The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus w^^^^^ m SI3,000,000 '^£NC£ HALL6 '• >^'Mmmr7r^'j ^rnc^-m g'^St '^smmm^mM :m^%: VOLUME 39 . NUMBER 4 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER .1961 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sditorial Comment Officers JOHN C. 0'CONNOR,'38 Honorary Prtsident WALTER L. FLEMING, JR.,'40 President from your PAUL J. GUSHING,'31 Fund Vice-President JAMES J. BYRNE,'43 Club Vice-President Alumni Secretary W. EDMU.VD SHEA, '23 Class Vice-President JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, '25 .Executive Secretary Directors to 1962 JAMES J. BYRNE, '43 Byrne Plywood Co. (Foreword: Some of you may remember a Hoosier literary great, George Ade. Royal Oak, Michigan . I have borrowed from his Fables technique to express a thought or two on our PAUL J. GUSHING, '31 fund situation. ]EA) Hydraulic Dredging Go. Oakland, California WALTER L. FLEMING, JR., '40 Once there was an Alumnus. It seems Alma Mater had also Fleming & Sons, Inc. Burned the Mortgage on Graduation P.O. Box 1291, Dallas, Texas He loved his Alma Mater. W. EDMUND SHEA, '23 Day. Third National Bank Bldg. His Alma Mater loved Him. Dayton, Ohio Now the Scholars and the Adminis­ Love was Rampant But that was Directors to 1963 trators and the Organizers took time MAURICE CARROLL, '19 All. out from their Meetings to Meet on 5743 Delmar Blvd.- He had Paid his Way. Mostly. A Job this. St. Louis 12, Missouri ROGER J. HUTER, '40* here and there, and a Scholarship here And it was Generally Agreed that Huter-Quest Go. i and there had Helped. But on Gradua­ Mortgage Burning must Cease on Grad­ 833 W. Main St. ' tion Day he burned the Mortgage. uation Day. Louisville, Kentucky WILLIAM P. MAHONEY, JR., '38 Then Alma Mater happened on Sons could and ought to continue to 612 Arizona Bank Bldg. Phoenix, .Arizona troubled Times. Help. And Alma Mater could and HARRY J. MEHRE, '22 Like all the aging, outside the Wel­ ought to continue to Help. 686 Greenwood Ave., N.E. fare States, the instinctive cry was Son! Atlanta 6, Georgia Help became Mutual. Directors to 1964 Surprisingly enough, the voice of JOHN P, DEMPSY, '49 Alma Mater was still Young and And like Don Marquis' Begats — Kidder, Pcabody & Co. Strong. The Cry got Through. Alma Mater begat Sons; the Sons begat 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Help; Help b^at new and better Sons; PATRICK A. DOUGHERTY, '50 The Alumnus helped Alma Mater. 4909 34th Avenue, S. and new and better Sons begat new and Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Alma Mater waxed again and new better Help. WILLIAM H. FALLON, '37 Sons came forth in Streams. 18 Boston Post Rd. And the voice of Alma Mater be­ Larchmont, New York But the new Streams were produced came more youthful and vigorous and OLIVER H. HUNTER, '43 with continuing Drains. And all the Constructive in the Land. F.B.L, P.O. Box 23 Sons continued to hear the vigorous New Castle, Pennsylvania • Appointed to fit! unexpired term of Gcoisc Con­ voice of Alma Mater calling Help. Love was Bulwarked. nor, '4B, who resigned under pressure of business. Cliainnen of the 1961 Committees But Sons had other Relatives com­ Continuing Intellectual programs WALTER FLEMING Executive peting for Help. dotted the Landscape. JAMES BYRNE Club Activities W. EDMUND SHEA Class Activities Uncle Sam was perhaps the most PAUL CUSHI.NG Demanding. Honors and Publicity- accelerated Alumni Fund, Foundation and Gifts. Personal Progress among the Sons. JAMES J. BYRNE Preparatory School^ Mother Church was another. And JOHN DEMPSEY- Sons became Advisors to Alma Placement and Job Counseling there were Brothers — lodge brothers, W. EDMUND SHEA Inter-Alumni Affairs political brothers, foreign brothers, Mater. WiLUAM MAHONEY, JR underprivileged brothers, handicapped Prestige and Public Relations Sons and Alma Mater found Pres­ MAURICE CARROLI brothers. Religion and Citizenship tige, as each Helped the Other. W. EDMUND SHEA AND JAMES BYRNE And among the Sons afflicted wth Nominations And there was Progress to gladden HARRY MERRE Budget and Finance this Competition, inevitably Analysis WILLIAM MAHO.VEY, JR Resolutions set in. all hearts. Moral: There has to be more than And there arose a Phenomenon. This magazine is published bi-monthly by Rampant Love! the University of, Notre Dame,H~.JCotit. .• When the space for writing in "Alma Dame, Ind. Entered as second class mat­ ter Oct. 1, 1939, at the Post Office.: i^ot.l;; ( Mater Helps Sons" was studied, it was —JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, Dame, Ind. under the act of Aug. 24, 1912.' ' Blank, beyond the Diploma. Editor CHALLENGE! YOUR PART IN THE GENERAL APPEAL PROGRAM OF THE NOTRE DAME FOUNDATION, 1961-1963 Bv" JASIES E. ARJfSTRONG, '25 Alumni Secretary THIS IS IT! All cities will schedule a film featur­ keynotes. This is the moment of truth — the ing Father Hesburgh, with audio-\'isual August 27-28 the City Chairmen who simple truth that Notre Dame needs presentation of the Program for the will direct the local solicitation of your support in its most critical finan­ Future which this General Appeal alumni and friends in this General cial challenge. ^ This is the moment of decision — your decision as to the part you will play in meeting this challenge. GENERAL APPEAL CHAIRA4AN: JOSB>H I. O'NEIU, JR. On Tuesday, October 17, 1961, the General Appeal to all alumni and friends, to meet this challenge, will be Joe O'Neill is a member of the Notre Dame launched in 179 simultaneous Notre Class of 1936 and resides in Midland, Texas. Dame Foundation Rally meetings in all An Independent oil operator, he was formerly of the Local Alumni Club cities in the associated with securities and insurance companies U.S. and was an agent of the Federal Bureau of In­ vestigation. In these capacities he has lived in In the larger cities, this Rally will cities throughout the U. S. As a student he won be featured by a national telephone monograms for varsity football and basketball. .^ookup — with Father Hesburgh, Gen­ Recently he served as president and a director of eral Campaign Chairman Peter Grace, the national Notre Dame Alumni Association, and General Appeal Chairman Joseph I. he is now an alumni member of the Associate O'Neill, '36, Honorary Chairman I. A. Board of Lay Trustees. Joe is married, has a O'Shaughnessy, and other Notre Dame Mr. O'Neill daughter and three sons. leaders included in the fast-paced pro­ gram. ^Bntrance to Notre Dame's Memorial Library, depicted in this artist'ssketch, gives some idea of the formidable proportioiis of this impressive structure. Preparations for the construction work are already in progress on the Library, which wiU occupy two acres and will be located on the east side of the campus near the former location of the University Drill HalL Notre Dame Alumnus, August-September, I96I 1 Campaign are being given tlie details below cost, because of the sacrifice of which success will take us on a shorty) of their programs in a meeting on the alumni and friends who went before cut to fulfillment, or failure could lose Universit)' campus. you. us in the shadows of secondary achieve­ Your income — as a member of an ment Target in December average alumni group — is some §100,- 000 higher in your individual lifetime Your Help Expected Between October 17 and December tlian that of your non-college neighbor. 15 it is the goal of tlie Foundation, Your gifts are tax deductible, in fact Your decision, involving personal and aided by tlie Local Alumni Clubs, and over a tliree-ycar period. They also fall financial sacrifice, involving work and alumni cverJ^vhe^e, and backed by tlie widiin the religious and charitable in­ understanding, is essential to the Gen­ full support of tlie Alumni Association terpretation of the Church trend to­ eral Appeal. through its Board of Directors, to make ward titliing. However misleading large numbers a peisonal appeal to even- alumnus But these are arguments tliat have and large amounts may seem, or liow||; and friend of Notre Dame. been advanced to you and to many. tempting sometimes the thought that Participation should achieve an all- The mechanics of die General Ap­ we may not be missed among so many time high. Odier schools, notably Dart- peal are familiar to most of you who — die only key to success in this one moutli and Princeton, have achieved have borne the heat and the burden great effort will be the personal partici­ better than 70% alumni participation. of parish, diocesan, ciwc, and philan- pation by you. We believe that with tliis challenge, and diropic campaigns in your community. When your Committee asks your with the effective personal solicitation help, please be ready. Your reason will of the 5,000 dedicated Committee Potential for Greatness ad\'ise you to give. Let your heart en­ members tlie task will require, Notre dorse this and add tlie word "gener­ Dame can set an all-time high in The difference, and the significance, ously." Your satisfaction, and your sta­ alumni response. of diis Appeal is that it represents tlie ture as an alumnus or member of the one time in Notre Dame's long and -Amount must achieve a new dimen­ Notre Dame family of friends, will grow^ distinguished histor)' when the Uni­ sion. Tlie Annual Alumni Fund (which as tlie multiplication of your individual versity' has been set apart from all other will retain its continuity by crediting all efforts spells out the ultimate success Catholic colleges and universities; tlie pledge pa>'nients within each year dur­ that is inevitable for this General Ap­ one time tliat it has been designated by ing tliis tliree-year program) has stressed peal.
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