AugustaAugusta && MargaretMargaret RiverRiver CavesCaves andand RegionRegion HistoryHistory Brian Combley CLINC (Cavers Leeuwin Inc.) 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 1 CapeCape LeeuwinLeeuwin andand CapeCape NaturalisteNaturaliste z Named visited and recorded by the the Dutch in 1622 and French in 1772. z Mathew Flinders charted Cape Leeuwin in 1801. z Augusta was the third settlement in W.A. in 1830 after Albany in 1826 & the Swan River Colony in 1829. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 2 PortPort AugustaAugusta z Used by whalers and sealers for fresh water before and after settlement. z Some of the first residents – Captain John & Georgiana Molloy. – The Bussell brothers John & Alfred. – The Turner family. – The Allnutt family. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 3 H.H. M.M. OmmanneyOmmanney reportsreports cavecave 18401840 z A surveyor based in the South West. z On a trip from the new town of Busselton to the western edge of the Leeuwin Naturaliste Ridge, reported finding a cave. z It is assumed it was one of the Yallingup caves, possibly Northcote Grotto or the Seven Sisters. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 4 DeepdeneDeepdene Cliff’sCliff’s z Deepdene cliffs were adjacent to the Turner property and were known of at the time. Some small caves exist in the cliff face z Early mariners called in for fresh water near Deepdene it was visible from the ocean. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 5 DucalupDucalup oror DeepdeneDeepdene onon TurnerTurner BrookBrook 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 6 CaveCave DiscoveredDiscovered inin AugustaAugusta 18481848 z Mr G Turner found two caves about 12 Kilometres North of Augusta. z Caves were Old Kudardup and AU 10 z Caves explored by Edward Hester. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 7 CavesCaves ReportedReported inin thethe “Inquirer”“Inquirer” z Reported in the Inquirer of November 1848 by Edward Hester. z The find was attributed to Turner in the article. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 8 CaveCave PearlsPearls OldOld KudardupKudardup 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 9 PillarsPillars describeddescribed inin thethe newspapernewspaper articlearticle 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 10 Bussell’sBussell’s MovedMoved toto WallcliffeWallcliffe z Augusta found not to be suitable for farming. z Bussell’s moved to Ellensbrook in 1857 and later to Wallcliffe about 1865. z House Cave discovered about this time (Wallcliffe). 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 11 HouseHouse CaveCave laterlater calledcalled WallcliffeWallcliffe z Visitors were encouraged by the Bussell’s. z Several reports are recorded in the West Australian newspaper of visits. z Albert & Fanny Bussell's initials inscribed on the flow stone in Wallcliffe Cave. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 12 Early Graffiti AlbertAlbert andand FannyFanny 18821882 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 13 TimTim ConnellyConnelly 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 14 WarrawerrieWarrawerrie oror BlackboyBlackboy HollowHollow z Discovered by John Bussell in the late 1860’s. z Bussell encouraged visitors. z Enlarged opening and installed a ladder of sorts. z Visitors accommodated at his house. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 15 MoondyneMoondyne oror CoronationCoronation CaveCave z Discovered by Fred Grange in 1879. z Used by Western Australia’s only bush ranger “Moondyne Joe” or Joseph Bolitho Johns. z Opened as a public cave on the coronation day of King George V. z Was called Coronation Cave. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 16 LakeLake CaveCave DolineDoline z In 1867 Fanny reported to her family the existence of the Lake Cave Doline found whilst searching for lost cattle. z The family did not believe her as it could not be located again. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 17 MammothMammoth CaveCave z Reports of the cave in 1895. z Tim Connelly credited with the first exploration. z Mammoth was known as the “Dawn of Creation Cave”. z The name was possibly because of fossils found in the cave. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 18 MammothMammoth CaveCave Photo thanks to EarlyEarly 1900’s1900’s Rauleigh Webb 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 19 TimTim ConnellyConnelly Photo thanks to Rauleigh Webb 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 20 YallingupYallingup CaveCave z Discovered in 1899 by Edward Dawson when searching for lost horses. z Explored by Dawson and two friends Seymore and Curtis. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 21 YallingupYallingup oror NgilgiNgilgi CaveCave z First tours conducted 1900. z Edward (Ned) Dawson became the sole guide at Yallingup for the next 37 Years. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 22 TimTim ConnellyConnelly rediscoversrediscovers LakeLake CaveCave DolineDoline z Tim Connelly, C. Price Conigrave and Wm. A. Nelson relocated the Lake Doline and found the Lake Cave entrance. z They lowered themselves down into the doline to explore in November 1897, the cave was named “Queen of the Earth” by Connelly. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 23 LakeLake CaveCave DolineDoline 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 24 LakeLake DolineDoline LookingLooking UpUp 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 25 SuspendedSuspended TableTable LakeLake CaveCave 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 26 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 27 ConnellyConnelly alsoalso exploredexplored otherother cavescaves z Museum, Calgardup, Bride’s and Golgotha caves were probably first explored by Connelly. z Connelly passed away in 1933. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 28 ReportReport CommissionedCommissioned 19001900 z From the Chief Inspector of Lands z To the Undersecretary of Lands z Completed by Mr C. Erskine May z Re the caves in the Margaret River Region. z After pressure from a local resident Mr Brockman. Perth 26th of February 1900 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 29 ChiefChief InspectorInspector ofof LandsLands z Mr C Erskine May prepared the report after visiting the caves of the region. z Reported that vandals were already at work defacing these marvellous and beautiful geological features. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 30 DescriptionDescription ofof thethe ReportReport z A report on the proposed management of the caves on the Leeuwin Ridge. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 31 SomeSome detailsdetails ofof thethe reportreport z It is interesting that conservation was recommended in 1900 due to damage being done to these caves. z I will dwell on some of the detail of this report. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 32 HowHow toto SaveSave thethe Caves.Caves. z Road from Busselton must be upgraded. z A hospice for accommodation will be needed. z Entrances ought to be guarded by iron gates. z A caretaker should be appointed. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 33 WhereWhere thethe CavesCaves AreAre 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 34 WhereWhere thethe CavesCaves AreAre 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 35 C.C. ErskineErskine MayMay describeddescribed thethe regionregion as:as: “A Gem of a Holiday Place” 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 36 AA GemGem ofof aa HolidayHoliday PlacePlace z Some of the features of the region. z Cape Leeuwin. z Hardy Inlet and the Blackwood River. z Flinders Bay. z Margaret River. z Leeuwin Light House. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 37 Cape Leeuwin 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 38 Blackwood River Hardy Inlet and Molloy Island 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 39 Flinders Bay 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 40 Mouth of the Margaret River 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 41 LeeuwinLeeuwin LightLight HouseHouse && HistoricHistoric WaterWater WheelWheel 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 42 OtherOther FeaturesFeatures ofof thethe RidgeRidge z Cape Naturaliste. z Bunkers Bay. z Canal Rocks. z Sugar Loaf Rock. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 43 CapeCape Naturaliste,Naturaliste, BunkersBunkers BayBay 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 44 CapeCape Naturaliste,Naturaliste, SeaSea CavesCaves 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 45 CanalCanal RocksRocks 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 46 OnOn withwith thethe HistoryHistory Cave Discoveries 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 47 C.C. E.E. MayMay specificallyspecifically mentionedmentioned z Wallcliffe. z Blackboy Hollow. z Calgadup (Calgardup). z Boodjidup (Witchcliffe). z Nindup (Giants). z Deepdene. z Crystal (Recommended Closing Off). 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 48 TheThe DevilsDevils HandHand WallcliffeWallcliffe CaveCave fromfrom thethe MayMay ReportReport 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 49 TheThe DevilsDevils HandHand WallcliffeWallcliffe CaveCave 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 50 TheThe PoultryPoultry ShowShow circacirca 19001900 fromfrom thethe MayMay ReportReport 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 51 TheThe PoultryPoultry ShowShow nownow 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 52 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 53 WarrawerrieWarrawerrie oror BlackboyBlackboy HollowHollow z Discovered by John Bussell 1880’s. z Bussell’s installed a ladder and enlarged the opening. z A comment was made in the report that this was done to allow the Aldermen to visit. 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 54 Queens Crown Blackboy Hollow from the May Report 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 55 Queens Crown Blackboy Hollow 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 56 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 57 TheThe BrokenBroken ColumnColumn 19001900 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 58 TheThe BrokenBroken ColumnColumn 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 59 KarriKarri TreeTree FormationFormation BlackboyBlackboy HollowHollow 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 60 CalgadupCalgadup CaveCave 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 61 Suspended Dome Calgardup 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 62 SpearSpear inin thethe mudmud atat CalgardupCalgardup 20/01/2003 Cavers Leeuwin Inc 63 DevilsDevils PoolPool andand WitchcliffeWitchcliffe CaveCave Devils Pool was a permanent source of water on the track up to Bunbury & Perth so it was not long before the Witchcliffe cave was discovered.
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