.• The Moral Majority movement —will it lead to a merger of church and state? page 8 How will God judge humans? A reporter looks at the resurrection Successful living —three weeks at a time The greatest news story ever■ filed -A reporter looks at the resurrection No front-page banner headline can begin to compare with one of the greatest news events to occur since the creation of earth—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. by William Proctor IG-CITY newspaper reporters I know the feeling. After covering story that not only makes the front- have a tendency to become big elections, strikes, mob assassina- page banner headline but also makes Bjaded. They witness and tions, and other such events for a history in the process. write about so many earthshaking few years for the New York Daily events that after a while it seems News I sometimes found myself Resurrection a big story. The resur- nothing is capable of surprising dulled by a "ho-hum" attitude, no rection of Jesus Christ was just such them or getting them excited. matter how exciting the story. an event. And in a very real sense But every so often even the most first-century journalists covered it in William Proctor, former criminal-court reporter cynical reporter feels his heart much the same way as today's for the New York Daily News and author of The pumping a few beats faster. The reporters gather and present their Born-Again Christian Catalog (Evans/Revell), thrill of the chase courses through big, breaking news stories. lives in New York City. He is editor of Church Business Report, a national newsletter for him as he gets an assignment to As I was mulling over the meaning pastors and churches. © 1980 by Christian cover what tabloid journalists call of the resurrection recently I began Herald. Used by permission. "the big one"—the monumental almost subconsciously to look at the 2 THESE TIMES/March 1981 Cover by Dave Darner; inside photograph by Stephan Hall Design Biblical accounts through the hard, some way with the trial of Paul in related directly to him. critical eye of the newspaper Rome. The broad, international The second newspaper type is reporter. Suddenly I saw things I impact of Luke's message comes what's called the "rewrite man." had never noticed before. across clearly in these words of the This person usually stays in the main Take the Gospel "reporters," for risen Christ to His disciples: "'This office with his typewriter and head- example: is what is written: The Christ will phones at the ready. He takes calls Matthew, in a sense, had an ethnic suffer and rise from the dead on the and then writes stories for one or beat. He concentrated in his Gospel third day, and repentance and for- more street reporters who may be so on the first-century Jewish people. giveness of sins will be preached in caught up in the action of a big He spoke to them as a believing Jew, his name to all nations, beginning assignment that they don't have stressing Old Testament prophecies at Jerusalem' " (Luke 24:46, 47, time to put it all together before the and traditions in his effort to lead N. I. V. ). deadline. them to Christ. He also met the John was more like the interpre- arguments of the Jewish leaders tive reporter, the columnist who Used a rewrite man? There are against the resurrection in Matthew specializes in "think pieces." In strong indications that the Gospel 28:11-15. In that passage he revealed terms of style and approach, James writers may have used this tech- that the chief priests and elders paid Reston, the premier columnist for nique themselves. For example, the Roman soldiers who were The New York Times, might be John's many scholars believe that Mark guarding the tomb to say that they journalistic counterpart today. John relied heavily on first-hand infor- had fallen asleep and that the disci- was out to convince his readers with mation from the apostle Peter in ples had stolen the body. the strongest factual arguments he writing his account of Christ's min- Mark was the prototype of the could muster. He made no bones istry. Such collaborations on mod- tabloid journalist. He stressed action about his purpose when he said, just ern newspapers have led to the rather than deep theology and got after his description of the resurrec- tradition of a double by-line in some his points across in clear, hard-hit- tion, "These are written that you cases, with the street reporter's ting prose. Tabloid papers, like my may believe that Jesus is the Christ, name listed first and the rewrite old alma mater, the New York Daily the Son of God, and that by believing man's name second. So if the second News, are known for their ability to you may have life in his name" (John Gospel had been written in 1980, we tell a complete story in few words, 20:31, N.I.V.). might call it "The Gospel by Peter and Mark, of course, is the shortest and Mark"! of the four Gospels. Mark also con- The Gospel writers have always The third type of newsperson tains the shortest account of Jesus' appeared to me to be journalists as these days is the investigative resurrection. But his point certainly much as they were historians. All reporter, who takes off weeks and comes across loud and clear when the resurrection stories were sometimes months to research and the angel, or "young man," in the researched and written while people write up one big story. In the process empty tomb tells the women on who had known Jesus were still of putting a piece like this together, Easter morning, "Don't be alarmed. living, so there's a great immediacy the reporter may well become . You are looking for Jesus the and excitement—an air of "current involved in the events himself and Nazarene, who was crucified. He events"—that permeates each help to shape their outcome. has arisen! He is not here" (Mark account. If one contemporary type of jour- 16:6, N.I.V.).* Also, each man has characteristics nalism fits the Gospel writers' Luke was the foreign corre- of three major reporter-types found approach, it would probably be this spondent of the Gospels. It's gen- on many big-city papers. First of all, investigative style. John, for exam- erally accepted that he was the there's the regular street reporter ple, devotes two long chapters to the "good physician" who was Paul's who goes out and gathers news, resurrection and its aftermath, and friend and traveling companion, either from his own observations or he is a major participant in many of and he may well have been from a from eyewitnesses. Luke says at the the events he describes. He is proba- Greek cultural background. He beginning of his Gospel that he bly the "other disciple" referred to in addressed his Gospel to Theophilus, plans to rely on eyewitness John 20:4, whose immediate deci- whom some scholars believe was a accounts. His description of the sion to believe in the resurrection government official connected in encounter of the risen Christ with demonstrates the dramatic impact of • Texts credited to N.I.V. are from The Holy Bible: New the two men on the road to Emmaus the event. And he goes into minute International Version. Copyright C 1978 by the New York International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zonder- is unique to his Gospel and has the detail describing the conversations van Bible Publishers. ring of a first-person report that was between the risen Christ and Mary THESE TIMES/March 1981 3 regarded one or more of the extra people to be unnecessary to the particular point they were trying to make. Modern reporters present their stories in this way; they don't mention the name of every fireman at a fire. So why shouldn't first-cen- tury journalists be given the same leeway? 2. Accuracy. One of the first things I was told when I went to work for the New York Daily News was that accuracy is the most essential ele- ment in reporting. "If you're wrong, it doesn't matter how well you've written a story," one seasoned old reporter told me. "Inaccurate reporting isn't reporting at all—it's fiction." Here are some questions to help The stone was rolled away from the door, not to you determine whether a story is accurate or not: permit Christ to come out, but to enable the Does the writer mention names disciples to go in.—Peter Marshall. and cite sources? Stories attributed to "an informed source" may well be accurate, but it's always best to tie Magdalene and Thomas. His eye for different eyes. specific facts down to specific peo- detail is particularly striking when I can recall many times, when I ple. You can be sure that if a person he mentions that Peter pulled from was covering the New York City is quoted directly by name he'll come the sea a net containing precisely 153 Criminal Courts for the Daily News, forward if the quotation is inaccu- fish as the disciples prepared to that my stories would differ from the rate. The Gospel writers are exem- breakfast with Jesus on the shores of three other reporters on the New plary on this count. Thomas, Peter, Galilee (John 21:11).
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