Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations A (Atlantic Alternative), 100. See also Anti-corruption policy (China), 19–26, 30, CO-J-A-C theory of brand evolution 41, 124 Abercrombie & Fitch, 7, 14, 180 Apparel. See also specifi c brands Absolut vodka, 51 Chinese brands, 148 Absolute luxury, 66, 67, 81, 82, 212, 222 fast fashion retailers, 13, 148. See also Fast- Accessible “core” luxury items, 44, 46 moving fashion and consumer goods Adidas, 145, 148, 152, 153, 205, 206 gifting, 22 Aelia, 136 market entry, low barriers to, 148, 179 Aesop, 84 outlet stores, 176. See also Outlet stores Aff ordable luxury items, 44, 45, 199, 221 Apple The Age of Parasite Singles (Yamada), 35 Beats by Dre, 170 Ahrendts, Angela, 201, 206 brand building, 151, 152 Air pollution, 34, 91, 189, 203, 204 as competitor for luxury talent, 91, Aldo, 28 COPYRIGHTED 201,MATERIAL 202 Alfred Dunhill. Seee Dunhill in Hong Kong, 13, 28, 29 Ali, Muhammad, 45 and luxury competition, 198, 200, Amazon, 208 201, 209 American consumers. See United States strategic partnerships, 208 American Girl, 126 warranties, apology to China for, 78 American Tourister, 104, 105 Armand de Brignac (Ace of Spades), 170 AmorePacifi c group, 81, 155 Armani, 223 Anta, 145, 153 Arnault, Bernard, 185 227 bind 227 16 July 2014 10:15 PM 228 ind e x Arnault family, 65 Brazil, 186, 187, 196, 202, 211 Art, Chinese contemporary, 157 Breeze Center shopping mall, 190 Asian Tigers, 6, 126. See also Hong Kong; BRIC countries, 186, 187, 196. See also Singapore; South Korea; Taiwan specifi c countries Asics, 152, 206 Brunello Cuccinelli, 13, 28, 29, 66, 68, Asprey, 223 212, 223 ATMs in China, 116 Budget competition, 198–204, 209 Aubry, Martine, 108 Bulgari, 27, 45, 65, 99, 150, 220 Audemars Piguet, 67, 223 Burberry Australia, 134, 135, 149 about, 221 Avatars. See also individual avatars digital marketing, 206–208 described, xix–xxiv and gift giving, 22 and mass-lux pyramid, xix in Hong Kong, 14 and true luxury, 213, 215 in Japan, 99 Azar, Karim, 28, 29 Manhattan store, 64 outlet stores, 176 Bacardi group, 170 in South Korea, 58, 127, 191 Baidu, 154 Burke, Michael, 87 Baiju, 22, 51 Bailey, Christopher, 206 C (China), 100. See also CO-J-A-C Bailian Group, 176 theory of brand evolution Balenciaga, 219 Calvin Klein, 149 Banana leaf parable, 214, 215 Cambodia, 126 Beats by Dre, 170 Canali, 134 Belin, Francis, 32 Canton Road (Hong Kong), 7, 8, 10, Bell & Ross, 14 18, 139 Bella Vita mall, 132 Cantonese, 6 Belle, 145 Carcelle, Yves, 87 Berluti, 220 Cartier Bicester Village, 176, 177 Asian market, 65 Bieber, Justin, 159, 205 brand evolution, 100 Billboards, 27 Chinese jewellers compared, 150, 151 Biostime, 147 Chinese market, 192–195 Blancpain, 20 and consumer trust, 43 Blum Leon, 108, 109 and female-driven market, 27 Bo Xilai, 22 history of and brand credibility, 62 Body Shop, 81, 154 in Hong Kong, 7, 10 Bono, 45, 77 and Indian culture, 187, 188 Boots, 84 museum exhibits, 193 Bottega Veneta, 67, 81, 82, 135, 219 “Must de Cartier” initiative, 77 Bowie, David, 77 Richemont group, as part of, 114, Brand advertising, 44, 45 115, 220 Brand ambassadors, 44, 45 watches, 20, 76, 77 Brand building, 151–157, 198 Casiraghi, Charlotte, 54, 59 Brand legitimacy and quality assurance, 38, Causeway Bay (Hong Kong), 10–12 76, 114. See also Counterfeit goods CEIC (China Economic Information Brand loyalty, 77, 79, 81 Center), 9, 112 bind 228 16 July 2014 10:15 PM Index 229 Celebrity endorsements, 44, 45, 159, 170, Silk Road, xvii, xviii 171, 205 Special Administrative Regions, 5. See Céline, 176, 220 also Hong Kong; Macau Chaddha, Radha, 190 Special Economic Zones, 15n19, 34, Champagne, 39, 40, 170, 220 118–119 Chanel, 7, 11, 67, 81, 123, 134, 221 statistics, 225, 226 Chanel, Coco (Gabrielle), 25, 31, 59, taxes. Seee Taxes 217, 221 travel, impact of on Chinese luxury Chen, Brittany (avatar) market, 184, 185. See also Travel brand interests, 125, 126 women as drivers of Chinese luxury and Chinese brands, 145, 155 market, 26, 27, 65, 66, 97 described, xxii, xxiii Xi administration, xxx, 19–26, 30, 41, 124 Europe, travel to, 124, 125 Chinese brands. See also specifi c brands gifting, 19 apparel, 148 Hong Kong, shopping in, 13 avatars’ views on, 145 Hong Kong, travel to, 9, 112 and brand building, 151–157, 159 Korean pop culture, infl uence of, 101, 102 competition with Western brands, Shanghai Tang, views on, 148 146–151, 159 shopping, views on, 18 cosmetics, 147 and understated versus fl ashy fashion, 215 health and safety issues, 146, 147. See also Cheung Kong Holdings, 6 Health and safety issues Chiang Kai-shek, 33 jewellery, 148–151 China luxury brands, 148, 149, 155–157, 179 “Bling Dynasty,” 211, 212 snacks and food items, 146 as BRIC country, 186, 187, 196 sporting goods, 152, 153 consumers in. See Chinese consumers “too Chinese” versus not Chinese as emerging market, 186 enough, 179–182 gift giving in. See Gifting trust issues, 147 Guangdong, 6n6, 15, 25, 34n4, 119 Chinese consumers. See also Chen, Brittany Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong (avatar); Li, Calvin (avatar); Ma, Tiff any express rail, 15 (avatar); Wang, Lewis (avatar); Zhou, health and safety issues. Seee Health and Hermes (avatar) safety issues intelligent purchases, 177, 178 luxury brands, role in evolution of, Japan as inspiration for, 37 98–100 outlet centers, 176, 177 luxury market, growth of, xxiv-xxviii, 59, price awareness, 79, 96, 97, 103, 104, 112, 60, 84, 185, 186, 195, 196 113, 174–177 male domination of Chinese luxury South Korea, role of in consumer trends, market, 16–18, 26, 27, 30, 32, 36, 52 100–102, 106 middle class, xxv-xxviii, 51, 60–62, 68, 73 and ubiquity of luxury brands, 59–62, 73 as Middle Kingdom (Central State), value-for-money motivation, 166, 183, 184 175–179, 182 “one country, two systems” policy, 5, 7, Chinese National Tourism Administration, 109 34, 118 Choco Pie, 146 one-child policy, 36, 37 Chopard, 65, 223 Shanghai, 15, 97 Chow Tai Fook, 10, 43, 145, 150 Shenzhen, 15, 15n19, 34, 119, 226 Christian Dior, 27, 132, 134 bind 229 16 July 2014 10:15 PM 230 ind e x Cîroc vodka, 38, 45, 168, 170 Cotai, Macau, 121, 123 City of Dreams, 121, 122 Counterfeit goods, 15n19, 25, 34, 37, 113, City Plaza, 12 114. See also Brand legitimacy and City Super, 28, 29 quality assurance Clinique, 155 Cristal, 170 CO (Continent of Origin), 98, 99. See also The Cult of the Luxury Brandd (Chadha), 19 CO-J-A-C theory of brand evolution Cultural Revolution, 5, 33, 119 Coach Customer service, 114 about, 221 Customized products, 55 as aff ordable luxury, 45, 61 Chinese market, 61, 68, 178, 179, 199, 200 Dafoe, Willem, 171 in Europe, 100 Daks, 80, 81 and evolution of luxury brands, 99 Danone, 147 “going lifestyle,” 86–89 Daphne, 145, 148, 189 in Japan, 37, 99 David and Goliath (Gladwell), 55 outlet stores, 168, 176 David Yurman, 125 production in China, 79 Deneve, Paul, 201 training programs for Chinese staff , 114 Deng, Xiaoping, 5, 34, 36, 211 value for money, 45, 68, 81, 179, 199, 221 Desirability of brand, 38, 39 Cognac, 22, 37, 40, 41, 50, 51, 99, 138, 170, DFS (Duty Free Shoppers), 8, 98, 121, 122, 172, 220 129, 136–140, 220 Cognac D’Ussé, 170 Diageo, 38, 39, 170 CO-J-A-C theory of brand evolution, Diaz, Cameron, 171 98–100, 126 DiCaprio, Leonardo, 171 Combs, Sean (P. Diddy), 45, 170 Digital marketing, 206–208 Conformity, 32, 153–154. See also “Fitting Din Tai Fung, 145 in” as reason for luxury purchases Diptyque, 13 Confucianism, 33, 153 Discretionary spending, competition Congés payés, 108, 109 for, 198–204, 209 Connery, Sean, 45, 77 Doctoroff , To m , 32 Constans, Jordi, 87 Dolce & Gabbana, 223 Consumer awareness, 77, 78 Dom Pérignon, 220 Consumer profi les, 36, 37. See also Avatars Dominion Diamond Corporation, 65 Consumption tax (China), 23, 24, 79, 113 Donna Karan, 66, 149 Converse, 152 Doriano, 149 Cook, Tim, 201 Douglas, 84 Corporate gift giving, 18–26 Dr. Dre, 169, 170 Corruption, 19, 20, 25, 26. See also Anti- Du, Juan, 149 corruption policy; Guanxi Dufry, 136 Cosmetic surgery, 202 Dunhill (Alfred Dunhill), 13, 100, 180, 199 Cosmetics. See also specifi c brands Duty Free Shoppers (DFS), 8, 98, 121, 122, in Asia, 84 129, 136–140, 220 Chinese market, 147 Duty-free markets in South Korea, 127, 128 consumption tax on (China), 24 in Japan, 35 Eames, Charles, 214 in Korea, 80, 81, 102, 149 Eames, Ray (née Kaiser), 214 retail stores, 84–86 Economies of scale, 86–88, 91 bind 230 16 July 2014 10:15 PM Index 231 850C, 189 and DFS, 137 Eight Musts (Xi8), 21 everyday luxury, 44, 45 1881 Heritage building, 10 LVMH group, 66, 220 Elements mall, 14, 15 as “mass-tige” products, 55 E-mart, 78 as part of “going lifestyle,” 86, 88 Emerging markets, 40, 49, 166, 168, France 185–187 Champagne, 39, 40. See also Champagne Emperor group, 11 Chinese travel to, 125 The End of Men and the Rise of Women Cognac, 51. See also Cognac (Rosin), 27 “French paradox,” 55, 56 Entry price points, 81, 82. See also Value limited workweek and travel, 108, 109 for money L’Occitane, 84, 85 Escada, 223 luxury market in, 171 Eslite Taipei bookshop, 12 Paris, 7–9, 47, 113, 124, 125 Esprit, 180 social reforms and travel, 108, 109 Estée Lauder group, 85, 147, 155 “the third offi ce,” 47 Etude House, 81, 102 Free individual travellers (FITs), 139 Europe.
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