Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Developing Metalworking Fluids for Titanium Cutting Author(s): Meier, Linus Publication Date: 2020 Permanent Link: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000413413 Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For more information please consult the Terms of use. ETH Library DISS. ETH NO. 26546 Developing Metalworking Fluids for Titanium Cutting A thesis submitted to attain the degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES of ETH ZURICH (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich) presented by LINUS MEIER MSc ETH Mechanical Engineering born on 17.04.1992 citizen of Rafz (ZH) accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. K. Wegener, examiner Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. V. Schulze, co-examiner 2020 Acknowledgements This thesis was written during my occupation as a research assistant at the Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing (IWF) at ETH Zurich. Most of the research was conducted as part of a research project between the company Blaser Swisslube and IWF, which was supported by innosuisse. Foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Wegener. He was able to quickly grasp the challenges of my research and gave great advice, while at the same time leaving enough freedom for me to pursue my own ideas. A special thank-you goes to my co-examiner Prof. Schulze. He gave me valuable advice concerning this work and the corresponding publications. I am also very grateful for the collaboration with Blaser Swisslube. I gained deep insights in the industrial development of metalworking fluids and I was supported by the staff while doing basic research. I would like to specially mention Simon Balz, who performed many of the cutting tests and gave advice on test design; Manfred Schneeberger, who led the project; Dr. Michael Eglin, who shared his knowledge about neat oil development; Dr. Olivia Bossard, who shared her knowledge about emulsion development; Marco Tognali, who planned and prepared many of the required test fluids and Dr. Niklaus Ruttimann,¨ who coordinated the industrial and scientific research. I thank my colleagues at ETH Zurich: my longtime office colleagues Martina Spahni and Sebastian B¨ohl for the fruitful discussions, Jona Engel for the advice in topics related to material science, Knut Krieger for the introduction in metallurgical lab techniques, Philipp Stoll for the advice in designing for additive manufacturing and the manufacturing of a part in SLM, the workshop team Sandro Wigger and Albert Weber for their excellent manufacturing skills, Jens Boos for the advice on process control, Dr. Oscar Laurent for the introduction into advanced surface analytics, PD Dr. Jean-Paul Kunsch for the advice in fluid dynamics and Prof. Bernhard Elsener for the advice in corrosion phenomena. I thank Michael Bettati for his excellent proofreading, including both linguistic and techn- ical advice. III Finally, I thank my partner, family and friends for the support during the preparation of this work. Linus Meier Zurich, October 2019 IV Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction to Metalworking Fluids . ..... 1 1.2 TasksofMetalworkingFluids . .. 2 1.3 CategoriesofMetalworkingFluids. ..... 3 1.4 Composition Metalworking Fluids . .... 4 1.5 IntroductiontoTitanium. .. 4 2 State of the Art 7 2.1 Development of Metalworking Fluids . .... 7 2.1.1 MetalworkingFluidEffect . 7 2.1.2 Additives ................................ 9 2.1.3 BaseFluids ............................... 11 2.1.4 TestingMethods ............................ 12 2.1.5 MWFSelectionStrategies . 13 2.2 Tribometers ................................... 14 2.3 Titanium Cutting Process, Tools, and Coatings . ....... 16 2.4 CuttingForces ................................. 19 2.5 ToolWear.................................... 23 3 Task and Aim 29 4 Turning Tests 33 4.1 TurningTestBench............................... 33 V 4.1.1 Machine ................................. 33 4.1.2 Sensors.................................. 34 4.1.3 DataAcquisition ............................ 36 4.2 ReferenceTurningProcess . .. 38 4.3 OrthogonalTurningProcess . .. 41 4.4 CuttingForcesinTurning . 42 4.5 ChipFlowModel ................................ 43 4.6 Reducing Variance in Turning Tool Life . ..... 49 4.6.1 Illuminationstage............................ 50 4.6.2 InterpolationoftheWearTrend . 51 4.6.3 AutomaticWearMeasurement. 52 4.6.4 Assessment of the Initial Cutting Edge Micro-Geometry with Opti- calMeasurement ............................ 53 4.6.5 Assessment of the Initial Cutting Edge Micro-Geometry with Pro- cessForces................................ 58 4.7 3DWear..................................... 59 4.8 NewToolLifeCriteria ............................. 61 4.8.1 ForceCriterion ............................. 61 4.8.2 3DWearCriterion ........................... 62 4.9 ExperimentalResults. 64 4.10Conclusion.................................... 64 5 Milling Tests 67 5.1 MillingTestBench ............................... 67 5.1.1 Machine ................................. 67 5.1.2 Tools................................... 67 5.1.3 SensorsandDataAcquisition . 68 5.2 ReferenceMillingProcess . .. 69 5.3 DataProcessing................................. 69 5.4 WearCriteria .................................. 72 VI 5.4.1 Automatic Wear Land Measurement . 72 5.4.2 ForceCriteria .............................. 74 5.5 Reducing Variance in Milling Tool Life . ..... 76 5.5.1 Application of Force-Based Criteria . .. 76 5.5.2 Single-Flute Finish Milling Tests . ... 77 5.5.3 Single-Flute Rough Milling Tests . .. 80 5.5.4 RobustDataEvaluation . 81 5.6 Conclusion.................................... 85 6 In-process Tribometer 87 6.1 History...................................... 87 6.2 Design...................................... 90 6.2.1 Requirements .............................. 90 6.2.2 Solutions................................. 92 6.3 Specifications .................................. 94 6.4 HeatFlowModel ................................ 96 6.4.1 ModelSetup............................... 96 6.4.2 ModelResults.............................. 97 6.5 WorkpieceSurfaceProperties . ... 98 6.6 OperatingModes ................................ 100 6.7 ExperimentalResults. 103 6.7.1 ComparisonofDifferentSetups . 103 6.7.2 InfluenceoftheLoad . 105 6.7.3 TransientBehavior . 106 6.7.4 InfluenceoftheMWFComposition . 106 6.7.5 InfluenceofthePin........................... 110 6.7.6 Temperature in the Friction Zone . 116 6.8 FrictionModels ................................. 119 6.8.1 AnalyticalDryFrictionModel . 119 6.8.2 LubricatedFrictionModel . 123 VII 6.9 Conclusion.................................... 128 7 Wear Mechanisms 129 7.1 AnalysisofCuttingTools ........................... 129 7.1.1 ExperimentalSetup. 129 7.1.2 Results.................................. 131 7.2 HighTemperatureOxidationTest . 133 7.2.1 ExperimentalSetup. 133 7.2.2 Results.................................. 134 7.3 PinWearOil .................................. 139 7.4 PinWearEmulsion ............................... 142 7.5 DissolutionoftheCobaltBinder. 143 7.6 OxidationofTungstenCarbide . 145 7.7 Decarburizationoftungstencarbide . ...... 145 7.8 CrackFormation ................................ 147 7.9 CombinedWearModel ............................. 147 7.10Conclusion.................................... 149 8 Summary and Outlook 151 8.1 WearMechanisms................................ 151 8.2 Metal Working Fluids in Continuous Cutting . ...... 152 8.3 Metal Working Fluids in Interrupted Cutting . ....... 153 8.4 WearAnalogyTests .............................. 154 8.5 ToolLifeTesting ................................ 156 8.6 Developing Metalworking Fluids . 157 8.7 Other Influences on the Cutting Productivity . ...... 158 VIII Symbols and Abbreviations Notations Generally, vectors are represented by underlined small letters, e.g. g. Matrices are repre- sented by double-underlined capital letters, e.g. H. Latin Symbols A Undeformed chip cross-section area Apolar Polar plot area ac Undeformed chip thickness ae Radial depth of cut ap Axial depth of cut aw Chip width C Constant C1 Constant C2 Constant Cp Process capability D Diffusion constant D Tool diameter EA Activation Energy E∗ Equivalent elastic modulus F Load f scalar field Fc Cutting force Fchip Force exerted by the chip normally to the rake face Ff Feed force Fmax Peak force during a cut IX Fmax,0 Initial peak force FN Normal force Fstiction Stiction force FT Tangential force fz Feed per tooth H Hardness H Hessian matrix h Convective heat flow coefficient iu.r. Constant relating force to the deviation in chip flow speed k Rate of force increase kA Constant relating chip load to chip area kc Contribution of the cutting edge to the cutting force kf Contribution of the cutting edge to the feed force kf Transversal stiffness ku.r. Constant relating force to the deviation in chip flow angle L Sliding length m Equivalent mass mfall Falling slope of the cutting force mrise Rising slope of the cutting force n Sample size n Spindle revolution speed ′ Pcut,wp Specific heat conducted in the workpiece in cutting ′′ Ppin Heat density generated by friction p Pressure, equivalent to the normal stress at a surface pcut Force integral over time, equal to the impulse pmax Maximum pressure Q Material volume loss due to adhesive wear R Gas constant R Spherical radius R Cutting edge radius, constrained Rn Cutting edge radius, unconstrained r Pearson’s correlation coefficient S Skewness Sα Distance from the ideal cutting edge
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