Yale University EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale Yale University Catalogue Yale University Publications 1867 Yale University Catalogue, 1867 Yale University Follow this and additional works at: http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Yale University, "Yale University Catalogue, 1867" (1867). Yale University Catalogue. 52. http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue/52 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Yale University Publications at EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yale University Catalogue by an authorized administrator of EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CATALOGUE OF TH:B OFFICERS AND STUDENTS IN YALE COLLEGE, WITH A STATEMENT OF THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. 1867-68. NEW HAVE.1:.. : TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, PRU-TERS, 221 State ... treet. 1867. (fi;orp oration. THE GOVERNOR, 'LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, AND SIX SENIOR SENATORS OF THE STATE ARE, ex officio, MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION. PRESIDENT, REv. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. FELLOWS, His Exc. JAMES E. ENGLISH, NEw HAVEN. His HoNoR EPHRAIM H. HYDE, STAFFORD. REV. JOSEPH ELDRIDGE, D. D., NORFOLK. REv. GEORGE J. TILLOTSON, PuTNAM. REv. EDWIN R. GILBERT, WALLINGFORD, REV. JOEL H. LINSLEY, D.D., GREENWICH. REv. DAVIS S. BRAINERD, LYME. REv. ELISHA C. JONES, SouTHINGTON. REv. LEONARD BACON, D.D., NEw HAVEN. REv. HIRAM P. ARMS, D.D., NORWICH TowN. REV. MYRON N. MORRIS, WEST HARTFORD. REV. SAMUEL G. WILLARD, WILLIMANTIC. RoN. AMOS J. GALLUP, STERLING. RoN. GEORGE BEACH, HARTFORD. RoN. ISAAC T. ROGERS, MILFORD. RoN. MILES T. GRANGER, NORTH CANAAN. RoN. WHITNEY ELLIOTT, NORTH HAVEN. RoN. WILLIAM DORRANCE, ANDOVER. SECRETARY, WYLLYS WARNER, M.A. 59 Dwight Pl. TREASURER, HENRY C. KINGSLEY, M.A. (5 TR, G.) 23 Hillhouse Av. TREASURER'S ASSISTANT, LUCIUS W. FITCH, M.A. (5 TR. G.) 113 College st. -- ,___ -~ JYacultn anb Jnstructors. REv. THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D. PRESIDENT. (117 N.) 250 Clmrch t. REv. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D. Livingston Professor of Divinity, Emeritru. 35 Colle~ t HoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL.D. Kent Professor of Lato. (4 L.) 106 Crown at. REv. LEONARD BACON, D. D. Acting Professor of Revealed Theology. 247 Church at. WORTHINGTON HOOKER, M. D. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic. 20 "Iendow at. REv. OLIVER E. DAGGETT, D. D. Professor of lJivinity. (6 TR. G.) Tontine. ELIAS LOOMIS, LL. D. lrfu1uon Professor of Natural Philosophy ancL!stronomy. (101 N.) N.H. Hotel. REv. NOAH PORTER, D. D. Clark Professor of lrloral Philosophy andlJ.Ietaphysics, and Instructor in Natural neology. (!83 LTC.) 31 Hillhouse Av. WILLIAM A. NORTON, M. A. Professor of Ci~il Engineering. (S. H.) 72 Pro pect at. JAMES D. DANA, LL.D. Silliman Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. 21 Hillhouse A v · REv. GEORGE E. DAY, D. D. P,·ofessor qf the Hebrew Language and LiieratWYJ and Biblical Theology. (137 D.) 58 Geor-:-c t. THOMAS A. THACHER, M. A. Profusor of the Latin LangWJge and LiteraJ.u,... (182 LTC.) 155 Crown L BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, 1\1. D. Professor of General and Applied Chemist.TJ. :U Hillbou o Av. REv. CHESTER S. LYMAN, M.A. Profes or of Industrial Mechanics and Physia. ( . n.) 63 Whitney Av. REv. JAMES M. HOPPIN, :M.A. Profeuor of Homiletic. and the Pa8toral Charg~. (133 D.) nchem st., cor. ana' d. JA IES HADLEY, LL. D. Profe8MW of the Greek Language and Lilerature. (121 .·.) 105 Elm at. 4 OFFICERS. STEPHEN G. HUBBARD, M.D. Profellsor of Obstetricll and JJiseases of Women and Oht1dren. 23 College st. WILLIAM D. WHITNEY, PH. D. Pro[fllsor of Sanskrit, and Instructor in Modern I...anguages. (153 D.) 246 Church st. MOSES C. WHITE, M. D. Professor of Pathology and 11Ftcroscopy. 113 George st. REv. GEORGE P. FISHER, D. D. Profellsor of Ecclesiastical History. ( 150 D.) 27 Hillhouse A v. REv. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M.A. Professor of Sacred Literature. (149 D.) 126 College st. CHARLES A. LINDSLEY, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 178 St.John st. HUBERT A. NE\VTON, M.A. Professor of ~'-fathematics. (89 N. 111.) 135 Elm st. GEORGE J. BRUSH, M.A. Professor of Mineralogy and MetaUurgy, and Oumtor of the Mineralogical Cabinet. (S. H.) 14 Trumbull st. DANIEL C. GILMAN, M. A. Professor of Physical and Political Geography. (s. H.) 61 Grove st SAMUEL \V. JOHNSON, 1\f. A. Pro{ellsor of Agricultural and Analytical Chemistry. (s. H.) 40 Wall st. \VILLIAM H. BREWER, M.A. Norton Professor of Agriculture. (s. H.) 144 College st. FRANCIS BACON, M. D. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. 32 High st. LEONARD J. SANFORD, 1\f. D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. 126 Crown st. ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, M. A. Professor of Mining. (s. H.) 127 Whitney Av. LE\VIS R. PACKARD, PH. D. Hillhou.o;e Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. (118 !'f.) 121 High st. CYRUS NORTHROP, LL.B. Professor of Rhetoric and E11glish Literature. (170 ATH.) 607 Chapel st. DA1~IEL C. EATON, 1\f. A. Professor of B!Jf.any. achem st., cor. Pro pect st. ARTHUR 1\f. ·wHEELER, B. A. Pr(lfessor of History. ADDISON VAN NAME, 1\1. A. Librarian. (Library.) 1,5 Chapel st. OFFICERS. 5 GEORGE F. BARKER, M.n Professor of Physiological Ohemist1y and Toxioology. 26 Highet. ARTHUR W. WRIGHT, Pn. D. 'l'utor in Natural Philosophy. (105 N.) 147 College st. OTHNIEL C. MARSH, M. A. Professor of Palaontology, and Ourator of the Goological Cabinet. (s. H.) 9 College t. FRANKLIN B. DEXTER, M.A. Assistant in the Libra?'!f. \Library.) 138 College t. CHARLES P. OTIS, M.A. Tutor in Laii'A. 37 s At. EDWARD B. COE, B. A. Street Professor of. Modern Languages. 102 .. ADDISON E. VERRILL, M. A. Professor of ZOOZO[JY, and (Jurator of the Zoological Oab'n.et. (s. H.) 121 High. t. WILLIAM G. SUMNER, B. A. Tutor in Greek. 21 ... EGBERT B. BINGHAM, B. A. Tutor in Mathematics. 53 . r. GEORGE S. MERRIAM, M.A. Tutor in Greek. 1 Temple st. (86 N: :u.) CHARLES H. SMITH, B. A. Tutor in Mathematics. 5s. ROBERT P. KEEP, B. A. Tutor in Latin. SIDNEY I. SMITH, S. B. Assistant to the Professor of ZOOlogy. (4 TB. G.) 130 D. MARK BAILEY, M.A. Instructor il£ Elocution. (171 .n•u.) 143 Coli~ st. GUSTAVE J. STOECKEL, .tus. D. Instructor in Vocal Music. 13i York st. LOUIS BAIL, Instructor in Drawing. 43 Park Place. WILLIAM L. BRADLEY, 1\f. D. Demonstrator in Anatomy, and Oui'ldor of 3luseu 2'2 College st. FOLLANSBEE G. \VELCH, IMtructor in Ggmnastk8. Gymn -ium. at~tological JDtpartmtnt. FA 0 U L T Y. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., P:uaro.u.,. REv. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D., EmeTitu& REv. LEONARD DACON, D.D. REv. NOAH PORTER, D. D. REV. GEORGE E. DAY, D.D. REv. JAMES M. HOPPIN, .M.A. Rsv. GEORGE P. FJSHER, D. D. REV. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M. A. STUDENTS. RESIDENT LICENTIATE. Thomas Dungan l\Iurphy, B. A. Freeport, Pa. 155 D. ENIOK CLA imeon Olmsted AJlen, B.A. Enfield, 134 D. John Wickliffe Beach, N.A. Millington, 142 D. Egbert Byron Bingham, :B.A. Scotland, 53 S.M. George Sberw<>OO Dickerman, :B.A. New Haven, 138 D. Charles Hyde Gaylord, B.A. .Asliford, 136 D. Rufus Piercy Hibbard, Broolclyn, N. Y. 140 D. George Henry KimbaJJ, Boston, Mass. 140 D. AHen McLean, B.A. New Haven, 135 D. anford Smith Martyn, B.A. New Haven, 15 D. George Spring Merriam, M.A. Springfield, Mass. 86 .~. M. amuel Wells Powell, Fort Atkinson, Wis. 142 D. Winthrop Dudley Sheldon, M.A. New Haven, 154 D. MIDDLE CLA Edward Wooley Bacon, New Haven, 143 D. Charles Frederick Bradley, B.A. Roxbury, 600 Chapel t. Henry Bomham Mead, B.A. Hingham, Mass. 151 D. John Thomas Owens, Cwmaman, Wales, 155 D. Enoch Edward Rogers, Orange, 155 D. Juba Howe Vorce B.A. Mid. Cro'l.l!n Point, J.Y. Y. 154 D. William Benjamin Williams, IJwygyfylchi, Wales, 141 D. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS. 7 JUNIOR CLASS. 1 John Henry Barrows, B.A. Oliv. Olivet, M1"ch. 139 D. Walter Manning Barrows, B.A. Oliv. Olivet, Mich. 139 D. Henl'y Beach ~eard, B.A. Huntington, 29 Broadway. Anselm Byron Brown, B.A. New Haven, 152 D. Daniel Augustu~ Evans, Nantyglo, Walel, 141 D. Marshall Richard Gaines, B.A. Granby, 144 D. Joseph William Hartshorn, B.A. New Haven, 159 D. Elijah Janes, B.A. Cal. Oakland, Cal. 160 D. Alexander Johnston, B.A. Pittsburgh, Pa. 202 York st. James Fiske Merriam, B.A. Springfield, Mass. 156 D. Edward Comfort Starr, B.A. Guilford, 145 D. Charles Swan Walker, B.A. Cincinnati, 0. 15'7 D. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS, 32. Jtam ro t p art m tnt. FACULTY. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PRESIDDT. HoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL.D. CHARLES H. FoWLER, LL.B., Secretary. STUDE N .T S. Cephas Willard Ainsworth, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Law Building. David B. Brown, Washington, D. 0. 1:)7 Olive st. William Cheek, Burkesville, Ky. Law Building. Arthur Douglass Collins, Columbia, 106 Howe st. IVincent Modesto Cuadna, Guayaquil, Ecuador, S. A. 4 College t. ,John M. Davis, LL.B. Pittsburgh, Pa. 144 Elm st. Edward F. DeForest, Fond duLac, Wis. 48 Church t. Ed win M. Deming, .Durham, 309 Water st. Timothy Fox, New Haven, 337 Chapel st. Morrit Goodhart, L.L.B., New Haven, 230 Chapel t. George Hazard, New Castle, Ind.
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