FrequentlyFrequentlyFrequently asked asked asked questions questions questions aboutFrequently asked questionsabout aboutabout CELEBREX® (celecoxib) CELEBREX CELEBREX CELEBREX® (celecoxib)® ®(celecoxib) (celecoxib) WhyWhy shouldWhy should should I consider I consider I consider CELEBREX? CELEBREX? CELEBREX? Why should I consider CELEBREX? WhatWhat about stomach upset?What aboutWhat about aboutstomach stomach stomach upset? upset? upset? Just Just one Just one200-mg one 200-mg 200-mg CELEBREX CELEBREX CELEBREX can canprovide can provide provide Just one 200-mg CELEBREX can provide You mayYou be interested to know, in clinical studies, You may You may be may interested be be interested interested to know, to toknow, know, in clinical in in clinical clinical studies, studies, studies, 24-hour24-hour24-hour relief relief forrelief manyfor for many manywith with arthritiswith arthritis arthritis pain pain pain 24-hour relief for many with arthritis pain a lower apercentage of patientslower taking CELEBREXa lowera lowerpercentage percentage percentage of patients of ofpatients patients taking taking taking CELEBREX CELEBREX CELEBREX and andinflammation.*and inflammation.* inflammation.* and inflammation.* reportedreported stomach upset (including indigestion, reportedreported stomach stomach stomach upset upset upset(including (including (including indigestion, indigestion, indigestion, In clinical In In clinical clinical studies studies studies with with osteoarthritiswith osteoarthritis osteoarthritis patients, patients, patients, In clinical studies with osteoarthritis patients, abdominalabdominal pain, and nausea) versus prescriptionabdominal abdominal pain, pain, andpain, andnausea) and nausea) nausea) versus versus versus prescription prescription prescription CELEBREXCELEBREXCELEBREX was wasproven was proven proven to improve to toimprove improve daily daily physicaldaily physical physical CELEBREX was proven to improve daily physical ibuprofenibuprofen and naproxen. ibuprofenibuprofen and andnaproxen. and naproxen. naproxen. functionfunctionfunction so moving so so moving moving is easier. is iseasier. easier. function so moving is easier. However, However, all NSAIDs, including CELEBREX, increaseHowever, However, all NSAIDs, all all NSAIDs, NSAIDs, including including including CELEBREX, CELEBREX, CELEBREX, increase increase increase In fact, In In fact, CELEBREX fact, CELEBREX CELEBREX improves improves improves pain, pain, stiffness,pain, stiffness, stiffness, and and and In fact, CELEBREX improves pain, stiffness, and the chancethe of stomach and intestine problems, suchthechance the chance chance of stomach of ofstomach stomach and andintestine and intestine intestine problems, problems, problems, such such such physicalphysicalphysical function. function. function. physical function. as bleedingas and ulcers, which can occurbleeding withoutas as bleeding bleeding and andulcers, and ulcers, ulcers, which which which can canoccur can occur occurwithout without without CELEBREX CELEBREX CELEBREX is not is isanot narcotic.not a narcotic.a narcotic. CELEBREX is not a narcotic. warningwarning and may cause death. warningwarning and andmay and may cause may cause causedeath. death. death. CELEBREX CELEBREX CELEBREX can canbe can taken be be taken takenwith with orwith without or or without without food food so food so soCELEBREX can be taken withAre or without food so Are there cardiovascularthereAre risks associatedAre with CELEBREX? there cardiovascularthere cardiovascular cardiovascular risks risks associated risks associated associated with with CELEBREX? with CELEBREX? CELEBREX? you youdon’tyou don’t havedon’t have tohave plan to toplan around plan around around it. it. it. you don’t have to plan around it. The FDAThe requires all prescription NSAIDs, including The FDA The FDA requires FDA requires requires all prescription all all prescription prescription NSAIDs, NSAIDs, NSAIDs, including including including Can CanI takeCan I take Ilow-dose take low-dose low-dose aspirin aspirin aspirin with with CELEBREX? with CELEBREX? CELEBREX? Can I take low-dose aspirin with CELEBREX? CELEBREX,CELEBREX, ibuprofen, naproxen, and meloxicam,CELEBREX, to CELEBREX, ibuprofen, ibuprofen, ibuprofen, naproxen, naproxen, naproxen, and andmeloxicam, and meloxicam, meloxicam, to to to have thehave same cardiovascular warning. have thehave thesame the same cardiovascularsame cardiovascular cardiovascular warning. warning. warning. Yes, Yes, if Yes, you if ifyouare you takingare are taking taking low-dose low-dose low-dose aspirin aspirin aspirin for yourfor for your heart your heart Yes, heart if you are taking low-dose aspirin for your heart and andneedand need anneed NSAID an an NSAID NSAID pain pain reliever, pain reliever, reliever, CELEBREX CELEBREX CELEBREX can can canand need an NSAID pain reliever, CELEBREX can They mayThey all increase the chance of heart attackThey mayThey may all may increase all all increase increase the thechance the chance chance of heart of ofheart attackheart attack attack be usedbebe used becauseused because because it doesn’t it doesn’tit doesn’t interfere interfere interfere with with aspirin’swith aspirin’s aspirin’s be used because it doesn’t interfere with aspirin’s or stroke,or which can lead to death. Thisstroke, chance oror stroke, stroke, which which which can canlead can lead to lead death. to todeath. death. This This chance This chance chance antiplateletantiplateletantiplatelet effect. effect. effect. antiplatelet effect. increasesincreases if you have heart disease or risk factorsincreases increases if you if ifyouhave you have hearthave heart diseaseheart disease disease or risk or or riskfactors risk factors factors for it suchfor as high blood pressure or when itNSAIDsfor suchfor it suchit as such high as as high blood high blood bloodpressure pressure pressure or when or or when whenNSAIDs NSAIDs NSAIDs However, However, However, taking taking taking low-dose low-dose low-dose aspirin aspirin aspirin may may not may reducenot not reduce reduce However, taking low-dose aspirin may not reduce are takenare for long periods. takenareare taken takenfor longfor for long periods. long periods. periods. the thecardiovascularthe cardiovascular cardiovascular risk riskassociated risk associated associated with with NSAIDwith NSAID NSAID use. use. theuse. cardiovascular risk associated with NSAID use. WithWith anyWith anyNSAID, any NSAID, NSAID, including including including CELEBREX, CELEBREX, CELEBREX, patients patients patients also With also any NSAID, includingalso CELEBREX,How patients also How should I takeHow CELEBREX?shouldHow should should I take I take ICELEBREX? take CELEBREX? CELEBREX? takingtakingtaking aspirin aspirin aspirin are atare arean at increased atan an increased increased risk riskfor risk stomachfor for stomach stomach taking aspirin are at an increased risk for stomach It’s importantIt’s to take CELEBREX as your doctorimportant It’s It’s important important to take to totake CELEBREX take CELEBREX CELEBREX as your as asyour doctor your doctor doctor bleedingbleedingbleeding and andulcers. and ulcers. ulcers. CELEBREX CELEBREX CELEBREX is not is isanot substitutenot a substitutea substitute bleeding and ulcers. CELEBREX is not a substitute prescribes.prescribes. If you experience side effects, speak to yourprescribes. prescribes. If you If youIfexperience you experience experience side sideeffects, side effects, effects, speak speak speakto your to toyour your for aspirinforfor aspirin aspirin in preventing in in preventing preventing heart heart attackheart attack attackor stroke. or or stroke. stroke.for aspirin in preventing heart attack or stroke. doctor immediately.doctor Your doctor can help determinedoctor the doctorimmediately. immediately. immediately. Your Your doctor Your doctor doctorcan canhelp can help determine help determine determine the the the correct dosagecorrect and length of treatment for you. correctcorrect dosage dosage dosage and andlength and length length of treatment of oftreatment treatment for you. for for you. you. *Individual*Individual*Individual results results results may mayvary; may vary; this vary; dosingthis this dosing dosingis for is osteoarthritis. isfor for osteoarthritis. osteoarthritis. *Individual results may vary; this dosing is for osteoarthritis. To learnToTo learn learn more more more about about about CELEBREX, CELEBREX, CELEBREX, visit visit visitcelebrex.com celebrex.comTo learn more aboutcelebrex.com CELEBREX, visit celebrex.com or call 1-888-CELEBREX. or callor or call 1-888-CELEBREX.call 1-888-CELEBREX. 1-888-CELEBREX. IndicationsIndicationsIndications: : : Indications: TellTell youryour doctor if Tellyou have: Tell yourdoctor your doctor ifdoctor you if have: you if you have: have: CELEBREXCELEBREXCELEBREX is indicated is indicatedis indicated for the for relieffor the the reliefof reliefthe of signs theof the signs and signs symptomsand and symptoms symptoms of ofCELEBREX of is indicated for the relief of the• signs and symptoms A of • A historyhistory of ulcers• or bleeding in the Astomach• or intestines history A ofhistory ulcers of ulcersof or ulcers bleeding or orbleeding bleeding in the in stomach thein the stomach stomach or intestines or orintestines intestines osteoarthritis,osteoarthritis,osteoarthritis, rheumatoid rheumatoid rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, arthritis, and ankylosingand and ankylosing ankylosing spondylitis, spondylitis, spondylitis, and forand andosteoarthritis, for rheumatoid arthritis,
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