SALT LAKE ACTING COMPANY Open Auditions for "Viet Rock" TOTAL THEATER Thursday, January 22 at Curtis FOLK ROCK MUSICAL Elementary School, 1421 South ' 22 East (just south of Foothill ACTORS, ACTRESSES ?"jge) ,,rom 7 ' 10 p m- AND MUSICIANS. Methodist Church, 870 West NO PREVIOUS 4th South from 7 to 1 0 p.m., EXPERIENCE and SjhJW. January 24, at NECESSARY GraCe Me,hodist Church from 2 to 5 p.m. TREE 5 POINTS SHOPPING CENTER BOUNTIFUL 292-2221 Gigantic Men's Clothing Sale OVER 2,000 MEN'S SUITS and SPORTCOATS go on SALE 12 Price MEN'S MEN'S 1 SUITS rfjL SPORTCOATS values W k"Aw va'ues $70.00 p $59.95 0JJk $145.00 $135.00 1 jf' ; January 22, 1970 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GIRL NEEDED to share apartment 190 CM RED STAR RS. Used only 2 I your I SHERRY: lost phone num- wanted Near campus $37.50mo. LDS pre- days, $90.00. Call Ginger, 487-0282. SERVICES ber. T.O. -fered. Call after 5 359-8906. I Cn?tSi0,?P0RTUNITIES MaiOT CAR TOP ski rack $10. Call 278-1655. national firms pay - READING. An excellent is to find you! ONE agressive who wants to SPEED TUB A FT A HA ",Pan' position and student course. At least triple speed and 1 SlUr associate with Miss Juarez and the TANEAU cover, windows new cloth KAST INDIAN FOOD E.2?'g 'S?' marketing, and make comp. Only $24.00. Call 266-8447. m,en,V For inter-- stimulating business staff and top for TR3. Make offer Phone & vi w, confidential on the side good part call Upgrade Associates, 328- a million 297-6067. time job good money good times. TYPING services - legal AMERICAN LUNCHES Apply in person to Jolene in the extensive FISCHER Wedelking 210 cm $60.00. background. 466-1578 or 292-0320. TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY EMPLOYMENT Chronicle office, U.B. 233, or call for GUIDE. an appointment: 322-7041. Kneisel Blue Stars 195 cm $95.00. 11:30 till 2:30 Wtiormat.ion' includes leading ..Call 355-7881. 2 employers. $2. Box 1177, & JgntaSanta Barbara, Calif. SPANISH tutor from Argentina $2.50 NEED Math or Engineering major to ATTENHOFFER SKIES, used once, hour, 1813 So. 15th E. Call 466-3072 6:00 till 10:30 work on calculations. 8 hrs. per day. with bindings, Original price $214. 2 p.m. after Open till 12:00 on Friday Si Saturday. THE BREADMAN Apply in person 349 East 9th South. $159. or make offer Call 484-2679. 1024 So. 11th East Ph. 466-0191 tele- WILL TYPE thesis, term papers, re- COMETH GIRLS WANTED Part-time I960 PORSCHE 356B CPE. Sunroof, phone solicitation 6 hours day or ports Call 486-6202 after 6:00 p.m. SUCCESS radio, dunlap radlals. Perfect mech. CtUB holds its first cam-- evening. $1.30 per nr. Must have cond. $1375. Call 359-3593 6. FOB RENT telephone voice. Call 322- after P"s meeting in Bus. Lecture 101 pleasing n -1089 for appointment. BABYSITTER prefer U Village. Thursday, January 22, 1970 1965 OLDS 442 Excellent condition Tend boy 5, girl 5 mos. Weekdays COOD STUDENT APTS. near "U". TIME AND FOUND 4-speed new 7:00 p.m. LOST Radio transmission, 7:30-5:00 evenings. 466-6181. $60 74 Call 355-8067. Al1 clutch brakes, shocks $995. Call students invited investments 277-2842. i book, Chem "one's pocketbook What is FOUND Valuable Tm Bldg. Identify, pay for ad. Call Penny Market How to save PERSONAL " Roger. 359-5668. MEN ONLY. Walking distance from 9et ahead. Have fun and learn U Private entrance. Utilities furn- ne really important Call 363- TONITEII At the Old Mill points of mone- ished. Garage Included. BLACK on Mil- SALE -8403. words WHITE paper. -'n 'success. Its just as FOR 10 much sport lions of them. Black and White e rich as poor. Bookstore, 875 E. Ninth South. Dunce all you want for only $1.00 SALE: Diamond ring set. Is she Wored by Delta Sigma Pi FOR ATTENTION: Single men. Have large DIFFERENT? Call 350-4297. 74 5-bdroom home on "N" Street with the would like to share with 4 college ATTENTION: MARRIED ' en- students cases students. Have complete use of your "iSi"1?.0,;'1!1- $-10. NIKON Ftn Camera plus lenses, Call 486-1395 9 new family hospital plan is "par "U". price. WHITE tire home. between Foremost Authority Lights by 5 s""th sici,. 3 Univorsily St., Lower and extras. All half -6 p.m., ask for Paul. now available for only $11.57 month- a 4-6 p.m. full Nevada 215 G.S. a.m. Star Skis with . ly. Including $500.00 maternity bene- WaN'I'i.'i, $75.00. Call 322-7041. AM fit $50.00 a day room benefit. Fingers few. Chronicle st.i rr who In "'it . BEAUTIFUL room for girl student . i!)6j - sell, excellent many extras. ,,( reived w-2 rrm.s PORSCHE 1962 Must home. $45.00mo. Call Plus Call now rl.sk' " .y."urs 1,1 condition, sunroor. new tires, Call professor's ' ' "I' liiirhnni's 'iron h ir- orriiT. 225-1083 Orem after 5 p.m. 355-6777. 486-1395. "Phoenicians in Ancient America?" I Ross T. Christensen I Professor o Anthropology ySs'JCl J-rS. B and Archaeology, . '-111. B Brtgham Young University ,jCT"yA-gsJBi' H I 1 ft west institute chapel f-wsT-XTE LjjrLT"jj I DISTINCTIVE MEXICAN & AMERICAN FOOD Delightful Atmosphere February 5, 1970 The Jamie Rush Group and Skim Milk and Shades of Blue and Five Fingers on My Hand (C validated Friday and Saturday, Feb. 6 & 7 yy- t Grant Auto J THE OLD MILL Disclotheque and Coffee Gallery 216 South State The Old Mill is now under original management 363-4354 Rated R TEENIE BOPPERS RESTRICTED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MUSTANG, V-8, 289 automatic. TYPING services - extensive legal ROOM for rent - Men only, private 1967 includ- $1750. One owner, two year war- LOST 'N FOUND background. 466-1578 or 292-0320: WANTED entrance and bath, parking ranty remaining, excellent condi- ed. Call 363-8403. Call 355-2279. tion MAN'S wrlstwatch. vicinity of Special' WILL TYPE reports, term papers, GIRLS WANTED Part-time tele-- Events Parking lot. If found please etc. Call 299-0189 or 299-4218. Dftone solicitation 6 day or Large newly decorated $30, inform Chronicle Olflce. Wiling. hours NEAR "U". WOMEN'S medium Down Parka $1.30 per nr. Must have main floor room, kitchen available. Ski sweater $15. Austrian Jacket $15, PRIVATE French lessons, all, levels, Pleasing telephone voice. 322- 395-1102 or 355-5982. 322-0815. 3 Call 1410 Butler Call 215 cm Hart Skis $25. Call LOST: Women's watch Sun. Reward. my home. Call 355-8235. tor appointment. 266-4653. A1? OPPORTUNITIES Major storage etc. 1966 VW BUS - Super groovy Deluxe BROWN-orange. spiral-striped tiger EXPERIENCED tutor. Lower division national lirms pay LARGE Garages for Callr277-- us to find you! near M5 and 45 South $19mo. $1395.00 Call 277-7892. cat, male. Vicinity 1st South 12th physics and mathematics. wL.,you. cmpany position and 467-6939. East. Call 521-5891. 6519. n; SaIes- marketing, and man-- Call i confidential inter-- Call Harold ;ueil'w, call rr MARTIN Guitar for sale. THE BREADMAN COMETH! TYPING SERVICES Thesis and Upgrade Associates. 328- SALE Mornings 322-6745. ex- FOR SUCCESS CLUB holdi iti first campus term papers, extensive business perience also. Cull 355-6453. Bu. 203 on Thursday, S - origin- meeting in ,,, "eTstUDENT Private room UHER REPORT recorder BLACK & WHITE Bookstore has sell $150 including February 5, 1970 TIME 700 p.m. i" vi.af home with widowed lady ski posters after- ally $350 must TYPIST: Will type thesis, disserta- - ' new paperbacks, Call 487-2543 after 5:00 invited investments to- PnSi Privileges. $1.00 per day. evenings. 875 E. 9th So. Call accessories. All students tions, term papers, .etc. Close 4M3L-D'S- CaU for appointment, noons p.m. pocketbook What is -University. Call 363-0268. 0 364-5241. for anyone's .. type- the Penny Market? How to save if BEAUTIFUL portable Olympia 1967 GTCI 4-spcL with case $75. and get ahead! Have fun and (earn EXPERT typing, close to U., .55pnge, ,j FOB RENT .JUST MARRIED - writer new condition etc. Call 363- 400 co. Engine. CaU iOriim 364-9686 Tues-Thurs morning. the really important points of mone- carbon ribbon, theses, New Call -9686 Tucs. - Thurs. mornings. or 485-1684. tary success. It's just as much sport SHED: 5 rooms. to aspiring g. to be rich as poor. anrt mm who need air, space 345 and , 1962. original body Sponsored by Delta Sigma Pi PROFESSIONAL men's barber thro. "agnificent view. Two or CORVETTE only 3.0UU stylist NOW In U.B. Shop - Ask for InqUire cv 365 hp. New engine, I?ortShnS- at 41 EaSt milet new polyglas tires radiator, Dave Kimball - East door. Guarante- S suspension battery, ex- DANCE 2 top (troups plus lights ed Service! heavy duty 355-1216. cellent buy. $1395. Call by Cosmic Power & Light every PERSONAL night for no extra cost STUDENT Tax Service $1.00 and JACK BENDER says: Come to Col- SQUARE DANCE CLUB up. 1490 So. 1113 East. Skis and boots with Mil- NOMAD LIGHT lege Life. EXHIBITION TEAM NEW HART model. Ori- bindings. Super Pro 3737 South State Street ler now only $95. Call SERVICES ENTERTAINMENT j Now Recruiting ginal cost $160 week "Bitter End" and 355-4423. This Saturday, February 7, 1970 Syndicate". READING. An excellent "Soul SPEEDcourse. At least triple speed and THE COUNTRY TIME MACHINE, 9:M a.m.
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