USOO88695 04B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,869,504 B1 Schwarz et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 28, 2014 (54) GEAREDTURBOFAN ENGINE GEARBOX 5.431,539 A 7/1995 Carvalho ARRANGEMENT 5,443,365 A * 8/1995 Ingling et al. ............. 416, 193A 5,778,659 A 7/1998 Duesler et al. 6,464,401 B1 10/2002 Allard (71) Applicant: United Technologies Corporation, 7,144.221 B2 * 12/2006 Giffin ............................ 416,189 Hartford, CT (US) 8,137,070 B2 * 3/2012 Van Houten ... 416,189 2006.0024162 A1* 2, 2006 Giffin .......... ... 415,208.3 (72) Inventors: Frederick M. Schwarz, Glastonbury, 2007/015.1258 A1* 7/2007 Gaines et al. ................... 60,792 CT (US); William G. Sheridan, 2008/00987.17 A1* 5, 2008 Orlando et al. .... ... 60,226.1 Southington, CT (US) 2010/0218478 A1* 9/2010 Merry et al. .................... 60,205 glon, 2011/0056208 A1 3/2011 Norris et al. .................... 6Of772 2011/O123326 A1 5/2011 DiBenedetto et al. 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(% 3.08: Applicant-Admitted Prior Art: Diagram "GE 90 Engine Airflow” http://ctr-sgil. Stanford.edu/CITS ge90.html downloaded Jun. 15, (52) U.S. Cl. 2012. CPC. F02C 7/06 (2013.01); F02K I/06 (2013.01); FOID 5/141 (2013.01) (Continued) USPC ............................................ 60/226.1; 60/792 (58) Field of Classification Search Primary Examiner — Phutthiwat Wongwian USPC .............. 60/39.162, 39.163,226.1, 786, 788, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Bachman & LaPointe, P.C. 60/792, 801, 802 See application file for complete search history. (57) ABSTRACT (56) References Cited A three-spool turbofan engine (20) has a variable fan nozzle (35). The fan blades have a peak tip radius R and an inboard U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS leading edge radius R at an inboard boundary of the flow M path. 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CN C C - U.S. Patent Oct. 28, 2014 Sheet 6 of 6 US 8,869,504 B1 H ma s US 8,869,504 B1 1. 2 GEARED TURBOFAN ENGINE GEARBOX etry and overall engine efficiency, however, are the bearing ARRANGEMENT arrangements used to Support the various rotating structures; improvements in this area are, therefore, always of interest to BACKGROUND the turbofan engine designer. The disclosure relates to turbofan engines. SUMMARY Gas turbine engines and similar structures feature a num ber of Subassemblies mounted for rotation relative to a fixed One aspect of the disclosure involves a three-spool turbo case structure. Such engines typically have a number of main fan engine comprising a fan having a plurality of blades. A bearings reacting radial and/or thrust loads. Examples of such 10 transmission is configured to drive the fan. The fan blades bearings are rolling element bearings such as ball bearings have a peak tip radius R. The fan blades have an inboard and roller bearings. Typically such bearings all react radial leading edge radius R at an inboard boundary of the flow loads. Some such bearings also react axial (thrust) loads path. A ratio of R to R is less than about 0.40. (either unidirectionally or bidirectionally). Ball bearings A further embodiment may additionally and/or alterna typically react thrust loads bidirectionally. However, if the 15 inner race is configured to engage just one longitudinal side of tively include a three-spool turbofan engine comprising a first the balls while the outer race engages the other longitudinal spool comprising a first pressure turbine and a first shaft side, the ball bearing will react thrust unidirectionally. coupling the first pressure turbine to the transmission. A Tapered roller bearings typically react thrust unidirection second spool comprises a second pressure turbine, a first ally. Two oppositely-directed tapered roller bearings may be compressor, and a second spool shaft coupling the second paired or “duplexed to react thrust bidirectionally. An pressure turbine to the second spool compressor. A core spool example is found in the fan shaft bearings of U.S. Patent comprises a third pressure turbine, a second compressor, and Application Publication 2011/0123326A1, which is incorpo a core shaft coupling the third pressure turbine to the second rated herein by reference in its entirety and which is entitled compressor. A combustor is between the second compressor “Bellows Preload and Centering Spring for a Fan Drive Gear 25 and the third pressure turbine.
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