Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations Recueil des Traitis Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrs ou classjs et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies Copyright © United Nations 2001 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Copyright © Nations Unies 2001 Tous droits rdservs ImprimA aux Etats-Unis d'Am6rique Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1903 Recuei des Traitis Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations o Nations Unies New York, 2001 Treaties and internationalagreements registeredor filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations 1. No. 1145 VOLUME 1903 1996 11. No. 1145 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and internationalagreements registeredfrom 1 January 1996 to 23 January 1996 Page No. 32434. Senegal and Guinea-Bissau: Agreement on management and cooperation. Signed at Dakar on 14 October 1993 Protocol to the above-mentioned Agreement, concerning the organization and operation of the Management and Cooperation Agency. Signed at Bissau on 12 June 1995 ............................................................................................................... 3 No. 32435. France and Angola: Protocol establishing the terms for the usufruct of an apartment dwelling built by the Government of the People's Republic of Angola. Signed at Paris on 7 De- cem ber 1989 ................................................................................................................ 8 1 No. 32436. United Nations and Latvia: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning arrangements regarding the Study Tour of the Committee on Human Settlements, principal subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Europe, held in the Republic of Latvia from 22 to 24 September 1995. Geneva, 19 May 1995 and Riga, 19 January 19 96 ....................................................................:......................................................... 93 No. 32437. Austria and Republic of Moldova: Agreement on bilateral foreign trade relations. Signed at Vienna on 18 March 199 3.............................................................................................................................. 95 No. 32438. Austria and Estonia: Agreement on bilateral foreign trade relations. Signed at Vienna on 26 April 19 93 ..............................................................................................................................12 1 Vol. 1903 Traits et accords internationaux enregistrisou classes et inscrits au rjpertoire au Secretariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies s VOLUME 1903 1996 II.I. NoN 114532434-32441 TABLE DES MATIERES I Trait6s et accords internationaux enregistrisdu lerjanvier1996 au 23 janvier 1996 Pages NO 32434. Senegal et Guinke-Bissau: Accord de gestion et de coopration. Sign6 ADakar le 14 octobre 1993 Protocole d'accord l'Accord susmentionn6, ayant trait A l'organisation et au fonctionnement de l'Agence de gestion et de cooperation. Sign6 ABissau le 12 juin 1995 ................................................................................................................ 3 NO 32435. France et Angola : Protocole fixant les modalit6s d'usufruit d'un immeuble d'habitation 6difi6 par le Gouvernement de la Rdpublique populaire d'Angola. Sign6 A Paris le 7 d6- cem bre 1989 ................................................................................................................ 8 1 NO 32436. Organisation des Nations Unies et Lettonie: tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux arrangements concernant le voyage d'dtudes du Comit6 sur les 6tablissements humains, organe subsi- diaire principal de la Commission 6conomique pour l'Europe, qui a eu lieu en R6publique de Lettonie du 22 au 24 septembre 1995. Gen~ve, 19 mai 1995 et R iga, 19 janvier 1996 ................................................................................................. 93 N0 32437. Autriche et R6publique de Moldova: Accord relatif aux relations conomiques ext&rieures bilatdrales. Sign6 AVienne le 18 m ars 1993 ............................................................................................................... 95 NO 32438. Autriche et Estonie : Accord relatif aux relations 6conomiques ext6rieures bilat6rales. Sign6 AVienne le 26 avril 1993 ................................................................................................................ 12 1 Vol. 1903 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis Page No. 32439. Austria and Poland: Agreement on equivalences in higher education (with annexes). Signed at Vienna on 23 January 1995 ...................................................................................................145 No. 32440. Austria and Slovenia: Agreement amending the Agreement on Alpine tourist traffic in the frontier region of 18 July 1984, as amended by the exchange of notes of 16 October 1992. Signed at Vienna on 9 June 1995 ..............................................................................147 No. 32441. Norway and Denmark: Agreement concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf in the area between Jan Meyen and Greenland and concerning the boundary between the fishery zones in the area (with map). Signed at Oslo on 18 December 1995 ..................171 II Treaties and internationalagreements filed and recordedfrom 10 December 1995 to 23 January1996 No. 1145. United Nations and International Centre of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology: Agreement as to the conditions governing the admission of the International Centre of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology to membership in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund. Signed at New York on 18 De- cem ber 1995 ................................................................................................................185 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., con- cerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariatof the United Nations No. 2545. Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Signed at Geneva, on 28 July 1951: A ccession by South A frica ...............................................................................................188 No. 4789. Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform conditions of ap- proval and reciprocal recognition of approval for motor vehicle equipment and parts. Done at Geneva, on 20 March 1958: Entry into force of Regulation No. 97 (Uniform provisions concerning the ap- proval of vehicle alarm systems (VAS) and of motor vehicules with regard to their alarm systems (AS) as an annex to the above-mentioned Agreement of 20 M arch 1958 ............................................................................................................189 Application by Italy of Regulation No. 97 annexed to the above-mentioned A greem ent ...................................................................................................................189 Vol. 1903 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis VII Pages NO 32439. Autriche et Pologne: Accord concernant les 6quivalences dans le domaine de l'enseignement sup6rieur (avec annexes). Sign6 AVienne le 23 janvier 1995 ................................................. 145 NO 32440. Autriche et Slovknie : Accord modifiant l'Accord relatif au trafic touristique alpin dans la zone fron- tali~re du 18 juillet 1984, tel que modifi6 par l'dchange de notes du 16 octobre 1992. Sign6 AVienne le 9 juin 1995 .......................................................................... 147 NO 32441. Norv~ge et Danemark: Accord concernant la d6limitation du plateau continental dans la r6gion comprise entre Jan Mayen et le Groenland et la fronti~re entre les zones de peche dans cette r6gion (avec carte). Sign6 AOslo le 18 d6cembre 1995 ............................... 171 II Traitds et accords internationaux classis et inscrits au rdpertoiredu 10 d~cembre 1995 au 23 janvier 1996 NO 1145. Organisation des Nations Unies et Centre international de gknie gkn& tique et de biotechnologie : Accord relatif aux conditions gouvernant l'admission du Centre international de gdnie g6n6tique et de biotechnologie en qualit6 de membre A la Caisse com- mune des pensions du personnel de 'Organisation des Nations Unies. Sign6 AN ew York le 18 d6cem bre 1995 ........................................................................... 185 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adh6sions, accords ultirieurs, etc., concemant des traits et accords internationaux enregistrds au Secrdtariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies N0 2545. Convention relative an statut des rifugiis. Sign6e h Genive, le 28 juil- let 1951 : A dh6sion de l'Afrique du Sud ......................................................................................... 188 NO 4789. Accord concernant I'adoption de conditions uniformes d'homologa- tion et la reconnaissance riciproque de l'homologation des 6quipe- ments et pices de vkhicules A moteur. Fait A Genve, le 20 mars 1958 : Entr6e en vigueur du Rglement n° 97 (Prescriptions uniformes relatives Al'homo- logation des syst~mes d'alarme pour v6hicules (SAV) et des automobiles en ce qui concerne leurs syst~mes d'alarme (SA) en tant qu'annexe A l'Accord susm entionn6 du 20 m ars 1958 ...............................................................................
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