Volume 15, Issue 4 Lincoln, Nebraska Thursday, June 6, 2013 Governor Heineman Speaks! Gov. Heineman and Athletes Address Boys’ and Girls’ State Cornhusker Cornhusker Boys’ Boys’ State State Alumni @huskerboysstate #CBS2013 cornhuskerboysstate.org Sleep Deprivation Nebraska Jobs! With Richard Baier Wednesday Night Zayne Kincade, Valley Forge -Advanced Communication for Your Generation. With John Morrissey Joint Session As we listen to peo- Davis Erker, Bataan 2 -“Spaghetti on the Wall” So- ple speak, nearly falling asleep cial Networking Methods The second joint session of , we wonder to ourselves, “Is that Stick. With April Kelly the week brought a much appreciat- this really worth it?” Well, -“Community Leadership in ed change in seating arrangement, the answer simply, is yes. a Crisis” With Mark Hosking and right along with it came the When sleep deprivation -“Thinking Small.” Withenthusiasm the Boys' State chants. hits, there really is nothing else you Dr. Randolph Cantrell After an opening collection from can do but sleep. But when you So as you can see, we had the Cornhusker State Band, a num- are apart of Boys’ State there is no our plates full and ears open with ber of different athletes and coaches hope of getting more sleep. You all these options. I only wish we from the University of Nebraska have from 10:30 to 6:30, if you fall had more time to go back and see spoke to the delegates about what asleep right away that is. But let’s all of these workshops, because they could do to put themselves face it, we all talk with our room- they all seem to have their own in the best position for success. mate, or roommates, for an hour or advice and inspirational material. Those talks were then followed by so, getting to know each other.So a performance from the Cornhusk- we cannot expect to get much sleep. er State Choir. After a brief set So what can we do when we A Boy’s State First: change, the guest of honor was fi- feel tired at times this week? Some Private Business nally presented. Surrounded by the will say grab a soda, some sugary Aidan Clarke, Bunker Hill two current Cornhusker governors, food, or even a Five Hour Energy. I For the first time in the his- Nebraska governor Dave Heineman know that, at least for me, it doesn’t tory of Cornhusker Boys’ State, a stepped out to tremendous ap- work, or at best is temporary. I say private business has been set up plause. He gave a few introductory you live by this mantra for the next within the campaign commerce sys- remarks and then opened the floor week. “I can sleep when I’m dead. tem. Leo Haselhorst of Bunker Hill to questions. To no surprise, the Right now, I’m going to have the has set up an advertising firm where governor received nothing but well- time of my life with my friends.” he will use his artistic skill do draw formed and insightful questions, Don’t worry about not having campaign posters. Leo pays a flat but had no trouble addressing each enough sleep, you won’t be the only rate to the city of Bunker Hill to uti- inquiry. While the night may have one, and come Saturday, when we lize a spare office room on the floor ended on a sour note with giggy leave, if you would like you can sleep to run his business. When charging points being awarded to all but two until Monday if you wish. Sleep for his artwork, he is required to col- teams, but the overall aftertaste of then, have fun here at Boys State lect a 5.5% sales tax, as well as have the event was nothing but sweet. now, and sleep when you’re dead, 25% of his earning taken as income or maybe even when you’re done. tax from the City of Bunker Hill. Haselhorst is not running for any Workshop Sessions: political office, but is instead using Spaghetti On The Wall this simply as a business endeavor. Zachary Burns, Yorktown Attorney General candidate Ty- Well, after a nice scattered ler Coleman has stated that he will morning of running from PAC to oversee the business to make sure PAC or other floor events going on that all operations are in line with we sat down in the classroom en- standard operating procedures. As vironments once again. This time a groundbreaking first in Boys’ State we got to choose some of the things history, the establishment of the first we’d rather go see. The choices were: private business could signal a dra- -Picking a Major? The Future of matic shift in the operation of the campaign economy in years to come. Phat Nguyen, Nationalist Zac Cote- Nationlist Court Proceedings State Treasurer Candidate Secretary Of State Thomas Hawbaker, Alamo Zayne Kincade, Valley Forge Luciano Ramirez, Manila Bay 3 The candidates are every- Zac Cote’, from Bataan, On Wednesday, hopefuls where! After the General Elec- plans on being elected to the office for positions in the Judiciary gath- tions for the state and county seats, of Secretary of State. When Mr. ered in the Harper Dining Hall con- many were chosen, but at the same Cote’ was asked what qualifications ference chambers to receive their time many were defeated. Among he had for Secretary of State, he court cases and ascertain their ar- the chosen is Phat Nguyen. A very noted that helps his father with his guments. The first case is Fisher V. successful businessman himself, restaurant in Loup City by making University of Texas, a case pertain- he described his own business like sure all seems clean, orderly, and on ing to affirmative actions in college this. “I run my own business, in schedule. Cote’ was also the Secre- admissions. The second is of con- which we do computer services. tary of the Student Council in Loup siderable import to the agriculture I am the CEO and do all of the fi- City for three years, which provides industry; Bowman V. Monsanto nances and marketing of the busi- him enough experience for the job. Co. concerns the patents of agricul- ness, while two other people I Zac Cote’ assures his constituents ture seed companies and how much work with do all of the services.” that as Secretary of State, everything control proprietors of patents retain He thinks he is very qual- will run as smooth as possible. He over their products. The third case ified for the job of State Treasury, says that also as long as everything is Florida V. Jardines, a case con- not only because of the business he is running efficiently and everyone cerning 4th amendment search and runs here in Lincoln, but also be- is happy, change is not necessarily. seizure practices. A case that will cause of the classes he has taken in Cote’ promises that if changes in no doubt command great attention High School. “I am taking AP Cal- the government are needed, he will is Shelby County V. Holder, where culus next year, and I have taken work closely with the Governor and the plaintiff, Shelby County, is suing accounting and financing classes.” Lt. Governor to do what is neces- the federal government over section When asked about what he sary. When asked what some of his 5 of the Voting Rights Act which does outside of school and work, political stances were, Cote’ asserted requires certain states to gain fed- he had a quite humble reply. He that he was a strong proponent of eral approval before their voting hangs out with his friends, plays alternative energy and background laws. The next case, United States soccer, and follows the stock mar- checks. Finally, he wants Boys’ State V. Windsor, will decide whether the ket. Laughingly, he said when asked to be enjoyable for everyone and 14th amendment’s equal protection about it “Yeah, I have not done too wants to be a great Secretary of clause is violated by the Defense of well. I have lost about four hundred State. He quotes Abraham Lincoln- Marriage Act. The sixth and final dollars on what I follow since I start- “Whatever you are, be a good one.” case is over California’s proposition ed, but not everyone can have the 8, which defines marriage as the best of luck with the Stock Market.” union of a man and a woman. Op- ponents propose that the proposi- Be Your own Own Boss his choices later in his adult life. He went on to say that his Nebraska tion violates the fourteenth amend- By Unknown values and roots really helped him ment, while supporters claim the Lincoln resident, Ben Pankonin, pre- settle in Nebraska and set up his proposition is constitutional under sented early Wednesday morning to business. “Recognizing that there is the police power of the state, which a crowd of groggy Boys’ Staters. Al- a problem is really what you want to in United States constitutional law is though tired from the previous day, find when setting up a business,” is the capacity of the states to regulate the audience pricked up their ears to what he advised to the crowd. Ben behavior and enforce order within what this young entrepreneur had Pankonin really kept his audience their territory for the betterment to say and were enthralled with his interested and showed them how to of the health, safety, morals, and story. Originally from Grand Island, start their own business, a skill they general welfare of their inhabitants.
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