T U E S D A Y 161st YEAR • NO. 172 NOVEMBER 17, 2015 CLEVELAND, TN 16 PAGES • 50¢ Commission vote supports County leaders approve board stance on BEP funds liquor-tax lawsuit appeal By BRIAN GRAVES mandatedrequirements. By BRIAN GRAVES inthecaseduetoitsbeingthefunding Banner Staff Writer Theresolutionnotesthestate’sBasic Banner Staff Writer mechanism for the county school sys- Education Program Review Committee, tem, and a trial court decision that BradleyCountycommissionersunani- which considers costs incurred by local A recent decision by the Tennessee wouldmakethatanecessity. mously passed a resolution supporting Court of Appeals is making Bradley boards in making its recommendations, Rawls Bryant InthecaseofCoffeeCountyBoardof the county school board’s opposition to “failed to recommend that the state County commissioners a little more Education v. City of Tullahoma, et.al., what it calls the state’s “failure to sup- incorporate these specific cost compo- optimisticinthesuitagainstthecityof theappellatecourtreversedthedecision port funding for programs vital to the nents into its funding recommenda- Cleveland for liquor-by-the-drink rev- of the Chancery Court, which held the educationofTennesseestudents.” tions.” enues. school board “lacked capacity to bring Boththecityandcountyschoolboards “TheBEPhasbeenunderfundedfora However, that decision does not thesuit.” have passed similar resolutions and long time,” said Commissioner Dan directly point to legal approval of the The case between those parties is joinedwiththeircolleaguesfromacross Rawls. “The state has come back with county’scaseforthefundsinquestion. almost a carbon copy of the dispute the state this past weekend in passing whatIconsiderretributionforthecounty The Commission voted unanimously betweenthecountyandcityhere. one as part of the Tennessee School school board’s action in suing them to Monday to authorize and direct their Coffee County argued the city of BoardsAssociation. actuallyfundtheBEPataproperlevel. counsel in the case, attorney James Tullahoma and the city of Manchester Bradley County is already part of a They now want to cut the BEP funding Logan, to proceed with appeals in the hadbeenwithholdingportionsofliquor- lawsuit which says the state does not case. provide the funding needed to maintain See BEP, Page 13 Caywood Blake Thecountyoriginallybecameaparty See APPEAL, Page 13 Commission Board gives itself option to go studies "#%%#&%%(!*+ "*#+,&++$,-')*(.#+ ,"(+#''#',"(&&-'#,1 biz mobile /#," ((+,)%+ (*,""(%#1+ school " -'/"#"#+ #+ App will allow .(%-',*+-))(*, (*, (&(0+*0), direct access ,(!#.'(-,,"#+1* funding (',#('+&1&#%,(#*+, By BRIAN GRAVES ''++'$(0 Banner Staff Writer %.%' (* Group to review *())( ,#*+,''++ BradleyCountycommissioners '$, #,", willnowhavetheoptionofgoing options for city mobile with their Commission business. By LARRY C. BOWERS Inside Today The Commission voted 13-1 Banner Staff Writer Monday to offer Cleveland Board of Education commissioners members continue to discuss the service of issuesfacingthecity’sschoolsys- having their per- tem. sonal cellphones They took these issues with equippedwithan Banner photo, JOYANNA LOVE them to the Tennessee School application that KIM LORELLO holds a sign with the words that will be painted on the building behind her as part Board Conference will put them in of the Blythe-Oldfield Community mural. in Nashville over directconnection the weekend, with the county holding a work Winters government net- session at the work. Gaylord Opryland Commissioner Howard Hotel Sunday Thompson cast the only vote An artist’s dream evening. againsttheservice. The priority Throughthatsystem,members issue is funding will be able to access all of the for the proposed documents they would normally Blythe-Oldfield Community Ringstaff elementary school receiveinpaperhardcopies. on Georgetown ThevoteallowsforUnitedData Road in North Technologies to come to the to get neighborhood mural Cleveland. Commission’s Dec. 14 work ses- Anotherissueis Vols fall on road sionandmakeallthechangesat By JOYANNA LOVE “Ireallyalwayswantedtodo the possibility of one setting, for those who desire amural,”Lorellosaid. The Tennessee Volunteers Banner Senior Staff Writer HIDDEN introducing more theservice. BypartneringwithImpact hoopsters fell to 1-1 on the sea- personalized Thisispartofthefirststepsin Bigdreamsaretakingshape LEVELAND Cleveland,Lorellowasableto son with a loss to Georgia Tech in C learning into the digitizingcountybusiness. aspaintbrushesgotowork securefundinganddonations Atlanta. It will be a meeting of schoolsystem. Beginning Jan. 1, all county onamuralintheBlythe- oftheneededsupplies. Director of strength against strength when community. officials and departments will be OldfieldCommunity. “Idesignedit,soI’mthe SchoolsDr.Martin Robinson UT meets Missouri on the gridiron ForresidentKimLorello, using the email domain address Thecommunitymuralproj- leadartistandShiloh(Capone) Ringstaff sched- Saturday. The Titans have placed thisbuildingisonlythebegin- @bradleycountytn.gov. ectisbeginningtotransforma ismakingeverythingwork,” uled two sessions wide receiver Justin Hunter and ning.Sheenvisionsawalking CommissionerMilanBlakedis- oncegraffiti-riddenbuildingat Lorellosaid. on personalized cornerback Jason McCourty on cussed work toward automating thecornerof9thandEuclid touroftheneighborhoodhigh- the injured reserve list. See learning for the county’s budget amendment streetsintoalandmarkforthe lightingdifferentmurals. See DREAM, Page 13 Sports, Pages 9-11. Wednesday and Thursday at See MOBILE, Page 13 Cleveland High Forecast School and at Arnold Memorial Today looks to be mostly cloudy, CHA nears completion School. Both will with a high near 68. Tonight’s fore- beat6:30p.m. Casteel cast calls for mostly cloudy skies The Bradley- and a 30 percent chance of show- of project for residents Cleveland Public ers, with a low around 60. E d u c a t i o n Wednesday should bring showers By JOYANNA LOVE Foundationispre- and possibly a thunderstorm, with a Banner Senior Staff Writer senting a video and panel discus- high near 70 and wind gusts as Aprojecttomeettheneedsof “We are going to do this on all our future sion at the high as 25 mph. Showers should current and future Cleveland MuseumCenterat ADA (Americans With continue Wednesday night, with a Housing Authority residents Five Points this low around 48. withdisabilitiesisnearingcom- Disabilities Act) evening(beginning renovations, to make pletion. at 5:45). It will McKenzie Index A 6th Street duplex is being sure we have the focusonpersonal- renovated to accommodate a showers and not the izedlearning. Classified......................................15 resident who cannot use the tub/shower The school board’s focus Comics...........................................6 tub/showercombinationsinthe combinations.” Sundaywasonhowitcangetthe Editorials......................................12 current handicapped-accessible — Paul Dellinger newelementaryschoolfunded. units. Board members noted during Horoscope......................................6 The Cleveland Housing Banner photo, JOYANNA LOVE CLEVELAND HOUSING AUTHORITY received a grant from the themeetingthattheschoolsystem Obituaries.......................................2 Authority has received an Urban Development will fund continues to pay on construction Sports........................................9-11 $87,454 grant for the project the remainder of the nearly Tennessee Housing Development Agency to renovate a duplex to of the Cleveland High School Stocks............................................4 from the Tennessee Housing $200,000project. make it handicapped accessible. From left are executive director Science Wing, and Arnold TV Schedule..................................7 Development Agency. Capital Paul Dellinger, the Cleveland Paul Dellinger, Marie Sheddaw of Micheal Brady Inc., Stephanie MemorialSchoolrenovations. Weather..........................................8 funds given to the Cleveland Housing Authority’s executive Crossland of the CHA, Katie Moore of THDA, Tosha LeSure of the Thesepaymentscomefromthe HousingAuthorityfromtheU.S. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Kellie Stines Department of Housing and Around Town See CHA, Page 13 of HUD and CHA board of commissioners chairman Ed Lay. See FUNDING, Page 14 Sheena Guyton having a run-in with an aggressive bumble bee ... Ethelle Goodman finally escaping United Way launches new CSI Ocoee program a Chattanooga hospital and mak- ing it to Cleveland ... Charlie By LARRY C. BOWERS tunityforareanonprofits. Campbell, partners in the new trainingopportunities. Way’s headquarters building, McDowell and Eddie Cartwright Banner Staff Writer Thenewprogramiscalledthe InitioLabs,sharedtheprogram Itwillalsobeanenvironment and the organization is extend- catching their limit ... Sharon and CenterforSocialImpact,orCSI withHaratine. forexperiencedandyoungnon- ing an offer to nonprofits that Kersey saying she’s just “loving ALLEN MINCEY Ocoee. Initial registration has Theregistrationprocessofthe profits to have affordable office servetheOcoeeRegion(Bradley Banner Staff Writer life” ... Doug and DeeAun been completed, with 10 agen- United Way partnership pro- spaceinacollaborativeculture. andPolkCounties). Leamon enjoying visiting friends UnitedWayofBradleyCounty cies signing up for considera- gram will continue through CSI Ocoee will have huddle Becausespaceislimited,the Kester and Judy Calfee. has launched a new program tion. February, and be completed in
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