4192 CONGRESSIONAL RECO~:EN.ATE:__ _ J~ 25,_ Also, petition of members of. Ghrist Chur~ Malill~~ Onon­ House debate 11p0n it: in.to a strict profiibition measm·e, without daga County, N. Y .. fu..voring oo-tlonal IJI'OOiblti'On;: to- the Com- counting th~ €ast a,t all', is going: tOO> :far. It.is utterLy unreason· mittee on the- Judiciary. _ able-. The pending revenue b.m is already tm.·ge- enough without Also, petition of Ira: C. Estes and other· citizens o! the eity the addition of another huge sum to make up for the elimination of Syracuse, N. Y~~ favoring national prohibition~ to the-eom­ of $350,000,000 of pre ent taxes. The effect of the liquor amend­ mi ttee on the- Judiciary; ment is to change the €haraeter of the-food bill to make its main By 1\lr. MOTT: Petitions of residents of West Eaton, of provisiillls pi·act.ica.lly subordinate to- the :prohlbitiea of the manu­ Harrisville, and of Denm~k. N. Y.,. f.a~oYing pro,lill>iti.en as · a facture of liquors . war measure · to the Committee on the Judieiary ~ uAll this distraction Ctlf legislative energy from the main busi­ By Mr. NOLAN: Petition of County Clare 'Association of ness of the hour, thi'3 cOlltinuous. attempt to- make a. Subsidiary California, San Franeisco, CaL, urging that hearing be held on question principal, seriously interferes with war measures. the so-called. Mason r olution, House- joint resE>"Iution No. 88, Sen.atar WADSWORTH has proposed an amendment to the food· calling on Great Britain to grant Ireland her freedom; tOI th-e control bill which- give ·the President powe1~ to prohibit- the use Oommi ttee on Foreign Affairs. of food materials in the manufacture of d' tUled liquor , beers. By Mr. TREADWAY . Petition of th~ m11nufactnrers and busi­ and: ales~ That is the proper method. It was employed by the ness men of H.olyoke, Mass. ; the manufaeturers of Holyoke, House in the provision authorizing the President to commanaeer Mass.~ and sundry citizens of Granville, 1\lass•• urging the pro­ existing fltocks of alcoholic liquors if alcohol is. needed in the hibition of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as manufacture of explosives. He may be trusted to use that au­ war measure; to the Conmiittee- on the Judiciary. thority with diseretiO"n. Instead of· making an iron rule, founded on a disputed t~ry, give the President the power to act as nece tty requires. That is onnd ecooomics. Th-e other course SENATE. is nrenmture, and theFefore without justification. Whenever, in the interests of economy, effi.ciency, and grain preservation~ na- ' MoNDAY); June £57 1917. tional prohibition is necessary, the President should have the '(Leoislrifi".,;e day()/ lfriaav~ June 22, 1911.) power to prescribe it as a war measure, and for no other reason. The plain duty of. the Senate is to eliminate the prohibitive The Senate· reassembled at 12· o'clock m., on the exp1rati"on of amendment and substitute for it one based ·on an intelligent con­ the recess. sideration of the situation!' · CONSERVATIO OF FOOD AND F"UEL. Mr. LEWIS. Mr. President, may I ten<ler a substitute for The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, re umed the- con­ the present pending bill, to have it printed a::.d laid on the table sideration of the bill (S. 2463} to: provide fur~r- for the na­ for further consiJeration 1 · tional security and defense by encouraging the production, con­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The proposed substitute will lie on serving the supply. and controlling the distribution of food the ta . ~ and be p,rinted~ products and fueL · l\lr. THOMPSON. Mr. Pre id:ent. I ha-ve- here. a short state­ Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. 1\lr. President, I suggest the absence ment by Hon.. William Jennings Br-y.an, for:me:riy Secretary' ot of a quorum. · . State~ regardi.Bg the food-control bill. I send it to the desk and The VICE PRESIDENT~ The Secretary will call the roll. I should like to have it read. It is short. but I regard it as The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an­ quite a valuable contribution to the discus ion of the subject. swered to their names·: The VICE. PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Cha.ir. Ashurst Hollis. Martin Smoo.t hears none, and the Secretary will read. Bankhead· Hosting · Nel oa SteYUng­ , The Secretary read ns follows.: Beckham James New SUtherlan-d. Borah Johnson, Cal. Norris Swanson W. J. Bryan, pru;sing through Washln.gton the other day, gave out the Brady Jo-hnson. S. D. Page , Thomas­ following emt>hatie statement in support or the admlnlstration's food­ Brandegee • Jon-es:, N.Mex. Penrose Thompson: control bfil : ' Brou sard <ron •.. Wash. Poirrderl.eP Tillma¢~ "War 1s not a norma.! condition; tt is abnormal and reqllires extraor­ Chamberlain Kellogg Ransdell 'I' ownsend dinary remedies. The farmers are urged to increase the food products, Colt Kendrick Reed Tl'ammell and should be guaranteed against a.n inadequate pric.e; without such Cnlb£-rson K£-nyon Robinson. Underwood gua.rn.nty they might be penalized f<Jl' theiu patriotism. The consum­ CumminS" Kfng aolsonr:r Vardaman ers; too, deserve protection from food specolators. A government that Curtis Kirby Shafroth Wadsworth can co-mmandeer the lives of its yonng mea and call for the money of Dlllin o-ham- La Follette heppard Walsh its oldel' men. should have power to· protect the whole people f~rom the Fernald Lewis Sherman Warren greed of an unpatriotic tew. I am not afraid to trust the President Fletcher Lodge Shields Wil.lia:.m&. with the powers which the food administration blll proposes to confer. Gallinger McCumber Smitll, Ga. He acts. in the dayJJght and wLthout a selfish interest.. No. President Gerry McKellar Smith~ Md. would a.bu.se. such a power."' Hale McNary Smith, Mich. MF. OUM:MINS. I present certni:n amendments. to· the pend­ Mr. SUTHERLAND. I desire to- announce the unavoidable ing bill, which I ask may be printed and referred to the Com- absence of my eoUeague,d;be senior Senator from West Virginia mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. [l\lr. Go¥F], on account of illness. I will let this annuuncement The VICE PRESIDENT. It wiH be so ordered. stand day. for the ~f!·. GORE. Mr. President. T a..Qkto h-...ve read intO' the l:ECORD The VICEJ PRESIDENT. Sixty-nine Senators: haYe answered two or three lettet-s which I end to th-e de lr and to have printed to the roll call. There i a quorum present. in the RE:com> certain other without reading. The first letter Mr. BRANDEGEE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent which I send to the desk is tre-m l\lr. James G. McSparron, who to have an editorial from the New York Times on food eontrol is an officer of the State Grange of Pennsylv~ia, and is also read by the Secretary. an officer of the National Grange; but, more than that, h~ is The VJ.OE PRESIDE.NT::- Is there objeeti~n 1 The Chair ooo of the most intelligent and thoughtful men I have ever had hears none, and the Secretary will read. 1 the pleasure of· knowiDg. I ask to have his letter read. The Secretary rea-d as· follo-ws ; The VICE PRESIDENT. Is the-re objection to reod.ing the " UNTUI lltLY ZllAL FOre PROH.IlHTIO:N". letter sent to the desk by the Senator from Oklahoma? '"'The food-administration bill has passed the House 0f Repre­ Mr. CH.AMBERLAIN. I shall not object t() these letters, but sentatives with an amendment that if finally accepted would I haD after the reading of the letters call for the regulru-15rder. cost the country . 350,000·,000 yearly. Apart from any other I understand the Senator from Mi souri [Mr. REED] is ready objection to the attachment of an out-and-out prohibition meas~ to proceed with his address. ure to a bill designed to conserve the Nati~n's food supply in a Mr. REED. He is. time of great pet·il. the pro pective-loss to the revenues of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objectio~ the Secretary entii·e sum derived annually from liquo-r taxes is open to serious will re-ad.. objection. Th-e Senate should keep the proVisions of the bill The Secretn:cy read as follows :: restricting the use of foodstuffs in the- manufacture of alcoholie­ liquors within reasonable bounds. Hon. THOMAS. P. GoRE, washmgton, D- 0. "In the Hou e of. Representatives 365 Member nfter &: bitter MY DEAR S~ATOrt: I can not retrain from e-x:pressio~ of appreciati<}n contest, have chosen to go on record as favoring absolute prohibi­ of your gallant stand in defense of the fant;~ers*' rights tn this emer­ tion of the manufacture of intoxicating liqum· during the war: gency. Yo:ur speech iD the Senate was t:lmely and strong-. and youl' It is probable that many at those who voted for the drastic liqum_ prophecy as to- the decreased p.Podnction a a result of uuwise leg:i.s1a­ tlon. will be fulfilled as sure as fa~ I fr:ust unda- such strong leaders amendment Saturday night did so in order to get the bill through as yourself and co-lleagues the pending- food bill will he amended so as on time, confident tha.t the Senate would reasonably modify it.. to conform to- rigbt liD.es and altect the purpose intended "Without Restriction of the use ol foodstuffs in distilleries may he n~es­ injustice to- the producer.
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