" *!/' r^ K % 6C dj ; THE SCOTTISH STIRLING COUNCIL LIBRARI ES ^^^^ M^SySiJ 3 8048 00614 2157 NEW PRCw. i^w . WW IS SPECIALLY SUITED TO THE PRESENT TIME. Head Offlce-ITo. 9 ST. AITDHEW SQT7AIIE, EDZITBTTII&H. London, 28 Cornhill. Belfast, 2 High Street. Dublin, 9 Lower Sackville Street. Leeds, 18 East Parade. Glasgow, 114 "W. George Street. Dundee, 53 Reform Street. Manchester, 39 Cross Street, King Street. Birmingham, 29 Bennett's HilL Liverpool, 14 "Water Street. Norwich, 48 St. Giles' Church Plain. And Agencies in the other principal Cities and Towns in the United Kingdom. The new Prospectus specifies the Documents necessary to enable any one to form a satisfactory judgment regarding the Financial Condition and General Merits of a Life Assurance Institution, and contains— I. The Society's last Valuation Balance-Sheet of Assets and Liatoilitios, •with detailed list of the Securities in -which the Funds are invested. ssets and m of each sons as it FRO>l THE COLLECTIOIV Policies of OF THE iLATE JOHN Y. CROMBIE PARKIVEUK, STIRLING By rreat evils ins I agraiBSt ant financial Co] 3pe<3tftilly submitted to the consideration of all concerned. Copies of the new Prospectus may he had, or vnll he sent po^ free on application. ANNUAL PREMIUMS. For the Assurance of £100 at Death, with Profits. Age. Premiums. Age. Premiums. Age. Premiums. Age. Prsmiums. 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 21 2 3 1 31 2 12 11 41 3 8 2 51 4 14 8 22 2 3 11 32 2 14 2 42 3 10 52 4 18 11 23 2 4 9 33 2 15 5 43 3 12 53 5 8 6 24 2 5 7 34 2 16 9 44 3 14 1 54 5 8 5 25 2 6 6 35 2 18 2 45 3 16 4 55 5 18 8 26 2 7 6 36 2 19 9 46 3 18 7 66 5 19 3 27 2 8 6 37 8 1 3 47 4 1 1 57 6 5 4 28 2 9 7 38 S 8 48 4 3 7 58 6 11 10 29 2 10 8 39 8 4 6 49 4 6 11 59 6 18 4 30 2 11 9 40 3 6 3 50 4 10 7 60 7 4 9 SAMUEL RALEIGH, Manag-er. Edinburgh, 9 St, Andrew Square, J. J. P. ANDERSON, Secretary. April, 1810. Agent—JOHIT A^XTBBXE, ITational Bank, StirUng. CLASS ^IH-. \5W? LOCATION CJSA ^^F AUTHOR TITLE ^^^6l Srii^ui^ac, D i^eetJc^g-^ >^id-i1 THIS BOOK IS TO BE RETURNED ON OR BEFORE THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW A^ le r^ r^ ?»% Gi fi- Balfron 01360 440407 Bannockbum 01786 812286 Bridge of Allan 01786 833680 le Callander 01877 331544 Cambusbarron 01786 473873 Central 01786 432107 Cowie 01786 816269 Doune 01786 841732 Drymen 01360 660751 3d Dunblane 01786 823125 Fallin 01786 812492 Killin 01567 820571 Plean 01786 816319 St Ninians 01786 472069 Strathblane 01360 770737 Library HQ 01786 432383 >5^ er str STIRLING COUNCIL LIBRARIES wi Is, an( Cou^'^ uto Drawmgs with Estimates forwarded, and all information given on application. STIRLING DIRECTOR Y—AD VERTISEMENTB. BOOKSELLER & GENEEAL STATIONEE^ 24 KING STREET, STUiLINQ-. A large variety of Illustrated and Richly Bound Books for Presentation, and the New Works as Published. ^^ A Discount is given off Published Prices. CHURCH and POCKET BIBLES, CHURCH of ENGLAND PRAYER-BOOKS, SERVICES and HYMN BOOKS, &c. The POETS in WOOD BINDING and PHOTOGRAPHS, same as presented to the ROYAL FAMILY and PRINCE CHRISTIAN in 1864 and 1869. Bookbinding, Engraving, and Printing neatly and expeditiously executed. MERCANTILE and OFFICE STATIONERY supplied at Wholesale Terms. BUSINESS DIES CUT, CRESTS and MONOGRAMS in the best styles, PAPER STAMPED in COLOURS. CABINET GOODS, DESKS, WORK-BOXES, DRESSING CASES, &c. FANCY and FOREIGN. GOODS in great variety. The Original Depot for Wood Articles niadej^C^the well-known genuine Stirling Wood. SHEARER'S POPULAR ILLUSTRATED GUIDE to STIRLING and NEIGH- BOURHOOD. Editions at 6d., Is:,' fs.' 6d., and with Photographs, 4s. 6d. A SELECT LIBRARY—Books regularly received from Mudies's London Library, 24 King Street, Stirling, {Opposite Golden Lion Hotel), *'*»^ i. I' i. 1870-71 -^^^^^^^^^^^^^— THE STIKLING IP P W ft W INCLUDING BRIDGE OF ALLAN, ST. NINIANS, GAMBUSBARRON, WHINS GF MILTGN, AND BANNOGKBURN. cO^I^Ty STIRLING: DUNCAN & JAMIESON, 5 UPPER CRAIGS. — s 245204 INDEX TO DIEECTORY. srri STIRTJNG— J. P. Small Debt Court, Sheriff Court, . -67 Societies, General Directory, Lieutenancy, .... Sick and Funeral . 74 Business Directory, Macfarlane Free Library and Stirling Agricultural Society, 75 Street Directory, Museum, .... Stirling Art School, . 73 Miscellaneous Directory Members of Parliament, Stirling Castle, . .70 Artillery Volunteers, Militia 70 Stirling District Lunacy Board, 68 Athenaeum Reading Room, . Municipal OflBcers, . .66 Stirling Horticultural Society, 75 Banks, Municipal Wards, . .75 Stirling Steamboat Company, 73 Boarding and Day Schools, . Newspapers, . .70 Stirling Subscription Library, 73 Building Societies, . Omnibus, . .74 Synod of Perth and Stirling, 72 Carriers Parochial Board, . 68 Telegraph Office, ... 71 Churches, .... Police (Burgh), ... 67 Water Works Commissioners, 66 Commissary Court, Police (Coimty), ... 68 Weekly Markets for Com, &c., Commissioners of Forth Navi- Population, . .66 in Stirling and Neighbour- gation, Post Office, .... 71 hood, 76 Commissioners of Supply, Presbyteries, . .72 Young Men's Christian Asso- Faculty of Writers, Prison, 68 ciation, .... 73 Fairs and Markets in Stirling Railways, . .69 and Neighbourhood, . Religious Tract Society, . 74 Bannockbum Directory, . 80 70 Blairlogie . Fire Brigade, . Rifle Volunteers, ... Directory, 8G Gas Comimny, River Forth District Salmon Bridge of Allan Directory, . 82 Guildry, . Fishery Board, . 68 Cambusbarron Directory, . 78 High Constables, Sacramental Fast-days, . 75 Causewayhead Directory, . 85 Hospitals, Savings' Banks, . .70 St. Ninians Directory, . 77 Inland Revenue, School of Arts, ... 73 Whins of Milton Directory, . 79 Justice of Peace Court, Schools, 72 Advertisements, . .87 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. AaRZCUIiTURAI. IMFI.E- BERI.IN wool., &c., MENT MAKERS— REPOSITORY— Kemp, Murray & Nicholson, 108 Thomson & Dalrymple, Misses, 125 Miller, Robert, ... 90 BIiACKSMITHS- ASSURANCE OFFICES— Banks Brothers, . , .115 General Life & Fire Assurance Smith & M'Ewen, . 95 Company, . .128 Kemp, Murray & Nicholson, 108 Scottish Provident Institution, 131 Miller, Robert, ... 90 Scottish Widows' Fund Life Owen, George, jun., . 103 Assurance Society, . 1 Walls, James, . .113 AUCTIONEER— BOARDING HOUSE ESTAB- Macgregor, Wm. 123 LISHMENT— GINGER BEER BREIVER— M'Luckie, Thos., ... 91 Fraser, Hugh, ... 88 BOOKSEIiIiERS— Crawford, John F., 128 GRAIN MERCHANTS- Drummond, Peter, 93 Cairns, John, Shearer, R. S., 3 Gray, James, 117 BOOT 8s SHOE -WAREHOUSES - BAKERS— Gumming, Wright, . 112 Bauchop, George, 100 Ferguson, H., . .103 Millar & Sons, James, . 94 Gillespie, Wm., ... 99 Murdoch, Mrs., . 112 Stewart, John, . .114 STIELING DIRECTORY—INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS (Contd.) BOOT 8l SHOS -warehouses CONFECTIONERS— (Continued)— Millar & Sons, James, . 94 Sinclair, J. R., . 90 Murdoch, Mrs., . 112 Stoddart's, . .111 Scott, Alexander, . 88 Vance, John, . 107 DENTIST— BUILDERS— Smyth, A., . , 112 Chalmers, George, . 106 Cousine, William, . 126 DRAPERS— Kemp, Murray & Nicholson, 108 Arthur, George, . 110 Johnston & Anderson, . 92 Gavin, H., . 96 Morrison & Sons, John, . 124 Henderson Brothers, . 87 CABINETMAKERS, UPHOL- Menzies & Co., Thos., . 102 Peacock, T. & D., . 130 STERERS and UNDER- TAKERS— DYERS and CLEANERS- Cousine, William, 126 Angus, J. & J., . 121 Crawford & Watt, 118 Forrest, A, & W., 107 FISHMONGERS and POUL- Henderson, Thomas, 101 TERERS— Herron, Adam, . 100 Maltman, William, 119 Rett, Peter, . .123 Rintoul, L., . .105 Robertson, John, . 122 Robertson, Mrs., . 102 CARVER and G-IIiDER- FLESHER— Young, Thomas, . 106 Roberts, Robert, 100 CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS— Duncanson, Wm,, . 97 GARDENER and FRUITERER— Moore, Wm., . .122 Fergus, Robert, . .111 Hart, Andrew R, . .113 Kirkwood & Walker, . 116 GLAZIERS— CHINA MERCHANTS— Finlayson, Robert, . 116 Smith & Co., , . 113 Craig, James, . .124 Duncan, Archibald, . 95 GROCERS— Stewart, Miss J., . .104 Brown, Robert, . .119 Wands, John, . .120 Cowbrough & Co., James, . 89 COACHBUIIiDERS- Cribbes, John, . .121 Gumming, Andrew, . 119 Kinross, Wm., . , .98 Henderson, J. & G., . Ill Thomson, George, . 2 MacEwen & Co., D. & J., . 97 COAIi AGENTS— M'Ewen Brothers, . .130 Paterson, John, . 90-114 Anderson, Wm., . .121 Reid, David, . Duncan, Archibald, . 116 ,120 Smith, James, 94 Gardner, H., . .110 ... Johnston, William, . .102 HATTER— Moyes, Andrew, . .124 • Robertson, Robert, . .118 Marshall, Robert, - , 99 . STIRLING DIRECTORY—INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS (Contd.) HOTEI.S— PRINTERS— Hendry, Ebenezer, . .115 Duncan & Jamieson, 109-127 Macgregor, Wm., . 126 RAG MERCHANT— Wood, H., . .106 Craig, James, 124 IRON FOUNDERS— REFRESHMENT ROOMS— Smith & M'Ewen, . 95 Lumsden, James, 110 IRONMONGERS— SCULPTOR— Lawson & Dunlop, . 122 Barclay, William, 115 Miller, Peter, ... 94 SEEDSMAN— JOINERS and UNDER- Gray, James, 117 TAKERS— SHERIFF OFFICER— Cousine, Wm., . .126 Harley, James, 92 Graham, J. & J., . 114 SLATERS— Henderson, Thomas, . 101 M'Gregor, David, 112 Johnston & Anderson, . 92 Oswald, Andrew, 120 Kemp, Murray & Nicholson, 108 M'Nab, Thomas, . .123 TAILORS and CLOTHIERS Morrison Sons, John, . 124 & Dowell, William, . 114 Gavin, H., . HOSIERS and OUTFITTERS— 96 Glover, James, 103 Trotter, W. & J., . , 87 Henderson Brothers, 87 Stewart, David, . .104 Henderson & Co., E., 113 Meiklejohn, W., . .120 M'Cowan, WiUiam, 126 M'Kinlay, James, PAINTERS and PAPER- 111 M'Lean & Son, James, 117 HANGERS— Menzies & Co., Thomas 102 Bald, Eobert, . .105 Millar, James, 125 Carson, William, . .123 Mitchell, James, . 118 WaUs, John, . .98 Murray, John, 121 PHOTOGRAPHERS— Peacock, T. & D., 130 TEACHER OF MODERN , Crowe, Alexander, . .129 LANGUAGES— Henderson, John, . .104 Wojenski, PLASTERERS— Monsieur, . 95 TEACHERS OF MUSIC- Mackie, Stott, & Miller, . 105 "Verri, Aristides, . 101 PIiUMBERS and BRASS- Wood, James C. E., 117 FOUNDERS— TOY WAREHOUSES— Erater, Eobert, . , 107 Baird & Sons, Alexander, 125 Johnston & Neilson, . .124 Gardner, Henry, . 99 Merrilees, Archibald, . 96 "WATCHMAKERS and Steel, John, .... 92 JEWELLERS— POTATO MERCHANTS— Macdonald, H. S., 96 Gray, James, . .117 Stewart, D. & J., 101 Eoss, George, . .122 Swan, Andrew, . 98 —; STIRLING-GENERAL DIRECTORY. •<=^^i^«^o^» AbercromBy, Alex., reporter, 29 St. Mary's Angus, J. & J., dyers and manufacturers, wynd. 654 Po^'t street, Arch.
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