INDEX PROPOSED EXPANSION OF MULTISTORIED RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX INDEX INDEX S.NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO I Form 1A 1 - 12 II Conceptual Plan 13 - 194 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the project site 13 1.2 Objectives 13 1.3 Scope of the study 14 1.4 Government of India – Legislation – Construction projects 14 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT SITE 2.1 Location 15 2.2 Environmental Sensitivity of the Project Site 17 2.3 Site Connectivity 22 2.4 Topography 22 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Overview of the Project Site 23 3.2 Population Details 29 3.3 Project Cost 31 3.4 Construction Materials 31 3.5 Water Requirement 31 3.6 Sewage Generation and Disposal 35 3.7 Solid Waste Generation, Collection, Transport and Disposal 36 3.7.1 During Construction Phase 36 3.7.2 During Operation Phase 36 3.7.3 Organic Waste Converter 37 3.8 Rain Water Harvesting & Strom Water Drain 39 3.8.1 Need for Rainwater Harvesting 39 3.8.2 Rainwater Harvesting Network 39 3.9 Power Details 42 3.10 Parking Area Details 43 4. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 4.1 Environmental Management Plan 45 4.2 Plan for Environmental Management 46 4.3 Energy Conservation Measures 52 4.4 Fire Fighting System 52 4.5 Ground Water Potential of the site and Likely Impacts of 54 the Project 4.6 Impact on Project Land and its surrounding vice versa 54 4.7 Socio Economic Impact of the Project 54 4.8 Environmental Monitoring Plan 55 4.9 EMP Budget Provisions 56 4.10 Environmental Management Cell 57 4.11 Development of Green Belt 57 A APRIL 2017 PROPOSED EXPANSION OF MULTISTORIED RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX INDEX LIST OF TABLES TABLE CONTENTS PAGE NO NO 2.1 Environmental Setting of the Project Site 21 3.1 Land Use Spilt Up of the Project Site 24 3.2a Built Up Area Statement (Existing and Proposed) 25 3.2b Summary of Built Up Area Statement (After Expansion) 28 3.3 Salient Features of the Project 29 3.4 Manpower requirement during construction phase 30 3.5a Estimated Population - Existing 30 3.5b Estimated Population - Proposed 30 3.5c Estimated Population - After Expansion 30 3.6 Quantity of Construction Materials Required 31 3.7a Water Requirement Calculation for Existing Building 33 3.7b Water Requirement Calculation for Proposed Building 33 3.7c Water Requirement Calculation - After Expansion 34 3.8a Solid Waste Generation – Existing 36 3.8b Solid Waste Generation – Proposed 36 3.8c Solid Waste Generation – After Expansion 36 3.9a Solid Waste Generation & Management - Existing 37 3.9b Solid Waste Generation & Management – Proposed 37 3.9c Solid Waste Generation & Management – After Expansion 37 3.10 Soil Lithography 40 3.11 Storm Water Management 42 3.12 DG Set Details 43 3.13a Parking Statement (Numbers) 43 3.13b Parking Statement (Area) 44 4.1 Environmental Management Plan – Construction Phase 47 4.2 Environmental Management Plan – Operation Phase 49 4.3 Energy Conservation Calculation 52 4.4 Socio Economic Status of the Project Site 55 4.5 Environmental Monitoring Schedule 55 4.6 Environmental Management Plan - Budget (Construction) 56 4.7 Environmental Management Plan - Budget (Operation) 56 4.8 Recommended Species for Green Belt Development 58 4.9 List of Existing Species of Green Belt 58 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE CONTENTS PAGE NO NO 2.1 Google Image of the project 15 2.2 Map Showing the Location of the Project Site 16 2.3 Topo Map showing 10 Km Radius of the Project Site 18 2.4 Drainage Map showing 10 Km Radius of the Project Site 19 2.5 Google Image showing location of Surrounding Infrastructure 20 2.6 Local Connectivity of the Project Site 22 B APRIL 2017 PROPOSED EXPANSION OF MULTISTORIED RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX INDEX 3.1 Total Water Balance Chart (After Expansion) 35 3.2 Rain Water Harvesting Pit and Trench Details 41 3.3 Existing Public Storm water drain 42 4.1 Fire fighting system 53 4.2 Existing Greenbelt Development 58 LIST OF ANNEXURE ANNEXURE CONTENTS PAGE NO NO I Project Layouts 59 - 64 II EC issued by MoEFCC 65 - 70 III CTE issued by TNPCB 71 - 82 IV Certified Compliance 83 - 90 V CMDA Planning Permit and COC Building permit 91 - 94 VI Completion Certificates 95 - 100 VII Land Ownership Documents 101 - 136 VIII Water supply and sewage disposal - Challan 137 - 138 IX Soil Test Report 139 - 178 X NOC - AAI, Fire & Traffic 179 - 188 XI Structural Stability Certificate 189 - 190 XII Recent Site photographs 191 - 192 XIII Disclosure of Environmental Consultant 193 - 194 C APRIL 2017 PROPOSED EXPANSION OF MULTISTORIED RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX INDEX D APRIL 2017 FORM IA PROPOSED EXPANSION OF MULTISTORIED RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX FORM IA FORM IA I. LAND ENVIRONMENT Details with source of Information S. No. Information data 1.1 Will the existing land use get significantly The proposed project site is categorized altered from the project that is not under unclassified zone as per the land use consistent with the surroundings? map of CMDA. The CMDA Land use map for (Proposed land use must conform to the the proposed project has been shown in approved Master Plan / Development Plan Conceptual Plan (Annexure I). of the area. Change of land use if any and the statutory approval from the The land use map of 10 km radius is given competent authority are submitted). in Figure 2.3 (Chapter 2) Attach Maps of (i) site location, (ii) surrounding features of the proposed site The proposed site is a vacant land. The topo (within 500 meters) and (iii) the site plan showing all the features, road (indicating levels & contours) to connectivity and drainage map are given in appropriate scales. If not available attach Figure 2.4, 2.5 and Figure 2.7 (Chapter 2). only conceptual plans. 1.2 List out all the major project requirements Residential Apartment (Basement + 14 in terms of the floors) including Gym and Indoor games. Land area, • 1,97,277.5 Sq.m. Built-up area, • 3,14,031.676 Sq.m. Water consumption, • Fresh Water Consumption - 1139 KLD Power requirement, • 142 MVA Connectivity, • The Project Site is well connected by road, rail and air ways. An access road of Stephenson high road is located adjacent to the project site on South direction. Vysarpadi Jeeva Railway station is located at 0.04 km, North from the project site. Kannikapuram and Ganeshapuram Bus Stop is located at 0.2 km East and 0.24 km North East respectively Community facilities, • Facilities like club house, swimming pool, community hall and temple are incorporated in the Conceptual Plan. Parking needs etc. • Provided in the conceptual plan 1.3 What are the likely impacts of the The proposed project is the construction of proposed activity on the existing facilities Residential building. Necessary Mitigation adjacent to the proposed site? (Such as measures will be taken to reduce the open spaces, community facilities, details impacts created due to the project during 1 APRIL 2017 PROPOSED EXPANSION OF MULTISTORIED RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX FORM IA of the existing land use, disturbance to the Construction and Operation phase. the local ecology) Proposed project will be provided with open space, provisions for parking which will be easier for the people to access. Greeneries will be developed for aesthetic appearance and recreational activities. Adequate mitigation measures will be adapted to reduce the negative impacts. 1.4 Will there be any significant land Vulnerability to subsidence and erosion will disturbance resulting in erosion, be less. The proposed site has good load subsidence & instability? (Details of soil bearing capacity. The site receives only type, slope analysis, vulnerability to moderate amount of rainfall. Rainwater will subsidence, seismicity etc may be given). be captured through rainwater harvesting pits and trenches that have been proposed within the site premises. Excess runoff will be diverted to Nalla located adjacent to the project site on Eastern side. There will not be any erosion, subsidence or instability generated due to this project. The proposed site falls under Zone III of seismic zone classification. However the proposed building will be an earthquake resistant structure. Geo-technical investigation report is enclosed in Conceptual Plan (Annexure IX). 1.5 Will the proposal involve alteration of The proposed project site is a flat terrain natural drainage systems? (Give details and the storm water network has been on a contour map showing the natural planned inside the proposed project. Rain drainage near the proposed project site) water will be collected during monsoon period through storm water drain and will be recharged though recharge pits. There will not be any alteration of natural drainage system. The drainage showing the natural drainage of the project site is shown in Figure 2.5 (Chapter 2). 1.6 What are the quantities of earthwork All the topsoil excavated during construction involved in the construction activity phase shall be stored and used for cutting, filling, reclamation etc. (Give landscape development within the project details of the quantities of earthwork site. involved, transport of fill materials from outside the site etc.) The lower strata earth excavated from pile foundation is either used for filling the plinths, road substructure and leveling. 2 APRIL 2017 PROPOSED EXPANSION OF MULTISTORIED RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX FORM IA 1.7 Give details regarding water supply, waste The quantity of water required during handling etc. during the construction construction phase will be 20 KLD which will period. be met from nearby water supplier through tankers. The concrete debris will be used for site grading and road filling. 1.8 Will the low lying areas & wetlands get No, there is no low lying area or wetlands altered? (Provide details of how low lying within the Project Site.
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