• DrlmCTORY.] · LIVERPOOL. • 255 Ba.tchelor John, 60 Whetstone lane, Higher Beamish George, 13 Highfield road, Walton Beggs 'Mrs. 40 Park road, Toxteth park ' Tranmere, B Bean Alexander P. 205 .Kdge lane Beggs Mrs. 7 Woodchnrch road, B Batchelor Mrs. 97 Merton road, Bootle Bean Charles Arthnr, Gorst hill cottage, BehnJobnFredk.Cleeveshillshouse.A..ughton Ba.tchelor Samuel, 19 Fell street, Kensington Gorst hill, Little Suttou, Chester Bebn Wm. Hy. 20 Greenfield rd. Stoneycroft Bate Edwin, 18 Grenville street south Bean James Brunton,l6 Glover street, Higher Behrend G. ~.P. 38 Princes rd. Toxteth park Bate Mrs. 35 Churchill street, Toxteth park Tranmere, B Behrend George, 30 A..lexandra ter.Princes rd Bate Th0mas, 6 St. James' road Bean Kenneth, 3 Ea.st bank, Woodchurch Behrman Mrs. 51 Erskine street Bate Wm. Fredk. 23 Church road, Stanley · road, Oxton, B Belam Lt. Hy. R.N. 40 Fem gro. Toxteth pk Bateman John, 5 Maple street, Tranmere, B Beard Jas. Edwd. 54 Dingle road, Tranmere,B Belcher Charles H. 14 Roberts road, Anfield Bateman Mrs. 102 Berkley st. Toxteth park Beard W. 44 Cbesnut gro. Higbr. Tranmre. B Belcher Miss, 193 Hey wood street, Everton Bater Thomas, ID Park way, Toxteth park Beard wood William Houghton, 14 Hunting- .I:SelcherRobt.Parker,3Mnt.Pieo.sant,Oxton,B !Bates E. P. Beechenhurst, Beech la. MossleyHl ton street, Toxteth park Belcher William Maxford, 10 Fnlwood park, .:Bates Edward, 56 AI bany street, Aigburth Bea.sley Hy. C. 25A, PrinceAlfred rd. W avertree Aig burth road, Toxteth park ;Bates G. T. Maryton grange, Allerton road, Bea.sley Thoma.s, 19 Church road, Stanley Bell Capt. George Robert R.N. Selby holme, Mossley hill Beaton William, 15 Boundary street ea.st Abbotsford road, Great Crosby :Bates George, 6 Westminster road, LiPcard Beattie James, 20 Thomas lane, Knotty Ash Bell Capt. Ja.mes, 38 Russian drive, Stonycroft Bates Joseph, 32 Cunard rd. Litherland Beattie John, 5 Queen street, Liscard Bt>ll Archibald, Lismore, .Aigbnrth dri'i'e, ~tes Jsph.Hrbt.9Westmoreland road,Liscard Beatty .Archibald, 369 Park rd. Toxteth park Toxteth park Bates Mrs. 26 St. Ma.ry's street, Liscard Bea.tty Edward John, 369 Park road Bell Charles, 242 Picton road, Wavertree :Bates Reginald Henry, 8 High field crescent, Beatty J. Guinness M.D. 8 Grosvenor terrace, Bell Charles .A. Church villa, Rainhill Rock :Ferry, B Belvidere road, Prince's park Bell Christr. Forbes, 10 Ullet rd. Prince's pk :Bates ruchard, 25 Cavendish road, Brighton- Beauford John S. The Warrens, Freshtl.eld Bell David, 10 Bennett's hill, B le-Sands, Great Crosby Beaumont Rev. George [Unitarian], 8 Gate- Bell David, 112 Hartington rd. Toxteth pk .Bates William, 3 Grenville strl!et south acre brow, Much Woolton Bell Edward, 8 Brook road, Bootle .:Bates William, 62 Park road west, Claughton Beanmont Mrs. 87 Eastbo•1rne st. Everton Bell Edwd.20live Mount vils.Millla.Wavrtree Bates Wm. Kent lodge, Dryden rd. Edge hill Beaumont Mrs. E. A. 1 St.Anne's rd.Aigburth Bell Edward, 35 Slatey road, Olaughton, B Bates Wm. Tunstall,16 Dryden rd.Wavertree Beaumont Thos. 8 Weltl.eld pL Toxteth park Bell Edward,Walworth, 25 Lorne st.FairfiiJI.d Bateson Ernest, 165 Chatham street Beausire Jas.J.A.lOCollege aven.GreatCrosby Bell Fredk. Douglas, 3 Martin's lane, Liscard Bateson Harold Dingwall B.A. Ash leigh, Beavan Jeffrey, 6 Ullet road, Princes park Bell Frederick Wilberforce, Carlton house, Woolton park, Much Woolton Beavan Mrs. 6 Ulletroa<i, Toxteth park Victoria road, Great Crosby .Bateson J. Emsworth, Hornby la. Wavertree Beaver Robt.Atwood, H Victoria rd. Waterloo Bell G. 87 Shrewsbury road north, Oxton, B Bateson J a.... A. Elmhurst,BarkHL.rd.Aigburth BeaverRt.Atwood jun. M.D.121Marsh la.Bootle Bell George, 59 Sandown lane, Wavertree Bateson John, 63 Upper Huskisson street Beazley Edwn. Merefield, Wexford rd. Oxton,B Bell George A. J. Ballygarth, A..igburth Bateson ~Irs. 20 Falkner square Beazley J.li. Oak Dene, Wexford rd. Oxton, B Hall road, Aigbnrth • Ba.teson T. B. Elmhurst. Bark hl. rd. Aigbrtb Beazley Mrs. 42 Balmoral road, Fairfield Bell George Crooks, 307 Claugbton road, B Bateson Waiter Edward, 1 Alma rd. Aigburtb Beazley Mrii.J.l<'ernhill,Manorhl.Olaughton,B Bell Henry, Mount Pleasant road, Upper Batey Mrs. 9 Alderson road, Wavertree Beazley R.Olover,llBeresford rd.Olaughton,B Brighton, Liscard Eat.h Frederic, 248 Upper Parliament street Bebb John Jones, 71 Chatham street Bell Henry Tudor, 159 Upper Parliament st Bath Hy. Richard L. 2 St. Mary's st. Liscard Bebb Miss, 55 Moss gro. Lodge la.Toxtethpk Bell Isaac, 41 Sydenham av. Toxteth park Bath James Parker, 248 Upper Parliament st Bebb Nathaniel, 27 Kelvin grove, Toxteth pk Bell Isaac, 7 Wellington street, Waterloo llath W. Oak villa, Aigburth rd. Grassendale Bebbington Alfred, 11 Marine ter. Liscard Bell Jas. 13 Peel ter. Trafalgarrd. Egremont :Bathgate Rev. Waiter [Baptist], 19 Caris- Bebbington Miss, 28 Lomond road, Edge la. Bell James, 19 Syble r9ad, Walton brooke road, Walton Fairfield Bell James, 23 Wesley street .Bath gate Archibald, Brooklyn, Knowsley rd. Bebington .Alfred, 11 Marine ter. N ewBrighton Bell Jas. A. jun. Elsewell, Hoylake Cressington park, Grassendale Bebington Edwin J. 46 Hertford rd. Bootle Bell Jas. Alexander, Columbia house,Oxton,B Ba.thgate\Villiam, 46 O~borneroad,Tue-Brook Beck Ernest, 24 Derwent road, Stoneycroft Bell Jas. Alex. 13 Shrewsbury road, Oxton,B Bathie Mrs. 26 Bloom street lseck Isaac, 23 Belmont road, Anfield Bell James Watson, Ballygarth, Aigburth Batho Henry, 3 Grove mount, Old Chester Beck Jas. Thompson, 9 Huntly rd. Fairtl.eld Hall road, Aigburth road, Tranmere, B Beck John, 121 Queen's road, Everton Bell Ja.s. Wood, 22 Rossett road, Gt. Crosby :Batt Mrs. 56 Hamilton square, B Beck JosephRalston,16Reedville,Claughton,B Bell John, 38 Clarendon road, Seacombe Batten John Thomas, 23 Allerton road, Beck Mrs. 108 Adelaide road, Kensington - Bell John, 2<l Pembroke road, Bootle Higher Tranmere, B Beck Mrs. 32 Edge lane Bell John, 5 Robarts road, .Anfield .IIatter~by Rd. E'. 64 St. Domingo vale,Evertn Beckerlegge Oliver, 115 Upper Canning street Bell John, 23 Wesley street, Toxteth park :Batty Mrs. 12 Park gro. Higher Tranmere, B Beckett Capt. Frank, 5 East view, Wright st. Bell John, 32 The Willows, Everton .Batty Mrs.l3Somerville,Poulton rd.Seacombe Egremont Bell John Joseph, Holmfield, Seabank road, :Batty Mrs. 33 Wilson street, Toxteth park Beckett Frank, 5 Kremlin drive, Stoneycroft Liscard :Batty Rt. I> Denman drive, Newsham pk.Anfl.d Beckett J. W. 46 Moscow drive, Stoney croft Bell John Mercer, 29 Argyle street, B Batty Wm. 19 Gibsun street, Toxteth park Beckett Joseph, 45 Cornwallis street Bell Johnston, 69 Mulgrave st. Toxteth park Baty John David,, 45 West Bank road, Higher Beckett Mrs. 82 King's road, Bootle Bell Joseph, Eskdale, Grosvenor road, 'l'ranmere, B . B 'ckett Mrs. 68 Lawrence road, "\Vavertree Cressington park, Grassendale :Baty Thomas, 19 Alexandra road, B Beckett Mrs. Liverpool road, Huyton Bell Joseph, jun. 66 West Derby road :BatyTho~.A 45WestBank rd.Devonshire pk.B Beckett Richard, 13 Holland road, Liscard Bell Matthew, 20 Hampstead road, Fairfield :Baugh Rev. Henry Waiter Campbell B. A. Beckett \V m. Edmund, SI Wellfield rd. Walton Bell Miss, 5 Alexandra drive, Toxteth vark [incumbent of Walton Breck], Holy Trinity Beckingham Mrs. 60 Belmont road, Anfield Bell Miss. 23 GrC'lham street, Fairfield Parsonage, 4 Richmond park, Anfield Beckwith Hy. Langton, 28 Canning street Bell Miss, 34 Rufford road, Fairtield Ilawden Chas.Wm.30Mersey rd.Rock Ferry,B Beckwith J. 9 High field south, Rock Ferry, B Bell Miss, 17 Thorndale road, Waterloo llaxendell Waiter, 41 Talbot st. Southport Becshorner Robt. 50 Wellington rd. Oxton, B Bell Misses, 33 Grosvenorroad, Olaughton, B ..Baxter DR.vid, 8 Tancred road, Walton Beddoes Arthur, 13 Alvanley place, B Bell Mrs. 10 Alma vale, Great Crosby Baxter Dowling, 29 l<'oxhill st. Toxteth park Beddoes Mrs. 1 Dalton road, Liscard Bell Mrs. Beech villa, Tarbock rd. Huyton Baxter .Frederick, Woolton heys, Wool ton st. Beddoes Samuel Henry, 47 Park road east, B Bell Mrs. 20 Carter street, Toxteth park Much Woolton Bedell J. 23 Park field rd. Sefton pk. Toxth. pk Bell Mrs. 18 Cearns roa1l, Ox ton, B :Baxter James, 1.5 Green lane, Tue-Brook Bedell Mra.Arth. 53 Hartington rd. Toxteth pk Bell Mrs. 19 Claughton Firs, Oxton, B Baxter James, 2 Thorburn villas, New Ferry Bedford George James, 54 Deane rd. Fairfield Bell Mrs. 5 Dryden road, Edge lane, Fairfield park, New J<'erry . Bedford Hugh B. Victoria road, Seacombe Bell Mrs. 540 Edge lanE', Old Swan .Baxter Ja~. Clement, 110 Robson st. Everton Bedwell Mis3, l Manor mnt. Manor rd. Liscarrl Bell Mrs. Eskdale,Grosvenor road,Cressington .:Baxter John, I) Beresford road, Olaughton, B Bee Mrs. 56 Orrelllane, Waltou . park, Gra.ssenda.le • Baxter Miss, Sandown park, Wavertree Beeby Henry, 39 Coltart road, Toxteth park Bell Mrs. 194 High Park street,Toxteth park :Baxter Mrs. 30 Osborne road, Tue-Brook Beecham Joseph, Ewanville, Blacklow brow, Bell Mrs. Ivy house, ChildVI'Iill rd. Childwall Baxter Mrs. 2 Thorburn villas, New Ferry Iluyton Bell Mrs. 20 Kelvin grove, Toxteth park · park, New Ferry, B Beechey Charles Grantley, 2 Seymour street, Bell Mrs. 16 Radnor place, B :Baxter Robert, 29 Wellfield road, Walton Higher Tranmere, Birkenhead Bell Mrs. 2 Rutland avenue. Toxteth park Barler Wm. Jas. 1>7 CJarendon rd. Seacombe Beedle Mrs. 44 Blantyre road, Toxteth park Bell Mrs. 46 Rawson road, Seaforth :Bayley Francis L, 5 Osborne rd. Tue-Brook Be.eken Rev. Wm. LFree Methodist], 61 Nor- Bell Mrs. West view, Huyton quarry :Bayley Geo. lLdley, Sandheys av. Water.oo thumberland terrace, Everton Bell Robert, Hayman's green, West Derby Bayley Miss, 9 Alton road, Oxton, B Beer Adolphus Wm.
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