NOTICES 44369 For purposes of paragraph (3), the regulation are met. After review by the Miami University: Hamilton, OH; Middle- term “contributed importantly" means a Division, the authority may be continued town, OH; Oxford, OH. cause which is important but not neces­ in effect for up to one year from the Milton College, Milton, WT. sarily more important than any other date the application was forwarded to Mount Union College, AUiance, OH. cause. Mt. Vernon Academy, Mount Vernon, OH. the Division. Since there was insufficient Muskingum Area Technical College, Zanes­ Significant Total or Partial Separa­ time before the effective date of the Fair ville, OH. tions. Employment in the first six months Labor Standards Amendments of 1974 Muskingum College, New Concord, OH. of 1975 decreased 16 percent from the fo r application forms to be distributed, Notre Dame College, Cleveland, OH. same period in 1974. Average hours completed, and acted on, a grace period Ohio College of Applied Science, Cincinnati, worked in the first six months of 1975 through August 31, 1974, permitted au­ OH. were 11 percent below the average level thority to be effective May 1, 1974, pro­ Ohio University, Athens, OH. of hours worked in the first six months vided the specific conditions of the grace Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH. of 1974. period were met and a proper applica­ Otterbein College, Westerville, OH. Sales or Production, or Both, Have De­ Raymond Walters General and Technical tion was made to the Division before the College, Cincinnati, OH. creased Absolutely. Sales at the St. Louis end o f the grace period. The expiration RIpon College, Rlpon, WT. plant declined 24 percent in the first half date of the authority granted to a par­ St. Norbert College, De Pere, WT. of 1975 compared to the first half of 1974. ticular institution of higher education Silver Lake College of the Holy Family, Inc., Increased Imports Contributed Im por­ listed in this notice occurs between Manitowoc, WI. tantly. While"imports of articles like or May 30, 1975, and August 31, 1975. Steubenville, The College of, Steubenville, directly competitive with those produced The terms and conditions of the regu­ OH. at Western Supplies Company increased lation further limit the authority to em­ Toledo, The University of, Toledo, OH. from 2300 units in 1973 to 2700 units in Walsh College, Canton, OH. ploy full-time students at subminimum Wayne General &. Technical College, Orrville, 1974, they have been an insignificant wages to not more than 20 hours per OH. factor in the U.S. market, comprising less week when school is in session, prohibit Wilmington College Main Campus, Wilming­ than two tenths of one percent of total subminimum wage employment in un­ ton, OH. domestic consumption and production related trades or businesses such as Wisconsin, University of: Menomonie; Osh­ during the period. apartment houses, stores, or other busi­ kosh; River Falls and Stevens Point, WI. Increased imports of shoes and de­ nesses not primarily catering to the stu­ Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH. W right State University, Dayton, OH. creases in total domestic production of dents o f the institution, and prohibit the footwear have resulted in reduced de­ Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH. hiring of full-time students at submini­ Youngstown State University, Youngstown, mand for domestically produced shoe mum wages for work in a unit or units OH. cutting dies. Reduced orders for shoe cut­ of the campus where abnormal labor ting dies resulted from declining shoe conditions, such as a strike or lockout The authority has been granted to production rather than from increased exist. The authority does not excuse each institution of higher education imports of shoe cutting dies. noncompliance with higher standards upon the representations of the institu­ Conclusion. After careful review of the applicable to full-time students under tion which, among other things, were facts obtained in the investigation, I any other Federal law. State law, local that employment of full-time students at conclude that increases of imports like or ordinance, or union or other agreement. subminimum wages is necessary to pre­ directly competitive with shoe cutting vent curtailment of opportunities for dies produced at Western’s St. Louis, Akron, The University of, Akron, OH. employment, the hiring of full-time stu­ Missouri plant did not contribute impor­ Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI. dents at subminimum wages will not Ashland College, Ashland, OH. tantly to the total or partial separations Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH. create a substantial probability of reduc­ of the workers at such plant. Bluff ton College, Bluff ton, OH. ing the full-time employment oppor­ Signed at Washington, D.C. this 18th Bowling Green State University, Huron, OH. tunities of persons other than those em­ day of September 1975. Carroll College, Waukesha, WI. ployed under the authority, and such au­ Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, thority will not result in a reduction of G loria G. P ratt, OH. the wage rate paid to a current em­ Director,Office of Cedarville College, Cedarville, OH. ployee. The authority may be annulled Foreign Economic Policy. Cincinnati, University of, Cincinnati, OH. or withdrawn in the manner provided The Cincinnati Bible Seminary, Cincinnati, IPB Doc.75-25775 Filed 9-25-75;8:45 am] OH. in Fart 528 of Title 29 of the Code of CIrclevlUe Bible College, Circleville, OH. Federal Regulations. Any person ag­ Clermont General and Technical College, grieved by the granting of the authority Wage and Hour Division Batavia, OH. to any of the institutions listed may seek INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Cleveland. State University, Cleveland, O H a review or reconsideration thereof on or College of Mount St. Joseph, Mount St. before November 10, 1975. Certificates Authorizing Employment of Joseph, O H Full-Time Students at Subminimum Wages Cuyahoga Community College: Cleveland, Signed at Washington, D.C. this 22nd -OH; Parma, OH; Warrensville Township, day of September, 1975. Notice is hereby given that pursuant OH D onald T. C rttmback, to section 14 of the Fair Labor Standards Defiance College, Defiance, OH. Act of 1938, as amended, the regulation Denison University, GranvUle, O H Authorized Representative on employment of full-time students at Edgecliff College, Cincinnati, OH. of the Administrator. subminimuin wages (29 CFR 519), and Edgewood College, Madison, WI. [FR Doc.75-25695 Filed 9-25-75; 8:45 am] Administrative Order No. 621 (36 FR Findlay College, Findlay, OH. Heidelberg College, Tiffin, OH. the institutions of higher educa­ Hocking Technical College, Nelsonvllle, OH. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION tion listed in this notice have been John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH. granted authority to employ their full- Kent State University: Ashtabula, OH; COMMITTEE ON PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH tune students outside of the individual Canton, OH; Chardon, OH; East Liverpool, Notice of Meeting j student’s regularly scheduled hours of OH; Kent, OH; New Philadelphia, OH; instruction at hourly rates not less than Salem, OH; Warren, OH. The Committee on Presidential Search . Percent of the applicable statutory Kenyon College, Gambler, OH. of the Board o f Directors of the Legal minimum rate specified under section 6 Lake Erie College, Painesvllle, OH Services Corporation will meet at 1:30 of the Act. Lakeland College, Sheboygan, WI. p.m. on Friday, October 3, 1975 at the Lawrence University, Appleton, WI. regulation provides for the au- Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C., Malone College, Canton, o h , and at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 4, thonty to be effective on the date a Marietta College, Marietta, OH. Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. 1975 at the Marvin Center, Washington, properly completed application is for­ D.C. warded to the Wage and Hour Division Mary Manse College, Toledo, OH. Miami-Jacobs Junior College o f Business, The meetings will be in Executive Ses­ provided applicable conditions of the Dayton, OH. sion. for the purpose of interviewing can- FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 40, NO . 188— FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1975 44370 NOTICES didates for President of the Corporation. Pa. 15021. Applicant’s representative: N.H.; Boston and Cambridge, Mass.; Representatives of specific organizations Robert J. Gallagher, 1776 Broadway, Clinton, Conn.; Wilmington, Del.; and will be invited to attend portions of the New York, N.Y. 10019. Authority sought points in New York, Maryland, New Jer­ meetings. to operate as a common carrier, by motor sey, and Rhode Island. The purpose of vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ this filing is to eliminate the gateways Dated: September 25,1975. ing: Household goods as defined by the at Bedford, Pa., Connellsville, Pa. and R oger C. C ram to n, Commission, (1) between points in Con­ Washington, Pa. (b) from Salem, N.J., Chairman. necticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, North to points in Allegheny, Fayette, Greene, [PR Doc.76-26069 Piled 9-25-75; 12:08 pm] Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, on Washington, and Westmoreland Coun­ the one hand, and, on the other, Florida, ties, Pa. and points in Pennsylvania Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, within 50 miles of Bedford, Pa.; those INTERSTATE COMMERCE Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Jer­ points in Ohio (except Cleveland, Ohio), COMMISSION sey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Penn­ ChicagOi 111., and those points in that IRREGULAR-ROUTE MOTOR COMMON sylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Vir­ part of Illinois within 50 miles of the CARRIERS
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