterated the old intellectual and moral Moderator of Victoria, from visiting us on one, and we now place far more value on things Monday, 23rd February, when he gave us a material than things spiritual. In many schools most interesting and inspiring address. for instance, more emphasis is put upon the Australia, said the Moderator, is in danger scientific .branches of study than on the more of being overrun by great totalitarian systems, cultural. The boy who intends to become a which are opposed to freedom, and once in doctor or engineer must devote the rest of his power will not tolerate opposition or criticism. school and university career to the study of The only answer to these forces is a strong, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. This is free Church, and our Protestant Churches will true the world over, culture is being overthrown be strong only if supported by us—the laymen. by materialism, and we are breeding a race of There is a place in the Church for everyone. clever devils. The Church, said the Moderator, needed A little knowledge may be a dangerous thing, ministers and missionaries—and both these but a great deal of knowledge, unless accom­ careers, although not easy, offered wonderful panied by wisdom, is far more dangerous. opportunities. The minister sees warped and JUNE, 19 5 2. 3 twisted souls improve under his care, just as for the first time in the picturesque setting of a doctor sees broken bodies heal under his care. the completed quadrangle. The Rolls of Hon­ The greatest life, however, was that of a mis­ our were read and "Last Post" and "Reveille" sionary. Missionaries were scattered all over were played by G. Crawford. A wreath was the world, and they were engaged upon the placed in the new Memorial Hall by the senior most thrilling, interesting, and important work Prefect. An address was given by Group in the Church. Captain C. C. Bell, O.B..E., who pointed out Finally, said the Moderator, we should not the obligations confronting us, not only in up­ be deterred from joining the ministry through holding the school traditions but also those of feeling that we would be unable to pass the the Democratic countries. necessary examinations. If we are called to In the afternoon of the same day, a con­ serve the Church, we shall have the necessary tingent of Geelong College Cadets took part in determination and perseverence which will the Anzac Day March through the streets of overcome all. Geelong and finally attended a service held in Johnstone Park. On Sunday, 27th April, the Cadet Corps SCHOOL NOTES. marched to St. George's for the Annual Col­ Our congratulations are extended to A. Wor- lege Church Parade. Col. W. S. Kent-Hughes, rali Jones on his appointment as Captain of the M.H.R., M.V.O., M.C, O.B.E., B.A., gave the School. Address and Cadet Lieutenants G. W. Barber Three new masters were welcomed by the and A. Mel. Scott read the Old and New Headmaster at the first school assembly of the Testament lessons. year. Mr,. D. R. T. Macmillan from the Mel­ The following films were shown in Morrison bourne University and Mr. V. Crittenden from Hall during the term. "The Adventures of Ballarat College, who have joined the Pre­ Tartu," "The Happy Years," and "The Red paratory school staff, and Mr. B. R. Wardle, Danube." who comes from the Werribee Research Farm During the Easter vacation, the First Eleven to take the position of assistant Science master. were the guests of Scots College, Sydney. An A few mornings later the new school prefects enjoyable weekend was had by all and College made the promise of loyalty to the College and returned with one win to their credit. were presented with the Prefect's Badge by Dr. The first three Eights spent the Easter vaca­ Buntine,. tion at College in order to further their train­ On the Wednesday previous to the first day ing. An enjoyable weekend was had on the of school resuming, a cricket match was played river as well as at their quarters in Warrinn between Old Boys and Present Day Boys. House. Among the former, most noted cricketers pre­ sent were: Jack Iverson, Lindsay Hassett and The P.F.A. held a Folk Dance in Morrison John Chambers. Hall with Morongo on Saturday night, 19th Early in the term we had a visit from the April. Members of the P.F.A. also attended Moderator of the Presbyterian Church the Rt. a short camp at Point Lonsdale on the week­ Rev. J. Owen, who gave us a challenging ad­ end of 26th April. dress on the evils confronting our Faith. The school has recently bought a "tape Reference to his visit is to be found elsewhere. recorder" which will prove invaluable to all During the term, Sunday night Services took Musical Activities within the school. place as usual in Morrison Hall In addition Visitors to the school this term included to film services, addresses were given by Dr. Commander T. H. Cynnot, who spoke on the M. A. Buntine, Messrs. D. Webb, T. Hender­ Navy as a career with special reference to son, E. McLean, G. Murray and D. Macmillan. Flinders Naval College. Early in the term Mr. E. B. Lester left for a Wing Commander Costello spoke on the Air holiday trip with his wife to England and the Force as a career and included in his address Continent. We wish them both a happy and a film showing the R.A.A.F. in action in Korea. restful holiday abroad. Maj. General Hopkins of the Australian We welcome Mr. T'ait on his return to the Army spoke to the school on the Army's College shortly after Easter, from his trip future and showed a film of Royal Military abroad. College at Duntroon,. The College Anzac Day Service was held A successful House Music competition was 4 THE PEGASUS, : PREFECTS, 1952, Back Row: A. Mel. Scott, J. B. Coombe, B. J. Henderson, J. G. Heggie, M. S. John. Front Row: G, W. Barber, A. W. Jones (Captain of School), the Head Master, K. McD. Cameron, J. G. Howden. held in Morrison Hall on Saturday night, 10th May. Dr. A. E. Floyd was the adjudicator P.F.A. for the evening. At the opening introductory meeting for the year, the committee for 1952 was announced. It was announced by Dr. Buntine that the It is: Day Boys would one day be built a special Messrs. E. C. McLean and D. Webb, Presi­ House in which to hold their own activities at dents; T. S. Dennis, Secretary; P. W. Suther­ the College. This has long been desired in the land, Assistant Secretary; G. W. Barber, J. G. College, The new House will be known as Howden, Social Services; M. S. John, Trea­ Knowle House. This name was used because surer; D. F. Lang, Publicity Agent; A. D. of its historical significance. Steele; J. D. Fenton; I. W,. Macmillan. An interesting visitor to the College was an The term's syllabus has been a varied and old Winchester Collegian from England.
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