'lames Truslow Adams To Edit Dr. Freeland's Textbooks OVERHEARD WEATHER SPARTA'S HALLS Partly cloudy, showers, var. retary IN winds. Max. yest., 60; min. yest., 50; Bar. at 12:, 29.59; Loan .1 hear that the rally As. trend, up; rain to date, 7.73 can't take it- -" rough ex show toys In. ; normal, 9.19 in.; last Plans ni year, 9.46 in. San joae State Windier Bursas Ion's OLUME 24 sAN JOSE, I \I \ I Y FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1936 Number 82 en (la be r ,r Imo; ilasquerade Ball Tomorrow'Pulitzer Prize Winner Is ,oa" 5. the F. President To Leave law , Students 1ComicDisguises, Chosen T o Collaborate Former _ dye re. For St. Lo8 Meet I. the P-% Curriculum M Are In Meningitis President ILoom For Annual Committee T. W. MacQuarrie of Famed Organist San Recommends Books Loan Jose Statetate will leave Sunday pacity Outbreak On Ship a convention of the National Peek - A -Boo Hop Unanimously I To Give Recital k seri Teachers College association in St. I OneDead,AnotherSick Louis. James Truslow Adams, noted One I ChairmanBeckerUrges Theodore Strong, nationally fain- Ohe of two official California historian and educator, has been On Cadet Ship I delegates to ous organist, has been secured to retained by Scribners to edit the sett, the convention, Dr. Try For Prizes demonstrate the newly invented Plan a: MacQuarrie will go east by way recently accepted text books of Two former San Jose State Hammond organ when the of the Indian country of first Dr. George E. Freeland, head of roc! San Josean New Comic characters, animals, and ,talents and one other Mexico, in organ recital ever presented on in or; company with a party Mother Goose characters will in- the San Jose State education de- acre among those threatened ln of the State college campus is given one members of the California I termingle at the Masquerade Ball partment and now on sick leave, ;hat was thought to be a possible Teachers' in the Morris Dailey auditorium ilOOo Association. tomorrow night from 9 o'clock it was learned here yesterday. rust meningitus epidemic aboard He expects Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, it to visit a police until midnight in the Men's gym- Dr. Freeland received word re- me California Nautical School school in was learned today. Louisville, Ky., and the nasium, when the whole student cently that his "New Frontier mining ship "California State" off general college of the University I body turns up disguised to enjoy Mr. Strong is considered an au- Social Science Series" for grades me Central American Coast Tues- of Minnesota sts before he returns on the second dance put on this quer- thority on the Hammond organ six, seven and eight has been tay whi.ch took the life of Willard March 3. ter by the social affairs committee. and has been especially secured adopted for use in the California Mare of Tres Pinos and caused With a student body card and by the Hammond company for the public schools. The series received toe ship to radio for aid. costume of any type the only college audition. the unanimous recommendation of One.) With the Grace Liner Santa la Peace Program requirements for admission and "The bringing of the Hammond the State Curriculum Commission, Who go Maria and the U. S. destroyer Al Davina's popular Royal Corn- organ to San Jose State is an im- and was adopted by the Board of lattnall placing serum and manders the entertainment attrac- portant event to the college," Education at the January meeting Guaymas medical attendants aboard the Led By Parrish tion, individual students as well as Adolph W. Otterstein, head of the for use in the public schools of gulf rah California State yesterday it was college organizations are making California. 300,000 copies are to be rhe rest Backed by fourteen campus or- music department, asserted. thought that the crew and printed by the state printing plant ganizatIons, the plans to attend. "If an organ is purchased for is a law cadets, among whom were Bill College Peace Ac- PRIZES the in the initial edition. Charles Scrib- about 32 tion council yesterday swung into college, our music department Roberts and Cyril Royston, for. ner's Sons will publish the series action under the leadership Three prizes to be offered for will be complete. Regular organ iptly into mer San Jose State students, of the best costumes nationally. ra 17101111. Chairman Ruth Parrish, furnish an in- instruction can then be given." Melvin Hendrickson, San Jose ADAMS TO EDIT .hey say Miss Parrish was elected leader centive to delve into forgotten boy, were safe and out of danger Adams, nationally famous auth- aks them of the San Jose State peace action nooks and pull out some old relic as the training ship continued or, diplomat, member of the Pulit- group at a meeting composed of of the past to don for the novel IINew on to Panama. Pamphlets zer prize jury for history, and him- ;ENia1 delegates from college clubs and dance. Moore, who succumbed Monday, self a noted historian and educator, g alone fraternities in Room 24 Wednesday Costumes need not1 be elaborate, en buried at Sea to prevent con- Issued By State has been appointed to edit the cleared night. since originality will be taken into Von. series and collaborate with Dr_ rst light The group was addressed by consideration in awarding the Both Roberts and Two helpful pamphlets have ewe had Royston were Dr. E. Guy Talbott, noted traveler prizes, one to the best couple and (Continued on Page Four.) !Wentz' just been released by the State ling) to at State during the fall and lecturer. He stressed the im- one each to the best individual parter Department of Education which sides of a year ago, changing to portance of centering efforts for by costumed man and woman, will Police Speech :be cadet ship after be of great to primary Class ted into winning the peace on Washington. FIXIN'S, TOO posts teacher training and library stu- te thick through competitive exam- Miss Elsie Toles of the Educa- To Be Year Course Unique decorations in keeping dents, miss Joyce Backus, canons held by the library kind of State Nautical tion department is faculty adviser with the affair are promised by Khoo] head, announces. Because of its value to students e IMO& for the Peace Action Council, Harold Kibby, in charge of that "Pleasure Reading for Boys and in the San Jose State Police from the part of the arrangements, but he Girls," and "The Library in the school, the police speech class i will reveal nothing definite, pre- Elementary School" which originated as a quarter re- ftern000 are the titles Sixty Women Students To Attend 'tering to keep his plans "masked". of the booklets which were com- quirement course will continue in- caul dip Masks will be required for the piled by the southern and northern to the next quarter as a year utfit are dance, but unmasking is divisions of a committee appointed subject, according to Miss Eliz- of duel Swim-a-mc Monday Afternoon first scheduled to occur early in the by the California Library associ- abeth Jenks of the Speech Arts ek after evening, Paul Becker, social affairs ation. department. luaymei Italian Banquet Be Plans chairman, announces. MISS BACKUS AIDS The class work of the present ichi 100 To Senior Council The northern division of this quarter is concerned with the that re Held At Costa Hotel Program Orientation committee was aided by Miss study of the logic of statement and The tel Ed Mitchell Chosen Backus, president of the northern emotional appeal which police stu- here and Nearly sixty women members of The senior executive council, re- 'Campus Day' Head section of the School Library As- dents may be required to make 53% 5s de student body plan to attend cently appointed to plan and direct sociation of California, and in in their future work. glon, but the During Junior Meet meeting of Next quarter the students will quarterly Swim-a-nic, combina- !senior activities throughout the whose honor the last bon the committee was held on the be taught how to meet the public ISH swimming and dining year, will present a program next Ed Mitchell was appointed party, campus of San Jose State. and proper courtroom 'procedure. nemesis I be under the chairman of the junior class com- held Monday night, starting Thursday at Orientation "Pleasure Reading for Boys and Practical experience in both sub- along a it mittee in charge of plans for Cam- four o'clock. chairmanship of Ed Wetterstrom. Girls," compiled by the southern jects will be gained by participa- respond. pus Day March 12, at a junior 'Through In addition to the president, division, is well illustrated with tion of the class in the entertain- the courtesy of Mr. meeting held yesterday in Room t south vice-president, ment of school clubs and meetings. Walker, Jack Reynolds; pen and ink drawings. It gives our at. the men's varsity swim- I one of the Art building. Karl Drexel; secretary, Alberta short reviews and ratings of books mar. 'MI practice I The annual upperclassmen's day will be cut short an ) Jones and Bill Burt, the committee for children. it time lour come on the Thursday of, Art Clubs To Merge to allow girls attending the includes Hugh Staffelbach, Ed will OTHER BOOKLET ot nulk Party Bob "Hello Week," with present sug- to swim from 4:30 to 5:30.
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