THE SOONER MAGAZINE OKLAHOMA ALUMNI NEWS A News Magazine for University of Oklahoma graduates and under the act of March 3, 1879 . Established 1928. Advertising former students, published monthly except August and Septem- rates on application to the Business Manager, Oklahoma Union ber, by the University of Oklahoma Association, Oklahoma Building . Address all editorial matter to Frank S. Cleckler, Union Building, Norman, Oklahoma. Chester H. Westfall, '16 Secretary-Treasurer, Oklahoma Union Building, Norman, Okla- journ., Ponca City, president ; Frank S. Cleckler, '21bus ., Nor- homa. The Magazine is published the twentieth of the month man, secretary-treasurer . Membership dues : Annual $3, of preceding date of publication . Information designed for the which $2 is for THE SOONER MAGAZINE; life $60, of which Magazine should be in the hands of the Editor not later than $40 is for THE SOONER MAGAZINE. Life Membership is the sixth of any month Joseph A. Brandt, '21journ ., editor; payable in quarterly instalments. Entered as second-class mat- Ernie Hill, '32journ, assistant editor ; George McElroy, '34law, ter October 13, 1928, at the postoffice at Norman, Oklahoma, business manager Oklahomans at home and abroad Tulsa Meeting October 6 Mrs . Helen Meister Arbuckle, '26, Sec- Oran McCain, '31, Secretary, 321 Com- Northeastern Oklahoma Sooner alum- retary-treasurer . merce Building. ni are invited to attend the University NEW YORK CITY CUSHING of Oklahoma Association dinner spon- Ivan G. Richardson, '17, President, care John B. Gordon, '30, Secretary, Cushing sored by the Tulsa Sooner Club at the Young Ottley Inc., 122 East 42nd St. Citizen. University Club at 6 :30 p . m. the night Robert S. Gordon, '20, Vice president, DALLAS, TEXAS of October 6, by Mrs. Earle S. Porter, 48 Wall Street. Weaver Holland, '13, President, Dallas president of the Tulsa club. CHICAGO Light & Power Company. This dinner takes place the night be- Fred H. Ward, '21, President, 1117 West fore the Tulsa-Oklahoma football game 35th Street. Varsity at Tulsa . Mrs. Porter hopes that alumni LOS ANGELES Robert Waldrop of Oklahoma City from Sapulpa, Skiatook, Claremore, George E. Heap, '23, President, 1926 will be president of the Y. M. C . A. Pawhuska, Bartlesville and other north- Kelton Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif. this year, as the result of the failure of eastern Oklahoma cities will attend . The WASHINGTON, D. C. Jim Riley of Bristow, president-elect, to price of each plate will be only 75 cents. Congressman Wilburn Cartright, '20, return to school . Mr. Riley has accepted The dean of Sooner toastmasters, Wal- President, House Office Building. a position with the Curtis Publishing ter Ferguson, will preside. Bennie William G. Cullen, '16, Secretary-treas- Co. at Bartlesville . Owen, Bo Rowland, Lewie Hardage, urer, Room 827, National Press Build- Perhaps the longest distance any stu- Pete Gracey and President Bizzell are ing, 14th & F. Street, N. W. dent came this year was the trek made expected to speak. BECKHAM COUNTY CLUB by James A. Long of Porte Alegre, Bra- It will aid the Tulsa club if all alum- Dr. V. C . Tisdale, ex '31, President, Elk zil, who enrolled in the University as the ni who can attend this rousing rally will City. second generation in that noted Sooner notify Mrs. Porter, 1115 East 25th Place, H. C . Ivester, '27, Vice president, Sayre. family, the Longs . His father, Frank phones 3-2894, Tulsa, at the earliest pos- Joe McBride, '28, Secretary-treasurer, Elk A. Long, celebrated athelete, graduated sible moment. City in 1908. TULSA Ponies hold more interest than motor- Sooner Club Directory Mrs. Pearl Goodrich Porter, '09, Presi- bikes this year for Walter Davidson of NORMAN dent, 1115 East 25th Place. Wisconsin, son of the motorcycle manu- Harold R. Belknap, '25, President, 111 Travis Milsten, '22, Vice president, 310 facturer, who has enrolled in the Uni- S. Peters Avenue. Tulsa Trust Building . versity. Primary lure of Oklahoma to Frank S. Cleckler, '21, Secretary-treas- Mr. Davidson, , friends say, was Jerry urer, Faculty Exchange . CONTENTS Waters' polo team, which made such a OKLAHOMA CITY Oklahomans at home and abroad 3 remarkable showing in the East-West Earl Foster, '12, President, 920 Perrine The Sooner sport world 12 games . Building. By Harold Keith, '28 It appeared for a while that there Glenn W. Faris, '19, Secretary-treasurer, Your Association 13 might be two presidents of the men's Chamber of Commerce. By Chester Westfall, '16 council but the difficulty seems to be BARNSDALL Just Among us 14 solved with the announcement of Mark Edna Mae Stines, '23, President. By Frank S. Cleckler, '21 Evans of Norman, president, that he Mrs . Marietta Wallace Willis, '23, Vice The University's directed leisure delegated Ewing Sadler of Sulphur to president. program 15 prepare the year's program for the coun- A. Marion Smith, '27, Secretary. Sooners in the New Deal 16 cil, since he was uncertain whether he DUNCAN Alumni and Rush Week 17 would continue as president. Jerome Sullivan, '23, President. Opening Days in Other Years 19 Lecturers who may appear on the A. H. Sills, '24, Vice president, Box 1266, By Ernie Hill, '32 campus during the coming school year, Loco. Belles lettres and bell ringers 28 according to plans being perfected by The Sooner Magazine October President Bizzell, include R. H. Wedge- as associate professor of chemistry in has been made as to the first Chancellor. wood Benn, former Secretary of State for charge of petroleum technology. In 1925 It seems probable that no one connected India, tentatively scheduled to lecture he was made professor of petroleum en- with the Oklahoma higher education March 7 ; Dr. C. E. M. Joad, celebrated gineering in charge of refinery courses. system will be selected for the office. philosopher of the University of London, He was responsible for the building of Inauguration of the project may be com- February 19; Dr. John Langdon Davies, the refinery of the school of petroleum mitted to President Bizzell, who would author, date not set, and Dr. Sam Sham- engineering. Like Mr. George, Doctor combine his office of President of the alhauser, New York educator, date not Padgett is a graduate of the University University with the Chancellorship. Un- set. of Pittsburgh . der this proposal, two vice-Chancellors The home economics practice house Professor Carson has worked closely would be named, possibly Chancellor this year will be at 425 Park Drive. and cooperatively with the staff of the Findlayson of the University of Tulsa Sigma Epsilon is the name of a new school of petroleum engineering and is and President Bennett, '26M. A., of Ok- local fraternity replacing Sigma Mu Sig- perfectly familiar with the objectives lahoma Agricultural and Mechanical ma, which disbanded last year. The fra- sought in that school. College. ternity, which is seeking the approval of "Professor Carson is unusally well fit- A committee of former Rhodes schol- the University, will have its house at ted to assume his additional duties," ars at the University of Oklahoma, un- 439 West Boyd Street . The local in- President Bizzell says. "For years he has der the chairmanship of Savoie Lottin- tends assume to the unpaid obligations worked to adapt instruction in mechani- ville, '28journ., assistant editor of the of Sigma Mu Sigma, it is understood . cal engineering to the needs of the pe- University Press, has been making a If approved, Sigma Epsilon intends to troleum engineer . He has developed the summary of the Honors Plan as it is in petition for membership in Sigma Phi mechanical and gas engineering labor- effect at the University of Oxford. An Epsilon . atory on the campus for training men Honors Plan is contemplated in the One of the first regents of the Uni- in petroleum and natural gas engineer- greater University . versity, William R. Swartout, celebrated ing. Many of the valuable pieces of The Board has recommended that the his fiftieth wedding anniversary Septem- equipment are not found in any other out-of-state tuition fee be increased in ber 3 at Tampa, Florida, his home . The school in the nation ." other state schools to equal that charged Swartouts were married by Henry Ward Under Mr. Carson, the University has by the University, whose fees are $50 a Beecher in New York September 3, 1883. assumed national leadership in the natur- year. The University appeared to be the Mr. Swartout was a regent in 1894. al gas field, forming a perfect comple- only state supported institution having Grantland Rice in his syndicated col- ment to the school of petroleum en- such fees. umn refers to the Vanderbilt-Oklahoma gineering, both of which under bean The Board has decided not to make game as one the of leading intersectional Felgar have added to the already great any changes at the University of Okla- games of the season . national reputation of the college of en- homa. for the present at least. gineering. Petroleum Engineering Indian Superintendent Sooner Law Firm Professor William H. Carson, director Randolph "Chalk" McCurtain, '28as, of the school of mechanical engineering Alvan Muldrow, '33law, and Neil became superintendent of the Indian res- in the college of engineering, has been Keller, '331aw, both of Norman, have ervation at Gallup, New Mexico, Sep- named director of the school of petrol- formed a law partnership and have es- tember 1 under John Collier, Californian eum engineering, succeeding H. C. tablished their offices in the Stubbeman who recently was appointed United States George, internationally known petroleum Building in Norman. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. engineer, who resigned to become direc McCurtain was superintendent of Bok- tor of the school of petroleum engineer- Co-ordinating Progress chito schools for the past four years and ing of the University of Pittsburgh .
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