Newsletter Issue 13 / July 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Important announcement The Committee would like to whole-heartedly thank Myra Gie- Results of EGM Hexham 16 Febru- 2 by Jennifer Morrison sen for superbly editing our news- ary 2013 This will be the last CBA North letters. They are a lot of work! newsletter in this format. Since Bradford Kaims, Wetland Heritage 2 Project changes were made to CBA nation- The Committee also is in desperate al membership and group mem- need of new blood. CBA North can- A History of the North East in 100 3 bership was no longer included in not function without an active Objects the membership fee, our subscrip- Committee. It is important that our A History of the North East in 100 3 tions from CBA national have dra- committee members and honorary Places matically fallen, almost by half. officers frequently change to en- Funding sources for voluntary ar- 3 Our greatest financial output is our sure that the Committee stays vi- chaeology groups newsletter – printing and postage brant. Many of our officers are due Marsh Community Archaeology 3 costs. The CBA North Committee to stand down. We are seeking a Award has therefore taken the decision new Chairperson, secretary and that we will in future be circulating eNewsletter editor. We would like Day of Archaeology 2013 3 an eNewsletter rather than posting our committee to better represent Archaeology for Everyone Cam- 4 a paper copy to its members. the huge area which we cover so paign 2013 members from Cumbria, Durham Members need not be dismayed. Rescued from the Sea 4 and Teeside would be particularly We will ensure that the eNewslet- welcome. We can consider using Archaeology in the Lake District 5 ter contains the same quality and Skype to avoid long distance travel National Park quantity of articles and news sto- to meetings. ‘Virtual’ committee Events (Festival of Archaeology) 6 ries. In fact, we will strive to make members are another possibility, it even better! A big benefit of an Lindisfarne Gospels 8 where minutes are circulated to eNewsletter is that we can send and discussed with them by email Festival of the North East 8 out more frequent editions to ad- rather than round a table. Please Heritage and Science: Working 8 vertise hot-off-the-press news such get in touch if you are interested by Together in the CARE of Rock Art as new fieldwork opportunities or phoning 0191 211 6218 or emailing exhibitions. We’ll be able to send Betty Watson’s Road, Piercebridge, 9 [email protected]. part two round more regular lists of current and up-and-coming events. The Cleadon Village Atlas 10 Excavations at Maryport Roman 11 We have email addresses for some Fort and Vicus but not all of our members. Please ensure that you inform us of your North East War Memorials Project 11 correct email address as soon as Membership Update 12 possible to ensure that you will re- eNewsletter Copy Deadline 12 ceive the first eNewsletter in the autumn. If you change your email YAC 14 address please also let us know. Visit us online at: Those members who have no ac- www.archaeologyuk.org/cban cess to the internet need not fret either. Please inform us if you have no email address and we will make CBA North: alternative arrangements for your registered charity #1098854 Read more about where you can see newsletters. this altar on page 9. P a g e 2 I s s u e 13 Results of EGM Hexham 16 Some CBA North events have been Bradford Kaims, Wetland February 2013 well attended, others have attracted Heritage Project very little interest. We have always by Graeme Young Membership numbers have dramati- tried to offer events in different parts cally dropped since CBA stopped au- of our region. CBA North has always The Bamburgh Research Project is cur- tomatic subventions to the regional seen its role as co-ordinating the ac- rently undertaking the 'Bradford Kaims groups. The financial impact on CBA tivities of other groups in our area, Wetland Heritage Project'. The study is aimed at investigating an extensive se- North has been grave and so a meet- drawings the counties together and ries of ancient lakes, formed in the post- ing was called to discuss three options producing a programme of regional glacial period, some 10,000 years ago, for the organisation and thus decide activities. Through our eNewsletter in North East Northumberland at Hop- on the future of CBA North: we can circulate this programme penwood Bank to the west of Bam- 1. To remain part of the CBA National more frequently and it will be more up burgh Castle. The lakes have subse- organisation (as one of its regional -to-date. We can fill in gaps in what quently infilled with sediment and peat groups) but assess our role and func- societies do. We should perhaps be and are predominantly grazing areas tion to decide whether we need to doing more local advocacy – reply to today. The present work represents an revise, add or delete any of the things consultations from local authorities, initial study undertaken with communi- we do the National Trust and wildlife trusts ty support, to identify and investigate 2. Become a separate organisation and supporting local authority archae- important archaeological sites, map the apart from CBA National and assess ologists, whose jobs are at threat. We extent of the wetland within the sample our role and function to decide wheth- already support the work of YAC and area using coring and investigate areas er we need to revise, add or delete encourage young people to become of particular interest with trial trench- any of the things we do involved in archaeology. We could do ing. We welcome volunteers on site and more of that. We’d like to improve the encourage people to follow us via our 3. Cease to operate, dissolve CBA layout of our website and add photos. blog North and wind up the charitable We want to be proactive. We’d like to www.bamburghresearchproject.wordpr body play a role in tackling heritage crime. ess.com. The turnout for the meeting was dis- We could in future have themed re- appointing – only 16 members out of a gional conferences that offer a broad- total of 200, and these included sever- er context than local lectures offered al committee members. The Commit- by county societies or training ses- tee is grateful to Mike Heyworth and sions. CBA could help find us speak- Louise Ennis from CBA National for ers. We could spread good practice to attending. We’d like to thank Bunter’s societies. Participation is key, Café for providing refreshments and “archaeology for all” and advocacy. to Peter Ryder for his illuminating tour Any ideas would be welcomed. To commemorate the Battle of Flod- of Hexham Abbey. We can’t do any of this without an den and to coincide with the expansion of Flodden 1513, Britain’s first cross- Option 1 was a unanimous vote in active Committee, so please come from the floor with an additional 19 border ecomuseum, we are planning to and join us! establish a new cross-border branch of postal or email votes. One email vote CBA National is supporting regional the Young Archaeologists’ Club. was received for option 2, and another groups. Louise Ennis, Head of Strate- one for option 3. The voting numbers gic Development, is their champion Flodden YAC were poor; nevertheless, the majority for the groups. Regional group mem- of votes carried option 1. The branch will be based near Flod- bership will be featured more on den Field at Branxton in Northum- The Committee is now busy discuss- CBA’s website and in the newsletter. ing the future role of CBA North. berland. We are looking for volun- There will be a better two-way net- teers to help run the branch and CBA North does not aim to duplicate work of communication between also contributors who can talk to the work of the many other archaeo- groups and national. CBA has made the group or deliver a session. logical groups in the region. We are improvements, based on comments it If you would like to learning more not in competition with them. That is has received. You now have to opt out contact Jane Miller, Flodden 1513 why we do not offer a journal or lec- of a regional group rather than opt in. Education Officer, on07768557698, ture programme. It was never our in- Members will be actively choosing to [email protected]. tention to organise lots of events or join CBA North. excavations as other societies do that. www.flodden1513.com N e w s l e t t e r P a g e 3 A History of the North East in 100 Objects sets out Marsh Community Archaeology Award to celebrate the creativity and innovation of the region by Louise Ennis through a ‘virtual exhibition’ of objects held by north Nominations for this year’s award of £1000 are open until east museums, galleries and archives. The variety of ob- 31 July 2013 to voluntary groups or individuals active in the jects includes paintings, books and artefacts. Particular- UK. The Award, sponsored by the Marsh Christian Trust, ly interesting items include the stocks from Hexham Old recognises and promotes the innovative and high quality Gaol, the coble used by William and Grace Darling to dissemination of the results of research and/or fieldwork rescue nine survivors from the Steamship Forfarshire in through publication, communication and archiving.
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