DeepwaterDeepwater News EXTENDING OUR MARITIME BORDERS MARCH 2006 EDITION National Security Cutter Rotational Crewing Concept Approved “I got my orders!” exclaimed Petty Officer First Class Travis Forfinski, an operations specialist aboard the cutter USCGC RESO- LUTE (WMEC 620). “I am ex- cited to be selected for the first national security cutter [crew].” The excitement was palpable in the inaugural crew when detail- ers recently issued 50 orders to Maritime Security Cutter Large (WMSL) Crew Alpha – Alameda, Calif. WMSL Crew Alpha will be the crew that shepherds the first national security cutter (NSC), USCGC BERTHOLF (WMSL 750), from pre-commissioning activities through its initial opera- The Crew Rotation Concept (CRC) was recently approved for the first three National Security Cutters. The CRC will maximize operational tempo “… People perform the Coast while sustaining an acceptable personnel tempo for cutter crews. Guard's missions, and their for major cutters, a formidable ing the cutters among the crews to assets are there to support paradigm shift in cutter crewing. limit crew PERSTEMPO to 185 Vice Adm. Terry Cross, vice com- days while maintaining each cut- them. So we think of the CRC mandant of the Coast Guard, ter's operational tempo signed a decision memorandum in Continued on pg 2 model as assigning ships to late February to approve the Crew crews instead of crews to Rotation Concept (CRC) as the means of maximizing cutters’ INSIDE: ships. And it's about time." time at sea while sustaining an Continued page 2 acceptable personnel tempo First USCG Deepwater Aircraft tional patrols. The billets are on (PERSTEMPO) for cutter crews. Rolls off Production Line..…...pg 3 the 2006 shopping list, and U.S. Various directorates at Coast A “Joint and Interoperable” Mari- Coast Guard Headquarters staffs Guard Headquarters have been tackling numerous policy issues time Force………………………...pg 4 are updating the Staffing Stan- such as sea pay and housing af- dards to include the newest cutter Deepwater’s Capabilites Called fected by CRC to ensure they are crew personnel requirements. “Instrumental” for Port Security With the stand-up of Crew responsive to the new NSC crew- ………………………………………..pg 6 Alpha and the delivery of the Ber- members. tholf, the Coast Guard introduced Initially, the Coast Guard New Deepwater Information & So- the concept of multi-crew rotation will employ four crews for three lutions Center Opens…………..pg 7 NSCs at a single homeport, rotat- VISIT DEEPWATER ONLINE: WWW.USCG.MIL/DEEPWATER DEEPWATER NEWS: Extending Our Maritime Borders MARCH 2006 - PAGE 2 (OPTEMPO) at 230 days. The hemisphere deployments, an 11- Gulfport, Miss. for cutter delivery three-cutter, four-crew prototype person detachment to provide in several years. The PCAF will be evaluated in 2009 through continuous Condition III watch- building is located at Northrop an operational testing-and- standing capacity. Grumman Shipyard Pascagoula. evaluation process. Policy and Coast Guard Headquarters Coast Guard Headquarters person- procedures for CRC are based on announced the crew’s prospective nel selected Cdr. Kelly Kachele, the lessons learned by the Coast commanding officer as Capt. Pat- Maintenance and Logistics Com- Guard and the U.S. Navy, as well rick Stadt, the sponsor’s represen- mand Pacific, to lead the PCAF as consideration of the recommen- tative for the Integrated Deepwa- team as prospective commanding dations made by auditors from the ter System in the Response Direc- officer. Government Accountability Of- torate at U.S. Coast Guard Head- To facilitate introduction of fice. quarters, and executive officer Deepwater assets at Alameda, an “For the entire history of the Cdr. Kelly Hatfield, Chief Re- initial staff of seven is expected to Coast Guard, if you think about it, sponse Enforcement Branch, Dis- be assigned to a Deepwater Shore we have assigned crews to ships,” trict 11. Support Unit there in the summer said Rear Adm. Ken Venuto, as- As hull construction pro- of 2007 prior to USCGC BER- sistant commandant for human gresses, a Primary Crew Assem- THOLF’s arrival. The permanent resources. “In a way, this gave bly Facility (PCAF) will ensure support building on Coast Guard the impression that the ship is the that all pre-commission crews are Island should open in late 2008, most important contributor to mis- ready to accept the ship. Approxi- prior to the arrival of WMSL 751. sion performance, and people are “The Crew Rotation Concept there to support it. I think we “It is imperative that we em- is the preferred crewing concept know better than that today; peo- brace our responsibilities to utilized for both the NSC and ple perform the Coast Guard's OPC to meet the required OP- missions, and their assets are there maximize the use of the very TEMPO without violating the to support them. In my view, the capable cutters we are build- mandated PERSTEMPO’, said Lt. Crew Rotation Concept is a model j.g. Justin M. Lian, a member of that assigns ships to crews instead ing while keeping our promise the Human Resources Deepwater of crews to ships. And it's about Workforce Modeling and Simula- time.” for a balanced work-life to the tion staff at Coast Guard Head- With an operational crew men and women we charge to quarters. size of 108, including officers and Coast Guard Area staffs will enlisted personnel, orders have operate them.” assign cutters to crews based on been or are being issued for the cutter availability, crew PER- first 65 crewmembers, including mately 65 new crewmembers will STEMPO, and operational de- several pre-commissioning billets report to Alameda by August. mands. A crew will typically that were filled last year, the engi- The remaining 43 members of the have a six- to nine-month tour and neering officer, the main propul- crew will report to Pascagoula, will conduct both underway and sion assistant, and other key engi- Miss. three months prior to deliv- in-port periods until PER- neering billets. In addition to the ery of WMSL 750, to begin STEMPO requires a crew swap operational crew, detachments WMSL cutter familiarization out. round out the deployed crew to training. Hypothetically, Crew Bravo optimize the cutter’s mission ca- This summer, the initial Gulf would move from an "off-cycle" pabilities. Coast PCAF staff will report to status to relieve Crew Delta. These detachments include Pascagoula, where they will pro- Crew Delta would turn over the maintenance personnel for two vide on-site training, logistics, and cutter to Crew Bravo after ensur- embarked Eagle Eye vertical take- administrative support to the ing they are ready to take the cut- off and-landing unmanned aerial crews that will take delivery of ter on the next patrol. They then vehicles, a five-person aviation NSCs and, eventually, the forth- would move to an “off-cycle” detachment during helicopter em- coming fast response cutters status, providing opportunities to barkations, a six-person Com- (FRC). The PCAF will provide focus on “crew maintenance,” mand Task Unit detachment these same services when fast re- including leave, team training, (when required) and for out-of- sponse cutter crews report to Continued on pg 3 VISIT DEEPWATER ONLINE: WWW.USCG.MIL/DEEPWATER DEEPWATER NEWS: Extending Our Maritime Borders MARCH 2006 - PAGE 3 and a limited capacity to perform that they are swapped out to main- we embrace our responsibilities to maintenance support for cutters in tain the crew PERSTEMPO cap. maximize the use of the very ca- port. For periods when crews rotate off pable cutters we are building The exact doctrine and policy a cutter, they are considered “off- while keeping our promise for a for the CRC turnover will be fully cycle.” The actual rotation cycle balanced work-life to the men and developed prior to the first crew will vary from port to port and women we charge to operate swap out by a working group year to year based on the crew and them.” composed of representatives from cutter allocations as well as opera- The Crew Rotation Con- various directorates at Coast tional demands. cept is designed to help the first Guard Headquarters and staff as- Once the first NSC success- crew achieve those two goals. signed to Area Commanders, fully completes acceptance trials, “From a practical point of view Maintenance and Logistics Com- Crew Alpha will then conduct the most important dimension of mand, and “plank owners” from limited ready-for-sea activities to this new crewing concept is that it the first crews that will operate ensure the ship may depart the decouples the PERSTEMPO of the NSCs. Gulf region for its homeport early the crew from the OPTEMPO of At any given time, one crew in 2009. the cutter,” Stillman said. “We will have full responsibility for “The Crew Rotation Concept can keep the deployment PER- cutter operations and mainte- is a significant departure from STEMPO for each crew at 185 nance, underway and in port. Al- traditional policies for cutter days while deploying each cutter though none of the crews will per- crewing," said Rear Adm. Patrick for 230 days a year.” manently “own” a specific hull, a M. Stillman, program executive By PAC Jeffrey Murphy crew will operate and maintain its officer for the Integrated Deepwa- assigned cutter until such time ter System. “It is imperative that First Coast Guard Deepwater Aircraft Rolls Off Production Line Lockheed Martin and aircraft cials from both countries. This plan for achieving enhanced mari- maker EADS CASA recently ceremony marked a significant time domain awareness,” said Leo rolled out the first production air- milestone in development and Mackay, president of ICGS. frame of the HC-235A medium- delivery of the new aircraft for the “Linked with other Deepwater range surveillance maritime patrol Coast Guard.
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