DISTRICT OF SOOKE Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chambers at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on January 8, 2001 at 7:30 pm COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Ed Macgregor Tom Day, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Lorna Barry Rachel Parker, Deputy Clerk (recorder) Councillor Ron Dumont Councillor Janet Evans Councillor John Farmer Councillor Marcus Farmer Councillor Jeff Stewart CALL TO ORDER Mayor Macgregor called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD John Brahman expressed his concern regarding the takeover of Sooke Mountain Park and thought that it should be available to all users. He questioned whether the CRD needs to consult with Council to rezone the properties to parkland. Lori Hryniuk of the Island Rock Crawlers gave some background on the Harbourview Land campaign. She expressed their frustration with the process over the last year and a half. There has been no result of public input and no response from CRD Parks or the Board. Ellen Lewers of 5526 Sooke Road stated that there is an economic benefit of $72,000 to the community from the Rock Crawl. The land should be for multi-use including residential. · She thought that there would be an economic impact if the land use were restricted. She read and submitted a letter from Kathleen Watkins of Harbourview Road. Ken Frockman of 2575 Sooke River Road stated that future land acquisition should consider OHV users. DELEGATIONS AND PETITIONS D-1 Martin Segger, Director, Government and Community Relations, University of Victoria, UVIC's Ten Year Report Mr. Segger distributed The Big Picture document to Council. He advised that UVIC has a daytime population of 20,000 staff and students; it is the region's third largest employer; and provides cultural and athletic activities to the region. A community round table meeting will be held at the end of February. 1 January 8, 2001 District of Sooke Regular Council Meeting Minutes Councillor Dumont asked whether the University considered off-campus facilities in other municipalities such as a forestry building in Sooke. Mr. Segger advised that the new distributed learning has allowed for new types of learning including interactive distance education. Council may want to pursue this issue and the community round table meeting. REPORTS REQUIRING ACTION RA-1 Board of Variance MOVED by Councillor Marcus Farmer, seconded that Frank Limshue, Municipal Planner for the District of Sooke, be appointed as secretary to the Board of Variance. CARRIED RA-2 Appointment of Approving Officer MOVED by Councillor Evans, seconded that Frank Limshue, Municipal Planner, be appointed as Approving Officer for the District of Sooke; and that Tom Day, Chief Administrative Officer, be reaffirmed as alternate Approving Officer. CARRIED RA-3 Appointment of Contact for Interim Measure Negotiations (UBCM Aboriginal Affairs Committee) MOVED by Councillor Dumont, seconded that the Chief Administrative Officer be appointed as the District of Sooke contact for Interim Measures negotiations. CARRIED RA-4 Strategic Plan 2001 MOVED by Councillor Barry, seconded that the 2001 Strategic Plan be approved. CARRIED REPORTS FOR INFORMATION Rl-1 CRD Building Inspection Division, Report for December 2000 MOVED by Councillor Dumont, seconded that the CRD Building Inspection Division Report for December 2000 be received and filed. CARRIED Mr. Day noted that the CRD collected $162,6.10 in Sooke permit revenue plus approximately $40,000 in taxpayers' fees in the year 2000. The permit fees will now accrue to Sooke in 2001. 2 January 8, 2001 District of Sooke Regular Council Meeting Minutes CORRESPONDENCE REQUIRING ACTION C-1 Frank Leonard, Leadership in Local Governance Program, Royal Roads University, Invitation to Effective Community decision-Making Session, February 10-13, 2001 MOVED by Councillor Marcus Farmer, seconded that the correspondence be received ·and filed. CARRIED C-2 Rick Kasper, MLA, Malahat-Juan de Fuca, Sooke Mountain Park and Adjacent Crown Land Mayor Macgregor reported that the Land Conservancy has made a $5.3 million offer to acquire the Seraphim property including 1 acre near Cooper's Cove. In addition to the $420,000 TLC has raised, TLC is asking the CRD Board to provide $3 million and the Ministry of Environment for $2 million for this purchase. Mayor Macgregor asked for direction from Council on how to proceed at the upcoming CRD Board meeting on January 10, 2001. Council directed the Mayor to reiterate Council support for OHV facilities. Councillor Barry thought that discussions should continue with OHV users over the next two years. Councillor Marcus Farmer suggested that Council demand information on the planning process as Mr. Kasper had suggested. Councillor John Farmer stated that if the Park Acquisition Fund is utilized for the purchase, the park must be not be closed to certain users as this fund is a tax collection from all park recreation users. Mayor Macgregor advised that he would raise Council's concerns to the Board and report back to Council. CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1-1 Paul Murray, Chair, CREST Project, Update on status of CREST Radio Network Initiative MOVED by Councillor Marcus Farmer, seconded that the correspondence be received and filed. CARRIED 3 January 8, 2001 District of Sooke Regular Council Meeting Minutes 1-2 District of Highlands' Particip~tion in Casino Revenue Sharing Agreement a) G.R. Mellot, Clerk Administrator, District of Metchosin b) Geoff Pearce, Clerk-Administrator, District of Langford c) Joseph A. Calenda, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Colwood MOVED by Councillor Evans, seconded that the correspondence be received and filed. CARRIED 1-3 Judy Reykdal, Deputy Director, Ministry of Attorney General, Municipal Police Services for Sooke MOVED by Councillor Evans, seconded that the correspondence be received and filed. CARRIED MAYOR'S LIST R-5 Consultation on Bylaw No, 39, 2000 Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (1645-6) MOVED by Councillor Barry, seconded that Council not require additional consultation on District of Sooke Bylaw 39, 2000, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (1645- 6). CARRIED NEW BUSINESS Mayor Macgregor advised the he had received a letter from Richard Stanwick from the Capital Health Region regarding subdivision fees advising that the CHR is undertaking a fee versus cost analysis. Councillor Dumont advised that the Acting Municipal Engineer had met with Clark Able of JJM regarding the Maple Avenue drainage problem. Mr. Able had advised that JJM would cement the culvert bottoms and redo the concrete abutments. PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Ellen Lewers stated that current laws already protect creeks and lakes on the Harbourview lands and suggested that it be considered to give the Crown land to the municipality. Lori Hryniuk stated that the CRD does not have $3 million available for the Harbourview lands, but has $1 .3 million at $60,000 per year. 4 January 8, 2001 District of Sooke Regular Council Meeting Minutes Andrea deLange stated that the Land Conservancy is another interest group like the Island Rock Crawler. If the Rock Crawlers proposed to purchase the property they would have to raise the funds themselves. Robert Brace commented that the Parks Master Plan did not include motorized vehicle used and ignored public input. Derek Mann commented that if the land became park, the District of Sooke should get monetary compensation with which it could purchase other land. Ken Frockman stated that he had attended the public consultation meetings for the Parks Master Plan. He thought that the TLC is attempting to purchase the property in order that public consultation may be avoided. John Brahman commented on the Local Area Plan process. He stated that the CRD never attended these meetings. MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED by Councillor Evans, seconded that the meeting be closed to the public at 8:20 pm to discuss the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements for items under section 242.2(1 )(e) of the Local GovernmentAct; and labour relations or employee negotiations under section 242.2(1 )(c) of the Local Government Act. CARRIED Certified Correct: Tom Day~/ Chief Administrative Officer 5 January 8, 2001 District of Sooke Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chambers at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on January 22, 2001 at 7:30 pm COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Ed Macgregor Tom Day, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Lorna Barry Rachel Parker, Deputy Clerk (recorder) Councillor Ron Dumont Frank Limshue, Municipal Planner Councillor Janet Evans Councillor John Farmer Councillor Jeff Stewart ABSENT: Councillor Marcus Farmer CALL TO ORDER Mayor Macgregor called the meeting to order at .7:30 pm. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Dumont, seconded that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on December 18, 2000 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED MOVED by Councillor Evans, seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on January 8, 2001 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED MOVED by Councillor Dumont, seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on January 16, 2001 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED COMMITTEE MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Evans, seconded that the minutes of the Traffic Study Steering Committee meeting held on December 8, 2000 be received for information. CARRIED MOVED by Councillor Evans, seconded that the minutes of the Traffic Study Steering Committee meeting held on January 16, 2001, be received for information. CARRIED 6 January 22, 2001 District of Sooke Regular Council Meeting Minutes ( PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD There were no questions or comments from the public. DELEGATIONS AND PETITIONS D-1 Bev Myers and Elida Peers, Sooke Region Historical Society, Volunteer Recognition Program Proposal for Sooke Bev Myers, President of the Sooke Region Historical Society, introduced Elida Peers.
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