APPRECIATIONAPRIL IS JAZZ FREE POSTER INSIDE! MONTH teachingmusicmusicAPRIL 2018 VOLUME 25, NUMBER 4 Teaching the Music of the HARLEM RENAISSANCE ACCORDIONS in the Classroom NAfME 2018 IN DALLAS AMPLIFY: LEAD. ENGAGE. INSPIRE. JAZZ STRING Orchestras menc.org 1 You’re the Expert, Teach Your Way C M Tools for Every Style of Teaching Y CM MY Introducing Quaver’s Song-Based Lessons 38 new lessons using CY tools and techniques inspired by Kodály, Or, and Music Learning CMY Theory approaches to music education. K Try 8 new lessons FREE in your classroom for 30 days! Visit QuaverMusic.com/TM82017 today and download a bonus song or poster of your choice to keep! @QuaverMusic ©2017 QuaverMusic.com, LLC JAZZ POSTER FREE! April 2018 Volume 25, Number 4 PROMOTINGcontents THE U NDERSTANDING AND MAKING OF MUSIC B Y ALL Music students learn cooperation, discipline, and teamwork. 36 MEET THE ANHE CONDUCTORS! The directors of the five 2018 All-National Honor Ensembles give their perspectives on what makes successful musicians and effective conductors. FEATURES 18 ACCORDION 22 TEACHERS’ 28 A MGNUM OPUS! 32 FINDING A WAY AT ADVOCACY: VOICES For NAfME’s 2018 FRANKLIN HIGH BRINGING THE RESULTS AND National Conference, Jacqueline Hairston ACCORDION RECOMMENDATIONS Opus Leaders are took a big chance when INTO THE GENERAL What is the status of working to create and she revived the Marching MUSIC CLASSROOM music education in engage music educators Yellow Jackets of The accordion can the U.S. right now, and in five key areas. Meet Franklin High School make a strong—and where are we headed? the Leaders and learn in Stockton, California, festive—addition to The results of a recent about each Opus. and was delighted that your curriculum. study by Give A Note her efforts were met Here’s how to Foundation provide with an outpouring incorporate this important insights— of support from alumni, instrument into the and food for thought. parents, and the music classroom. community. Cover photos by Event Coverage Nashville, eventcoveragenashville.com; Victoria Chamberlin, victoriachamberlin.com; Matt Janson Photography, mattjanson.com. Photo this page by Bob O’Lary. mattjanson.com. Photo this page by Victoria Chamberlin, victoriachamberlin.com; Matt Janson Photography, eventcoveragenashville.com; Nashville, Coverage Event photos by Cover nafme.org 1 April 2018 contents Volume 25, Number 4 Method choice and classroom setup can ensure success in high school piano class. 56 WORKSHOP General Music Members of Tri-M Chapter 6806 at Teaching the music of the Elizabeth Davis Harlem Renaissance 46 Middle School in Chester, Virginia Brass & Woodwinds Teaching spit-valve etiquette 47 12 Strings Jazz string orchestra fundamentals 47 DEPARTMENTS Percussion Music featuring nontraditional CLASSROOMS and nonspecifi c instruments 48 Tri-M® Chapter 6806 in Virginia Choral & Vocal SPECIAL: works to help a nearby school. 12 Tuning up the middle SUMMER school chorus 49 STUDY 39 ADVOCACY Alternatives Looking for music How is music education faring in the Orff jamming 50 education opportunities appropriations process on Capitol Hill? 14 in the “off season”? STAGES Here is Teaching Music’s DISCOVERIES Elementary annual listing of Integrating students with special needs into a How to build the best summer programs. school band program 16 classroom music centers 55 Secondary Teaching (and surviving) Myra Rhoden (left) 7 high school piano class 56 PRO•FILES Collegiate 7 Myra Rhoden is NAfME’s What questions should you Band Director of the Year … ask in job interviews? 58 Fred Ritter recently retired from the Nebraska public RESOURCES New media and accessories schools … Melissa Salguero for the music classroom 60 is the winner of the 2018 GRAMMY® Music BRAVA! Educator Award™ Teaching Music salutes the late, great singer Ella Fitzgerald! 64 Melissa Holcombe. Modarressi; by Photos clockwise from top left: courtesy of Jon Schoepflin; Lesley 2 Teaching Music APRIL 2018 Programs change. Now your storage cabinets can too. From this... ...to this. – in just minutes! New UltraStor™ and AcoustiCabinet®AdjustableShelvingfromWengergiveyouthestorageflexibility you’vealwayswanted.Shelvessnapinandouttoadjustcompartmentsizestofityoureverchangingneeds. Call us to learn more about the storage you’ve been waiting for! 1-800-493-6437 • www.wengercorp.com NAfME CORPORATE MEMBERS AS OF AUGUST 1, 2017 MICHAELMICHAEL J.J. BLAKESLEEBLAKESLEE ExecutiveExecutiveMICHAEL DirectorDirector J. BLAKESLEE andand CEOCEO Executive Director and CEO CCHRISTOPHERHRISTOPHER WOODSIDEWOODSIDE ChiefChiefCHRISTOPHER OperatingOperating WOODSIDE OfficerOfficer Chief Opperating Officer EELLALLA WILCOXWILCOX EditorEditor Thank you to NAfME’s corporate members for supporting LYNN M. TUTTLE Director of Publications CCATHERINAATHERINA HHURLURLBBURTURT music education and music educators! MarketingMarketingELLA WILCOX CommunicationsCommunications Editor ManagerManager CATHERINA HURLBURT CCAROLINEAROLINE AARLINGTONRLINGTON Marketing Communications Manager Publications/CopyrightsPublications/Copyrights Adelphi University Forum Music Festivals Silver Burdett/Pearson CAROLINE ARLINGTON music.adelphi.edu forummusicfestivals.com pearsonschool.com/music ABABCopyrights/PublicationsIGAILIGAIL GGYAYAMMFIFI MarketingMarketing CoordinatorCoordinator Alfred Music Galaxy Music Notes Soundtrap AB ForForAB aaIGAIL listinglisting G YA ofof theMtheFI NAfME NAfMEMarketing Coordinator NationalNational ExecutiveExecutive Board,Board, pleaseplease alfred.com galaxymusicnotes.com soundtrap.com seeseeFor ourour a listing website:website: of the nafme.orgnafme.org NAfME.. National Executive Board, please All American Games, LLC GIA Publications, Inc. Soundwaves Recording, LLC ArticlesArticlessee our in inwebsite: TeachingTeaching nafme.org MusicMusic dodo. notnot necessarilynecessarily allamericangames.com giamusic.com soundwaves.org represent the official policy of the represent the official policy of the ALGES Corporation Ginger Snaps Apparel Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. NationalNationalArticles AssociationAssociationin Teaching Music forfor MusicMusic do not Education.Education. necessarily represent the official policy of the algescorp.com and Praise Hymn supersensitive.com National Association for Music Education. American Composers Forum Fashions Suzuki Music USA TeachingTeaching MusicMusic isis createdcreated forfor composersforum.org gingersnapsapparel.com suzukimusic.com NAfMENAfME byby InIn TuneTune Partners,Partners, LLC.LLC. is created for Hal Leonard, LLC InfoInfoTeaching@@intunemonthly.comintunemonthly.com Music Apogee Electronics, Inc. Sweet Adelines International NAfME by In Tune Partners, LLC. apogeedigital.com halleonard.com sweetadelines.com IIRRInfoWWININ@ intunemonthly.com KKORNFELDORNFELD CEOCEO ArtistWorks J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc. Time for Three Foundation IRWIN KORNFELD CEO SSUSANUSAN PPOLINIAKOLINIAK Editor-in-ChiefEditor-in-Chief jwpepper.com tf3.com Barbershop Harmony Society SUSAN POLINIAK Editor-in-Chief JACKIEJACKIE JORDANJORDAN CreativeCreative DirectorDirector barbershop.org MakeMusic, Inc. Titanic Museum Attraction JACKIE JORDAN Creative Director www.makemusic.com titanicbranson.com BILLBILL WHITEWHITE AdvertisingAdvertising ManagerManager Berklee College of Music BILL WHITE Advertising Manager Melhart Music MICHAELMICHAEL RR.. VELLAVELLA ProductionProduction ManagerManager berklee.edu Tuxedo Wholesaler MICHAEL R. VELLA Production Manager MFR Holdings, LLC tuxedowholesaler.com BARBARBBARAARA BOUGHTONBOUGHTON BusinessBusiness ManagerManager Breezin’ Thru, Inc. BARBARA BOUGHTON Business Manager breezinthru.com The Midwest Clinic Weill Music Institute, Carnegie CCONTRIONTRIBBUTORS:UTORS: MichaelMichael Adelson,Adelson, AndrewAngela midwestclinic.org Hall carnegiehall.org/education J.D.C Allen, ONTRIAmmerman, AndrewBUTORS: Andrew S. Berman, Michael S. Berman, ChadAdelson, Criswell, Debbie Andrew Brightspark Travel La-TikaGalanteS. Berman, S. Block, Douthit, Lisa Stella Ferber, Lisa Chang, Ferber, Steve Chad Fidyk,Stephen Criswell, Debbie brightsparktravel.com The Music Stand West Music Company Holley,LisaGalante Ferber, Joanne Block, Steve Sydney Stephen Fidyk, Lessner, StephenHolley, Cathy Michael Holley, C. themusicstand.com westmusic.com ApplefeldCathyPalermo, Applefeld Olson, Susan Poliniak,Olson,Adam Perlmutter, Susan Jacob Poliniak, Prosek, Susan Lori Buffet Crampon USA WorldStrides Poliniak,LoriSchwartz Schwartz Lori Reichl Schwartz Reichl Reichl Casio America, Inc. Music Together Worldwide worldstrides.org casiomusicgear.com musictogether.com Wurrly, LLC TheTheThe National National National Association Association Association for for for Music Music Music Education Education Education is is is Chamber Music Society of Musicnotes, Inc. a voluntary, nonprofit organization representing a voluntary,a voluntary, nonprofit nonprofit organization organization representing representing musicnotes.com YouthCUE allallall phases phases phases of of of music music music education education education in in in schools, schools, schools, colleges, colleges, colleges, Lincoln Center universities,universities,universities, and and and teacher-education teacher-education teacher-education institutions. institutions. institutions. chambermusicsociety.org National Piano Foundation ActiveActiveActive NAfME NAfME NAfME membership membership membership is is isopen open open to to to all all all people people people pianonet.com engagedengagedengaged in in in music music music teaching teaching teaching or or or other other other educational
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