July 15, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1327 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF RI- HONORING BILL FRIDAY Future of Higher Education led to gains in ALTO RENEWABLE ENERGY CEN- North Carolina and the nation in federal fund- TER HON. DAVID E. PRICE ing for student aid in Pell Grants and the es- OF NORTH CAROLINA tablishment of the Area Health Education Cen- ters. He served as founding co-chair of the HON. JOE BACA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Ath- Thursday, July 15, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES letics, which has worked persistently to reform Thursday, July 15, 2010 Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Madam college athletics. Friday helped to develop the Speaker, I rise to honor William C. ‘‘Bill’’ Fri- National Humanities Center; he supported the Mr. BACA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to day, the man whose name was synonymous establishment of North Carolina public radio bring to the attention of my colleagues and the with higher education in North Carolina for through UNC; and he was instrumental in the Administration an innovative clean-energy much of the 20th century. This week, he cele- creation and growth of the Research Triangle project currently under development in my Dis- brated his 90th birthday. Park. trict in California. Few North Carolinians are as well known or As Charlotte Observer associate editor Jack The Rentech Rialto Renewable Energy Cen- as widely respected as Bill Friday. Although Betts noted about Bill Friday: ‘‘He often ter will be a first-of-its-kind facility, where bio- he has never run for elected office, the former seemed to be everywhere, but he was always mass from grass clippings and tree trimmings president of the University of North Carolina no further away than a telephone, willing to from surrounding communities is converted (UNC) system has been prominent in public talk about state history, fully cognizant of the into diesel fuel and electric power. state’s many needs and always enthusiastic The electric power from this project, so affairs for decades and ranks as one of the about the progress the state could make greatly needed in our region, will contribute to most important American university presidents through its various educational enterprises, es- utility efforts to meet obligations under the of the post-World War II era. As the longest- pecially the university. He was a university California Renewables Portfolio Standard, dis- serving President of North Carolina’s public president, but at heart he has always been a placing current, conventional fossil energy- university system, Bill Friday has been a friend teacher.’’ I can certainly attest to this person- based power generation. to anyone and everyone educated in that sys- Because the fuel produced is biodegrad- tem, anyone employed by that system, and ally as the recipient of many Bill Friday notes able, cutting pollution significantly compared to anyone living in the vibrant towns and cities and calls and as one who has benefitted enor- conventional fuels, eight airlines (Alaska Air- that surround our state’s public universities. mously from his generous and wise counsel. lines, American Airlines, Continental Airlines, Bill Friday was born in Raphine, Virginia, but Friday has mentored university leaders, gov- Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, United Air- he grew up in Dallas, North Carolina, a small ernors and presidents in the course of his lines, UPS Airlines and US Airways) have al- community in Gaston County. He graduated public life and he has received a multitude of ready signed a contract to buy this fuel for from Dallas High School, where he played accolades—including just about every honor their ground equipment at Los Angeles Inter- baseball and basketball, and went on to earn North Carolina has to bestow. These honors national Airport. a bachelor’s degree from North Carolina State include the American Council on Education’s I consider this to be a model project that University and a law degree from UNC Chapel National Distinguished Service Award for Life- other cities in California and around our coun- Hill. He also served in the United States Naval time Achievement, the National Humanities try can adopt to not only help cut our depend- Reserve during World War II. Medal, the American Academy for Liberal ence on foreign oil, but also to reduce emis- Friday’s entire professional life was spent in Education’s Jacques Barzun Award, and the sions of green house gasses and pollutants. higher education. Before becoming president John Hope Franklin Award. In 2004, the N.C. I have urged the Department of Energy to of the UNC system in 1957, he served as as- General Assembly held a special joint session give the Rialto Renewable Energy Center all sistant dean of students at the University of to honor Friday’s life and work. The legislature due consideration as it considers Rentech’s North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1948–1951), as- and then-Gov. Mike Easley presented William application for a Title 17 loan guarantee under sistant to the President of the Consolidated and Ida Friday with the Order of the Long Leaf the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. University of North Carolina (1951–1955), and Pine award for service to North Carolina. This project exemplifies what Congress had Secretary of the University of North Carolina Now retired from the university, Friday in mind when it created a new category in this system. After a brief period as Acting Presi- heads the William R. Kenan, Jr., Fund and the program for ‘‘renewable energy systems’’ and dent of the system, he was chosen to take the Kenan Charitable Trust. Friday also currently ‘‘leading edge biofuels projects’’ that ‘‘substan- position permanently. It was a job at which he hosts a public television talk show, North tially reduce life-cycle greenhouse gas emis- thrived. Carolina People, which he began while still sions compared to other transportation fuels.’’ Friday’s tenure as UNC president spanned president of the UNC system. The show This project will bring energy security, as the greatest period of growth for higher edu- brings Tar Heel state residents insights from well as environmental and economic benefits cation in American history, and he played a leaders in education, politics, business, and to our community. Two-hundred and fifty jobs crucial role in shaping our sixteen-campus uni- the arts, adding richly to our public discourse. will be created during construction, and once versity during that time. Early on, the Council Even in retirement, Friday keeps an office at operational, there will be about 70 permanent of Advancement and Support of Education UNC Chapel Hill and serves as a formal and jobs on the site. identified Friday as the most effective public informal sounding board and dispenser of wis- Additional jobs will be created or sustained university president in the nation. dom for students, administrators and others. both upstream in the collection and transpor- Bill Friday was a consistent supporter of The University of North Carolina System has tation of the green waste or downstream in the academic freedom and integrity. During the given its state so much: public servants, edu- distribution of the fuel. Rialto and San civil rights movement, he often served as me- cators and other professionals, small and Bernardino have been especially hard hit by diator between student activists and the con- large business leaders, innovative research- the recession, and these jobs are desperately servative state legislature. He led a five-year ers, informed citizens: these make up the fab- needed in my District. effort to repeal the 1963 Speaker Ban Law, ric that weaves together our communities. At Today I again call upon the Department of which prohibited campuses from hosting ap- 90, Bill remains fiercely dedicated to the idea Energy to support this project for the many pearances by government critics. And he that education is uniquely powerful, giving benefits that it will not only bring to San fought to keep tuition affordable so that limited young people the tools they need to shape Bernardino County and the rest of Southern means would not be a barrier to higher edu- their lives, live out their dreams, and better so- California and the Inland Empire, but also for cation. ciety. the benefits that our nation will reap from fu- Friday was also a visionary leader, and he As Bill himself would insist, he has not ture versions of this project located in other pursued that vision in many areas. His in- achieved these great things on his own. He areas. volvement in the Carnegie Commission on the had the good fortune and good sense in 1942 ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:31 Jul 16, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15JY8.001 E15JYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E1328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 15, 2010 to marry his wife Ida, who has been a lifetime Cum Laude from Lehman College; Masters of wife of Paul E. ’Ed’ Hughes for 54 years and partner in his service and civic endeavors. Art, Nursing Administration from Colombia they were the proud parents of five children: Their names grace a continuing education University; Certified Nursing Administration Mary Hughes and her husband, Senator S. center in Chapel Hill and an education innova- Advanced degree from the American Nurses Joseph Simitian, Jr.
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