E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2007 No. 132 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was THE JOURNAL ity, affordable health care for our Na- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tion’s children, while ensuring that our pore (Mr. POMEROY). Chair has examined the Journal of the seniors receive the care that they have last day’s proceedings and announces been promised. f It is unacceptable that 47 million to the House his approval thereof. Americans, including 9 million chil- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- dren, do not have access to affordable PRO TEMPORE nal stands approved. health coverage. It is unacceptable The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- f that American seniors are facing limits fore the House the following commu- in access to doctors they trust and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE nication from the Speaker: treatments they need, and it is unac- WASHINGTON, DC, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the ceptable that President Bush and his September 7, 2007. gentlewoman from Pennsylvania (Ms. allies in Congress are comfortable with I hereby appoint the Honorable EARL POM- SCHWARTZ) come forward and lead the that status quo. EROY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this House in the Pledge of Allegiance. It is time to act, and Congress has. day. Ms. SCHWARTZ led the Pledge of Al- We call on the President to stop work- NANCY PELOSI, legiance as follows: ing against us as we move to ensure Speaker of the House of Representatives. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the health care for America’s children. f United States of America, and to the Repub- f lic for which it stands, one nation under God, PRAYER indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. BORDER SECURITY AND THE ALTAR OF GREED The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. f (Mr. POE asked and was given per- Coughlin, offered the following prayer: ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER mission to address the House for 1 Shaken by the news of the sudden PRO TEMPORE minute.) death of Congressman Paul Gillmor of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, it appears Ohio and mindful also of the passing of that in spite of Federal law that re- former Members, the Honorable Jen- Chair will entertain up to five 1-minute requests per side. quires close inspection of vehicles and nifer Dunn and Charles Vanik, we turn identification of people entering the to You, Lord God of the living and the f United States, in the City of El Paso, dead. Texas, border and Customs officials In Your wisdom You called them and CHILDREN’S HEALTH AND MEDICARE PROTECTION ACT have been ordered to ignore some in- all deceased Members of this Chamber spections. This Get-to-America-Quick to serve their brothers and sisters in (Ms. SCHWARTZ asked and was plan requires that if pedestrian lines the backyards, fields, and streets of given permission to address the House get too long, only 30 percent of them their districts, and yet represent them for 1 minute and to revise and extend are to be questioned. If vehicular traf- in this legislative body of the Nation. her remarks.) fic waiting time is too long, then in- Now called from this life, welcome Ms. SCHWARTZ. As the architect of spectors are to ignore some basic in- them into Your presence, that they one of the first children’s health plans spections for drugs and radioactive ma- may enjoy the eternal justice and in the country, I have seen firsthand terial. peace they sought here on Earth. Re- the success of these public-private, According to Sarah Carter of the ward their public service with Your Federal-State partnerships. I am proud Washington Times, in some cases only profound mercy and eternal rest. Com- of our work here in Congress to make every fifth driver and his documents fort their families in this time of sor- affordable health coverage available to are verified, all this in the name of let- row and loss. an additional 5 million American chil- ting more foreign nationals into the God of faithfulness, enable all these dren, while also protecting the health United States faster. who respectfully mourn now to press needs of our sense. Why? Well, it seems some businesses on with renewed faith and seek Your The Democratic Congress under- are complaining the delays hurt their kingdom, trusting in Your loving guid- stands the health care challenges fac- profits. So Federal bureaucrats are ance and the promise of eternal reward, ing our Nation’s working families. We making border inspection officers ig- both now and forever. heard their need and we responded. We nore security, all in the name of the al- Amen. passed a plan to expand access to qual- mighty dollar, or shall I say peso. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10247 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 23:53 Sep 07, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07SE7.000 H07SEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC69 with HOUSE H10248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 7, 2007 This is yet another example of the in- meant that the legislative activities cation. I strongly encourage my col- competent attitude and lack of will on that he was engaged in were done pro- leagues to cosponsor the Homeless government bureaucrats to secure the fessionally and were done for the ben- Education Act. American border. American border se- efit of all Americans. curity should not be sacrificed on the I am sorry to see Paul pass. We have f altar of greed. all lost a giant. Cheryl and I send our condolences to his wife and his chil- And that’s just the way it is. BRING OUR TROOPS HOME f dren. f (Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin asked and AMERICA WANTS A NEW was given permission to address the DIRECTION ON IRAQ 9/11 HEALTH CRISIS IS A House for 1 minute and to revise and NATIONAL PROBLEM (Mr. EMANUEL asked and was given extend her remarks.) permission to address the House for 1 (Mrs. MALONEY of New York asked Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin. Mr. Speak- minute.) and was given permission to address er, I am compelled to come before the Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, the pre- the House for 1 minute.) body today to talk about my deep con- vious days have offered a series of re- Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. cern about our continued engagement ports on conditions in Iraq. These re- Speaker, 6 years ago the terrorist at- in Iraq. ports have been consistent: Iraq re- tacks of 9/11 were an act of war against In the past 41⁄2 years, we have gone mains dangerous, unstable, and polit- our entire Nation, not just New York. from ‘‘mission accomplished’’ to ‘‘mis- ical progress is virtually nonexistent. The whole country was touched; and in sion untrue,’’ and, in the words of one It wasn’t supposed to be this way. the aftermath, people came from every of our colleagues here on the Repub- The President’s escalation was sup- State in the Nation to assist in the lican side, to ‘‘mission unknown.’’ In posed to give the Iraqi Government and massive rescue and recovery efforts. fact, we are arming and fueling this the ethnic groups the room they need- All of these people from all of these growing civil war. ed to make political progress. That States were all exposed to the same We have found Shia on Shia violence, progress simply has not happened. deadly toxins. Sunni on Sunni violence and Shia on While press reports may question the So now, after 41⁄2 years, billions of Sunni violence. Our troops have no size and scope of the problem, there is dollars, thousands of lives, and count- idea what the mission is anymore. I no doubt that there are thousands who less new slogans, the Bush administra- would submit, Mr. Speaker, that this is are ill because of their exposure. tion is just giving us the status quo. In- ‘‘mission impossible.’’ It is time to Whether these brave firefighters and stead of a new strategy for Iraq, the bring our troops home. fire officers and EMTs came from Cali- Bush administration is cherry-picking Just recently we found that 190,000 fornia, Michigan or Florida, they all the data to support the political objec- weapons are unaccounted for. There breathed the same toxic air. tives and preparing a report that will This map shows how many people are plenty of weapons in the ministry offer yet another defense of the Presi- from each State are enrolled in the of interior, which has come to be a po- dent’s strategy. World Trade Center Health Registry; lice force against our own troops. We don’t need a report that wins a over 71,000 people from every single Mr. Speaker, we need to bring our Nobel Prize for creative statistics or State in our Nation. At least 28 even troops home. the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Ameri- came from Hawaii. The list goes on and cans are demanding the facts, an end to on.
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