' -.1 .' ■I- J> , MONDAT. MAY 22/1944 \ ■■ The Wealhet r AGE TWELVE *AveSg^Sdlycirtalatloii Forecast ol l).>8. Weather Burear Mancheister Lvemng Herald For the Moatli a< April. tP«4 Cleariag and cooler toalghtj .George Mitchell, who has served Mftjnb'e.rs of the, cast which re­ Mothers' Club members are re­ Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Furgeson of Oi-oup K of Center Church Miss Doris Marie SCbinkel, W’edaeeday fair aad warmer. daughter of Herbert J. Schinkel of ip t|ic China-Burma-India thcatar cently pAsented the Manchester minded of the meeting this eve­ Terre.1 Haute, Ind., yrho have been FOR TOP VALUE 8,746 VVom^ii, of which Mrs. J. Seymour of war fd i'th e past .four months Grange minstrel' i(how will meet ning .gt Center Church House, visiting the family of their son, IN A NEW HOME About Town Brown is leader jvUl meet tomor­ 68 Plymouth Lane, received the de­ Member of^ho Audit gree of Bachelor of Science in has reOentty been promoted to the Wedneijdsy eyenlng at eight when Professor Wilkinson of the 'Rev. Dr. Earl H. FurgeSQii''of 70 row evening in the Robbins room. o'clock in tho- Mssonlc Temple, for Ifhiveraity of Connecticut will Henry street, will leave'for thrir Buidan ut tiU^ajlattoM A miml)«r of Pythfan Slaten^ Practical Arts, Boston.University, rank of priv a te First Claes. Pfc. See the OhM Beinf BaiH Manche*Ur~^A City Village Charm ^ A pot luck simper trill be en;[oyed a full rehearsal of the prOi'ram, apeak on Victory Gardens, and a' home- tomorrow. Although Dr. ICamorial Temple plan to attend at the commencement exercises Mitchell ik:^he son of Mr. and Mrs. at 6:80; and Mrs. Harold Agard which they will repeat, Thursday variety program will be presented Furgeson. has visited bis parents the district convention IB Rock- today in Symphony hal|. The' class Richard S.'NassifT of 33 Norman GREENBROOKE (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE TUREE CENTS will show pictures. night for Bolton Grange In the under the direCtior o f Mrs. Alien since he came hefe three and a M ANCHESTER, C O NN „ TU ESD AY, M A Y 23,1944 Vtlle this evpninir. was the smallest in the history of street. PriorNto his Induction into (Claaaiaed Advorttataig ea Page Ifft the Arm y he W " em ploy'd by Bolton Center Community hall. Belcher and Mrs. Merrill Adams. half^ysara ago, it was the first Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. B. Ander­ the college and the majority of the HOMES; IN C , Lxm ., NO. 199 Independent Cioek Co. Attached The cast has also been jnvited to time' they ha^ seen their grand­ t. son of Pitkin street, received a graduates were women. to an ordnance unit located deep repeat tht- show on Frldsy, June Mi.ss Eleanor Sanson, of Cam­ children, Donald and Jane Furge- On Walker Street telegram announcing the birth on in the Indo-Burma Jungles, Pfc. 2, under the auspices of Hillstown den, N. 'Y., niece of Jack Sanson, is May 19 of th&ir first grandchild, Clarence H. Gustafson was re­ For further Infofmation enO at \ Mitchell is authoriztri to . wear Grange. ' visitiim Mr. and Mrs. Sanson at Allies in tuins of Cassino ADVANCE a son, to Captain and Mrs. Carl cently graduated^ froln the Naval Alexander Jarvis Oa. ofltee-an Training school at Fort Lauder­ the Asiatic pacific Ribbon, BrOns'- their pome, 85 Hamlin street. \ E. Anderson of Washington, D. C.,) Mrs. Merle Dewart o f 35 Benton Canter atreet or at .td Alexaadst 1,500 Plahes/Rai n r Allies on Btar, European ME Ribbon. , - formerly of Camp Lee,. Va. Mrs/ dale, Fla., as an honor student. He Ptaonest 41U er TS78 was formerly employed by the street and her sister-in-law. Miss « Wayne W. Munsell. seaman fifpt ASHES AND NOTICE! Anderson was the former M.w street. The regular communicatioh t i t Edith M. Dewart of North Main clsiik. has competed his basic *. ‘1 LeVeme Laiwn a Minnesota girl. Phoenix State Bank A Trust CaiVi- ' H R P l pany.-Hartfordr-Hls motftar, Mrs. ManchesUi lodge of Masons will street, left yesterday for Clovis, training at the Submarine school RUBBISH-REMOVED Pinehunit will close all fda . Gustafson, and w1fe,^>/Mrs. be held tomorrow night at 7:30. N'.'M., where they wdll visit Sergt. in London. He received his recruit :z attered Eui- day Monday, May 29th and Clara Gustafson, live at 91 The Master Mason degree will be William J. Dewart .who has been training at Sampson, N. Y. He is PHONE 6027 Offensive; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W . E. en SUtloned at the Army Air Field Tuesday, May 30th. for the High ^treet. conferred. Refreshmt-nts will be .served after the meeting. there since Decembei*, Munsell of Horan street. Read Herald^dvs. Memorial Day Holiday. We THE SHERIDA^ a will be O PEN all day the Day-Long Assault fo^winK Wednesday, May RESTAURANT Roofing—Asbestos 31st, instead of the usual half-day. advert Is- Invites the People of Siding and Rock re Than 5,000 Tons \^HfJ HorSCS Infr this a week ahead of Manchester To Try Their Wool Insulation t Bombs Loosed 'QP^i - r # '* I/v Open New Pbase of Bat­ time 8 0 , that you may plan terman Airdroip6s, to tay in an extra supply Expert workmanship. All work Using Grass Drastic Cuts Curbs Put - tle in Italy to Crush this week-end. 65c guaranteed. ReaaaaaMe Prieea. I'reight Yards ^ and No obUgatton for an eatlmaUi German Armies; Oth­ Full Course Liiiicheon Leave Train Upon Using fo r tomorrow, Tuesday,. Write. 1 Ither ]>lilitary^ Objec- Cattle Need er Fifth Army Units May 23rd, our Meat Depart­ Served 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. ives' Ourinir Attack. Haimmer ' Upon Nazi ment will offer you plepty Burton Insulating Co. Sebres o f Eastern Ore­ Times Upset Coal Stock Defenses on Coastal of ISO Oxford St. .. Uarttoid ondoii. May 23.—</P)-—Ap- gon Waddie* Gather / ' — 5 TO 6-POUND FOWL ' Phone Hartford S3-t818 Jiximately 3,500 Alli\ed w Sector; Assault Begun For Super - Roundup New. Invasion Tenseness Delivery Forbidden to FOR FRICAS.SEE Ines battered Hitler’s Lu- Hour Before Dawn. MILITARY/ today in a day-long as- O f Wild Mustangs. Grips Troop-Packed Consumers Able to Use Freshiv Ground Hamhurif, ^It in- which more than 5,- Bitutninous Supply (No'Points)........lb. 29c Britain; Tbdiisands of Allied HeadQuarters, Na­ WHIST tons of explosives were Jordan Valley, Ore., May 23 — je d on -jGerman airdromes, Civilians Are Strandetl O It, t s%rfe Northeast. ples, May 2 3 .-^^)—The Al­ A Special on 5-Lb. Shanks / (A>)—SJiores of eastern Oregon's MASONIC TEMPLE HALE’S light yards and other inili- lies ojn the "A'hzio beachhead of Ready to Serve Ham., dwthdling waddles congregated to Tuesday, May 23rd, 8 P. M. y fv objectives in the fifth London, May 23 -(/P)— New in Washington, May 23—(/P)—Solid smashed forward today in a 1^. 25c Combined With Our White Event day for a super-roundup of wild ’ of the renewed pre-invasion -vasion tenseness gripped troop- Fuels Administrator Ickes an­ mighty offensive and simul­ Auspices . ^ |lal offensive. mustsngs. \ packed Britain today as further nounced today that effective June taneously the Eighth Army The best veu^able buy Private Duty Nurses Ass’n. \n armada of up to 750 Amen-., ... It's another extraordinary war This 19 a section o f the ruined town o f Cassino. Italy, as It appeared when Allied forces captured the dra.stic cuts in main linfs passen­ 1, retail dealers outsldcXNew Eng- drove against the Hitler line will be Table and Door Prizes I Housewares r Liberators and Flying For- measure— rancherg need the, range iid and Middle ' Atlantic ■ states from the east; opening a new iaes began the daylight sittash- grass the useless horses consume b iU eriy^^tesled defense point. Top peak In '-enter b.-,ck!fiound is location of Monte Cassino monas­ ger train schedules left thou SPRING SPINACH Refreshments! Which Brings You A Ho^t Of Good Values (A P Wire photo from Signal Corps radiophoto.) fln * dawn attack on /French to feed vital beef cattle. tery, which the Nazis used as a fort. of cilivlans stranded in stations are forbidden to deliver anUHacite phase of the battle in Italy to 29c peck. Adm ission.......... 50 cents German targets after vMre The range ponies, eatimated to Train timetables throughout the or~ eastern coke to consuiqers crush the German Armies. A t the . 1,000 British nlgjit bombers r umber up to 2,000. will be cor- country were put on a virtual day whose equipment permits the use same time other Fifth Army California Lonjr White Po-. Beautiful Solid ColoT - u hit Dortmund and Brunswick raled and sold at auction. to-day basis. Troops were given of high volatile bituminous coal. ; forces hammered upon Nazi de­ tatoes . V . 4 lbs. 31e y iGermany and other continental Stockmen said the sale would priority on trains still running Restrictions are removed, how­ fenses on the coastal sector—only Chrysler Plant Chinese Forees Cut ever, on deliveries to hospitals for lectives. send some horses Into captivity to Farewells betWKn soldiers and 22 piilcs belpW tiw beachhead. carry cowboys, others will be kill­ "ordinary uses," and to restau­ Extra Large MILITARY SU Fail to Betum their wives and sweethearts were Clark Directs .Assault ed for dog food and some might more poignant than ever before. rants for cooking an heating of Lieut.
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