ABCD springer.com Just Released New Books All Titles, All Languages Sorted by author and title within the main subject springer.com Arts 2 C. Behl, University Medical Center of the Johanne, Mainz, Ger- Arts Biomedicine many; C. Ziegler, University Medical Center of the Jo, Mainz, Ger- many P. Wang M. Balali-Mood, M. Abdollahi (Eds.) Cell Aging: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications for Disease Musik und Werbung Basic and Clinical Toxicology of Wie Werbung und Medien die Entwicklung der Musikindustrie Organophosphorus Compounds Aging represents a physiological and per se non- beeinflussen pathological and multifactorial process involving a set of key genes and mechanisms being triggered by This book explains the chemistry of Organophos- Zwischen den 1920er und 1950er Jahren waren die different endogenous and exogenous factors. Since phorus compounds (OPs), their mechanism of toxic- Tabakhersteller in den USA für den musikalischen aging is a major risk factor in connection with a vari- ity and the history of OPs from their initial discovery Inhalt in den wichtigsten Medien verantwortlich. ety of human disorders, it is increasingly becoming to the development of new compounds such as Novi- Ihre Werbeagenturen machten nicht nur Reklame, a central topic in biochemical and medical research. choks. It details the harmful effects to human health sie waren zudem Booker und Programmverant- The plethora of theories on aging – some of which both as a result of acute and chronic OP exposure wortliche. Sie machten Jazz und Swing salonfähig, have been discussed for decades – are neither iso- and the necessary clinical management of affected Sänger zu Popstars und entwickelten die allererste lated nor contradictory but instead can be connected patients to reduce their toxic side effects. The book Chartshow. Die Werbung beherrschte nicht nur den in a network of pathways and processes at the cellu- also explains the detrimental effect that OPs have Content, sie war sogar ein wichtiger Faktor für die lar and molecular levels. This book summarizes the had on the environment and the efforts being made Geburt der Plattenindustrie. Pinie Wang analysiert most prominent and important approaches, focusing to prevent this in the future. Finally, the book looks den Wandel der Musikindustrie aufgrund des Ein- on telomeres, DNA damage and[...] flusses von Werbung – vom Zeitalter der Noten- at the incidents where OPs have been used as chemi- blätter bis hin zu Social Media. Die Autorin hebt cal warfare agents. Basic and Clinical Toxicology of Features die hybride Eigenschaft von Musik in öffentlichen Organophosphorus Compounds[...] Aging represents a physiological and per se non- Medien[...] pathological and multifactorial process involving a Features set of key genes and mechanisms being triggered by This book explains the chemistry of organophospho- Features different endogenous and exogenous factors. Since rus compounds (OPs), their mechanism of toxicity Zwischen den 1920er und 1950er Jahren waren die aging is a major risk factor in connection with a vari- and the history of OPs from their initial discovery to Tabakhersteller in den USA für den musikalischen ety of human disorders, it is increasingly becoming the development of new compounds such as Novi- Inhalt in den wichtigsten Medien verantwortlich. a central topic in biochemical and medical research. choks. It details the harmful effects to human health Ihre Werbeagenturen machten nicht nur Reklame, The plethora of theories on aging – some of [..] sie waren zudem Booker und Programmverant- both as a result of acute and chronic OP exposure wortliche. Sie machten Jazz und Swing salonfähig, and the necessary clinical management of affected Contents Sänger zu Popstars und entwickelten die allererste patients to reduce their toxic side effects. The book Aging and cell aging: an introduction.- Cell cycle: Chartshow. Die Werbung beherrschte nicht nur den also [..] the life cycle of a cell.- Theories and mechanisms of Content, sie war sogar ein [..] aging.- Selected age-related disorders. Contents Contents Chemistry and classification of OP compounds.- Fields of interest Das Live-Geschäft als Kernkompetenz der Musikin- History of use and epidemiology of organophospho- Molecular Medicine; Cell Biology; Pathology dustrie.- Das Senden von Musik als Kernkompetenz rus poisoning.- Acute toxicity of organophosphorus der Musikindustrie.- Der Tonträger als Kernkom- compounds.- Chronic toxicity of organophospho- Target groups petenz der Musikindustrie.- Dienstleistung als rus compounds.- Toxicity and novel biomark- Research Kernkompetenz der Musikindustrie.- Musik als eine ers of OP exposure.- Clinical management of spezifische Form öffentlicher Kommunikation. acute OP pesticide poisoning.- Clinical manage- Type of publication ment of organophosphorus nerve agents’ poison- Brief ings.- Occupational and environmental aspects of Fields of interest More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-45178-2 Humanities; Music; Media Research; Cultural Stud- organophosphorus compounds.- Summary, discus- ies sion and conclusions. Softcover 2014. IX, 108 p. 34 illus., 32 illus. in color. (SpringerBriefs Target groups Fields of interest in Molecular Medicine) Research Pharmacology / Toxicology; Emergency Medicine; $49.95 Molecular Medicine; Biomedicine (general); Envi- ISBN 978-3-642-45178-2 Type of publication ronmental Health usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days Monograph Target groups More on www.springer.com/978-3-658-04639-2 Professional/practitioner Softcover 2014. XII, 240 S. 40 Abb. Type of publication $59.99 Professional book ISBN 978-3-658-04639-2 More on www.springer.com/978-1-4471-5624-6 usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days Hardcover 2014. XII, 257 p. 31 illus., 6 illus. in color. $189.00 ISBN 978-1-4471-5624-6 usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days springer.com Biomedicine 3 S. Kanner (Ed.) Y. Kato, University of Hyogo, Himeji, Japan (Ed.) S. Redline, N.A. Berger (Eds.) Tumor Metabolome Targeting and Lipid Hydroperoxide-Derived Impact of Sleep and Sleep Drug Development Modification of Biomolecules Disturbances on Obesity and Cancer In this volume, the major metabolic alterations Lipid peroxidation is an important cellular process Sleep has recently been recognized as a critical deter- identified in cancer and tumor-associated cells which can lead to detrimental effects if it is not reg- minant of energy balance regulating, restoration and are explored, including discussions of former and ulated efficiently. Lipid hydroperoxide is formed in repair of many of the physiologic and psychologic emerging approaches to drug development in target- an initial step of lipid peroxidation. Lipid hydroper- processes involved in modulating energy intake and ing cancer cell metabolism. The metabolic network oxide is also known as a potential source of singlet utilization. In addition to having an impact on obe- in cells promotes the generation of both energy and oxygen. Harmful aldehydes are formed when the sity, sleep abnormalities, both quantitative and qual- biomass needed for them to grow, divide and differ- lipid hydroperoxide is degraded. The formed alde- itative, have now been shown to have significant entiate. However, the metabolism of malignant cells hyde has high reactivity against thiol or amine moi- effects on obesity associated comorbidities, includ- generally varies from that of normal cells. These dif- eties. Therefore, it could act as a signaling molecule, ing metabolic syndrome, premalignant lesions and ferences provide a platform for the discovery of new which might induce the changing of gears inside a cancer. Sleep problems and fatigue also constitute a approaches to targeting potential vulnerabilities in cell. Recent studies have shown that lipid hydroper- significant challenge for the ever expanding group of cancer cells for therapeutic options Some of the sig- oxide or a slightly modified product of the lipid cancer survivors. Moreover, circadian misalignment, nificant changes that occur involve ATP production hydroperoxide reacts with biomolecules such as pro- such as that experienced by "shift workers" has been and consumption that modulates[...] teins and[...] shown to be[...] Features Features Features In this volume, the major metabolic alterations This volume focusses on oxidative modifications This volume on the Impact of Sleep and Sleep Dis- identified in cancer and tumor-associated cells of lipid molecules and the successive generation of turbances on Obesity and Cancer continues the are explored, including discussions of former and singlet oxygen. The book also covers the secondary transdisciplinary approach of this series with chap- emerging approaches to drug development in target- adductions of these reactive species with proteins ters authored by the leading experts in this field, ing cancer cell metabolism. The metabolic network and aminophospholipids. During lipid peroxidation, focused on the normal regulation of the restorative in cells promotes the generation of both energy and the initial event is the formation of lipid hydroper- sleep associated processes across the lifespan, the biomass needed for them to grow, divide and differ- oxide, which is followed by an oxidation event that major mechanisms of sleep and circadian rhythm entiate. However, the metabolism of malignant cells starts a chain-reaction. The formed lipid [..] disturbances and the behavioral, physiologic, bio- [..] chemical and [..] Contents Contents Preface. I Lipid peroxidation and small molecule
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