, Serving the State The Weather Univerlj~y of Iowa W.,..er toda, and to­ Campus and nirbl H"b IS to 11. PartI, de.dy aDCI warm­ Iowa City owen er TIIunda,. Est. 1868 - AP lease1 Wi,e, Wirephoto - FiYe Cen.. Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, May 11, 1955 ro ,GSa• - • * * i • Omicron Delta Kappa . 'OHicials Review ROTC Troops IReds 'Want J !Eastern Bloc J. .Withdra.wal AskedJD. lrllt~ 01 Most Troops I'! Underlussiii MOSCOW (Wednesday) (11')­ I The Sovi t Union made publlc LONDON 1.4'1 ~ S vl~t P • mier Nikolai Bulganln 100Fld today a proposal cn lling for Im­ mediate withdrawal of the bulk In War aw Tue day the k~fQ for a conference of eirht CPJl\'" at loreign forces from both East and West Gi!nnany. munlst nations to esiablIsh lJ U1lJ: Cled NA TO~tYJ)e miUtary all'rf' The propoSlll called on the UN ance unde, a Ru Ian comml\!la.; g nerul assembly to declare "11 e~ i weakening of Ifltematlonal ten­ "The situation In certain ote'alf sion can be achieved by ImmedI­ ate vacuutlon or trool S or the FRANK MEYERS, M2, SHELDON, presides at a ceremony Tuesdar nl&ht III ICll1 2Z SUI .tu­ of the world has still been call»­ Ing anxiety of lute," Blllganih four big powers from German dents and SUI Re,lst.rar Ted l\lcCarnl were "taPped" lor membership In OmlcrllJl Jlc'lIa Kappa, lerritory. leaving limited con­ men's hOllo ...r)' leadership IIOCllety. The "Iapplnr" took placl' at the 33d annual Flnkblne dLnner. at· told welcorners at the Warsaw airport. tingents and pilllee forces under tended by alumni, faculty and 59 tudent campus le:lders. The dinner was held tn Ute rlnr room 01 iol nt ontrol or the four bla pow- thl! Jowa Memorial Union. "The petlC -lovlna stAtes ot i - ---• Europe cannot be lndltterent to such a state of affairs. In the Th Soviet n ws aeency Tass, which clrculnt d the Dian. said situation th t ha developed, th' Hoegh Sees it hnd been submitted Tuesday KinnickGrol(Jts Peace Treaty united efforts ot our states or ODK'Taps' required and .. n w measures n the form of two declarations to thc UN subcommlttt!e on dis­ for the stren,thenlni of theh security." SUI Cadets armament now holding clos d To Bill Scott, For :1 sslons in London . Austria .Reply 1.0 GennanArmy 22 Studenfs~ Adenauer Objeeb Mo.~cow rodlo br03dcasts made I -R • Art Andrews I rt clear the eonference openln" n eVlew West German Chancellor Kon­ In Poland's capItal today I. rad Adenauer told n 8m n SUI Registrar Hits Snag the Eastern bloc's reply to thl Approximnt ~ly 750 members Tuesday he would reject any So­ I'earmlng or West Germany and of the sur ROTC and AFROTC viet proposal at a .big ,power con­ ~wenty-two students and an terent-e that would make nell­ VIENNA (JP) - Russin nnd the her admls Ion Monday as NA. departments pa '~ed ·in review In SUI faculty member were chos­ TO'~ 15th memb r. trallzation ot We$\ Germany the Big Three W lite. n powers were the armory Tue~ay morn In, price for German unification. The conference is xpecttd 10 en for membership Tuesday night deadlocked aiain Tuesday on a before ~v. Leo Hocgh and Maj. brlng the armies of Russia and The first proposal contained In the SUI chapler of Omicron treaty of independence for Aus­ ~n. Fred Tandy, adJutant-fen­ light points, inclUding such Sov­ its seven EUJopean satellites Ln­ eral of Iowa, a part ot the Gov. Delta Kappa, upperclassmen's tria. iet themes as prohibition ot for­ lo a Joint command under Sov­ crnor's day activities. leadership honor society. Russian delegatos to the lIve­ ret Marshal [van Kon v. eign military base by on state In addition, for the fhst time Another 7,50 cadets who did on the territory of onother and power confefllDcc r '(used once The Moscow rndlo predicted not march becalls or the limited since the group was organized in Jrohlbltion of any form of war mor~ to change the position they lhe eight countrl will "evolve sp3ce In the armory viewed the )ropaganda. 1947, an honorary member was took Monday on the treaty's most measures which will enable them parade from th balconies of the elected by the group. Recipient to meet any emeriency and pro. field house. The second declaration, was Important article, InCormed sour­ a formal statement of the Soviet of the hon~rary membership was vocation and to forestoll th po~· Hoegh also presented awards ces said. sibility sudd n ag(ression at the review to out tanding Ca- poslUon In the disarmament David A. Danc!!'I', Des Moines, se­ ot The article de;lls with the lu­ r om any quarter." dets in military and tir sci nce talks which already hod been cretary of the lowa st.ate board released by Soviet [)cleg:lte Ja­ tlJrt! of iormer Nazi 3S~{'ts held Move FolloWs 'TlIreaV Jor the 1~4-55 lichaol year. _ of educl\!ion And a 1917 SUI rra­ cob MaUL by the Sovrets in Au. lila. W st rn ob ervers regard ttl Gives wards duate. Tflr,e PolnW Dispute Natl A ds move tor a joint command - Recipients ot the governor's Selection of new members was lhl'eatened at the Communists' match awards, medals for the Hoegh Says Preparedness. , It 11 ted -three points as neces­ Western SOUl ces said the 3m­ made buring a sHecial "tapping" security conference in Moscow three highest *cores In the gov- sary to "free hum~\lity trom the bassadors' conference cleared up threat of a new destructive war." ceremony at the .33rd annual Art Andrews last lall if the Paris treaties with ernor's rifle match, were Thomas UN They were: . Gets Kinnick Award Jome minor points in the treaty West Germany were ratified - E. Carson, .A2, BrItt; John West- , Fin.kblne diijper held in the Iowa E4, Ill., Ess'enll1al as a step to provide the legal wick, Sprlnifleld, and Are for Peace 1. but could not reach agreement Full prohibition of the use Memorlal Union. Nile Kinnick memorial scho- on disputed Article 35. basis for retaining Soviet troop James Bell, A2, TLplon. md production of nuclear ond CalJPus leadergA "tapped" Cor larshlps to SUI for the 1955-56 in Hungary and Romllnia altel Warren G. Lawson, C4, Falr- . Gov. Leo A. Hoe,h lold 139 - ------------ other weapons of mass destruc­ membership in Omicron Delta school year have been awarded Ambassadors of the tour pow­ the end of th four-power oc<;u- ' field, Dnd Robert A. Krane, C4 j' :.ion and diversion oC this force Kappa were: to five Iowa high school seniors, ers and Austrian Foreign Min­ pation of Austria. Fairtleld, each received a ring: senior ROTC nnd AFROTC ca-, ml Ilnry ottlclnls. Pres.ldent Vlr- , 0 peaceful aim,;. President Virgil M. Hancher an- ister Dr. Leopold Figl decided to These troops have had lIne- the protes.or ot mllitary science d t officers Tu sdny thal unpre- gil M. Hancher tntroduced T.. M. Hal.bllon. lAo AlIOII& : ROy 2. A considerable reduction ot nounced Tuesday. try agnln today to finish of-supply assignments in support and tacties aw rd given annual- p.1redness hu. becn a frequent Hocgh, 8 former Lt. Colonel of H. 'lIkl •• A3, Anlbon : raul E. lIaren­ III armed for es and conven­ ••• , A!'. Clinton J R'chard 1l. Tbernton. Winners are Art Andrews and draCting the trellty before a\"Tlv­ or Soviet occupation forces In Iy to the army ROTC graduates mist ke oC the U.S. and that it Infantry. At, Ceuncll I:tluffs; James P . Wehr, lonal armaments. AI, Davonporl: WIIII ..m H. ToIor, ..u. Bill Scott, both of City high al of their torei~n ministers at Austria. But the Austrian in- who receive regular army com- should lake D lesson from the lIocgh ~aid the UN has made D" MoIne.: Jamu E. lIouler, C!i, Uf: ~ school of Iowa City; Dennis the weekend. dependence treaty, expected to missions. post to keep America strong. progress as a menns for securing 3. Setting ~ of a control oraan lle'atii Blanchard, Belle Plaine; Henbert Russian Ambassador Ivan I. with the rlaht lind autqority Warren O. LawI.n. CI, Falrllelel: be signed this weekend, cails for The highest air science award, He cited two ssentials Cor lhe peoce. lie related the UN to guarante.!inl effective obeerva­ narrell Wyrlok, ES. For~ Malison: Marske, Clinton high school, and llyichev refused MOl1day night to withdrawal of .11 the Big Pour the SUI AFROTC i!istin(Uilshed preservation ot peace: One, a the original U.S. colonies, say- tlon by aU countries of thl. pro­ Ge."o OJ. mann. A:I, Iowa CUy: Rleh­ Boake Sells, Ft. Dodge high Insert In the draft treaty, which 0 'r. E. Guthrie. Al\t Iowa CJt.Yj Jaek forces trom Austria. achievement award, was pre- strong America plepared tor any lng, "It took long time for th hibition and reduction. T ••••• C4, Laarell Alan F. Wentw.rth, school. Is being prepared for the for- sented to Rob ·rt N. Mlllhaem, eventuality, and two, "an In- 13 colonies to learn to live to- The dectarp.t.\on said all these 111.3. Marble: Ro~k; So~ra.te. o. Pa.P .... Scholar-athletes are named for eign ministers, the ecohomic con- C4, Des Moines, ' ternational oraanization like the gether, Dnd simll:llly, the UN Je'a, A.1, Mason Cu.y; S G I things should bc done in the first the awards each year as a me- cessions made by the Kremlin urgeon enera Army Award to La~ on.
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