READ THE A Newspaper Constructive VOLUME 29, NUMBER 22 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1959 PRICE SIX CENTS $101 Contributed To Chairman of the Binghampton The "fund” lias been establish­ Civic eLague's finance comm'li'.ee ed by the organization tor itsp.toii- C. _E. Hritoher, 584 Scott Ave. re­ dent, O. Z. Evers of 3018 Cry i nl ported this . week that 101 In do­ St., who olaims he will go into nations have been collected for the count to “protect his” postal clerk job. Evers said the pistol depart­ ment nformed him by mall recent­ ly that he would be fired from Ills Job or be disciplined it he didn't produce a more plausible reason '‘han he has given for his political campaigning prior to the Aug. 20 General Electton. He announced that he would seek to be olec.ed to a c’.ty commission pest before he was disqualified, because he had not been a resident of Memphis MONTEAGLE, Tenn:—The Sou­ long enough. thern Christian Leadership Confer­ Hatcher said, "Persons interested ence and the Alabama Christian in donating ilo ‘tile fund should Movement for Human Rights have contact him at FA 7-5770." joined the rising protest against the 'He listed the fallowing persons padlocking of Highlander Folk as contributors: Mis. Willie Mae School. Larkins. Edd e Davis, C. W. Bowen, Police Commissioner Claude Ar­ Delegates to the southwide meet­ Fred McCray. Mrs. Lula Durrett, mour gave no ¡indication or promise ing of the Southern Ciiristian' Mrs. Geraldine Lewis, C. and E. of inves’lgal-lng .the alleged "police Leadership Conference in Colum­ Eleot.ro Plating Go.; Coleman Fest brutality" which reportedly has bia, South Carolina, called upon Control System; Eliehue Stanback, been on the increase toward Ne­ Evergreen Caldwell, Mrs. Roberta CIVIC CLUB CHALLENGED - Members of the er. Officials of the group ate: Mrs. George W. gro Citizens. However, lie did Tennessee Governor Buford Elling­ Anderson, president; Mrs. Sarah Rodgers, vice ton and other state officials "to Washington, Rev. E. J. Washing­ Foote-Cleaborn Homes Tenant Association, pic­ promise*'frmer action" by. the take steps to end this obvious per­ ton, Jaspor Shoe Shop; Hightower tured here, were challenged recontly by Thad- president; Mrs. Dorothy Pride, second vice pclice depaittmenlt when he re­ secution of the School and of Mrs. Grocery Store; Rev. T. R. Fugh, deus T. Stokes, editor of the Memphis World, president; Mrs. Bernice Bowen, secretary; Wil­ plied to a written request by the Septima Clark, its Educational Di­ Willie Hatchett and James D. Lit- to combat juvenile delinquency which frequent­ lie Hill, Sr., treasurer; Mrs. Mattie Todd, gen­ Bluff City . and Shelby County rector.” ise. z Council of Civic Clubs to “investi­ Hatcher said several donations ly occurs in the area. The group met at the eral chairman of the drive; Mrs. Mary Hawkins, gate police brutality." ■ The conference declared that were sent in with a note saying Foote Homes Auditorium to kick off its mem­ co-chairman; and Miss Gladys Coleman, secre­ Armour also ignored two other "these attacks are apparently, at the “just a tr end." And one was signed tary of the membership drive. Miss Mildred requests by Ithe Council of Cl"*r bottom inspired by the program tor bership drive for the year. “Llghtfodt, your insurance man.” Stokes, shown in background at extreme left Riley, Pet Milk Company Home Consultant, Clubs. He did not reply to the integration carried on at the Council's request that (1) “an un­ School.” President of the Southern with Association officials, was principal speak- served refreshments. « biased committee be appointed by Christian Leadership Conference is uie uity - uu Dr. Martin Luther King,. Jr., of a full scale investigation immedi­ Montgom,ery, Alabama. ately and reveal the faots as they "ARREST SHAMEFUL" are uncovered." And (2) ‘itliat con­ The Alabama Christian move­ sideration ire given to hir'iig Negro, ment. headed by the Rev. Fred L. Christian Conference Lauds policemen in predomlnatly Negro Shuttlesworth, acted, at a mass areas." meeting of the organization in Bir­ Ill his reply to the Council of mingham. It declared: Civic Clubs, Armour stated: "Ever “The arrest of Mrs. Septima Commission Since I have been commissioner, Clark of this School is shameful NEW YORK — (UPI) — Negro this department has had a. policy and deserves condemnation by all congressman Adam Clayton Pow- of investigating all complaints ell D-N. Y. will; undergo "urgent 1 COLUMBIA, S. 0.—The South­ which have been reported, whether lovers , of freedom. Having already ern Christian Leadership Confer­ lost tie job and suffered much surgery” within the next two weeks they be white or colored, After the because of- the possibility, of-;,., a ence closed its - fall :?n»eting here Investigation' is completed, decisr. FROM FAR AWAY— Vadlomudi Basóvalch,’rlghìz ^Àio'enimlati humiiFriorre.b-.causei.of.her cour­ Ootoger il with'« " resolution com­ ageous stand for freedom, she is ions are made as to whether or not at A. & T. College thli’folt( -came the<"lt>l*§«sf-"tiliTaTçê,pi‘j^4y Wednesday, yi' mending the U. S. Commission on action should be taken. These in­ now being harrassed .and intimid­ Civil Rights for its recent report, Fact Finding Board To other student. A native of Tenali, India, he is a graduatR'of The disclosure of Powell's con­ vestigations are. not secret, and ated by those who seek to tie Ame- to Congress, aS “a step in the right Andrha University, He is pursuing the master of science degree dition was made in federal court are available to repointers of our “p Z> Evers Legal'Fund," direction.” newspapers as well as the public.” in agricultural education at A. & T. With him is Dr. F. A. .Wil­ (Continued On Page Eight) by his attorney. Eward Bennett Williams, who successfully applied The ' SCLC voted supart for a Report To Eisenhower "This department is instructed liams, dean of lhe A. & T. Graduate School. i’Y .’; \ commission 'proposal for a consti­ and taught to practice courtesy for a delay in trial of Powell on 1 By MERRIMAN SMITH income tax evasion charges. tutional amendment “to establish whenever possible. However, I do Mississippian Is First In requesting the postponement, a free and universal franchise (UPI White House Reporter) expect police officers, enforcing throughout the United States.’’ It PALM SPRINGS, Calif.,.(.DPI)—President Eisenhower invoked laws and ordinances to be abused, On Grand Jury Since Williams introduced a letter from also approved a commission plan ridiculed.ms. JnJured..while..Lliey..are. Negro Librarians Td Capt. R. B. Brown, chief surgeon for appointment of federal regis­ the Taft-Hartley law in the East Coast dock strike Tuesday by attempting to enforce the laws and of National Naval Medical Center trars where local authorities refuse creating a fact-finding board to report back to him by Satur­ ordinances of our city fairly and Reconstruction Days at Bethesda, Md.. which said ex­ to register citizens to vote because CANTON, Miss. — (ANP) — day. Impartially, whether it be white Help Goodwill Home amination Indicated that the Har­ of race, creed, color, or national ori­ This was the first, step In the ed Stelworkers President David J. or colored, without fear or favors Walter Brown, 49, a Negro farm­ lem congressman has a email tu­ gin. labor - management law leading McDonald came out of a one and of individuals or groups of indi­ On July 11. 1959 nn organization Mrs. M. I. Fitzgerald, Librajfav-gf er, last week was empaneled on mor mass “which causes some pres­ viduals. a Madison County grand jury and Delegates to the throe-day South­ toward an injunctive process which, one half, hour meeting with six- was (formed of t he (Negro librarians Li Moyne College serving at chaTftF. sure on his esophagus.” wide conference also favored fed­ if followed, would compel a cool­ top - level steel executives Tues­ became the first member of his “We are not going to tolerate, of »Memphis with the aid of Mns. man. This group h'opds the'jpwop's Brown said in the letter (hat be­ eralizing of public sdhools where ing -off period of 80 days In the day night and announced bluntly •Fred Dreffus. M. C. McCul- of Memphis will aid them’LVMihla’ race to serve on such a body since cause of the possibility the tumor local oWlteiafe refuse <to provide edu­ white or colored, who attempt to reconstruction. work stoppage. “nothing has changed." take a prisoner away from officers looh aind Mrs. (Mildred T. Heard, project by sending contrlbuttoiB^— was malignant, "we consider the cation for all without discrimina­ BULLETIN The three - man ooaid, already Executd'Vfl Direator of Goodwill targe or small — to Mr. WiOlam Appointed to the gTand jury by surgery urgent in a week or two.” tion. as in Prince Edward County. during their course of duty. If this Circuit Judge Leon Hendricks of PITTSBURGH — (UPI> — Unlt- (Continued On Page Eight) practice continues, as has been Hamel'; for Children, Inc., to build E. Jones, Librarian, Owen; C0U»8*>‘- Federal Judge Richard H. Levett Virginia. They urged withholding noted recently in the pre-ss, this ■a .library collctotion ait. the recent­ Mtrnphls 2. Tenn. AU conttibutfonsj Jackson, Miss., Brown and other postponed the trial until Nov. 16. Of federal fund's from schools that white jurists will consider charges department will take a firmer ac­ ly cii’ialbl.llisjhOd Goodwill Homes, an will bo receipted. practice discrimination. tion against ‘this type of lawless­ orpha-niage 'for (Negro children of The need for a library at 'GbM-: against four Negroes accused of OTHER ACTIONS this ccMnmrjnd'ty.
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