Bibliography of the Samaritans The Archives of theSamaritanUpdate.com The following references of the Samaritans are found on the internet and are being shown for easy fast access and is not in anyway to replace any scholar’s work. We would like to thank the numerous scholars that have helped in making this possible!!!! The following was made as a non-profit benefit! (Bibliography numbers shown on the left correspond to the numbers of the Third Edition of A Bibliography of the Samaritans, Third Edition, Revised, Expanded, and Annotated, by Alan David Crown and Reinhard Pummer, ATLA Bibliography, No. 51, The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Oxford. 2005) [Please note that some references posted here may have a different date, publisher, etc, than the Bibliography mentioned above] Last Edited January 8, 2013 Abel, Felix-Marie # 9 “Inscription samaritaine de Gaza et inscriptions greques de Bersabee.” Revue Biblique Internationale, Vol 3, pp. 84-87, Paris, Librairie Victor Lecoffre, 1906 Acoluth, Andreas # 27 Andreae Acoluthi Vratislaviensis De me ha-marim ha-meʼarerim, sive, aquis amaris maledictionem inferentibus, vulgo dictis zelotypiae et Num. V. v. 11 usque ad finem cap. Descriptis, ex Anatolica antiqvitate: hoc est, F i us sa ris, e ru emqve variis m rie a i us, m i e a ibus versionibus, Thalmude utroque, & omnium aetatum Hebraeis exegetis, homiletic, philosophis, Kabbalists, atque mas ra,eru um a e que u ae rum i e s sacros commentandi rationem multiplicem ostendens philologema. Lipsiae: Justini Branii, 1682 Adams, Hannah No # The History of the Jews,From the Destruction of Jerusalem Present Time, London: A Macintosh, 1818, pp. 2, 497- 516. Adam, Robert, No # The Religious World Displayed or, a View of the Four Grand Systems of Religion, Namely Christianity, Judaism, Paganism, and Mohammedism; and the various Existing Denominatiuons, Sects, and Paries in the Christian World. To Which is Subjoined, a View of Materialsm, Necessitanism, Deism and Atheism, 2 volumes, Vol. II, London: L. B. Seeley & Sons, 1823, pp. 322-324. Adler, Cyrus No # The Collection of Jewish Ceremonial Objects in the United States National Museum, with I. M. Casanowicz, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1908 Adler, Elkan Nathan and M. Seligohn #34 “Une Nouvelle Chronique Samaritaine,” Revue des études Juives, 1902: Vol. 44, p. 188- 222; Vol. 45, pp. 70-98, 223-254; 1903: Vol. 46.pp. 123-146, Agate, Margaret No# Egypt, the Sinaitic Desert, and the Holy Land, Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1904 pp. 216- 217 Alder, Lydia Dunford No # “The Holy Land,” The Deseret News, Edited by Edward H. Anderson 1912 pp. 200-202 Allen, Richard No # Letters from Egypt, Syria, and Greece, Reprinted from the General Advertiser, Dublin: Gunn & Cameron, 1869, pp. iv, v, 42-43 Bibliography of the Samaritans: The Archives of theSamaritanUpdate.com Almkvist, Herman # 64 "Ein samaritanischer Brief an Konig Oscar in Faksimile herausgegeben und ubersetzt”. mit einer Schrifttafel von Julius Euting. Skrifter utgifna af K. Humanistiska vetenskapssamfundet I, Upsala, V 2, 1897 pp. 3-13. No. # Review: C. G. - G. Revue Critique d'histoire et de littérature, No. 1, 3 janvier, 1898, pp.1-2 Alting, Jacob # 79 Fundamenta punctationis linguae sanctae, cum ...cum necessariis canonum, 1720 No # Synopsis Institutionum Samaritanarum 1717 Amadutius / Amaduzzi, Joannes Christophorus / Giovanni Cristofoto No # Samaritano Et Rabbinico 1771 # 80 Alphabetum Hebraicum: Addito Samaritano Et Rabbinico. Cum oration dominicali, salutation angelica, et symbol apostolic. Romae: typis Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1771 Anderson, Robert T. [Michigan State University] No# The Michigan State University Samaritan Collection 1984 No# The Elusive Samaritan Temple 1991 No# The Keepers 2002 with Giles, Terry Anonymous ---Accounts and Papers, Thirty-Five Volumes:--31-State Papers China: Japan: Syria Session 24 January – 28 August 1860 VOL. LXIX 1860. pg. 52. ---The Advocate: Ameri a’s ewish ur a , Vol. 38, Chicago, 1909, pp. 720-722. ---“Discovery of a New Manuscript of the Pentateuch.” App e s’ ur a f Li era ure, Science and Art. Volume 3d, From Number Forty to Number Sixty-Five Inclusive, January 1, To June 25, 1870 New York: Appleton and Company90, 92 & 94 Grand Street, 1870, pp. 81- 82. ---“The Samaritan Easter,” The Augustana Journal Vol. V, No. 7, Whole No. 68, Rock Island, April 1, 1897, pp 2-3. ---“The Oldest Bible,” Ballou's Monthly Magazine, Vol. 54, No. 5, Novemeber, 1881, Whole number 323, Boston: Thomes & Talbot, 1881, p. 446. ---“Views and Reviews,” Christian Thought. Lectures and Papers on Philosophy, Christian Evidence, Biblical Elucidation. Fourth Series, Edited by Charles Force Deems, New York: Wilbur B. Ketcham, 1886, Samaritan photo between pp. 320-321, pp. 376- 380. ---“Samaritan Testamony to Christ,” The Christian Treasury Containing Contributions from Ministers and members of Various Deniminations, Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter and Co. London: Groombridge & Sons, 1877, p. 475. ---“Contrast Between Jews and Samaritans” by J. R., English School and Family Reader, Containing Selections in Prose and Verse, Historical Accounts, Biographies, Narratives, Notices and Characteristics of Judaism, Past present and Future by H. Abaranel, The Bloch Publishing and Printing Company, Cincinnati, O. 1883, pp. 164-165. ---“Modern Observation of the Levitical Passover Ancient Shechem— How the Feast is Prepared,” The Christian Work and Evangelist, Vol. LXXXII- Number 2093, March 30, 1907, ---Correspondence of Palestine Tourists Comprising a Series of Letters by George A. Smith, Lorenzo Snow, Paul A. Schettler, and Eliza R. Snow, of Utah, Salt lake City 1875. P. 254 , 258. ---Evangelical Christendom: Its State and Prospects, A Monthly The Evangelical Alliance, Vol. XIV, London: Published by William John Johnson, , Edinburgh: John Menzies, Dublin: Curray and Co. 1860 2 Bibliography of the Samaritans: The Archives of theSamaritanUpdate.com ---“E quiry C er i g he Samari a s,” The Evangelical Magazine for the Year 1803, London: T. Williams Vol. 11, 1803 pp. 536-537. ---The Ecclesiastical Observer, No. 15.- Vol. XXXIV August 1st, 1881, The Samaritans Passover Feast in 1880. Pp. 205-206. ---“ The Evangelical Repository; Devoted to the Principles of the Reformation, as set forth in the Formularies of the Westminster Devines And Witnessed for by the Associate Synod of North America, Edited by Joseph T. Cooper, Volume 15, Philadelphia: William S. Young, Proprietor, 373 Race, or 50 North Sixth Street 1856, Shechem and the Samaritans,” pp. 284- 287, “A Visit to Shecehm and the Samaritans” by G. Lansing, pp. 609-614 --- “Literarischer Wochenbericht,” pp. 143- 145, Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums: Ein unpartheiisches Organ für ..., Volume 22, No. 11, Leipzig, 8. Marg, 1858 ---A Fortnight’s Ride East of Jordan, Be ey’s Mis e a y. Vol. LIX. London: Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly. 1866. London: C. Whiting, Beaufort House, Strand.pp. 481- 482. ---“The Samaritans in Syria. “ The Gospel in All Lands, Devoted to Universal Missions, November 23, 1882 Volume 6, New York, Eugene R. Smith, Publisher, By Methodist Episcopal Church. Missionary Society, pp. 248-250 th ---Harper’s Week y: Rea i g The Pe a eu h A Na us, Jan 15 , 1870 ---The Journal of the Anthropolgical Institute, Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 3. London: Trubner & Co. 1874. pp. 205-208. ---Journal of a Deputation sent to the East, by the Committee of the Malta Protestant College in 1849, Part II, London: James Nisbert, Dublin: W. Curry and Son, 1854, “Nablous” pp. 417- 426. ---“The Ancient Samaritan Pentateuch Draped in Mourning,” The Lutheran Companion Vol. 28, 1920, Rock Island Ill. January 17, 1920, whole number 1010. Pg. 47. ---“Mittheilungen aus dem Oriente. Aus dem noch angedruckten Werke „PalZstina's alte und neue Geographie, Geschichte und Kultur" Fragmente in Berichte» und Briefen miigetheilt von 8. (Fortsetzung.) 14) Der heutigen Samaritaner Korban Pesach.” Pp. 35-36, Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums: Volume 15, No. 3, Leipzig 13 Januar 1851 ---The Methodist, New Connexion Magazine, March, 1855, Miscellaneous Articles, Anecdotes, &c. “The Samaritans of Nablous” p. 141-142.. ---“Modern Observation of the Levitical Passover , Ancient Shechem-How the Feast is Prepared,” The Christian Work and Evangelist, Vol. 82, no. 2093, March 30, 1907, pp. 415- 416, ---Modern Samaritans Sacramento Daily Record-Union -Monday July 10, 1882, p. 3b. ---The Nation “Fragments of a Samaritan Targum” Vol. 21, New York, 1875, pg. 406. ---The Newbery House Magazine, Monthly Review for Churchman and Churchwomen Vol. 9, July to December, 1893, London: Griffith Farran & Co., “Hymns for the Sabbath,” Translated by J.M. Rodwell, p. 213- 214. ---“Notes of a Tour in the East” by D.Y., The United Presbyterian Magazine, Vol. 15, Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Co. London: Houlston and Wright, Glasgow: David Robertson, 1871, pp. 533- 536. ---The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society. Edited by John Younge Akerman. Vol. 14. April, 1851- Jan. 1852 London: John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. 1852. Pp. 89-103 ---“Il Pentateuco Samaritano” Archivio di letteratura biblica ed orientale, Volumes 4-6, Anno V, Dicembre 1883, N. 12., pp. 358- 379 ---Pharmaceutical Record And Weekly Market Review “Pharmacy in Palestine” Vol.12, July 3 Bibliography of the Samaritans: The Archives of theSamaritanUpdate.com to Decemeber 1891, P.W. Edited by P.W. Bedford, Thrusday, Novemeber 26, 1891, Vol. 12, No. 22, pg. 356. ---The Popular Biblical Educator “The Remnant of the Samaritans at Naplous” vol. 2, London: Cassell, 1855 pp. 60- 63. ---Planets and People “Samaritans and Their Annual Sacrifice” Vol. 3, Chicago, October 1897, No. 10. pp. 336-337. ---Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, Published at the Offices of the Society, 1879, “I. On the Samaritans in Talmudical Writings,” pp. 11- 13, “II. An Account given by a Samaritan, in A.D. 1713, on the Ancient Copy of the Pentateuch at Nablus,” pp. 13- 15. ---Record of Christian Work, “The Samaritan Pentateuch.” pg. 414. Vol. 40, 1921 Record of Christian Work Co.
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