PRINTED FOR PRÍVATE CIRCULAnON ONLy ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW founded with the support of the CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE RECENT DEVELOPMENTS OF CONFLICT OF LAWS CONVENTIONS IN LATIN AMERICA by GONZALO PARRA-ARANGUREN (Extract from the Recueil des cours, Volume 164) SIJTHOFF & NOORDHOFF Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands RECENT DEVELOPMENTS OF CONFLICT OF LAWS CONVENTIONS IN LATIN AMERICA by GONZAW PARRA-ARANGUREN 59 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I. Historical development up to the Bustamante Code . 65 1. The Congress of Panama (I826) 2. Efforts toward codification during the middle ofthe nineteenth century 3. The Lima Treaty tl Sj S) 4. First Montevideo conventions (I888-1889) 5. Preparatory work to the Bustamante Code 6. Endorsement of the Bustamante Code 7. Its ratification 8. Critical comments 9. Second Montevideo treaties (I939-1940) Chapter 11. The Ibero-American community .. 75 10. Ibero-American congresses at the end of the nineteenth century 11. Discussion in Spain on the convenience of acceding to the Bustamante Code 12. Circular letter to convoke the first Ibero-American Congress of International Law (1951) 13. The work of the Hispanic-Lusitanian-American Institute of Interna­ tional Law 14. The first conference of ministers ofjustice of the Hispanic-Lusitanian­ American and Philippine countries (I970) 15. Second conference : Brasilia (¡ 972) 16. Convention on information in juridical matters regarding legal rules in force and their application (I972) 17. Convention on judicial assistance (I 972) 18. Thirdconference: Buenos Aires (I97S) 19. Convention on a uniform system for enforcement of civil judgments and arbitral awards (l 975) 20. Convention on simplification of the legalisation of foreign public documents (I 975) 21. Fourth conference : Caracas (I978) 22. Convention on issuance of excerpts of civil registry certificates (I 978) Chapter III. The impact of economic integration . 90 23. Efforts toward economic integration 24. Objectives ofthe Latín American Free Trade Associatton (I960) 25. Attempts to reform the Latin American Free Trade Association 26. Caribbean integration and the Treaty that establishes the Caribbean Comrnunity (CARICOM)(I973) 27. The Declaración de Bogotá (1966) 28. The Cartagena Agreement (I969) 29. Its structural organization 30. Harmonization and unification of legal rules ofthe States Members 31. Foreign investments : Decision 24 32. Private internationallaw rules in Decision 24 33. Decision 40 on double taxation 34. External credit contracts 35. Regulating ofcontracts related to the use of patents and trade marks 60 G. Parra-Aranguren 36. Decisions 84 and 85: specific rules on Industrial property 37. Decision 46 : objectives pursued and method used 38. Private international law rules on multinational corporations 39. Decision 56 on transportation by road 40. Labour matters 41. Decision 113: Andean lnstrument 01 Social Security 42. Decision 116: Andean lnstrument 01 Laboral Migration Chapter IV. The first Inter-American specialized conference on private internationallaw (CIDIP-I). ................. .. 107 43. Codification of prívate international law within the organization of American States 44. Reasons to renew efforts toward private internationallaw codification 45. First report ofthe Inter-American Juridical Committee O949) 46. Second report of the Inter-American Juridical Committee 095I) 47. The "cornparative study" prepared by Dr. José Joaquin Caícedo• Castilla O953) 48. The convocation of the first Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law (CIDIP-I) 49. Installation of the conference and conventions signed in Panama (975) 50. Inter-American convention on conflict of laws concerning bilis of exchange, promissory notes and invoices 51. Inter-American convention on conflict oflaws concerning cheques 52. Inter-Arnerican convention on international commercial arbitration 53. Inter-American convention on letters rogatory 54. Inter-American convention on the taking of evidence abroad 55. Inter-American convention on the legal régime of powers of attorney to be used abroad 56. Clauses common to all conventions 57. Public policy c1ause 58. Diplomatic c1auses 59. Evaluation of the first Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law (CIDIP-I) 60. Ratifications ofthe Panarna conventions Chapter V. The second Inter-American Specialized Conference on private internationallaw (CIDIP-n) ................. .. 128 61. Convocation of the second Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law (CIDIP-n) 62. The agenda to be examined 63. Installation ofthe conference (Montevideo, 1979) 64. The first commission 65. Resolution on an additional protocol to the Inter-American convention on the taking of evidence abroad 66. Additional protocol to the Inter-American convention of letters rogatory 67. Inter-American convention on the .extraterritorial efficacy of foreign judgrnents and awards 68. Inter-American convention on execution ofpreventive measures 69. Inter-American convention on evidence and information regarding foreignlaw 70. The second commission 71. Resolution on international waterborne transportation, with special reference to bilis of lading 72. Inter-American convention on conflict of laws concerning cheques Conflict 01 Laws Conventions in Latin America 61 73. ínter-American convention on conflict of laws concerning mercantile corporations 74. Inter-American convention on general rules of private international law 7S. Resolution on personality and capacity in prívate international law 76. Inter-American convention on domicile of physical persons in prívate international law 77. Plenary sessions of the conference 62 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Gonzalo Parra-Aranguren was born in Caracas (Venezuela) on 5 December 1928. Graduated summa cum laude at the Law School of the Central University of Venezuela. Post-Graduate Studies in New York University (USA). Obtained the Doktor Iuris, with Mention cum laude, in the Ludwig-Maximileans-Universitat München (Gerrnany), Formerly First Instance Mercantile Judge in Caracas 0958-1971), is nowadays practising law. Titular Professor of Private International Law in the Central University of Venezuela (from 1956) and Titular Professor of Private International Law in the Catholic University Andrés Bello in Caracas (from 1957). Member of different law commissions : to suggest the rules on "nationality" that were the basis for the norms of the Venezuelan Constitution actually in force (961) ; to prepare a "Draft of Norms on Private International Law" 0963-1965); and to make a revision of the Books on Negotiable Instruments and on Bankrupcy of the Venezuelan Commercial Codeo Member of the following Institutions : Colegio de Abogados del Distrito Federal (Caracas), and its former Vice-President (967) ; Academia de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales (Caracas); Instituto Venezolano de Derecho Procesal (Caracas); Instituto Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional; Asociación Interamericana de Profesores de Derecho Internacional Privado; Asociación Uruguaya de Derecho Internacional; Sociedad Bolivariana de Venezuela; Instituto de Derecho Interna­ cional. Former Member ofthe Publishers Board ofthe Revista del Colegio de Abogados del Distrito Federal; and actually Member of the Board of Publishers of Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas) and Actas Procesales del Derecho Vivo (Caracas). Co-President of the Commission on Private International Law at the fourteenth Meeting of the Inter-American Federation of Lawyers (Venezuela, 1969). Especially invited to participate as Lecturer in Curazao during the Centenary of the Introduction of the Codification and the Establishment of the Supreme Court of Justice (969). Professor at the Sixth Course of International Law in Rio de Janeiro, organised by the Inter-American Juridical Committee (979). Delegate for Venezuela to the following events : Third Conference on the Law of the Sea (Caracas, 1974); Third Meeting of the Spanish-Venezuelan Mixed Commission (Madrid, 1974) ; First Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law (Panama, 1975) and Vice-President, in charge ofthe Presidency of the Second Commission ; Thirteenth Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (as Observer, 1976-1977); Second Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law (Montevideo, 1979), and President of the Second Commission. 63 PRINCIPAL PUBLICATIONS El Concepto de Fundación (1950). Die Regel "Locus Regit Actum" und die Formen der Testamente, Munich, 1955. "Los derechos sucesorales del Cónyuge sobreviviente", Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (RFDUCV), Caracas, No. 9,1956. "La Doble Nacionalidad", RFDUCV, No. 23, 1962. "La Nacionalidad venezolana originaria en la Constitución del 23 de Enero", Boletin de la Biblioteca Rojas Astudi/lo, Vol. 13, Caracas, 1963. "Orígenes sociológico-jurídicos de la Nacionalidad Venezolana", RFDUCV, No. 24, 1963. Antecedentes Históricos del Código de Comercio, Caracas, 1963. Proyecto de Ley de Normas de Derecho Internacional Privado (in collaboration with Drs. Roberto Goldschmidt and Joaquín Sánchez-Covisa), Caracas, 1963. (A revised edition was published in 1965.) La Nacionalidad Venezolana Originaria, 2 vols., Caracas, 1964. "Origen y Evolución del Sistema Anglo-Americano de Derecho Internacional Privado", Revista de Derecho y Legislación, Caracas, Vol. 53, Nos. 641-643, 1964. "Prueba de la Capacidad Matrimonial
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