.-V. XVX, NO. I SATURDAY, OOIOBER.22,_19O4 L2_:™_-JI REfOBUCAIf nOWKEES FOR ASSEHW.Y. Woodland ^ avenue, ;9.0nn REFUNDING BOND dedicating-the same to the city, and PARAG1AP6S Ttc ewtfogatten rf the OWrch by Bishop The Assembly ticket is • strong one. public streets. Referred tot&V Street 1fe$; John S. Tidtcnor Will Speak at the Men's , to Ktrfc TW» Brent—Sorlcc* to Oc-Edward a Coyne, of Elisabeth, hit- represented Union county In the House Committee. , ' ' ""~ have ihe baby's picture made. Xecttaf Tomorro«jUlentooii — Fan CST Next Satwdiy " . Resolutions were adopted authorizing of Assembly, and bis "record bat proved Ordinance Passed by Common We have all the ncceisary ••"-• Opening List Thuralay , October 29, Is now fixed onhis Integrity, capacity and ability. His tht^ Board of Assessors to assess the paraphernalia:, tog?thrr.wiih benefitsirfor- the opening ' and widen- amoan^ofpa- —The men who w-r*. at the annmt *• the date for the consecration of popularity was attested by the vote? ti-nc,e. to make a picture of Calvary church. The service will com- that two years ago elected him to' the ing of Mountain avenne, and also to thejiltlr one Itut will please, dinner of tbe •Mwcimtioo. given in tno ipence at if a. nCand wlll.~contfat.-of Legislators: — •' ., assess tbe damages and benefits for the you. r~ Beechfro.i;l three year* ago. will bo sewer btPtbe name street, and for the pleafted to'brmt that ~Joun~~1~r,Tichenor, the office providedTfor In "the Prayer Of the nominee from Babway, tbe Nary W.uk Secretary of the Inter- Book. This wJU^bejn charge of theElisabeth "Journal'! says: "Peter Till right of way for the 'lateral sewer In Bishop of the diocese, the Right RfiVTman, 'who- was again nominated foi A SAVING K East Snuimtt through' the Humphrey Edwin B. Lines, D; D.\ who -will-bei iuember~of-*tbe^ABMtnl}lyr-is-not-<i}nh assisted by prominent clenrymen of hisRah way'a popular nmn.-bnt be is es Ordinances establishing tbe grade of Kodak Supplies,! Democratic MembersWanted Amount Pu Souvcnirl'ustals jurisdiction. A large number of in'vf- teemed everywhere In the connty on a Ridge road, and for' Be were on Edga~- place. Prospect street, TTobnrt avenne Piclure Kraincg— [Scfiultz, tationa are being sent ont to the clergy, man of the strictest Integrity, and one hi the Tax Levy — Ordinances For and Ridge ronci;riiud on Fiifrylesw both ontslde-and within the diocese. who U possessed of qualities that Bt bill J Improvements, Etc _._ PHOTOGRAPHER. former parishioners.. It to bring honor to a-constitnency. He Is avenney--fQtL-a-jtoriiL.iewfr nti - Union l l->UrLE STREET, * SITJIUIT, N.J. Is expected there will be a large attend- jibnslness iuan, sonhd In judgment, and At'the regnlar meeting of the Com 4>lace to Franklin- _pl«L*e. and !W0 feet easterly on tbe latter street, were-each ance of both.—Tba procession of clergy progressive. He has served In the uion Conncil held-on Tuesday evening, read for tbe first time" and referred to and the choir,. tbe lutter being ang- J&arjLof Chosen Freeholders, and in tbe ordinance providing for an Issue ot refunding bonds t6 provide "for" tbe the Law anil Ordinance OoimnitttH?. men ted by selected voices from the city. that capacity- displayed the qualifica- GOV. MURPHY'S OPIHIOIT. tions that commend him as -one who $9,000 or $10,000 deficiency, occasioned .Mr^Carr, for the Finance Coumiittt-e, •will vest-In the pariah honse, nnJ. will rejwrtwl in relation to the requect "advance from*there to the door of the w6nld. make a vigilant and' capable in the old pewer acTJOtnit tUrongb the JUtTLuTned. in reference-to-bis newer ' Governor Mnrphy spent, a few honrs chnrcb. - The processional Penlni, tlie uiember of tbe State Legislature. financiering of. ,the old Democrat! assettsuiebt,_ttmt .connxel atlvinetl ,'tlmt at tbe State House Ia.Trentori Tuesday ~34th, will be recited or sani; while, they Township Committee, was brought np George H. Embree,. of Weatfleldj Is the Conncil had ho i>ower In the mitt morning, and transacted considerable 4 advance up the' aisle to the chnncel, by Mr. Frunklinrtrf-the Law and Or-ter, and that he HIIOUM ptiytlio ti>>nes4 Jhe third nominee for Assembly. He routine bnshn-n. • He was kept busy where, seated within'tbe.rails in bis served Westfield in Its first Town Coun- dinance Committee, the matter bavins; went, ""and seek' bis redrttw. lii_,(Jw previously...beeir* tranferred from th courts. • -. ; .j-^ for some time in conferences on matters .a -chair.- the Bishop will receive ','tbe in cil, and Jater became, its treasurer, and of state and political interest. strn'ments of donation'.' and' the reqnest Can represented it in_the county legisla- Finance Committee Mr.'.Franklin, ex- •OB . motion _"oT~5Ir," Cnrr, plained that Mr. .Carr^ln_his objection ( • The: (»o\teruur— paid »visit-to i the to consecrate from th&lo^hders an-rep* ture.-His reconl is that of~a zealous 1 to dlwonrit notes for _$2,000 on State Republican headquarters, ncrosa resenting the Vestry. Tha consecration and energetic, representative, always to tbe Issue nt a previous meeting,' was of public Ininrovements iiml $l.."H)0 on from the State House.' When asked his then follows, being said wholly by tbe keenly alive to the best Interests_of- hfs mistaken as tortbe amount of the de- cUy t ' flcleneyrwhen^he stated tlint.thetleflci opinion-of-the politicaloutlook 3. : Bishop, aud'conolnilinflf with a solemn constituents. Oh motion of "Mr/ Vreelanil $10*1 wan :-# was about $5,000, as be hml lignred oiie placed to_fhe credit of the Overseer of Governor 'said: • . benediction. Morning prayer is then nationrtl Oramiittee, wlm vain one. or item of $4,200 twlcej_- The anionut was tb-fPoor. / "So far as I can see. this Is one-of the said and the office for Holy Communion —After-tbe approval -of tbe the *=jirakfr* thnt ereninjr, bn^ been Necessary to Kill"Cowsjud Hogs. as then contended by tbe majority quietest campaigns I have ever known. proceeds after an introlt anthem. This bills tbe Conneil,Rtljonrned: weriirt^l !(>,a'l<lreH*rtbe"tiien In tbe Y. II. As tberesnltof a report received from members ~of~~tbe Finance Committee, Tbe trouble (teem* to be to find the portion of,tbe service Inclrides the ser- Stephen" Bros ' C\_A. t.ttt—cMHMlay— nftcnioon, at 4.2(1. tbe -Pastenr Institute, two cows and between $9,000 and $10,000. Mr. Frank enemy.; Jt.Isaa tbongb there wo* only mon.' - • _ :__ ' George V. MncbmoreL........ i:t04 Allnre <-.irilially inviteil. _-—; two dogs were killed_jit tho stable of TTn then stated that It was tbe opinion Snuitnlt Record 42 91 one unity in tBe field anil tbut one After the service, the clergy and the The U iv* will l>e iiitfrenteil to leant George H. Williams, lost Satnrday, as that this deficiency should -be provided 8. R. Mnllen, Collector ;-. (WHO is ours. There is aoine .little Ulk visiting choir "will be entertained-nt C. \V*. Farrow tbnt their'«M friend. Itolwrt Uonrlie. a_resnlt of a raid by a mad dog in tbe for by tbe Issue of $9,000 In :1O year among onr opponent* in llndwm connty. lnncheon In the parish honae^of the B, B. Walling „ 9.04 fonnerlv Phy-iiml Director of tbe Hnm' locality about ten weeks ago. It was refnndlng bonds, and thus distribute brit [fiat U diminishing every day. church. ""•.:.. Win. SwHnton . r. .-;-... 31.: "tuit Aw»-virtti'Hi, bnt now of tbe Morn**; • not known that this Jog bad attacked tbe cost to "the tax -payer- over a nnm EmtlneerVpay roll. .^,,. .... ._. - :IO:( 1H TbR ontlook for Republican __ This consecration forms the very ap- town A*~'>rtalion, wtH.^keak at tlii any of Mr. Williams' animals nntil ber of years, making it a "very smal Keyes& Anderson.... ~. 10 ft be better.- -propriate1 celebration of the seinl-cen- John Sheridan. ..-.---•. ._ 1. ni B"iy«'. Own Meeting, on Sunday. at' about three weeks ago, when, a horse awonut to be provMed_each year. He Lt tennlnl of tbe pariah. Jt was to accom- Wm. Kelly - t!.W a quarter i>;i-t .two., All the chair* TCITQ developed symptoms, of hydrophobia. also-explained tbat the deficit conld no plish this that .the fnnd for paying the John J..MrHritth--.. 8.00 TO EXTEKD PRINCETON ALUTIRI. •filletl.-lMwt-^nudity, but they "ore uoiiij-- Before tbe horse was finally secured In be taken oht of the sinking fnnd nnde Engineer's pay roll ... 5*2. mortgage debt was begnnabont two to put hi niort chairs tbe stable It bad bltt«u two-cows and the law, tntf eiiid that If bonds were Geo. W7~Brown years ago by tbe rector, and tbe conse- E. C. Piernon '.., Proposal to Include Alumni fron^Sammlt, The THII 1'itfiiini- of tbe Association attempted; to attack tbe coachman, but Issued thjit tbe Sinking Fnnd Com cration Is Itself witness" that this has ^ norrlstown and Other Places. «n Tn»—-lay eveninir (um«eil off very be escaped. Eh*. J. E. Rowe prononnced mission/conld Invest in them, a been accomplished, as, tinder the canons W. B. CO plea«nntly. Ttiere were about ono it a case of rubies, and the horse was It wjta proposed to H6'. To pntvtbe deul of -interest lni.-< lieen of the church, no bnildfng can be con-shot.-- Mr_Williams-wasnottboroughly- ltL-the aunonuewl inteuttuti lintidrt^l Hii'l fifty (tenpT "secrated"oV" dedicated In'thls ~Bolemn~ convlnced that the diagnosis was cor MUSICAIEAT THE BAPTIST CHURCH.
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